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April 17, 1991
Geological mystery lies deep below state
Deep, very deep, in the heart of South Georgia, miles beneath the
tiny crossroads town of Surrency, lies a mysterious, newly
discovered geologic formation never detected anywhere else in the
Geologists say the "Surrency Bright Spot," nine miles beneath South
Georgia's piney woods, may be an ancient reservoir of water or other
fluid formed more than 200 million years ago by the collision of
North Africa and North America.
"It's big, and we've never seen anything like it before," says
Dr. Larry Brown, an associate professor of geological sciences
at Cornell University, who was part of a scientific team that
discovered the formation.
Brown, a director of the Cornell-based Consortium for Continental
Reflective Profiling (COCORP), which is developing a detailed
picture of the Earth's mantle, says the formation - "bright" only in
terms of the way it reflects sound waves - is about two miles in
diameter and appears to be shaped like a contact lens.
If it is a subterranean pool of water or other fluid, it could force
physicists to revise models of the Earth's crust. Until now many of
them felt the heat and pressure at those depths were too great for
fluids to exist.
Nine miles down, temperatures are nearly 500 degrees Fahrenheit and
pressures are great enough to flatten the sturdiest truck like a
"We really don't have a good idea what the object the formation
is composed of," says Brown. "If it is water, it would upset a
lot of scientific theories, and it would cause us to rethink
our ideas about the role of water in forming the Earth's
Brown says it might be a liquefied gas, such as carbon dioxide or
methane, or something more exotic, such as liquid helium. But he
says because of the tremendous pressure and temperature, it is
probably not oil. Even if it were, it would be impossible to recover
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from such a depth, miles deeper than the deepest oil well. Surrency
Mayor Stanford Tillman, first informed of the unique geologic
feature last week, has his own theory.
"It might have something to do with Surrency's ghost," he says.
"If this town is known for anything, it's for the ghost that
supposedly haunted the old Surrency house owned by the family
for whom the town is named during the 1870s and 1880s."
Tillman says inhabitants of the house reported dishes flying off
shelves, logs jumping off the fire and bricks coming through the
walls. The "ghost" became so famous that people rode the train from
Atlanta just to see the "haunted" house, which burned down at the
turn of the century.
"A lot of us also suspect that the goings-on had something to
with unusual magnetic activities in our area," says Tillman.
"The discovery of this object formation is very exciting to
Brown's interest in the discovery is of a more scientific nature.
The geologists were looking for the long-sought "suture" between the
North African and North American continents when they got the first
hint of the existence of a massive formation in 1985. Recent tests
confirmed the existence of the "bright spot," and Brown says details
will be published soon in a scientific journal.
"Finding the suture between the continents was exciting, but
the fact that we found this bright spot is even more
exciting," says Brown.
The discovery is part of an ongoing effort to develop a detailed
picture of the Earth's crust, which extends 20 miles below the
planet's surface. The scientists beam sound waves deep underground.
When they are reflected back to the surface, they are recorded on a
graph, giving scientists an idea of the formations far below. The
system helped to determine that the suture between North Africa and
North America runs in a broad, gentle arc from Brunswick through
Americus and on to the Alabama border.
About 500 million years ago, the two continents collided, forming
the Appalachian Mountains. When they pulled apart 180 million years
ago, a piece of North Africa remained lodged against North America,
a continental fragment that now is beneath Florida and South
Georgia. Sometime during that collision, geologists say, water or
some other fluid may have trickled deep into the zone between the
continents, forming the Surrency Bright Spot.
Vangard Note...
We must bring up two interesting points in regard to this
The first is in reggrd to the Hollow Earth theory. The
observation was that it was 9 miles down, at 500 degrees
Fahrenheit and (according to modern theories) subjected to
tremendous pressures.
In regard to the Hollow Earth theory, specifically from the book
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"Etidorpha", mention is made of a shell of energy surrounding a
central point. This shell attracts on both sides (i.e. from the
outside surface towards it and from the inside surface towards
it). Matter is aggregated from space and from within. The
sphere of energy is hundreds of miles in diameter inside with a
glowing sun at the center. Many legends speak of caves and
tunnels deep within the earth leading to Shamballa and Agharta.
These are where the most advanced of the surface dwellers are
sometimes invited to reside with the inhabitants who are
descendants of devastated cultures such as the Mayans and
The point is that the book Etidorpha says that there are many
entrance points leading to caves and tunnels which go almost
directly to this mirror image of the surface. These entrance
points are many especially in the Southeastern section of the
USA. At one point in the book, the travelers crossed a huge
lake of very still water, since there was no wind to disturb the
surface for the creation of waves. An unmoving surface would
interestingly enough reflect sound waves much as the article
mentions. Very curious, despite the incredulous reaction of
those who refuse to look into such things.
The second observation from this article is the mention of the
"ghostly happenings" at the turn of the century. Aside from the
more likely probability of poltergeist activity (which in itself
might be the same thing), could this not be the actions of the
DERO which Richard Shaver and Ray Palmer wrote about in the 50's
and 60's. The DERO are the "evil twins" of the TERO. Both are
said to be descended from a race of surface dwellers who were
forced to move underground when the Sun began giving off
radioactive and deadly radiation.
However, the beneficent radiations emanating from a normal Sun
soon caused mutations and the spawning of the DERO. The TERO
were the ones who managed to remain relatively free of the
mutations but were affected by sickness and loss of mental
When this race moved underground, they took with them many of
the advanced machines which were developed on the surface.
According to Shaver, many of these devices still work though the
devolved races have forgotten how to repair those which don't.
Many of the machines are said to project rays which can affect
the minds of people, teleport, give intense pleasure or pain,
cause levitation or movement from a distance, etc... The DERO
delight in the use of such devices to torment surface dwellers.
Of those who buy the SHAVER story, some think that the ray
machines could explain some of the "ghostly happenings" which
have occurred for centuries all over the world. Who knows?
Possibly there is a link with the article somewhere in all this
Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet
If we can be of service, you may contact
Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346
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