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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
The following text has been seen on several BBS's around the
area. I have included it here so that you may see the
particular views expressed by other users that you may
agree, or disagree with. I have also included some
responses to the following. I promise it is interesting
reading. Let us here at ModemNews know how you feel!
Jeff Green, editor
I am leaving this open message in the hope that it will elicit
a response from those interested in the continuance and
proliferation of the bulletin board network on Long Island.
Certain boards on Long Island have decided to change format
and go Subscription only. To be perfectly candid, they have every
right to do that as I have the latitude of choice in deleting that
board from my call directory.
This has just occurred with a local BBs called Metrocomm. As
I was about to delete Metrocomm I started to think that this was,
at best, a "me too" local BBs and therefor no great loss. After
thinking about it for a while I realized it was a very great loss.
If every BBs bastardized the precept and overriding principle under
which most reputable boards run then we all of us would no longer
have the great choice of boards that we enjoy nor would most of the
youngsters be able to savor this great activity which is infanently
more desirable than their "Hanging Out".
There are boards on Long Island such as Sound of Music that
are large and offer subscriber only phone lines. There are boards
such as P.D.S.L.O. that offer tremendous file bases and there are
boards that offer most of everything and are totally user friendly
such as Infosys, Sunshine II, Mutiny and many others. I point out
these three because I have volunteered to make a contribution to
their boards because of the unselfish help that they have provided
over a period of time. The funny thing is that each has declined
my offer and as much as said "That is what they feel their function
should be".
Now I look at Metrocomm, which offers considerably less than
any of the above, and ask: To what purpose does my contribution
serve - Do they offer a multi line system - No, do they offer an
even larger than average file base - NO, do they provide a large
user and message base - No. Therefor I conclude and submit that I
am not here to subsidize the acquisition of new systems (like in
386) nor to grow a board in anyway that does not enhance the
service provided to the user group in general.
Mr. Ellis, I took the time and asked you these questions on
YOUR OWN BOARD and you deleted the message. I took the time and
re-entered these questions and to date, you have chosen to ignore
them. Therefor I ask here, in an open forum, to please explain
just what additional services you are offering in return for your
$25 -$35 - & $50 dollar "CONTRIBUTION" and to what use are you
going employ the proceeds of your solicitation. Additionally, to
whom will you be offering verification and substantiation.
I, as I'm sure many users would be interested in your response
and to those who took the time to read this, I would enjoy hearing
your opinion in this matter.
The following are responses to the above letter. Let us know
how you feel. All responses will be published in ModemNews.
From the Ancient Pond BBS
Subject: (R) Subscription only boards
Folder : A, "General Mail"
I think Alan is trashing Metrocom because he left a public message
reagarding how Tony was running his board and instead of Tony answering
it he just deleted it and that pissed off Alan. Also, Alan wasnt
knocking my bbs or SOM, rather he was justifying our requests for
subscription fees. I think Alan just feels Metrocom is pretty much run
of the mill and just doesn't think its worth any money. You are right
however, it does cost ALOT to run a big system. I don't know how big
Metrocom is so I cannot give you my opinion, but I can say this. If ya
don't like the bbs JUST DONT CALL IT !. Nobody should really go through
the trouble of bad mouthing a sysop just because he or she does not
like the system. None of us are blind or stupid, we join bbs's that we
think are worth it. Alan may have stepped a bit too far, but thats his
opinion of things.
Subject: (R) Comment
Folder : A, "General Mail"
I hope Leo does not lock you out so you may read this message.
Let me tell you about the local BBS's.
These BBS's have been setup at great expense to the Sysop and in most
cases he doesn't get enough back out of it to even begin to cover his
expenses. This BBS is his home and he's inviting you into his home and
all he asks is for you to fill out a questionnaire to gain access. This
Questionnaire is for his own use and for no other reason but for him to
know who you are. I don't blame any sysop for wanting to know more
about you before you gain access to his home. If you don't wish to be
know by a Real name and have the sysop know a few things about you then
don't fill out the Questionnaire and don't expect any time to be
alloted to you for access. If you don't like the software or setup then
call somebody else. I hate to clue you in But Leo uses Wildcat!
software which is one of the best around, easy to setup and run, many
great features, a good interface for users, and easy to use. It's not a
cheap software and still does take a lot of work to keep up. I'm glad I
don't have users on my board as you, because I'd give up the BBS before
(missing text)
Questionnaire is for his own use and for no other reason but for him to
know who you are. I don't blame any sysop for wanting to know more
about you before you gain access to his home. If you don't wish to be
know by a Real name and have the sysop know a few things about you then
don't fill out the Questionnaire and don't expect any time to be
alloted to you for access. If you don't like the software or setup then
call somebody else. I hate to clue you in But Leo uses Wildcat!
software which is one of the best around, easy to setup and run, many
great features, a good interface for users, and easy to use. It's not a
cheap software and still does take a lot of work to keep up. I'm glad I
don't have users on my board as you, because I'd give up the BBS before
I put up with stupid Assholes. My advice to you is; Sell that modem and
forget about BBSing before someone looks you up and burns your computer.
A Note From The Pond
the ancient pond bbs
300-9600 baud on a USRobotics HST
25 hours a day/8 days a week
A number of you may have received a letter from a bulletin board
system operator recently. Basically, they announced a new
subscription policy, one costing $75/year. While my own personal
philosophy includes the opinion that most BBSs should be cost free,
I'd like to know what everyone else thinks about it.
Lets get some terms together: a Bulletin Board System (BBS) is run
from a PC-sized machine (or machines in a number of possible
configurations), as opposed to a Remote Computing Service(RCS),
usually on a Large Mini or Mainframe. Bulletin Boards serve a local
community, sometimes providing wide area access through a
store-and-forward network, such as fidonet, pronet, usenet, etc. RCS
serve a wide area for dialup use, usually through one of the
packet-switching common carriers such as tymnet or telenet.
The distinction IS blurring. Services such as Telenet's PC Pursuit
allows a wide area dial service to be offered to users, but to only a
few areas now, and the costs are rising.
So if it is in the right area, and if there is enough investment
capital (I'd guess around $20K for absolutely everything) a BBS can
offer as many (or more) of the services offered by CIS or The Source.
Why? Bulletin Boards started off as a free service for the
communication of ideas and self-generated programs. Just as our local
group, the Long Island Computer Association (LICA), has seen a
population change from hobbiests (hackers, when the term hacking was
used to refer to people who knew their computers inside out, not to
refer to semi-literate 14 year old vandals) to include many more
non-technical users of computers, who seem to have displaced most of
the original members.
Now, when dialing even a mediocre bulletin board, you are immediately
asked for $25 or more for longer access or download/upload privilege.
The more enlightened boards allow this access to active
non-contributing members who upload much software or are otherwise
assets to the board community.
But this constant demand for money is, to me, questionable. First,
let us consider the costs of running a minimal board. The Ancient
Pond (a completely FREE bbs) can be considered minimal - one line,
about 40Meg of disk, and some very good bbs software.
Investment (estimates of market value - I already had most of this
equipment, so it did not represent an additional cost)
PC XT "Klone" enhanced to 8MHz $350
Two 20Mb used disk drives 300
40 Mb Tape Backup Unit 300 - purchased
Initial Software Purchase 125 - purchased
Update, Support fees so far 25 - purchased
Telephone line charges/year 150
High Speed Modem 600
total $1850 450
Cost/Month for the last two years: 78 19
How about my time? I spend at LEAST five hours/week at maintenance,
if I were to be billing that at my usual rate...
It looks like a considerable expense, but the big word here is that it
is a hobby - I'd be knobbling on a keyboard anyway.
If this looks like I'm trying to justify a subscription fee for the
pond, please discard that idea immediately. While it would be really
gratifying to receive money for something that I enjoy doing so much,
I think that the pond represents what is STILL necessary in the
greater computing community, a no-extra-charge forum for the exchange
of ideas and help.
On the other hand, I am really interested in the phenomenon of these
Subscription Boards, and I'd like to know more.
What services (in addition to the kind available here on the pond)
make these boards worth $2-$6 a month? Basically, it seems that these
boards are offering only four additional services:
- Longer Access time (you get that on the pond simply by being active)
- More files (some have CD ROMs attached)
- Network/Store & Forward Message Access
- Multiple Nodes (less waiting for a connection) and other features
of multiuser systems (chat, forums, etc)
Other "advanced" services can include "fronting" for Software
Companies, either for marketing or for support services, features such
as buy/sell when the BBS is associated with a retail commercial
operation, "adult" message and dating services, technical consulting
and job hunting services, specialized, proprietary data services.
But what about you? DO you pay BBS Access Fees (No matter what
they're called) If so what do you get from it, besides better access.
It will never cost a fee to take a dip in the ancient pond -- I am
philosophically opposed to that. But it would be nice to get hold of
more disk space, etc...
IS it appropriate to raise money to support the board? How about an
Authorized, Official Ancient Pond Froggy coffee mug or Tee shirt? A
Beanie? Would you pay for these?