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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Capture file opened 6-Jun-1994 05:18a
You can still box in germany : )
Today's date is: Mon Jun 06 05:18:26 1994
Last caller was: Jono Bono [194]
Logged off at: Mon Jun 06 04:45:44 1994
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[Node 0] || _ | | | | || _\ \__ \ \__ \ Est 1990
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\| KP2+440636706467+ST
: Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT
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Newark, Nottinghamshire, England
SysOp: Phantasm
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Computer: IBM or clone
Messages: 88
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Last On: Sun Jun 05 04:26:04 1994
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This is your call number 61 to the system.
Checking your mailbox...
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Area: General Mail
Number: [45] of [50]
Title: codelinez
From: Fallen Angel [167]
Time: Sun Jun 05 22:32:59 1994
Sorry to be so lame but I'm new to the sceen, what is are codelinez?
Fallen Angel
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Area: General Mail
Number: [46] of [50]
Title: new phreaker
From: Fallen Angel [167]
Time: Sun Jun 05 22:43:13 1994
Hiya all,
I'm new to phreaking but I own a Mercury one2one and I was wondering if
anyone could tell me how to access the test modes on it, and also if it
can be connected to my modem. It has a port on the bottom for car kit and
stuff but I don't know the pinouts.\n Thanx in advance.\n Fallen Angel.\n
Fallen Angel
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Area: General Mail
Number: [47] of [50]
Title: Norway
From: Blackthorn [117]
Time: Sun Jun 05 23:26:53 1994
Does any one know If blueboxing is still possible from other european
countries like Norway, sweden,? and if so what systems, ie can you Box
back to the Uk using the BT direct service? with the Uk break tone?..
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Area: General Mail
Number: [48] of [50]
Title: codelinez
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Mon Jun 06 01:57:14 1994
Hay Fallen Angel...
Call 0800 899 075 extension 210 to find out......
Not much there at the mo, but basically it's line an answering machine,
and guyz and galz put stuff on em like credit cards, calling cards etc
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Area: General Mail
Number: [49] of [50]
Title: codelinez, kixx
From: Jono Bono [194]
Time: Mon Jun 06 03:13:22 1994
Hi Kixx, I noticed you put galz in your last message, have we got a lot of
galz that G"XWaare into freaking and shit as well? Jono...
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Area: General Mail
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Boxing Codes
From: Jono Bono [194]
Time: Mon Jun 06 04:45:29 1994
Hi I now have a freephone code line info service, thanks to Kixx, call
0800-899-075 x 212, thanks Jono Bono.
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Area: Market Place
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Network cards
From: Cyber Scout [33]
Time: Mon Jun 06 01:11:49 1994
Anyone after any EtherlinkII network boards for the pc..
15 quid a piece...
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Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: ESN's..
From: Cyber Scout [33]
Time: Mon Jun 06 01:07:36 1994
Anyone who can give me info on ESN obtaining?!?!?
Also phone chiipiing info wanted...
Mail me with landline, and ill bell you.. will travel for meet for
decent info/chat.. Or can put anyone up who fancys a weekend of playing
with phones,modems, and listening to 1210's all weekend...
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Area: Home Chemistry
Number: [47] of [49]
Title: devil bangers
From: Tornado Of Souls [122]
Time: Sun Jun 05 22:07:25 1994
yeah theyre made of some shit called silver fulminate,dont know much about
it, reacts against itself on sharp impact. try filling a ballon with gas
and a weight with these inside then drop from a height. be *carefukl*
what about napalm out of detergent and petrol put it in a glass bottle
use a tampon as a wick and away you go.
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Area: Home Chemistry
Number: [48] of [49]
Title: devl bangers
From: Flash [172]
Time: Sun Jun 05 23:31:59 1994
I did make a giant devil banger out of the stuff from about 30 wrapped in
a few rizla papers stuck together. I got a mate to throw it but it
exploded in his hand (heh heh), now he can't go near a box of them without
shitting himself (BA HA HA HA HA).
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Area: Home Chemistry
Number: [49] of [49]
Title: plastique
From: Flash [172]
Time: Sun Jun 05 23:32:48 1994
I got a file from here about making plastique from 1 part petrol to 2
parts vaseline, it showed a way to detonate it by putting some over a
mains socket and then sticking a paper-clip into it. I made some and
tried to set it off using a mates rocket launcher detonater thing but it
didn't work so I tried putting some mains lecky through it but nothing
happened. Can anyone suggest a way to use it?
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Area: Illicit Substances
Number: [50] of [50]
Title: Umm..
From: Cyber Scout [33]
Time: Mon Jun 06 01:14:11 1994
Umm.. Was turned over recently by DS and up in court on two charges..
Cultivation, and possession.. Anyone know of any good blags i can give
my brief which will enable him to keep it out the local press?!?
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Area: Carding
Number: [7] of [8]
Title: Tell me...
From: Blackthorn [117]
Time: Sun Jun 05 23:21:22 1994
Kixx, what you are doing is very risky..But from my experince(when
ordering legit stuff) they will ring the door bell, if yer aint in they
wont deliver, you then have the option of having a redelivery or in
somecases picking it up from the depot
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Area: Carding
Number: [8] of [8]
Title: Tell me...
From: Kixx [20]
Time: Mon Jun 06 02:01:34 1994
Ok fankx Blackthorn....
I dont think i will bother ordering stuff quite yet.. The house i mean is
TOTALLY empty.. Nobody living there or nothin... I think i will go in one
day and see if they have a fone line still connected :)
Fankx again.
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File Size: 3835 bytes, 4 credits
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Transfer Time: 0 minutes 58 seconds for transfer at 2400 bps
Time Validated: Sun Jun 05 22:12:35 1994
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Time Validated: Sun Jun 05 22:14:57 1994
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Time Validated: Mon Jun 06 01:47:13 1994
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\\____|nAuThOrIsEd |__|__|cCeSs Recent User Action v1.<2E><> [Node 0]
Valid user logon: [20] Kixx REAL:
Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Current Time: Sun Jun 05 21:47:33 1994
Chat request: Card systems..
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Logged off at: Sun Jun 05 21:50:22 1994
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Phone Number: Baud rate: 2400
Current Time: Sun Jun 05 21:54:20 1994
Remaining Time: 22 minutes
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