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Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
PO BOX 1031
Mesquite, TX 75150
August 26, 1990
The End of the World
a commentary by Jerry W. Decker
Amid recent world events, many people we know and come in contact
with have voiced concern that the end times might be upon us as
predicted in the biblical chapter of Revelations.
The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq with the subsequent increase in oil
prices brought on armed responses from the majority of world powers
directed at Iraq and the actions of Saddam Hussein.
These armed responses have included trade embargoes and is likely to
lead to a condition of war, not yet decided at the time of this
As a matter of curiosity, I dug out some information regarding
Revelations and a relatively successful "modern" seer known as
Nostradamus. It seems timely to include this on the KeelyNet for
those who might find it of interest.
The Biblical reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse tells
what will precede the final days.
And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on
the throne a book written within and on the backside,
sealed with seven seals.
The book could only be opened by he who was worthy and that person
proved to be the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David,
known as Jesus Christ.
Apocalypse came from the Greek word "apokalyptein - to disclose".
It is defined as ANY revelation of a violent struggle in WHICH EVIL
As the seals were broken, the following events transpired :
Seal One - A white horse sprung forth, bearing a crowned man
CONQUER holding a bow. His task was to CONQUER, a distinct
indication of war.
Seal Two - A red horse sprung forth, mounted by a man holding
POWER a great sword. He had POWER and his task was to
take peace from the earth, that men should kill one
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Seal Three - A black horse sprung forth, mounted by a man
FAMINE holding a pair of balances in his hand. A voice
said, "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three
measures of barley for a penny; and SEE thou hurt
not the oil and the wine." This can be interpreted
Seal Four - A pale horse sprang forth, mounted by Death, and
DEATH Hell followed with him. Power was given to them to
kill with sword, hunger and death, and with the
beasts of the earth. Here we have Pestilence,
disease and death.
Seal Five - Released were the souls of them who were slain for
REST the word of God. White robes were given to them
and they were told to rest yet awhile longer, UNTIL
Seal Six - A great earthquake was released which blotted the
EARTHQUAKE sun and darkened the moon. The stars of heaven
rained down onto the Earth as if shaken from the
sky. Heaven rolled back and every mountain and
island moved from their places.
Prior to the opening of the Seventh Seal comes the time which the
Pentecost faith terms the "Rapture". Rapture defined is the state
of being carried away with joy, love, etc. - ecstasy.
Rapture in a biblical context begins when God instructs the four
angels standing on the four corners of the Earth to hurt not the
Earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the
servants of our God in their foreheads.
This is where the number 144,000 comes in taken from the tribes of
the children of Israel. 12,000 from each of 12 tribes.
At this event, are large numbers of people dressed in white robes.
These are they which came out of the great tribulation (exacted by
the Four Horsemen), and who have washed their robes to become white
in the blood of the Lamb.
All those before the throne of God shall hunger no more, neither
shall they thirst, neither shall the sun light on them nor any heat.
Only after the Rapture is the Seventh Seal opened, which we will not
pursue. Our main concern here is the Four Horsemen and what threat
they might represent to our future.
The celebrated seer Nostradamus was born in December, 1503, in Remy
De Provence, in the south-east of France, even as a child he showed
pronounced intellectual and precognitive powers.
Although qualified as a doctor, he was powerfully attracted to
astrology or what he called "the celestial science".
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In 1555, after months of seclusion in his secret study, Nostradamus
published the first of ten books, ALL simply titled Centuries. Each
volume contained 100 prophecies, all written in an enigmative
verse-form. They covered every country, every period in time, every
individual of note - born or unborn.
In Quatrain Three of Century One, he says, "The litters are
overturned by the whirlwind and faces are covered by cloaks, the new
republic will be troubled by its people. At this time the reds and
whites will rule wrongly."
This was seen as a prevision of the 1789 French Revolution, when
what Nostradamus called "The Common Advent" - or the seizing of the
power by the mob - took place. The 'reds' referred to the colour of
the bloodthirsty Revolutionaries, led by Robespierre, and the
'whites' to the colour of the overthrown Bourbon rulers.
The unsuccessful flight of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to
Varennes in 1791 was graphically described in these words :
By night will come through the forest of Rheines
Two partners by roundabout way;
The queen, the white stone,
The monk-king dressed in grey at Varennes,
The elected Capet causes tempest, fire and bloody slicing.
The king, of course was a member of the Capet royal line while
'bloody slicing' was the guillotine.
In the same way, he predicted Napoleon:
An emperor will be born near Italy,
Who will cost the Empire very dearly.
And the emergence of Adolf Hitler (referred to as 'Hister') :
In the mountains of Austria, near the Rhine
there will be born of simple parents
A man who will claim to defend Poland and Hungary
And whose fate will never be certain.
Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers,but
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
The Great Fire of London was predicted in this verse :
The blood of the just will be demanded of London
Burnt by fire in three times twenty plus six.
Italians had a habit of leaving out the first numeral on dates
giving us 3 X 20 + 6 = 666 or 1666.
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Before the Great Fire was the Great Plague, predicted by the
following :
The Great Plague of that maritime city
Shall not cease till death is avenged;
For the blood of the just taken and condemned through
And the Great Dame outraged by feigning saints.
'Feigning saints' is a reference to the Puritans while the 'Great
Dame' is St. Paul's Cathedral, which was destroyed in the fire.
Other interpreters have seen the Great Plague as a form of divine
retribution targeted the masses who did nothing when Charles I was
When King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 for the love of American
divorcess, Mrs. Wallis Simpson, Nostradamus predicted :
For not wanting to consent to the divorce,
Which afterwards will be recognised as unworthy,
The king of the islands will be forced to flee
And one put in his place who has no sign of kingship.
King George VI was crowned in his brother Edwards' place, although
he had no experience or training in kingship. George was also
physically frail and stuttered.
One of the lines seems to indicate the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki
and Hiroshima :
Near the harbour and in two cities will be two scourges
the like of which have never been seen
During the war, the Nazis rewrote certain verses of the Centuries
volumes which mentioned Hister. These doctored versions were spread
as leaflets over France with the intent that they would play on the
superstitious and natural distrust of the British.
In a turnabout ploy, British Intelligence favorable rewrote sections
to their benefit and distributed thousands of copies in the form of
a German astrological magazine called ZENIT. This magazine had
ceased publication in 1939.
What of our times? Specifically the years preceding the long
foretold end which is said will come in the year 2000.
A third war is clearly foretold in the Centuries and is predicted to
begin before the year 2000. When two great powers unite in a common
alliance against the East.
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Here we see a seeming fulfillment through the unfolding of recent
Specific events:
1) Russia releases its hold on many of its countries and is
becoming more friendly with America.
2) China, seemingly on the verge of democracy, is suddenly
pulled back into the Communist grip.
3) Iraq invades Kuwait and calls for a Jehad or religious
war to call forth the faithful to destroy the unbelievers.
4) South Africa continues in its efforts to destroy apartheid
which has resulted in tens of thousands of useless deaths.
5) Latin America and the Philippines continue to have
problems with the formation and stability of their own
6) Japan continues to increase its outside investments as
well as fortify its financial position worldwide.
7) The reunification of the two Germany's for the Fourth
Reich is imminent.
What among these recent happenings does our friend Nostradamus see
as representing the greatest danger?
When those of the Northern Pole are united together
In the East will be great fear and dread....
One day the two great leaders will be friends,
The New Land will be at the height of its powers,
To the man of blood the number is repeated.
The unification of the countries of the Northern Pole could mean
either the Germany's or the agreement of America and Russia to
achieve common goals.
The East could mean the Arabs or the Chinese, although at this time
August 25, 1990, the Arabs present the greatest and most obvious
The New Land is a common name which Nostradamus uses for America.
The 'man of blood' is identified as the world's third Anti-Christ
(with Napoleon and Hitler being the 1st and 2nd). This man will
emerge from China.
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We have 9 years until the century mark of 2000. Nostradamus has
given what he sees as the precise date of the final destruction :
In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror...
Before and afterwards WAR reigns happily...
July 1999, the precise date of the Final War.
Who is this King of Terror? There are no other clues regarding this
person or event in the Centuries.
Will it be an invasion from another country or from an alien race?
We continue to come across indications of technologies or principles
which could lead to advanced technologies.
However, FUNDING IS ALL in this reality.
Will we be in a position to defend ourselves? Will our technology
at that time have grown sufficiently to match the King of Terror who
will descend from the skies?
Who knows? Perhaps if we can motivate, focus, organize and give of
ourselves for a common, more universal good, we can yet thwart this
If you have comments or other information relating to such topics as
this paper covers, please upload to KeelyNet or send to the Vangard
Sciences address as listed on the first page. Thank you for your
consideration, interest and support.
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 484-3189
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