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Association of Online Professionals
Information and Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in the Association of Online
Professionals. As our industry grows, it is critical that
professionals such as ourselves join together to promote our
common interests and defend ourselves from unwarranted
regulation and legislation.
AOP was created by leading members of our industry to support
the individuals, online systems and companies that comprise
the industry. While we are a young organization, we have
substantial support behind our Association. And this support
reaches far beyond our own borders, with organizing efforts
underway for affiliate AOP organizations in Canada, Latin
America, Europe and Asia.
Together, we are building an industry where professionals can
practice their craft without undue interference. An industry
with room for individuals and systems to grow and prosper. And
an industry where our members can grow professionally and
profit from their efforts.
But we can't do it without you.
Regardless of the environment in which you work -- from a BBS
or online system to the Internet to companies that provide
products and services to online systems -- you are an
online professional. And we need your support. We need your
voice with ours when we fight for fair legislation. We need your
ideas and efforts to define and deliver services. We need your
financial support, through your dues, to staff and fund these
The dues you pay -- far lower than for most professional
associations -- will be returned to you in the form of a better
environment in which to manage your system or business. And it
will be returned to you more directly in the form of services,
information, discounts and support not easily available to you
anywhere else.
It is our goal and our commitment to deliver to you a set of
services worth more than what you pay in dues. More
importantly, it is our goal to help create the credibility, public
support and respect that system operators deserve.
We look forward to having you as a member of the Association of
Online Professionals. If we may provide you with further
information or answer questions, please don't hesitate to call
AOP in our headquarters near Washington, DC.
Association of Online Professionals
Fact Sheet
The Assocation of Online Professionals (AOP) is a non-profit
service and support organization that exists to foster and
promote the growth of individuals, organizations and companies
that operate, consult with and support electronic
communications and information services worldwide.
Association: Section 501(c)(6) professional
association, tax-exempt
Founded: 1994
Staff Contact: David P. McClure
Executive Director
Classes of Membership: Individual
Special Interest Groups: System Operator
Industry Marketing
Public Policy
Board of Directors:
Dennis C. Hayes Hayes Microcomputer (Chairman)
Steve Klingler Clark Development (Vice Chairman)
Adam A. Strack US Robotics (Treasurer)
Tony McClenny World Data Network (Secretary)
Doug Clemons Rockwell International
Dan Linton Software Creations
Bob Mahoney Exec-PC
Carson Hanrahan Traders Connection
Kathy Lane Harman Interactive
Contact: Association of Online Professionals
6010 Burdon Court, Suite 302
Alexandria, VA 22315
Voice: (703) 924-9692
Fax: (703) 924-9594
E-mail: Dave.McClure@aop.org
70631,266 on CIS
BBS: (404) 592-0255
Fidonet: 1:133/1501
Association of Online Professionals
6010 Burdon Court, Suite 302
Alexandria, VA 22315
(703) 924-9692
In California, self-styled consumer advocates are lobbying
legislators to regulate the BBS industry. Among the proposed
regulations is a requirement for every BBS with customers in
the state to establish a business address and buy a business
license for California. . .
The state of Pennsylvania has adopted new tax laws that will
apply sales and use taxes for connect time, downloads and
services from online services and BBS systems. At least 25
other states are expected follow suit in the months ahead. . .
Congress, working to forge a National Information
Infrastructure, is lobbied daily by powerful and well funded
cable and television companies to make interactive TV the
format for NII. . .
Proposed revisions to the U.S. copyright law under consideration
right now would make SysOps responsible forcollection of
royalties and safeguarding of copyrighted material on their
systems. In part, the content providers are seeking to make
SysOps financially liable for copyrighted materials of any kind
that find their way into electronic distribution. . .
The news media portray BBS systems as a population of
pornographers and software thieves. And they question
whether families and kids are "safe" online. . .
If the online services industry is to survive and thrive, we must
work together to bring power and respect to the industry and its
members. SysOps, companies and other professionals with an
interest in the industry must work together to protect our
interests and promote the growth of our industry.
The job of promoting an industry and providing services to its
professionals falls to an industry trade and professional
association. Where no single SysOp, and no single company,
has the resources to do what needs to be done on its own, and
association -- with thousands of members each contributing a
little to the effort -- can. The Association of Online Professionals
is your association, committed to these goals. AOP was formed
to create and provide opportunities to professionals in the
online industry. Opportunities for interaction with other online
professionals. Opportunities for growth, career advancement,
entrepreneurship and business referrals.
But AOP is more than this. It's your voice in Washington and at
the state level. It's valuable information, discounts on essential
products and services, and member support designed to make
your life easier.
The Association of Online Professionals is a non-profit trade
association founded in 1994 to promote the interests of the
professionals who plan, manage and provide services to the
online telecommunications industry. Though in its first year,
AOP has already gained the support of major companies in the
industry, key system operators and other interested
professionals throughout the country.
AOP is your association. We've made a strong start, and will
be working actively through the fall to build a set of services
that can provide real value to our SysOp members.
Classes of Membership
AOP has two classes of members:
Individual members are individuals who manage or
operate systems that include BBS systems, nodes of the
Internet, nodes on message networks, remote access computers
and other systems. And they are the professionals actively
involved in the industry who do not manage systems. These
include service providers, educators, law enforcement officers,
government employees and others who share our commitment to
the growth of the online community. These members receive the
full range of AOP services for an annual dues of $95.
Corporate members include the companies that provide
hardware, software, access services (including major online
systems) and other direct services or support for system
operators. Corporate members pay a dues fee on a sliding scale
based on gross annual sales, and receive up to five individual
memberships, access to industry research data, access to
members, and a role in industry promotion and public policy
Participation in Association Special Interest Groups:
AOP operates and supports special interest groups (SIGs) and
committees that work cooperatively to the betterment of the
industry. Members are invited and encouraged to participate in
these programs. They include, but are not limited to:
1) A SysOp SIG that will set priorities for projects and guide
the AOP staff in providing services to system operator members.
This SIG also oversees such critical projects as the Standards
Committee (which manages the AOP Code of Professional
Standards) and the Awards Committee.
2) An Industry Marketing SIG to develop and implement joint
marketing programs to members and consumers. This is the
primary working group for consultants, service providers and
small companies.
3) A Public Policy SIG to coordinate legislative and regulatory
responses at the International, Federal and State levels in
support of member interests.
4) A Hobbyist/Non-Profit SIG that will set priorities for projects
and guide the AOP staff in providing services to system
operators who operate non-profit or hobby online systems.
5) An Education SIG that will establish and strengthen the use
of online systems for education and reference. This SIG will
also manage the AOP Certification Program for online
6) A Media SIG for members who report on or cover online
communications, including editors of online 'zines and
Members are encouraged to be active in one or more SIGs, both
to ensure that their voices are heard in the Association and to
help further the goals of the Association. New SIGs will be
added if a sufficient number of members request them.
Member Services
Service to members is the reason AOP exists, and its single goal
for the years ahead. These services are defined and planned by
our members based on their needs, and implemented on their
behalf by the Association's staff.
Services for members include:
-- Opportunities for interaction with other professionals,
including seminars, conferences and regional events.
-- A voice in Washington, and in your state capitol, working to
protect your interests.
-- Professional advisory services for legal, business management,
marketing and accounting issues.
-- Career development, education and accreditation services for
-- Referrals for Bulletin Boards. Referrals to consultants. And a
job-search bank for professionals seeking new opportunities.
-- Discounts on essential products and services.
-- Industry-wide promotional programs to foster the growth of the
online community, including media relations, joint marketing
and public education.
-- Association publications that include membership directory,
resource guide, online systems legal guide and more.
-- A members-only BBS system for communication and information
vital to online operations and management.
-- A monthly newsletter, legislative alerts and other timely news.
-- Accurate industry and marketing information available only to
-- And the opportunity be take an active role in the growth and
evolution of the world's fastest-growing and most vital
AOP is the international association for online professionals.
It's your professional association, created and managed to serve
your needs and interests.
AOP is well-organized and planned. It is staffed by experts in
the online industry and in association management. It's backed
by leading BBS systems, online services, companies and
consultants across the country. All it needs now is the
participation of professionals like you.
To join AOP, simply complete the enclosed membership
application and return it with your check or money order for
your first year's dues. You may also join by check or credit
card either by telephone (703-924-9693) or on the AOP BBS.
Application For
Individual Membership
Name: _________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
City: _______________ State: ___ Zip: ________
Country: _____________________
Phone: ___________________ Fax: ________________
E-Mail: _________________________________________
Type of Company, BBS or Online System:
_____ Public BBS _____ Private/Corporate BBS
_____ Internet Site _____ Online Services Forum
_____ Public Library _____ Consulting Firm
_____ E-Mail Provider _____ Academic Institution
_____ Law Firm _____ Media/Publisher
_____ Internet Provider _____ Computer Hardware/Software
_____ Marketing Firm _____ Network Consultant
Other (specify): ______________________________________
For our records, please provide information regarding the online
or BBS system you manage, if applicable. If the system has
multiple telephone lines or nodes, note the first or primary
contact telephone number. For the Internet or other addressable
systems, provide the complete e-mail address. For content, list
the type of materials carried on the system (e.g., adult-oriented,
research, general public info, etc.):
Name of System: _______________________________
Main Access Telephone #: _______________________________
Modem Type/Baud Rate: _______________________________
General Content: _______________________________
Instructions for Membership Application:
Please complete all information on the reverse side of this page.
The information will be used for the AOP Membership Directory
and for our files. When completed, mail this document along
with a check or money order for dues to:
Director of Member Services
Association of Online Professionals
6010 Burdon Court, Suite 302
Alexandria, VA 22315
Voice: (703) 924-9692
Fax: (703) 924-9594
Payment is also accepted by Visa or Mastercard. Enter the
information below and mail or fax this document to AOP:
Name of
Visa ____ MasterCard ____ Expiration Date _______________
Card Number: _____________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
For faster application, call AOP with your credit card or
check information.
Dues for individual professionals is a flat fee of $95. Dues
must accompany the membership application.
This dues payment is not deductible as a charitable
contribution. However, for most members this fee is deductible
as a business expense. Please note that 20 percent of member
dues will be used for lobbying expenses on behalf of the
members. Membership is for a one-year period. Membership is
not transferrable or refundable.
AOP has a wide variety of committees and special interest groups in
which you may choose to become active. Please indicate your interest:
___ Public Policy SIG ___ Media SIG
___ Education SIG ___ Hobbyist/Non-Profit SIG
___ SysOp SIG ___ Industry Marketing SIG