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Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
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November 12, 1990
A Partial History of Experiments
in Occultic Practices and Religious Belief Systems
by Jerry W. Decker
In my early teens, my family was Pentecost. As I became more
exposed to literature, science and other belief systems, I found
myself asking why were we not allowed to do some things. There was
no logical reason presented.
For instance, people were not allowed to dance, women were not
allowed to wear makeup and all were forbidden from doing things
which either beautified or gave great enjoyment.
I then attended other churches, Baptist, Protestant, Catholic,
Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodist, etc..and found similar but different
prohibitions. Again, no congruency though many used the same bible
as a source of guidance.
Since the study of occultism seemed to be expressly forbidden by all
of the versions of Christian faith into which I looked, it seemed
that investigation into this area might shed some light.
This all congealed between the ages of 11 to 13. From that point, I
refused to attend church of any kind unless I so desired. It was a
great problem at first, but eventually my family yielded to my
My first field of study involved simple witchcraft. This included
the verbalization of spells and chants, candle-burning for mental
concentration and focalization of emotion. Then followed Voodoo,
Romany/Gypsy magic and finally Ceremonial Magick.
Of course, divination in the form of cartomancy (cards), scrying
(crystal gazing), Tarot, Ouija, seances, amulets/talismans,
hypnotism, Hexerei (Pennsylvania Dutch hexes), UFO's, telepathy,
astral projection and other metaphysical or unexplained phenomena
all came under investigation also.
It might be of interest to recount some experiences which actually
happened during the course of my investigations.
On one occasion during my studies in hypnotism at about 14-15, a
group of kids and I were at a friend's house. They knew of my
interests and just thought them weird.
Dirk Blacksher was the friend who allowed me to use him as a subject
for hypnosis. He was not the only one, just the most spectacular. I
brought him under and we tried various experiments.
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One suggestion informed him that he was in icy cold water at which
his skin became cold, he evinced shivers and showed a mild version
of chills.
The next suggestion informed him that he was in a steamy hot area at
which he began to sweat. This was followed by having him lift a
"balsa-wood" desk with one hand. When he was conscious, he could
only lift the desk with both hands and under some degree of effort,
hypnotized, it was effortless.
We also did the pin-prick test, to which he showed no pain or
recognition on the insertion of the pin.
His mother then called us downstairs to send him to the store. We
all went down with Dirk still under. Of course, everyone told his
mother (Jan) that he was hypnotized at which she simply laughed and
began giving instructions as to what she wanted.
When Dirk showed no recognition of her and she could not awaken him
(his eyes were open), she became mildly hysterical, demanding that I
bring him out of it.
After failing to calm her, I brought Dirk out by a backwards
countdown to wakefulness. He remembered nothing of the entire
episode. My friends and I were elated with the experience but
Dirk's mother had somewhat different feelings in the matter.
She would not allow me to come to their house for almost 3 months.
This included forbidding her two sons from talking or associating
with me. We did so on the sly anyway.
While studying Romany (Gypsy) magic at about 15, I found mention of
a god known as Jandra - God of Fire. A friend, Randall Nail, had a
reputation of being a major moocher. He would also say things about
people behind their backs and deny them when confronted. Well, he
did this to me one too many times.
It just so happened that I found a spell calling upon Jandra to
punish anyone who told lies behind your back. This punishment was
to take the form of sickness, though not specified as to what kind
of sickness.
Randall had a brother, Wayne, who was also a friend of mine. I told
him I was planning to teach Randall a lesson and test the Jandra
spell at the same time.
About 3 PM on a pleasant summer day, we went into an abandoned house
and burned a newspaper in the kitchen sink. The fire was to invoke
Jandra as a fire elemental who would then carry out the spell
against the perpetrator of the lies.
After we finished about 3:45, we wandered around the neighborhood
and endedup at Wayne's house about 6:30 PM. We then sat with
Wayne's family (mother, 2 brothers and a sister present) watching TV
and talking. Wayne's mother asked what we had been doing and Wayne
promptly told her about the casting of the spell.
He then said that Randall was supposed to get sick if he told lies
about someone. She laughed as did the rest of the family and they
kidded us about believing such nonsense.
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Well, about 7:30, we heard a strange noise outside the garage of the
darkened house. When it persisted, we turned on the porch light and
found Randall leaning against the garage and throwing up. His face
wa very pale and he said he felt terrible.
Randall's mother then gave me a very mad look and told me to leave
and not come back. I was banned from visiting or associating with
them for over 2 months. At school, we found that Randall had been
with one of our other mutual friends.
We asked that friend what had gone on and he told us the lie that
Randall had spoken against me that afternoon after the spell had
been cast. Coincidence? Maybe so, but a most gratifying
experience, all in all.
Another time, at about the age of 15, I was studying Voodoo. There
was a man who I did not like at the time. I will not write his name
or relationship as people still live who would be upset by this.
The instructions called for a potato to be carved into the shape of
a human body. A witness in the form of hair, spittle, sweat or
other body material OR failing that, their signature or name written
on a piece of paper OR a photograph.
The term witness refers to a resonant link with the targeted object.
I performed the ritual and consecrated the effigy (the potato) in
the victims name. Pins were then stuck in the heart of the effigy.
Up to this time, the targeted victim had no history of heart
problems and was in the peak of health. I placed the effigy in the
top of a darkened closet after completing the full ritual.
No one was told of this at the time. About two weeks later, I
answered the telephone and was told that this person had suffered a
critical heart attack. He had mounted a horse and seconds later
fell off. The doctor said he was dead before he hit the ground.
I immediately ran to the closet and took down the effigy. All the
pins were removed and the effigy was burned but of course, the
damage was done. Needless to say, I was quite shaken.
Later studies led to true Ceremonial Magic using geometric patterns
and the Names of Power. Nothing astounding came from these
experiments possibly because I could find no one to participate.
Ceremonial Magic is difficult to perform alone, but I did manage to
carry out a few experiments. The multiplication of psychic force
comes from either blood sacrifice and/or the addition of focussed
thoughts and emotions as clearly specified in the Bible.
Hexerei involved the focussing of concentration on clouds for
dispersion or accumulation. I found that I could make it rain or
rain harder by intense concentration. My boss, Mr. Dabbs and I used
to bet that the rain would not get worse. I won about 90% of the
bets but sometimes at the expense of a headache. This was at the
age of 12-14.
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Another odd thing happened which borders on the witch's concept of
the "familiar." Familiars are spirits, elementals or demons who
assist the witch to carry out their activities.
Compensation comes from psychic energy or a direct drain of blood
through an appendage known as a "witches tit". This tit is said to
most commonly be located under the left armpit, although it can be
anywhere on the body. The familiar suckles from the tit to absorb
lifeforce in the form of blood.
As a further point of interest, there is another type of demon,
sometimes helpful, sometimes disastrous, known as the incubus or
succubus. These creatures come in the night to absorb the lifeforce
which is carried in sexual fluids.
They intentionally excite the victim to the point of ejaculation. I
have not personally experienced this particular type of entity. I
believe incubi are male and succubi are female.
Although I never had such an appendage as a witches tit, I did have
a strange experience in the form of a crow as a pet. This animal
might have been likened to a familiar though in truth, I don't think
he was.
My brother and I used to sell Christmas cards, magazine
subscriptions and things of that nature door-to-door. About the age
of 12, I went to the house of Mrs. Wallis and while talking with her
I heard a strange noise. On inquiring what that was, she showed me
a crow in a bird cage which she said had been stealing pecans from
her pecan trees.
One thing led to another and I convinced her to give him to me. I
promptly clipped his wingtips and named him Bill. My brother and
sister were interested but not as fascinated as I with the bird. He
seemed to be extraordinarily intelligent and his eyes sparkled with
Once he trusted me, I let his wings grow to their fullness and let
him loose in the house. That was followed by a tether outside,
which later was discarded.
Bill stayed on top of my grandmother's house and would come when I
called. He would be high in the sky and I could hold up my forearm,
pat it and call "Come Bill" and he would swoop down and land on my
At that time, I was in the 5th and 6th grade and had bought a Vespa
motorscooter from Sears. Bill would fly over me wherever I went in
town or country. The neighborhood kids thought it wonderful and I
enjoyed him immensely.
We lived one half block from school and Bill would come to me,
flying over the playground at recess. He then somehow located my
classroom and would land on the sill and march back and forth
wanting in.
Mrs. Storm would finally ask me to please remove my pet, at which I
had to go outside and explain to him that he must not disturb the
class. He would not repeat this for some time after.
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The strange part about this crow was that he learned to talk! I did
not believe it at first until the neighbor kids told me they had
heard him talking.
My brother and sister and friends used to sit on my grandmother's
porch during the summer and eat watermelon and candy. Bill would
sit on the fence and watch us.
We would throw him a chunk of melon which he would catch and eat.
Sometimes we would give him candy which he liked very much.
One day we were eating candy in the form of a cinnamon cube on a
stick and Bill was obviously wanting to try that. I broke off a
small piece and gave it to him.
He ate it and shook his head during the process. After he finished,
I noticed blood in his mouth and around his beak.
He then flew off and was gone for several days. When he returned,
nothing appeared to be different and I inspected his mouth which was
now perfectly healed.
About two weeks later, my friends told me the bird could talk. This
sounded too impossible, so I just laughed and said so.
One Saturday morning the week after hearing this, I was sleeping
late and heard someone outside call "Jerry, come out and play!"
I thought it was one of the kids from the Wright family and stayed
in bed. The neighborhood kids would say this phrase whenever they
came over during the summer or the weekends during school.
After hearing this several times, I noticed it sounded strange, kind
of tinny or mechanical. I opened the door and no one was around.
This time I clearly heard the mechanical voice say, "Jerry, come out
and play!" and it came from the roof. I stepped outside and Bill
peeked over the edge of the house.
I then called him down and tried to coerce him to speak while I
watched. To my knowledge, he never spoke when he knew someone was
The local vet told me that birds which don't normally talk could be
made to do so by slitting their tongue. He said this is what must
have happened with the sharp edge of the cinnamon candy.
Needless to say, I gained somewhat of a reputation in my hometown
during that time. The bird simply added to the mystique. Bill
disappeared after about 2 years and was never seen again.
My sister knew of my magical experiments and we talked about love
potions, spells and philtres. She was interested in this one guy in
school and he would not even pay her any attention. Well, I did a
spell for her using candle-burning techniques.
Within the next two weeks, she was dating the guy. I did this
several times and was always amazed at the success of the ritual,
particularly since it did not involve me getting emotionally worked
up for the psychic discharge.
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I can only assume that it had something to do with elementals, since
it used the flame of a colored candle (orange for love, not red for
lust). The fire elemental was "emotionally flavored" by the color
of the candle and the text content of the operational spell.
Another quite interesting experience occurred while I worked as a
cook at a truck stop on the night shift. This was after high school
about the age of 21. I knew most of the waitresses quite well. One
waitress named Maureen was desparately in love with a driver who
lived in Fort Worth and came through about once per week.
Maureen had suffered some problems and I liked her so several times,
I would take them into the country for a rendousvous and pick them
up later.
The guy would not commit to marrying her even though he was free to
do so. It was really hurting Maureen emotionally.
Well, Maureen knew of my early experiments and had discussed some of
the successes with my sister. She asked me to do a love spell for
her and this guy.
I informed her that I would rather teach her how to do it and let
her own energies and obviously powerful emotional attachments be
directed to accomplish her ends.
Anyone who has looked into magical practices, either low or high
magic, should be aware that your instruments are a psychic extension
of yourself.
Once they have been consecrated, they become attached to you as a
wire to a power source. This warning is repeated over and over in
authentic magical treatises. The idea is that you MUST NOT LOAN
YOUR MAGICAL INSTRUMENTS TO ANOTHER. If you do so, then they have
full control of your psychic energy with your full consent.
Well, my instruments were consecrated and used ONLY by me over a
period of several years and with modest success. Each use added to
the overall psychic charge of the instruments as well as "tuned" the
instruments to my energy field.
Maureen did not have the money to buy her own and so coerced me into
loaning her my instruments. Against my better judgement, I gave her
written instructions and the instruments.
I heard nothing from Maureen in the next few weeks. About one week
after the loan of the instruments, I became extremely ill.
I came down with a major fever, loss of appetite and energy and was
TOTALLY BEDRIDDEN for almost seven days. During that period, I
could only drink water and sleep. I went from 205 pounds to 180
pounds! It was as close to DEATH as one could come.
After the seven days, I began to be able to eat again, but had
massive weakness due to the atrophying of muscles during the
One night about two to three weeks after the illness, I saw Maureen.
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She told me she had carried out the candle-burning ritual as I
instructed and would return my instruments within the next few days.
About a week after that, I got a phone call from Fort Worth, it was
a very ecstatic Maureen. She told me she was now married to the guy
and that my equipment was at her mother's house.
ONLY THEN did I realize what had happened. Her successful use of my
magically consecrated instruments had absorbed so much energy from
my system that I became deathly ill.
It could only be so, since I had ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE that she
had carried out the operation OR achieved such a resounding success
at my expense.
On retrieving the instruments, I destroyed them and performed a
banishing ritual to dissolve any lingering patterns. I have not
performed candle-burning since that time, though I would do so if I
felt it necessary.
After the Voodoo experience, I still tried minor experiments but
nothing aimed at harming anyone. There is no doubt in my mind that
there will be repercussions somewhere in my future experiences.
The Law of Compensation (or Retribution) cannot be cancelled or
Science fiction had also been of interest and it is here I came
across the Hieronymous Box in a story by Campbell.
Once I found that a picture could be taken of the person to be
affected, placed in a machine and tuned to that person's body field
to pick up or transmit patterns, I felt that was the best way.
From there, science was the predominant ruler with a secondary
interest in religion, magic and metaphysics. There are many
relationships as one can see when studying multiple disciplines. I
always remember that "Magic is Science of a very high order."
In my studies, I found many things which Christians believe yet
which have no basis in fact. Modern Christians are so polluted in
thought that they can only resort to one source of information, the
King James bible.
I have found that particular version to be so corrupted through
mistranslation, miscopyings and intentional distortions that anyone
who uses it as the sole basis for discussion self-cancels their own
"stated beliefs."
NO ONE can tell you that you will "go to Hell" if you
do not believe their particular ideology!
ANYONE who tells you such things or forcibly attempts
to coerce you by such threats is not worthy of your time.
Walk away, dissociate!
You must discover your own truth!
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I recommend that you consult the widest possible range of sources,
collate what matches and that which you feel most comfortable with.
Only after you have done all that you can to find the truth on your
own, then ask for guidance.
That guidance should come from within.
The "tele-evangelists" are the most despiccable of the new
preachers. They use the very powerful form of television to elicit
funds for their own use. When one looks at any video screen, within
a period of 30 seconds, the person enters a state of alpha -
acceptance to input. This is how many people get "hooked" on this
bullshit which these people flavor to their particular whims.
People are allowing themselves to be subjected to mind control
techniques which are further detailed in the MIND1 to 4 series on
KeelyNet at 214-324-3501.
In time, the simple Law of Compensation will pay back these people,
but look at the damage they will inflict in the meantime. Look at
what happened to Bakker, Roberts and Swaggart.
The Catholic church uses the concept of guilt with the requirement
that you MUST ask forgiveness in the form of intervention from a
properly authorized human (priest).
Of course, churches and priests must have support from the tithes.
This is true for all organized Christian religions which I have
In the first few hundred years of this millenia, Anno Domini, there
were three truly advanced groups which the Catholic church
completely destroyed. The Albigensians, the Cathars and the
What was the primary "heresy" which these groups committed against
the Church? The simple belief that prayer is something to be done
in private. Communion with the EVER-LIVING is to be done by you and
you alone, without the presence of others to see your belief.
The best source for this guidance is from the book of Matthew as
How To Pray
"And when you pray, do not follow the example of the
hypocrites; for they delight to pray STANDING IN THE CROWDS
and at the corners of the squares, SO THAT THEY MAY BE SEEN BY
"I tell you, however, that they receive their wages. But when
YOU pray, enter your chamber, and having shut your door, pray
to your Father in that privacy; and your Father, seeing into
"But when praying, make use of NO BABBLE, like the heathen; for
they imagine that they will be listened to because of their
volubility (great flow of words).
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"Do not therefore imitate them; for your Father knows your
Being an AGNOSTIC (one who believes it impossible 'at present' to
KNOW that GOD exists, the proof is not all in), I don't consider
myself to be "religious".
From the many things I have seen and experienced, there is without
doubt some greater power and many lesser powers.
The closest analogy I can find is that of the gestalt - a
combination of smaller energies to yield a far greater, yet
functioning as one, single energy. Therefore, we are all cells in
the mind of GOD.
To me, the closest thing to making sense is that of the Huna
philosophy of the ancient Hawaiians. They follow a very simple
"Hurt No One."
For my own practices, I have modified that to
"Hurt no one, WITH INTENT."
This paper is being placed on KeelyNet for two purposes, to let
people know that there is without doubt in my mind, MAGIC, and to
show that there are other ways of acquiring information and
Science can be "organic" and juicy, not dry and sterile. The files
on KeelyNet show that there are EXCITING things coming. We have
made many contacts with others who see the truth of this and share
information as we do. Thank you for listening..........Jerry
Quotes are taken from "The Holy Bible in Modern English" translated
direct from the original Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek languages by
Ferrar Fenton.
As with all KeelyNet files, this paper has
no copyright and can be freely copied and distributed.
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics
as this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the
Vangard Sciences address as listed on the first page.
Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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