911 lines
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911 lines
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/\ ----- ---
/__\ | | ssue (1)
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the monthly issue published by Soth's Domain!
1 ...... Overall Introduction to Ax
1.1 .... Introduction to Issue (1)
1.2 .... Credits to Articles/Exerts
2 ...... The Canticle Of The Dragon
3 ...... AD&D Proficiencies Listing
4 ...... The Knight Of The Black Rose
5 ...... AD&D Character Sheet Info.
5.1 .... AD&D Character Sheet
6 ...... AD&D In-Depth Spells Listing
7 ...... A D&D Realms Listing
8 ...... AD&D Terms(Etc) Glossary
9 ...... The Final<61>
1.) Overall (Ax) Ansalon Times Introduction
Ansalon Times is the latest project of Soth's Domain. Dedicated to
that of RPG and DragonLance (And all other TSR projects, like AD&D) fame, this
newsletter will provide you with some very interesting information regarding
those topics. Articles submitted for entry via Soth's Domain are subject to
slight editing once on the board. If you plan on submitting and article, all
you need do is upload the file/article to the second file base, Ansalon Times
(Ax), where entire issues will be stored and all articles to be submitted can
be stores as well.
'ave fun and enjoy the issue!
1.1) Introduction to Issue (1)
This issue will be an outline of what is to come, with a mix of many
different things, from character sheets to exerts taken from the legendary saga
of DragonLance. Any comments/suggestions are thoroughly welcomed, and this is
the time to start sending them.
1.2) Credits to Articles/Exerts
All articles in -this- issue were brought about by Lord Soth, either
from 'AD&DSTUF.ARJ' or his own personal system and typing. Future articles
will be much more personal to others, but this issue was designed to get the
entire series on the move.
2.) The Canticle of the Dragon
Hear the sage as his song descends,
like heaven's rain or tears,
and washes the years, the dust of many stories
from the High Tale of the DragonLance.
For ages in deep, past memory and word,
in the first blush of the world
when the moons rose from the lap of the forest
dragons, terrible and great,
made war on this world of Krynn.
Yet out of the darkness of dragons,
out of our cries for light
in the blank face of the black moon soaring,
a banked light flared in Solamnia,
a knight of truth and power,
who called down the gods themselves
and forged the mighty DragonLance, piercing the soul
of dragonkind, driving the shade of their wings
from the brightening shores of Krynn.
Thus Huma, Knight of Solamnia,
LightBringer, First Lancer,
followed his light to the foot of the Khalkist Mountains,
to the stone feet of the gods,
to the crouched silence of their temple.
He called down the LanceMakers, he took on
their unspeakable power to crush the unspeakable evil,
to thrust the coiling darkness
back down the tunnel of the dragon's throat.
Paladine, the Great God of Good,
shone at the side of Huma,
strengthening the lance of his strong right arm,
and Huma, ablaze in a thousand moons,
banished the Queen of Darkness,
banished the swarm of her shrieking hosts
back to the senseless kingdom of death, where their curses
swooped upon nothing and nothing
deep below the brightening land.
Thus ended in Thunder the Age of Dreams
and began the Age of Might,
When Istar, kingdom of light and truth, arose in the east,
where minarets of white and gold
spired to the sun and to the sun's glory,
announcing the passing of evil,
and Istar, who mothered and cradled the long summers of good,
shone like a meteor
in the white skies of the just.
Yet in the fullness of sunlight
the KingPriest of Istar saw shadows;
At night he saw the trees as things with daggers, the streams
blackened and thickened under the silent moon.
He searched books for the paths of Huma,
for scrolls, signs, and spells
so that he, too, might summon the gods, might find
their aid in his holy aims,
might purge the world of sin.
Then came the time of dark and death
as the gods turned from the world.
A mountain of fire crashed like a comet through Istar,
the city split like a skull in the flames,
mountains burst from once-fertile valleys,
seas poured into the graves of mountains,
the deserts sighed on abandoned floors of the seas,
the highways of Krynn erupted
and became the paths of the dead.
Thus began the Age of Despair.
The roads were tangled.
The winds and the sandstorms dwelt in the husks of cities,
The plains and mountains became our home.
As the gods lost their power,
we called to the blank sky
into the cold, dividing gray to the ears of new gods.
The sky is calm, silent, unmoving.
We have yet to hear their answer.
3.) AD&D Proficiencies Listing
Animal Handling: Proficiency in this area enables to exercise a greater
than normal degree of control over beasts of burden and pack animals, such
as calming and excited or agitated animal.
Animal Lore: This proficiency enables a character to observe the actions
or habitat of an animal and interpret what is going on. Actions can show
how dangerous the creature is, whether it is hungry, protecting its young,
or defending it's young. Futhermore, careful observation of signs and
behaviors can even indicate the location of a water hole, animal herd,
predator, or impending danger, such as a forest fire.
A character may also imitate the calls and cries of animals that
he is resonably familiar with, based on his background. This ability is
limited by volume, for example, it is impossible to exactly duplicate the
sound of a tyrannosaurus rex.
Finally, animal lore increses the chance of successfully setting
snares and traps (for hunting) since the character knows the general habits
of the creature hunted.
Blind-Fighting: A character with blind-fighting is skilled at fighting in
conditions of poor or no light (but this proficiency does not allow spell
use). In total darkness, the character suffers only a -2 to his attack
roll (as compared to -4 without this proficiency). Under starlight or
moonlight, the character incurs only a -1 penalty. The character suffers
no penalties to his AC because of darkness.
Furthermore, this skill aids the character when dealing with
invisible creatures, reducing the attack penalty to -2. However, it does
not enable the character to discover invisible creatures; he only has a
general idea of their location and cannot target them exactly.
Dancing: The character knows many styles and varieties of dance, from folk
dances to formal court balls.
Etiquette: This proficiency gives the character a basic understanding of
the proper forms of behavior and address required in many different
situations, especially those involving nobility and persons of rank. But,
knowledge of etiquette does not give the character protection from a gaffe
or faux pas; many people who know the correct thing still manage to do the
exact opposite.
Healing: A character proficient in healing knows how to use natural
medicines and basic principles of first aid and doctoring. If the character
tends another within one round of wounding (and makes a successful
proficiency check), his ministrations restore 1d3 hit points (but no more
hit points can be restored than were lost in the previous round). Only one
healing attempt can be made on a character per day.
A character with healing proficiency can also attempt to aid a
poisoned individual, provided that the poison entered through a wound.
If the poisoned character can be tended immediately (the round after
posioning) and the care continues for the next five rounds, the victim gains
a +2 to his saving throw (the save is delayed till the last round of tending)
If the care and rest are interupted, the character's saving throw is made
immediately, without the bonus. Only a character with both the healing and
herbalism proficiency can attempt treat poisons that entered the victim
through touch or swallowing.
Herbalism: Those with herbalist knowledge can identify plants and fungus
and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments,
infusions, and plasters for medical and pseudomedical purposes. They can
also prepare natural poisons and purgatives.
Reading/Writing: The character can read and write a modern language that
he can speak, provided that there is someone available to teach the
Religion: Characters with religion proficiency know the common beliefs and
cults of their homeland and major faiths of neighboring regions.
Rope Use: This proficiency enables a character to accomplish amazing feats
with rope. The character is familiar with all sorts of knots and can tie
knots to slip, hold tightly, slide slowly, or loosen with a quick tug. He
also has a better chance at escaping if he is bound by ropes.
The character also gains a +2 to all attacks made with a lasso, and
+10 to all climbing checks while using a rope.
Spellcraft: Although this proficiency does not grant the character any
spellcasting powers, it does give him familiarity with the different forms
and rites of spellcasting. If he observes and overhears someone who is
casting a spell, or if he examines the material components used, he can
attempt to identify the spell being cast.
Swimming: A character with swimming proficiency knows how to swim and can
move according to the rules given in the Swimming section (p. 120 PM2).
Tightrope Walking: The character can attempt to walk narrow ropes or beams
with greater than normal chances of success. He can negotiate any narrow
surface not angles up or down more than 45 degrees.
Tracking: Characters with tracking proficiency are able to follow the trail
of creatures and characters across most types of terrain. The tracker can
also attempt to identify the type of creatures being followed and the
approximate number.
Tumbling: The character is practiced in all manners of acrobatics- dives,
rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be
performed while burdened with light encumberance or less. Aside from
entertaining, the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his
Armor Class by 4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round of
combat, provided he has initiative and foregoes all attacks that round.
When in unarmed combat he can improve his attack roll by 2.
On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the
normal damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from falls of 10 feet
or less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.
4.) The Knight of the Black Rose (Lord Soth)
'The Knight Of The Black Rose', as told by Kitiara to Ariakas...
Taken From 'Dragons of Spring Dawning', DL Chr #3, Pp 147-149...
"As you know," began Kitiara, "Lord Soth was a true and noble
knight of Solamnia. But he was an intensely passionate man, lacking in self-
discipline, and this was his downfall.
"Soth fell in love with a beautiful elfmaid, a disciple of the
Kingpriest of Istar. He was married at the time, but thought of his wife
vanished at the sight of the elfmaid's beauty. Forsaking both his sacred
marriage vows and his knightly vows, Soth gave in to his passion. Lying to the
girl, he seduced her and brought her to live at Dargaard Keep, promising to
marry her. His wife disappeared under sinister circumstances."
Kitiara shrugged, then continued:
"According to what I've heard of the song, the elfmaid remained true
to the knight, even after she discovered his terrible misdeeds. She prayed to
the Goddess Mishakal that the knight be allowed to redeem himself and,
apparently, her prayers were answered. Lord Soth was given the power to
prevent the Catacylsm, though it would mean sacrificing his own life.
"Strengthened by the love of the girl he had wronged, Lord Soth left
for Istar, fully intending to stop the Kingpriest and restore his shattered
"But the knight was halted in his journey by elven women, disciples of
the Kingpriest, who knew of Lord Soth's crime and threatened to ruin him. To
weaken the effects of the elfmaid's love, they intimated that she had been
unfaithful to him in his absence.
"Soth's passions took hold of him, destroying his reason. In a jealous
rage he rode back to Dargaard Keep. Entering his door, he accused the innocent
girl of betraying him. Then the Catacylsm fell. The great chandelier in the
entryway fell to the floor, consuming the elfmaid and her child in flames. As
she died, she called down a curse upon the knight, condeming him to eternal,
dreadful life. Soth and his followers perished in the fire, only to be reborn
in hideous form."
"So this is what he hears," Ariakas murmured, listening.
And in the climate of dreams
When you recall her, when the world of the dream
expands, wavers in light,
when you stand at the edge of blessedness and sun,
Then we shall make you remember,
shall make you live again
through the long denial of body
For you were first dark in the light's hollow,
expanding like a stain, a cancer
For you were the shark in the slowed water
beginning to move
For you were the notched head of a snake,
sensing forever warmth and form
For you were inexplicable death in the crib,
the long house in betrayal
And you were more terrible than this
in a loud alley of visions,
for you passed through unharmed, unchanging
As the women screamed, unraveling silence,
halving the door of the world,
bringing forth monsters
As a child opening in parabolas of fire
There at the borders
of two lands burning
As the world split, wanting to swallow you back
willing to give up everything
to lose you in darkness.
You passed through these unharmed, unchanging,
but now you see them
strung on your words<64><73>on your own conceiving
as you pass from night<68><74>to awareness of night
to know that hatred is the calm of philosophers
that its price is forever
that it draws you through meteors
through winter's transfixion
through the blasted rose
through the sharks' water
through the black compression of oceans
through rock<63><6B>through magma
to yourself<6C><66>to an abscess of nothing
that you will recognize as nothing
that you will know is coming again and again
under the same rules.
5.) AD&D Character Sheets Info.
These sheets were designed, generally, as helpers for DM's and such.
Feel free to pluck these out of the newsletter and print them out. ;)
5.1) AD&D Character Sheet
((I))1((C))6((S))1Advanced Dundeons & Dragons
2nd Edition((S))0((C))0((I))0
Align_________________ Race____________ Class_____________ Level_____________
Player Name_________________________Family______________Race/Clan_____________
Sex____________ Age__________ Social Class_________________Status_____________
Ht.________ Wt._______ Birth Rank__________________________#Siblings__________
Hair________________ Eyes_____________ Appereance_____________________________
Honor_______________ (Base Honor_____________________) Reaction Adj.__________
((C))2STR [_____] Hit Prob [_____] Wgt [_____] Max Press [_____]
Dmg Adj. [_____] Op Drs [_____] BB/LB [_____]
DEX [_____] Rctn Adj. [_____] Mssl Att Adj. [_____] Def Adj. [_____]
CON [_____] HP Adj [_____] Sys Shk [_____] Res Sur [_____]
Pois Save [_____] Regen [_____]
INT [_____] #Lang [_____] Spell Lvl [_____] Lrn Sp [_____]
Spl/Lvl [_____] Spell Imm. [_____]
WIS [_____] Mag Def Adj. [_____] Bonus Spl [_____] Spell Fail[_____]
Spell Imm. [_____]
CHR [_____] Max Hench [_____] Loy Base [_____] Rctn Adj [_____]
COM [_____]((C))0
((I))1((C))6 ((S))1Movement Saving Throws((S))0((C))0((I))0
Base Rate [_______] | Modifier Save
| Paralyze/
Light ( ) _______ | ________ Poison ________
Mod ( ) _______ | Rod, Staff,
| ________ or Wand ________
Hvy ( ) _______ |
| Petrify/
Svr ( ) _______ | ________ Polymorph ________
Jog ( x 2 ) _______ | Breath
| ________ Weapon ________
Run ( x 3 ) _______ |
Run ( x 4 ) _______ | ________ Spells ________
Run ( x 5 ) _______
((C))1Hit Points((C))0 [____/____]
((C))1Wounds((C))0 ________________________________________________________________
((C))2Armor Class((C))0 [____/____] ((C))6Armor Type (Pieces)
((C))2Surprised((C))0 [_____] _______________________________________________
((C))2Shieldless((C))0 [_____] _______________________________________________
((C))2Rear((C))0 [_____] _______________________________________________
Defenses ____________________________________________________________________
((I))1((C))1((S))1------------ Weapon Combat -----------((C))0((I))0((S))0
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
___________________ #AT ______ ATT/DMG Adj. _______________ THAC0 ________
Damage [_____/_____] Range ________________
Weight _________ Size _____ Type ___ Speed _________
((B))1Special Attacks((B))0 ___________________________________________________________
_____________________ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
_____________________ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
_____________________ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
((B))1Special Abbilities:((B))0
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
_________________________ (____/____) _________________________ (____/____)
Item Location Wt. Item Location Wt.
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
__________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____
Water/Wine: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Rations : [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Feed : [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
((B))1Treasure :((B))0
Coins : PP [_____] = 5GP [_____] = 2EP [_____] = 5SP[_____] = 10CP [_____]
Gems : ___________________________________________________________________
((B))1Other Valubles :((B))0 __________________________________________________________
((B))1Miscelaneous Information (Magic Items, Command Words, Small Maps, etc.)((B))0
((B))1Henchmen/Animal Companions((B))0
((B))1Name((B))0 ________________________________ AC _______ Race/Class _______________
HD/Lvl _________ #AT ______ THAC0 ______ Dmg/Efcts __________ HP_____
Skills/Abilities _________________________________________________________
((B))1Name((B))0 ________________________________ AC _______ Race/Class _______________
HD/Lvl _________ #AT ______ THAC0 ______ Dmg/Efcts __________ HP_____
Skills/Abilities _________________________________________________________
((B))1Name((B))0 ________________________________ AC _______ Race/Class _______________
HD/Lvl _________ #AT ______ THAC0 ______ Dmg/Efcts __________ HP_____
Skills/Abilities _________________________________________________________
((B))1Name((B))0 ________________________________ AC _______ Race/Class _______________
HD/Lvl _________ #AT ______ THAC0 ______ Dmg/Efcts __________ HP_____
Skills/Abilities _________________________________________________________
((B))1Name((B))0 ________________________________ AC _______ Race/Class _______________
HD/Lvl _________ #AT ______ THAC0 ______ Dmg/Efcts __________ HP_____
Skills/Abilities _________________________________________________________
6.) AD&D In-Depth Spells Listing
These are ancient magical spells used about the beginning of the Christian
era (circa 100 BC to AD 100) by Egyptian "goetes", i.e. street magicians, who
dispensed advice and cast spells - for a fee of course. These "goetes" are not
to be confused with "magoi", the serious magician who could conjure up the dead
for advice or summon the help of a divine entity (demons to the Christians but
"daimones" to the greek speaking Mediterranean world. Socrates the philosopher
attributed some of his ideas as coming from a "daimon" that spoke to him in his
I have extracted a few of the spells translated into english from the
original greek and demotic (common) egyptian languages in K. Preisendanz's
book "Papyri Graecae Magicae". This work does also contain some more elaborate
spells that these "goetes" believed derived from the invocations of the
"magoi", but which modern academicians suspect were really imitations of the
"real thing" intended to impress the customer.
Here goes:
PGM I:222-231 (Translation by E. N. O'Neil)
Indispensable invisibility spell: Take fat or an eye of a nightowl and dung
rolled by a [scarab] beetle and oil of an unripe olive and grind them all
together until smooth, and smear your whole body with it and say to [the god]
Helios: "I adjure you by your great name, BORKE PHOIOUR IO ZIZIA APARXEOUCH
EAO," and moisten it and say in addition: "Make me invisible, lord Helios, AEO
OAE EIE EAO, in the presence of any man until sunset, IO IO O PHRIXRIZO EOA."
PGM I:232-247 (Translation by E. N. O'Neil)
Memory spell: Take heiratic [unused] papyrus and write the prescribed names
with Hermaic myrrh ink. And once you have written them as prescribed [see
next paragraph], wash them off into spring water from 7 springs and drink the
water on an empty stomach for seven days while the moon is in the east. But
drink a sufficient amount. This is the writing on the strip of papyrus:
wash the writing off and drink as is prescribed. This is also the composition
of the ink: myrrh troglitis, 4 drams; 3 karian figs, 7 pits of Nikolaus
dates, 7 dried pinecones, 7 piths of the single stemmed wormwood, 7 wings of
the Hermaic ibis [bird], spring water. when you have burned the ingredients,
prepare them and write.
PGM I:247-262 (Translation by E. N. O'Neil)
Tested spell for invisibility: A great work. Take an eye of an ape or of a
corpse that has died a violent death and a plant of peony (he means the rose).
Rub these with an oil of lily, and as you are rubbing them from the right to
the left, say the spell as follows: "I am ANUBIS, I am OSIR-PHRE, I am OSOT
SORONOUIER, I am OSIRIS whom SETH destroyed. Rise up, infernal daimon, IO
ERBETH IO PHOBETH IO PAKERBETH IO APOMPS; Whatever I, NN [i. e. the name of the
person invoking the spell], order you to do, be obedient to me."
And if you wish to become invisible, rub just your face with the concoction,
and you will be invisible for as long as you wish. And if you wish to be visible
again, move from west to east and say this name [see the next paragraph], and
you will be obvious and visible to all men.
The name is: "MARMARIAOTH MARMARIPHEGGE, make me, NN [i. e. the name if the
person invoking the spell], visible to all men on this day, immediately,
immediately, quickly, quickly!" This works very well.
So there you have it. I have enclosed my own comments with square brackets
"[ ]" but preserved original insertions of comments by the ancient transcriber
with parentheses "( )". The source of these quotations is "The Greek Magical
Papyri In Translation: Including The Demotic Spells", Volume One: Texts, Edited
by Hans Dieter Betz, c. 1986, and have been cited for instructional purposes
7.) A D&D Realms Listing
WORTUN: This island-kingdom is nation of sailors. All the
major trade routes end up here because this is where they
can BUY sailors (sailors are sold and bought legally).
Some strangers to this area are taken into sailing and
bought and sold by the government. The current ruler is
King Uest. The military of this nation is average. Even
though the Royal Navy is the most powerful known navy, the
ground troops are not so good. The military consists of
350 warships (with captain and crew), 150 frigates (for
scouting and piracy suppression), and 250,000 ground troops
(all are trained as marines). The very few poor people
there are usually can be found in the 4 cities made
especially for the poor (the cities are known as City-1,
City-2, etc.). The government is not especially powerful
or weak, it is just accepted. This area is also the main
Spelljamming port...
DRAWMI: This nation is one of the strongest exporters of
goods. Their military is also quite powerful, made up of
only 250,000 people, this army is still feared. Their navy
is below average. The reason for little religion in this
area is because most citizens believe religion is a waste
of time. Though there are still some who believe. The
current ruler is King Gextor. He is highly liked and
respected in the community. In fact, anyone heard saying
something evil about him is usually killed by the people
who here that, and if the person who heard it can prove the
dead person did say it, the murderer is rewarded. Every
year, the King holds a tournament and fair on the shores of
the Lake of Drawmi, anything bought here is bought at 50%
of the normal cost (military gear and weapons may NOT be
bought). All Spelljamming ships are confiscated and used
by the military (though very few ships are ever
RESLOC: This area has even export and import. The main
export is religious items (holy symbols, prayer books,
etc.), though there are other things. The military is not
very big (only around 120,000 people), but they are
powerful for their size. This is so because the women and
men in the army feel they are fighting under the protection
of their god. This area, as you can see, is highly
religious. About 99% of the citizens are religious. This
area is the where the mainstream of worshippers of Chryton
come to worship. There is no middle class in this nation.
The current ruler is High Priest Cronos. There is quite a
bit of Spelljamming here because of the large number of
YELNEM: This area has suffered through many wars, almost
all of the wars were won by their side. Though they won a
lot, their army has been depleted to normal size. The army
on land used to rival to the power of Wortun's Royal Navy
on the water, but the casualties were overwhelming on their
side during the last war (about 5 years ago). The numbers
of the Yelnemian Royal Army fell from almost 1,000,000 to
about 273,000. It seems that the last war only brought
strength to the government (one of their tactics was to
force all the rebels into the army). As the population
lessened the quality of life grew. The current ruler is
Duke Stephon (The King and Prince were killed in battle).
The Spelljamming is low, but growing fast because the Duke
is an ex-Spelljammer...
VORTEX: This nation has no trade at all because it's a
nation of self-supplying Mages. There is no military
because no country is foolish enough to attack the Mages.
The population is only about 2,000 mages, so the quality of
life is high. All non-believers of Arnetism are
immediately killed (if found). The "major cities" markings
on the map are not cities, but the towers of the most
powerful Mages. There is no government, so there are no
laws. This is a popular place for robbing and the like, so
it is unwise to travel through this area. The only reason
borders exist is because the two most powerful mages want
them to so no one will invade their privacy (which doesn't
work to well, sometimes...). This area has no Spelljamming
ports, but many ships land here looking for more powerful
PARDEQUE: This area's army is only rivaled by the Sherquon
Elven Army. This nation of dwarves is highly based on
military operations. The government is LOVED! All the
citizens would die for their Emporer. The current ruler is
Emporer Denizer. This nation is an empire because it
recently conquered Deloster (they did this 2 months ago and
because it has many mines to supply jobs for the dwarves).
The trade, quality of life, and religious beliefs are
average. This area has little to no Spelljamming because
Stargate's dwarves all get Spelljamming sick quite fast...
DELOSTER: This recently conquered nation is Pardeque's
money and job source. This nation is allowed to keep it's
government and rulers, but the rulers have to answer to
Emporer Denizer. This area's main export is mined
minerals. The military is fairly weak in this Dwarven
province. The current ruler is Governer Steelarm.
Religion and government status is average. The
Spelljamming is the same as Pardeque...
PENTOQUE: The quality of life of this evil nation is low.
The only people with high style lives are the friends of
evil High Priest Dorak. All citizens are forced to follow
the religion of Kolene. Some people resist because this
religion involves the sacrifice of 8 year-old human
females, but those who do are killed by the High Army. The
High Army is a known threat to all nations (not just on
Stargate...). This small area once belonged to Horus, but
as soon as High Priest Dorak created the High Army, he put
up the walls around his kingdom and declared it his. Horus
was wise enough not to attack. There are few Spelljamming
ships allowed in this area though there is a port. To be
allowed to land you must have proof that the High Priest
wants you to...
HORUS: The trade of this area used to be high, but with
the loss of Pentoque, trade has lessened. Government and
Religion are stressed as job openings to the young (that is
why there are such few adventurers from this nation). The
military is feared by the weaker nations, but not the
powerful ones. The quality of life could be considered
decent for most people there. The current ruler is King
Kerxn. This is area has many Spelljamming ports...
SHERQUON: This area is the perfect nation for all people.
This Elven ruled nation is sometimes called "Paradise On
Sarlos" because it really is. Everything is almost
perfect. To even be allowed to enter this area you have to
be one of the best in your field. To be a citizen (to live
there) you must be the closest thing your race can come to
perfection. The population is mostly elves (because the
king is elven). The Sherquon Elven Army is a major army
used only for protection, not attacks. The current ruler
is King Tury the Nimble, a great elven warrior. This
area's Spelljamming might is amazing, but not as amazing as
Wortun's... things. The military is not very big (only
around 120,000 people)
8.) AD&D Terms(Etc) Glossary
This is a list of the common abbreviations and phrases used in AD&D.
AC - Armor Class
AL - Alignment
Cha - Charisma
Con - Constitution
d - dice or die, a roll that calls for 2d6, for example, means that the
player rolls two six-sided dice.
DM - Dungeon Master, the person who runs the module
DMG - refers to the Dungeon Master's Guide
DAM - Damage, or how much damage something does
Dex - Dexterity
EXP or XP - Experience Points
HTD - Hit Dice, the dice rolled to determine a character's/creature's Hit
HTP - Hit points
INIT - Initiative, the order of players and creatures in combat
Int - Intelligence
LVL - Level, the level of skill/ability of a character/creature
Melee - combat
NPC - NonPlayer Character, a character run by the DM
PC - Player Character, characters under the control of the player(you)
Prime Requisite - the ability score that is most important to a specific
Class (STR for a fighter, for example)
Prof - Proficiency, includes Weapon and NonWeapon Proficiencies.
ROF - Rate of fire, how fast you can fire/throw a missile weapon (ex. bow)
Round - in combat, a segment of time approx. 1 minute long, during which a
character can accomplish one action. Ten combat rounds equal 1 turn.
Save or Saving Throw - a measure of a character's ability to resist special
types of attacks, especially poison, paralyzation, magic, and breath
STR - Strength
THAC0 - To Hit Armor Class Zero(0), the number that a character needs to hit
a target with AC0
THT - To Hit, the number a character needs to hit a specific target.
WIS - Wisdom
9.) The Final<61>
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
As stated before, all suggestions / articles are warmly welcomed on the system.
That's all she wrote, see you next issue... 'ave fun!
- Lord Soth, SysOp of Soth's Domain (401\785.0347)