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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
| File Name : TESSGRAV.ASC | Online Date : 12/19/95 |
| Contributed by : Jerry Decker | Dir Category : GRAVITY |
| From : KeelyNet BBS | DataLine : (214) 324-3501 |
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The following was an interesting set of comments made by Ross Tessien relating
to 'aether pressure'.
220 23336 <4adc7d$2rb@hg.oro.net> article
Path: ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!news.mindlink.
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From: tessien@oro.net (Ross Tessien)
Newsgroups: alt.sci.physics.new-theories
Subject: Re: RE Help: How does a flying saucer fly?
Date: 10 Dec 1995 01:13:17 GMT
Organization: Impulse Engineering, Inc.
Lines: 52
Message-ID: <4adc7d$2rb@hg.oro.net>
References: <4acj4d$nt8@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: tessien.oro.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.93.14
In article <4acj4d$nt8@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, ronarick@aol.com says...
>Please e-mail to RONARICK@aol.com.
What a flying saucer does is easier to describe than how it does it.
There exists in nature, an aether, not a vacuum. As such we live like fish at
the bottom of the ocean and are blind to the fact that we live in an intensely
pressurized fluid.
Fish, in an ocean trench, know that they encounter a resistance to change in
velocity and to their movement but are oblivious to the intense pressure their
bodies are subject to. This is because they are surrounded by this pressure.
Likewise, we are oblivious not only to the air pressure around us which
applies a pressure of around 14.7 pounds per square inch, but adding up the
square inches on our body this comes to around 10,000 pounds of net force to
the front and the back of an average individual. The pressure of the aether
surrounding us is on the order of 10^30 psi, so you can see the pressure is
very much greater.
Now, how does a flying saucer work? It has a mechanism that is capable of
shearing the aether just like a helicopter blade does. Except here, the
shearing can be done by electron motion.
Sound absurd? Well much has been supposed of counter rotating masses, and/or
matter. There exist patents which apparently did alter the gravitational
force. But consider things more apparent. It is clear why a top would want
to precess as it begins to fall to the ground, but why does it ONLY precess.
Why not just spiral down to the ground? Why does a superconductive ceramic
levitate above a magnet?
All a magnet is is an assemblage of atoms with a characteristic electron
motion. This motion is mimmicked by the superconductor's electrons. The net
is a repulsion. Now if you create a device which shears the aether in a more
continuous and ambitious way, then you will have a space craft motor.
You must keep in mind that if you simply push the aether with electrons from
here to there, and force the flowing aether to collide with the protons making
up the atoms in your device, then you will gain no net thrust. You must find
a way to successfully direct the flux with the electrons through space and out
again like a jet engine without slamming it into your motor proper. Any such
collision will negate the gains.
Is there hope? Absolutely. Every motor on earth deflects the aether. We
call this deflection the "creation of electro magnetic fields". Every body
deflects the aether. We call this deflection "gravity". Every sub atomic
particle deflects the fields. We call this the "nuclear strong force".
Once we learn that there exist in nature, no attractive forces, then we will
come to learn not only how to control such things, but rather, that such
things are even controllable.
Good Luck, Ross Tessien.