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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Capture file opened 25/Aug/1993 05:43
Welcome to UnAuThOrIsEd AcCeSs [Private]
You are connected at 2400 baud.
ANSI graphics (y/n)? No
Today's date is: Wed Aug 25 05:49:57 1993
Last caller was: Dippledo [36]
Logged off at: Wed Aug 25 02:21:10 1993
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___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___| | | |___| |___ |___
[Node 0] |___| |___ |___ |___ ___| ___| Est 1990
"hardcore technology for the hardcore technologist"
Online 10.00pm-7.00am GMT/Operating at 3oo-12oo-24oo baud
1,ooo+ computer underground orientated files online
SysOp: Phantasm
Enter account number, handle or '0' to logon as NEW.
Logon: Black Widow
[133] Black Widow Last on Tue Aug 24 05:45:52 1993
Account: [133]
Handle: Black Widow
Status: 2
Protocol: Zmodem
Credits: Unlimited
K's U/L: 174
K's D/L: 229
Age: 0
Computer: IBM or clone
Messages: 46
MailSent: 4
Mail Rec: 12
Last On: Tue Aug 24 05:45:52 1993
LastBaud: 2400
This is your call number 26 to the system.
Checking your mailbox...
You have 2 letters waiting!
<A>bort <L>ist <R>ead <S>end
Private mail command: ? List
Letter # [35] from Phantasm
Letter # [54] from SCAT/RSI
<A>bort <L>ist <R>ead <S>end
Private mail command: ? Read
Letter # [35] from Phantasm
Letter # [54] from SCAT/RSI
Number to read? 35
Number: [35]
Subject: Alex Coe!
From: Phantasm [1]
To: Black Widow [133]
Time: Sat Aug 21 19:50:56 1993
Black Widow, I am replying to your msg regarding Alex Coe. Since you
posted this I have reset the Boards/SIGs and reconfigured the whole
message base, therefore removing all messages regarding Alex Coe.
I suggest you post a message regarding the bust and get things started
again. It shouldnt take long as most users of this system know what type
of a person (shit) he actually was.
Talk soon, Phantasm (SysOp)
<A>uto reply <D>elete <N>ext <R>ead again <Q>uit
Letter option? Read again
Number: [35]
Subject: Alex Coe!
From: Phantasm [1]
To: Black Widow [133]
Time: Sat Aug 21 19:50:56 1993
Black Widow, I am replying to your msg regarding Alex Coe. Since you
posted this I have reset the Boards/SIGs and reconfigured the whole
message base, therefore removing all messages regarding Alex Coe.
I suggest you post a message regarding the bust and get things started
again. It shouldnt take long as most users of this system know what type
of a person (shit) he actually was.
Talk soon, Phantasm (SysOp)
<A>uto reply <D>elete <N>ext <R>ead again <Q>uit
Letter option? Auto reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter the subject: Alex Coe!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Yep, just do it right now. I aint got much to say but I realised I never
2>looked at my E-mail yesterday (new login scripts !)
4>Black Widow
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Delete the original now (y/n)? Yes
Letter # [54] from SCAT/RSI
Number to read? 54
Number: [54]
Subject: ?C64 Modem
From: SCAT/RSI [31]
To: Black Widow [133]
Time: Sun Aug 22 15:39:21 1993
yes,i lost the #....
<A>uto reply <D>elete <N>ext <R>ead again <Q>uit
Letter option? Auto reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter the subject: ?C64 Modem
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>I think he's just gonna sell his c64 and get a PC. My number is (0368)
2>62269 10pm-8am for me modem. The NUP is RENEGADE KICKS ASS he might still
3>be interested, never know!
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Delete the original now (y/n)? Yes
<A>bort <L>ist <R>ead <S>end
Private mail command: ? Abort
Scan new message posts (y/n)? Yes
Area: General Mail
Number: [21] of [21]
From: Dippledo [36]
Time: Wed Aug 25 02:03:19 1993
Ok Ok i give up.... How about some serious stuff like how to hack LEB Key
Meters any ideas i believe the key has a chip in it and is not actualy
charged but programmed any one fancy a challenge !!!!!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Quit to next
Area: Market Place
Number: [7] of [7]
Title: Spycraft Video
From: Phantasm [1]
Time: Tue Aug 24 17:35:29 1993
60 minute PAL format video on the art of 'espionage & surveillance'.
Created by CEP Inc, 1989.
Price: 8.00 pounds (Inc. postage, etc).
Send a <F>eedback or <M>ail reply [1] Phantasm for more information.
Phantasm (SysOp)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: Market Place
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 2 choice? Quit to next
Area: BBS Advertisements
Number: [14] of [15]
Title: h/p BBS
From: Phantasm [1]
Time: Tue Aug 24 06:42:54 1993
I have been asked to let you all know about Black Death's bulletin board.
Telephone 0506-858477
Online 24 hours
3oo-14.4k bps
Phantasm (SysOp)
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Public reply
Press <RETURN> with no input to abort
Enter a title: h/p BBS
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Yeh but aint it 9600+ ie 9600-14.4 ?
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Area: BBS Advertisements
Number: [15] of [16]
Title: MY BBS!
From: Maelstrom [39]
Time: Tue Aug 24 23:37:10 1993
+44-382-541091 - all bauds - 10pm-9am - System pw=LYNX
call it NOW! It's good...
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: BBS Advertisements
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 3 choice? Quit to next
Area: Phone Phreaking
Number: [20] of [21]
Title: Portable...
From: Archaos [104]
Time: Tue Aug 24 22:27:33 1993
Are there any portable blue boxes that can be used in UK? ie. electronic
ones or has anyone managed to get an Atari Portfolio or Psion Series 3 to
BB? I seem to remember someone saying that they had managed to get the
Portfolio to DTMF - any news on that?
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Phone Phreaking
Number: [21] of [21]
Title: Portable...
From: Dippledo [36]
Time: Wed Aug 25 02:11:01 1993
Archaos I'm trying to get info on the Portfolio at the moment as it might
be possible to program the DTMF on it will let you know if i suceed..
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: Phone Phreaking
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 4 choice? Quit to next
Area: Cellular Phreaking
Number: [2] of [2]
Title: Cell phreaking
From: Cookie Monster [69]
Time: Wed Aug 25 00:05:39 1993
Well the easiest way is by cloning the phones. Change the EEPROM that
contains the details of the serial number etc of the phone and
cellnet/vodaphone thinks it's a different phone. You can then use someone
elses phone until he switches his on or notices the trouble. More info can
be gained from me if you want, and the reprogram is completely
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: Cellular Phreaking
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 5 choice? Quit to next
Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [2] of [4]
Title: potassium nitrate!
From: Archaos [104]
Time: Tue Aug 24 22:44:10 1993
Hey Boot, sounds neat - i know of some <recipes> I could use pot-nitrate
in - but isnt it possible to buy it over the counter anyway? If its not
then I will probably ask you to get some (OK by you?).
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [3] of [4]
Title: potassium nitrate!..
From: Boot [121]
Time: Tue Aug 24 23:50:50 1993
mo pro.... if ya wanna get some i'll sort it out ...
e-mail me for more info!
scribed by BOOT!....
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Area: Technology Abuse
Number: [4] of [4]
Title: Txtfiles
From: Cookie Monster [69]
Time: Wed Aug 25 00:27:15 1993
I'll U/L some more good textfiles when I get time to write some...<g>
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: Technology Abuse
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 6 choice? Quit to next
Area: 0500 Scan Club
Number: [2] of [2]
Title: scan some no.s
From: Dippledo [36]
Time: Wed Aug 25 02:20:09 1993
Ok I'll do 0500 700000 to 0500 900000 see ya soon.
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: 0500 Scan Club
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 7 choice? Post a message
Press <RETURN> to abort
Enter a title: scannin!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>I intend to fget some decent scanning done but cant till I go pulse. I'll
2>fuck thats meant to be tone! I'm bloody pulse jus now! Anyway, I'll be in
3>here then so don't scan everything!
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Current board is: 0500 Scan Club
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 7 choice? Quit to next
Area: 0800 Scan Club
Number: [11] of [11]
Title: dialer
From: Black Death [85]
Time: Tue Aug 24 22:53:42 1993
bbeep 6 is kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<A>bort <L>ast <N>ext <Q>uit <R>ead again <M>ail <P>ublic reply
Message option? Next
Current board is: 0800 Scan Club
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 8 choice? Quit to next
Completed visiting new posted messages
Scan new uploaded files (y/n)? Yes
Completed visiting new uploaded files
News Update: Tuesday 21-August-93
25 message Boards/SIGs now online.
News Update: Wednesday 14-July-93
'Phrack Off'
Phrack Magazine issues 1-42 are currently offline.
News Update: Saturday 10-July-93
*** SKIPPED ***
Remaining Time: 39 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>Boards
Disclaimer: All material posted on this system is strictly for informational
purposes only. The SysOp of this BBS does not assume any liability whatsoever
for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly, or alleged to be caused by
the use of information from this system.
All users are hereby notified that a mandatory 1:1 post/call ratio is now in
effect. If you do not post at least one message per logon, your account will
automatically be deleted from this bulletin board system.
[ 1] General Mail
[ 2] Market Place
[ 3] BBS Advertisements
[ 4] Computer Hacking
[ 5] Phone Phreaking
[ 6] Cellular Phreaking
[ 7] Technology Abuse
[ 8] Social Engineering
[ 9] Dumpster Diving
[10] Lock Picking
[11] Data Encryption
[12] Surveillance
[13] 0500 Scan Club
[14] 0800 Scan Club
[15] PSS/JANET Scan Club
[16] Internet Scan Club
[17] Voice Mail Systems
[18] Underground News
[19] Viruses & Trojans
[20] Scanners & Radio
[21] Satellite & Cable
[22] Electronics
[23] Unix Security
[24] VAX/VMS Security
[25] Virtual Reality
Enter number: 1
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Post a message
Press <RETURN> to abort
Enter a title: Alex Coe!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Heh, whats with the lack of messages about old bastard face Coe? Has
2>anyone heard of anything happend to im since he got busted. I hope he gets
3>chucked in some shitty prison and when the other blokes find out who he
4>is.... lets just say he might have some problems walking!
7>{Member of the " I hate Alex Coe " foundation}
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Post a message
Press <RETURN> to abort
Enter a title:
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? List messages
# Subject From Date Time Year
---- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- -------- ----
[ 1] SIGs Phantasm Tue Aug 17 18:39:33 1993
*** SKIPPED ***
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Abort to main
Remaining Time: 36 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>Boards
Disclaimer: All material posted on this system is strictly for informational
purposes only. The SysOp of this BBS does not assume any liability whatsoever
for loss or damage caused directly or indirectly, or alleged to be caused by
the use of information from this system.
All users are hereby notified that a mandatory 1:1 post/call ratio is now in
effect. If you do not post at least one message per logon, your account will
automatically be deleted from this bulletin board system.
[ 1] General Mail
[ 2] Market Place
[ 3] BBS Advertisements
[ 4] Computer Hacking
[ 5] Phone Phreaking
[ 6] Cellular Phreaking
[ 7] Technology Abuse
[ 8] Social Engineering
[ 9] Dumpster Diving
[10] Lock Picking
[11] Data Encryption
[12] Surveillance
[13] 0500 Scan Club
[14] 0800 Scan Club
[15] PSS/JANET Scan Club
[16] Internet Scan Club
[17] Voice Mail Systems
[18] Underground News
[19] Viruses & Trojans
[20] Scanners & Radio
[21] Satellite & Cable
[22] Electronics
[23] Unix Security
[24] VAX/VMS Security
[25] Virtual Reality
Enter number: 14
Current board is: 0800 Scan Club
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 14 choice? Post a message
Press <RETURN> to abort
Enter a title: 0800 100 100
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>This is part of an international (hopefully) chain piss off call! Dial
2>0800 100 100 and ask for Russell. These guys are cock suckers! You say "Is
3>Russell there?" and they say "No this is a business" and hang up. If you
4>sday "What business ?" they say "I cannot disclose that information" Me
5>and me mate sat for half an hour socialling operators all over the phuckin
6>place and got nowhere apart from findin out that 0800 333 222 is for 0800#
8>CU Soon.
9>Black Widow
10>P.S. Get all yer friends to call too! Relly piss em off!
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Current board is: 0800 Scan Club
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 14 choice? Quit to next
Remaining Time: 34 minutes
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <R>ead all <S>elect
Boards choice? Select a message board
[ 1] General Mail
[ 2] Market Place
[ 3] BBS Advertisements
[ 4] Computer Hacking
[ 5] Phone Phreaking
[ 6] Cellular Phreaking
[ 7] Technology Abuse
[ 8] Social Engineering
[ 9] Dumpster Diving
[10] Lock Picking
[11] Data Encryption
[12] Surveillance
[13] 0500 Scan Club
[14] 0800 Scan Club
[15] PSS/JANET Scan Club
[16] Internet Scan Club
[17] Voice Mail Systems
[18] Underground News
[19] Viruses & Trojans
[20] Scanners & Radio
[21] Satellite & Cable
[22] Electronics
[23] Unix Security
[24] VAX/VMS Security
[25] Virtual Reality
Enter number: 1
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Post a message
Press <RETURN> to abort
Enter a title:
Current board is: General Mail
<A>bort <L>ist <N>ew <P>ost <Q>uit <R>ead
Board 1 choice? Abort to main
Remaining Time: 33 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>Electronic mail
<A>bort <L>ist <R>ead <S>end
Private mail command: ? Send a letter
Enter account number (or handle) to send to? the grim reaper
Writing to The Grim Reaper [6]
Enter subject: T-Pot LOP
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>Hi there!
2>Phantasm reckons you could give me the LoP 4 T-pot? Sorry not sayin much,
3>gotta rush
4>Talk later...
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Enter account number (or handle) to send to?
<A>bort <L>ist <R>ead <S>end
Private mail command: ? Abort
Remaining Time: 32 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>
----- UnAuThOrIsEd AcCeSs [Private] -----
"hardcore technology for the hardcore technologist"
<A>bort/Goodbye <B>oards/SIGs <C>hat with SysOp <E>lectronic mail
<F>eedback <G>ames online <H>elp <I>nfo about system
<L>ist members <M>embership stats <N>ews reprint <O>ther BBS numbers
<Q>uick logoff <S>ystem time <T>ext/Bulletins <U>Beta test info
<V>ersion info <W>elcome reprint <X>fers/Files <Z>oom to ANSI
<*>Conference room </>Who's online
While viewing: <A>bort text <P>ause text <S>kip text
Remaining Time: 32 minutes
[Main Menu]
[? = Menu] -=>Did you post (y/n)? Yes
Leave a feedback message (y/n)? Yes
Writing to Phantasm [1]
Enter subject: Shit!
Hit <RETURN> on a blank line to end input
1>I was sure I meant to do something here, phuicked if I can remember what
2>though! Probably call back later if I remember <g> Msg about Alex is up.
3>Tis been decided that I am a member of some thing about hating alex coe,
4>can't even remmebr! You know how you're a member of BuG? How do I ie my
5>BBS become one. Anyway, gotta go, work 5 mins ago!!!
Edit (?,A,C,D,E,F,H,L,R,S) -=>Saving...
Leave a one liner for the next caller (y/n)? No
As the smoke clears from the battlefield, it appears that the enemy
has gained a major victory. Scores of people raided, many arrested, some