4926 lines
339 KiB
4926 lines
339 KiB
List of files from
Anders Skargren, SysOp
14k4 HST" 24hrs
* NC200 Sweden*
- ADS -*- SAN -
* All files lists are regenerated daily at 06:35 -- get'em while *
* they're hot! *
List created on 03-Jan-93 06:34:39
--------------------- Section 1 'Cli-Utilities ' --------------------
ACLI_219.LZH 36584 21-Sep-92 [0] AutoCLI v2.19 by Nic Wilson. Mouseacc,
screenblanker etc etc.
ALMON103.LHA 16765 05-Feb-92 [2] MemAllocMon V1.03, monitors and checks
memory allocations. Some bugfixes.
ALOCK104.LHA 14462 21-Sep-92 [4] Amiga Lock v 1.04. Stops anybody from
booting your computer without the right
AMINFO.LHA 43114 21-Jun-92 [0] Ett prg som kollar vilka rom mm man har
i amigan doc mdf
AMNES1_2.LHA 5142 26-Aug-92 [3] A program designed to check every
single memory location in your Amiga
ARP2REQ.LHA 4103 04-Jun-91 [2] Ers{tt ARP's filereq med Reqlib's
ARTM16.LHA 38615 09-Jun-92 [1] Amiga Real Time Monitor v1.6 - Xoper
ATESTER.LHA 65957 04-Jun-91 [11] Test everything in your Amiga!
AUSH142.LHA 60751 15-Aug-92 [1] Amiga Ultimate Shell v1.42, Author:
Denis Gounelle
AUTOCL23.LHA 37504 13-Nov-92 [1] AutoCli v2.30 - Mouse Accelerator,
Hotkey, Windows activation and more!
100% asm
BILLBRD.LHA 11994 09-Dec-92 [0] A message display program designed to
replace the ECHO command in AmigaDOS
BSTRT102.LHA 16286 19-Sep-92 [0] BootStart v1.02, view-start-save
bootblock, by Bert Wynants
CBCRON15.LHA 80106 20-Nov-92 [0] CyberCron 1.5 - Cron Program with ARexx
Port and Many Features
CDRUN370.LHA 2194 09-Jun-92 [0] A small utility to handle CD & RUN
commands in one !
CED212.LHA 132286 10-Oct-92 [3] Cyngus Ed Pro inkl.docs
COMP37_0.LHA 2645 12-Jul-92 [1] Compares two files and reports. J.
CSH519.LHA 181894 20-Mar-92 [2] CSH V 5.19- Replacement Shell by Urban
"D." Mueller
DELINFO.LHA 1947 16-Nov-92 [0] A short utility to delete all the
#?.info files from a given directory
DETAB371.LHA 1622 22-Aug-92 [1] DeTAB V37.1 <20> A TAB-to-blanks converter
for KS2.04+
DISKSALV.LZH 47173 04-Oct-92 [6] disksalv for os 2.04
EAMPATCH.LHA 1479 20-Dec-92 [0] Exec AvailMem(LARGEST) patch, to
prevent Sanity Check Alerts ($0100000C)
by XI.
EASYPROC.LHA 39557 29-Sep-92 [0] EasyProcess - process control library,
launch threads, pass them data, etc
FASTMODE.LHA 1280 13-May-92 [2] Controls the PARB_FASTMODE bit of
parallel device to run faster the
FATDIR13.LHA 2091 26-Apr-92 [3] FatDir [v1.3] Gives you lot of infos
about a specified directory
FFAST102.LHA 15581 16-Apr-92 [3] Find Fast V1.02, one pgm makes a list
of all files on your hd, and the other
searches the list for any matches
FMSDISK.LHA 9873 19-Jun-92 [5] Simulate a diskdrive on your HD. Makes
DMS MUCH faster for instance.
FSM12.LHA 32243 26-Nov-92 [0] Fix-SetScreenMode v1.2, by Marc
HART.LHA 25932 24-Jun-92 [3] Superb system monitor
HELP034.LHA 26706 11-Mar-92 [1] JBPHelp [v0.34] - Intellegent HELP key
HP_LJ.LZH 6688 09-Sep-92 [1] Newest HP Laserjet driver - works fine !
HUNKX200.LHA 4992 12-Jul-92 [1] Shows hunkstruct of any
segment-loadable file.
INPUTLCK.LHA 9088 26-May-91 [6] L}ser all input fr}n Mus/Tangentbord.
KILLPROC.LHA 6983 27-Jan-92 [1] KillProc - Sends a break other tasks by
their names.
KWICAT13.LHA 142690 22-Oct-92 [0] KWIKCat v1.3 - good disk cataloger done
with CanDO
LLIST120.LHA 14863 26-Apr-92 [1] LibList v1.20 - 3 new options and minor
LM.LHA 2077 19-Jun-92 [0] LogManager - Keep those logfiles in the
size you want
LOCKS.LHA 4868 07-Jan-92 [5] Removes/Lists Locks on files.
LS130.LHA 11982 09-Jun-92 [0] LogSize 1.30 -- New options and pure..
LS32.LHA 38355 12-Jun-92 [1] Ls v3.2 - Added option to give real
block occupation under OFS or FFS
MAINT100.LHA 3508 04-Dec-92 [0] Directory maint.: delete files older
than {n} days
MEGAD200.LHA 274043 02-Oct-92 [1] MegaD v2.00 - a very powerfull,
flexible and reliable directory utility
for Amiga
MSIZER.LHA 8848 15-Mar-92 [2] Andra storlek pa fonster i alla hornen.
MULTI20.LHA 5416 07-Oct-92 [3] The original MultiAssign - Now for WB2.1
NTSC-PAL.LHA 12509 24-Aug-92 [2] NTSC-PAL omvandlare!
OSNAP311.LHA 59462 29-Mar-92 [2] oSnap v3.11! Snap Text AND graphics!!
PARM25.LHA 56729 05-Sep-91 [3] ParM 2.5. L{gg in egna menyer i CLI/WB
PATHASS.LHA 13751 07-Oct-90 [4] Assigna en logisk device till flera
PIP20.LHA 6900 26-Sep-92 [2] Pip v2.0 - allows you to easily pipe
commands thru each other, like Unix
PPLSEG11.LHA 15430 11-Jun-92 [2] PowerPacker utility, use crunched libs,
fonts, etc
PSNAP20A.LHA 23586 29-Jul-92 [3] Powersnap 2.0a, snaps chars anywhere on
the screen to paste elsewhere
PSNAP21.LHA 26831 04-Nov-92 [2] PowerSnap v2.1, cut & paste chars
anywhere on the screen, by Nico Francois
PSNAP21A.LHA 27669 20-Nov-92 [4] PowerSnap v2.1a, cut&paste chars
anywhere on the screen, by Nico Francois
PSNAP21B.LHA 28694 23-Nov-92 [4] PowerSnap v2.1b, cut & paste chars
anywhere, by Nico Francois
REQRESET.LHA 787 19-Jul-92 [1] ReqReset - Resets upon System
RESANA22.LHA 18877 06-May-92 [1] ResAnalyzer v2.2 - an inovative
resident modules monitor
SAFERPAT.LHA 18522 22-Oct-92 [2] SaferPatches - fixes the problems when
different programs change the same
library vector
SELECT14.LHA 18358 26-Aug-92 [0] A shell utility to select from the
files matching the given pattern
SHOWGURU.LHA 79985 15-Jan-92 [4] Show more infos about those nasty gurus
SI20B.LHA 62418 28-May-92 [4] System Information v2.0b Detailed
system information
SIND303.LHA 14841 02-Jul-92 [2] SIND v3.03 - System Info Display - show
OS informations
SMFIND.LHA 14075 11-Nov-92 [0] smfind v1.0 - search utility that runs
from Shell or Workbench
SNAP162.LHA 34604 03-Oct-91 [4] Uppgradering med sm{rre buggfixar.
SNOOPD15.LHA 33949 11-Jul-92 [4] SnoopDos v1.5. Check what your computer
is doing behind your back.
SNPDOS16.LHA 34949 25-Oct-92 [5] SnoopDos 1.6 - Checks all calls
SPEED14.LHA 26712 18-Nov-92 [1] speed v1.4 Speed memory, scsi kollar
allt cpu med bl.a popcli, blanker
SPYSYS3.LHA 29216 18-Nov-92 [0] SPY Process Time Monitoring System -
revision 3
SRT131.LHA 8080 03-Oct-90 [4] Byt ut de gamla System-Request:en mot
STARTUP20.LHA 10290 07-Mar-92 [6] L<>ter dig v<>lja mellan 10 olika
TASKX30.LHA 10421 13-May-92 [5] Task watcher and priority manager. KS
2.0 only
TCRN2_0.LHA 21473 11-Mar-92 [2] TPTCron v2.0. Mycket bra event-program
som kan starta/utfora nagot vid en viss
tidpunkt dygnet runt. Obegransat antal
TM200.LHA 4896 24-Jul-92 [3] Taskmanager 2.0, by Peter Stuer
TRAKS133.LHA 70903 04-Jun-91 [2] TrackSalve v1.33 Verify, Read-Only,
UNARP1_3.LHA 2295 02-Jul-92 [4] UnArp v1.3 - Tries to make arp.library
more compatible to KS 2.0
VCLI5.LHA 27212 09-Oct-92 [5] VCLI 5.0 - Voice Controlled CLI (needs
Sampler) - supports new samplers!
WELCOME.LHA 8069 29-Apr-92 [4] Add Welcome message in Startup-Sequence
WHATIS25.LHA 24429 26-Apr-92 [4] Gives you all information it can obtain
from a file, by Jorrit Tyberghein
WINDOW.LHA 5933 28-Oct-92 [0] Lists X/Y/W/H of all windows on a
screen, moves window, good for getting
info for config files
WKICK102.LHA 1191 13-Nov-92 [1] WhatKick v1.02 - different startups for
different Kickstarts
XMOUNT.LHA 26429 15-Jan-92 [5] XMount - Lets you UnMount, ReMount any
XOPER23.LHA 19608 14-Aug-91 [7] XOper v2.3!! Spy on your Computer!!
ZEROUNO.LHA 10029 04-Nov-92 [0] ZeroUno v1.13 - Clears all unused
sectors of a partition of an Exec device
ZKICK304.LHA 24631 21-Sep-92 [2] Zkick v 3.04. Change your kickstart via
HEX101.LHA 44794 28-Dec-92 [1] A good file editor
FS201.LHA 5372 29-Dec-92 [0] Fast stringsearch tool. Now requires
AmigaDOS 2.04. Update to version 1.4
84 files. 2475196 bytes.
--------------------- Section 2 'WB-Utilities ' --------------------
AMIBUG.LZH 1459 23-Aug-91 [10] En "bug" kryper over skarmen
ASS_DO.DMS 599190 09-Oct-92 [10] Directoryopus 3.55
BUGS.LZH 11357 13-Oct-91 [4] Little Bugs that eats your display.
CERCA_10.LHA 58023 04-Nov-92 [1] Cerca v1.0 - The File Finder
DFDRAW10.LHA 9276 11-Jun-92 [0] Change a drawer icon, without touching
anything else
DMII21.LHA 79823 07-Dec-92 [3] Diskmaster II Version 2.1
FSM10.LHA 3289 28-Oct-92 [2] Gives all screens the WB screenmode,
width, height, by Marc Duponcheel
HDMENU10.LHA 32924 26-Apr-92 [0] Tool for HD fully intuitioned and
IBEM120C.LHA 48067 06-Jan-92 [3] IBeM Emulator v1.20!! Works on all
ICOV100.LHA 4647 06-May-92 [3] ICOview V1.0, Displays Windows 3.0
icons, by Peter Stuer
JOURNAL.LZH 41448 04-Jun-91 [4] Spela in/upp tangenter, mus, starta prg
LOVEHEAR.LZH 6163 07-Jul-91 [8] Foralskade hjartan foljer din
muspekare. KUL!
MISCHIEF.LZH 11134 11-Jul-91 [1] FunnWB.(Runs from WB)
MMENU114.LHA 62656 11-Nov-92 [1] Magic Menu v1.14 - VERY HOT!! - Os 2.x
style Pop-Menus - FANTASTIC!!
MULTIAPP.LHA 21799 11-Nov-92 [1] AppIcon-Tool to print, play, view
files. Configurable, OS2.0 only.
NIGHTMAR.LZH 19908 12-Oct-91 [5] Ett kul Display Hack
OPUS340.LHA 257906 08-Jan-92 [12] Directory Opus v3.40!! GREAT!!!
PBAR.LZH 3786 13-Apr-91 [6] Fixa eget monster pa DragBar:en pa
PCTSKREL.DMS 346009 25-Apr-92 [10] PC-Task 1.04. Real version, no demo.
Works great !!.
PICON.LHA 9429 11-Nov-92 [1] AppIcon-Tool. Adds an Icon to files
without own .info-file. OS2.0 only.
POPPER11.LHA 26635 13-Nov-92 [1] Popper v1.1 - A simple Pop-Up menu
RUNAMAX.LHA 4224 12-Mar-92 [6] RunAMax - start AMax with right colours
and with HD partitions mounted from WB
or CLI
SCX_DM22.DMS 74400 03-May-92 [5] Diskmaster 2.02 Now works with OS/2
SID2.LHA 349196 09-Jun-92 [0] The long-awaited SID 2.0! - Trial
Evalutation Version
SIMGEN.LZH 87526 21-Jun-92 [5] Ett prg som legger en bild i bakgrunden
pa tex workbenchen doc mdf
SIZEW10.LHA 10033 12-Jul-92 [1] Windows manager. Uses coordinates
relative to screen borders!
STRCLIP.LHA 3216 16-Dec-92 [0] StringClip - Provides clipboard cut &
paste in standard string gadgets
TDRAW.LZH 36737 28-Jun-92 [2] Rita snygga border till din WB V1.0
WB-HACKS.LZH 25344 07-Jul-91 [6] Nagra Roliga Hacks
WBCLEAN.LHA 1941 28-Oct-92 [0] A quick hack to close all Workbench
windows apart from the main one. Needs
OS 2.0.
WSM.LZH 7812 07-Mar-92 [0] L<>ter dig ha mer <20>n EN workbenchsk<73>rm.
WTIL21.LHA 10822 02-Jul-92 [3] WindowTiler v2.1 - Windows 3.x/Turbo
C++ windows management
32 files. 2266179 bytes.
--------------------- Section 3 'Virus-Utils ' --------------------
ANTI-INF.LHA 3161 23-Jul-92 [0] Motmedel f<>r infiltrator Viruset
BX503168.LHA 220738 08-Aug-92 [2] BootX V5.03, Recog 1.68, THE Amiga
viruskiller, by Peter Stuer
BX510168.LHA 251333 28-Aug-92 [5] BootX V5.10, Best Viruskiller, KS 2.0+
only, by Peter Stuer
BX511UPD.LHA 39730 04-Sep-92 [3] BootX 5.11, executable only, bugfix
BX520170.LHA 264729 04-Oct-92 [3] BootX 5.20, Recog 1.70, best
viruskiller, by Peter Stuer
BX521UPD.LHA 47243 23-Oct-92 [2] BootX v5.21 - update archive, needs
BX522173.LHA 284266 28-Oct-92 [3] BootX v5.22 Recog 1.73, best
viruskiller, by Peter Stuer
BXRC168.LHA 31699 26-Jul-92 [1] BootX Recog file V1.68, now handles
Infiltrator linkvirus
BXRC171.LHA 32195 15-Oct-92 [2] Recogfile v1.71 for BootX, by Peter
BXRC172.LHA 32720 22-Oct-92 [2] BootX Recog file v1.72, recognizes new
boot/link/trojans, by Peter Stuer
EVW222.LHA 7445 06-May-92 [4] Early Virus Warning, by Peter Stuer
LVD174.LHA 17413 25-Jul-92 [3] LVD 1.74. Handles the new Infiltrator
LVD175.LHA 8860 15-Oct-92 [2] LinkVirusDetector v1.75, by Peter Stuer
SCHWARZ.LZH 1900 15-Feb-92 [2] Schwarzkopf. Dodar Saddam snabbt och
TNS.DMS 720905 07-Sep-92 [1] The Newest SuperKillers from
TNS_II.DMS 501354 07-Sep-92 [2] The Newest SuperKillers only work with
KS 2.0
VC620.LHA 50570 14-Dec-92 [1] Virus Checker Version 6.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VCHCK620.LHA 49443 16-Dec-92 [1] Version 6.20 of Virus_Checker -
Hunter/Killer of Amiga Viruses
VCHK619.LHA 49152 04-Nov-92 [1] Virus Checker v6.19 - powerful virus
VIRUZ221.LHA 97288 15-Aug-92 [0] VirusZ v2.21 Checks for Infiltrator
VSCAN512.LZH 50062 28-Oct-91 [6] Version 5.12 av VScan...
VT244.LHA 198808 26-Sep-92 [2] VT 2.44 GOOD German Viruskiller
VT248.LHA 262989 12-Dec-92 [0] VT 2.48 German Viruskiller... GOOOOD
VZ224.DMS 125840 15-Sep-92 [2] VirusZ v2.24
VZ225.LHA 106663 04-Oct-92 [1] VirusZ v2.25
VZ226.LHA 128264 13-Nov-92 [0] VirusZ v2.26 - powerful virus killer
VZ226.RUN 135580 15-Oct-92 [1] VirusZ v2.26
VZ227.LHA 152784 10-Nov-92 [1] VirusZ 2.27a.
VZ229.LHA 134172 30-Dec-92 [0] VirusZ v2.29 GOOD VirusKiller..!!
29 files. 4007306 bytes.
--------------------- Section 4 'HD/SCSI-Utils ' --------------------
35DISKHD.LHA 4732 14-Sep-92 [5] Partionera din HD utan att formattera
om den.
AB20_105.LZH 100450 21-Feb-92 [10] AmiBack HD-Backup till OS 2.0. Bra med
m}nga olika valm|jligheter.
ABKUP131.LHA 95249 15-Aug-92 [3] ABackUp, HD Backup utility. Author:
Denis Gounelle
ACC-AMIB.DMS 497765 27-Dec-92 [3] AmiBackUp V2.0F.1
AHDBYGG.LZH 56030 18-Aug-92 [3] Bygg ett Interface F<>r en PC-HD till
BAD42.LHA 34109 24-Apr-92 [7] Bad v 4.20. Uppgradering av 4.13
(antagligen buggfixar).
BLITZ20.LZH 26906 29-Dec-91 [14] GREAT cache program for disk/harddisk!
CHECKDRV.LHA 1854 26-Sep-92 [1] CheckDrive v1.0 Waits until HD's are
validated before continuing KS20
DPU1P2.LHA 38112 17-Jul-92 [7] Disk Peek & Update v1.2:Disk editor
(support files&rigid disk blocks)
DSKSPEED.LHA 77309 10-Jun-92 [4] Diskspeed 4.2 Now including SCSISpeed
(Calcs raw-speed of your device..)
EXPCOP.LZH 112305 12-Jul-92 [2] Programet ExpressCopy Ett hd backup
FBK-ENG.LHA 88062 16-Dec-92 [3] Flashback!!!! Nu kan du fa Engelska txt
istallet far franska vilket foredra
FDISK19.LZH 31104 01-Oct-91 [10] FAAAST and Powerfull
FIXDISK2.LZH 38741 17-Mar-91 [12] Mycket bra prg for att radda data fran
FLASH.LHA 72861 23-Feb-92 [1] Flashback. A very good HD-Backup.
GIGAMEM2.LZH 128878 16-Aug-92 [1] use your hd as virtual mem if you got a
INSITE.LHA 7261 26-Sep-92 [0] Insite Unlock v1.00 - unlock the write
protection on Insite Floptical Drives
KWIKBACK.LHA 26078 17-Feb-92 [4] Snabb HD-BackUp
MRBKD112.LHA 175982 13-Nov-92 [1] MRback backup software demo version 112
QB16.LHA 49576 09-Apr-92 [13] Quarter Back Tools 1.6
QB50-501.LHA 69637 23-May-92 [5] QuarterBack patch from 5.0 to 5.0.1
QBACK503.LHA 119027 17-Nov-92 [4] QUARTERBACK V5.03 UPDATE
QBP503.LHA 59138 23-Dec-92 [0] Quarterback patch from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3
QUARB501.DMS 349135 10-May-92 [4] Quarterback 5.01. The best HD backup
QUARTERB.LZH 80088 04-Jul-92 [4] Patch for Quarterback. 5.0.1 -> 5.0.2.
REORG232.LHA 54953 15-Aug-92 [3] ReOrg 2.32
REORG233.LHA 104649 22-Oct-92 [6] ReOrg v2.33 - Best/Faster Hard/Floppy
Disk optimizer
S0-AB20F.DMS 428527 01-Sep-92 [4] SubZer0 Gives ya AmiBack v. 2.0f Sent
by Bagarn
SCSIMO13.LHA 28360 20-Mar-92 [4] SCSIMounter v1.3 - removable media
partition mounter for OS2.x or higher
SCSI_LIS.LHA 7266 10-Nov-91 [4] SCSI Devices Lister
STEST10.LZH 8262 30-Sep-92 [3] A SCSI device Tester
STEST11.LHA 9820 16-Oct-92 [2] SCSI-TESTER v1.1b by John Yeager
TQUANTUM.LZH 22007 11-Jan-92 [7] Quantum TurboCharger 1.0
VCRBACK.LHA 53655 15-Aug-92 [4] Make your backups on a VCR !!!!!!!
34 files. 3057888 bytes.
--------------------- Section 5 'Unsorted ' --------------------
ABACDOS2.DMS 382679 15-Mar-92 [1] Abacus DOS I&O rev 2.0. Programdisken.
AIBB461.LHA 148107 11-Sep-92 [1] Amiga Intuition Based Benchmark v4.61 -
fixed the startup bug
AIBB_50.LHA 155933 07-Nov-92 [4] benchmark v5.0 THE BEST!
AMEMS101.LHA 33906 12-Jun-92 [0] Use any amount of Amiga memory as
Expanded mem. on a BridgeBoard -BUGFIX-
AMIBASE.LHA 239482 23-Dec-92 [1] AmigaBase v1.11 - A programable
hierarchical database
AMIPASS.LZH 11682 01-Jan-92 [7] Multi-User Security Program.
AMISCOPE.LHA 26003 31-Jan-91 [6] Logikanalysator/Oscilloskop via
AMYPGP20.LHA 454485 22-Oct-92 [0] PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) v2.0 - RSA
public-key mail encryption
ANTIFLIC.LZH 13118 26-Oct-92 [1] Mjukvaru-antiflicker
APRF140.LHA 78894 22-Oct-92 [0] APrf v1.40 - nice printing utility with
special feature for OS 2.x
APYRO.LZH 7576 27-Dec-90 [10] Skarmslackare med en del roliga
AQUAR.LZH 38192 26-May-91 [2] Aquarium f|r att leta efter prg pa
AQUARIUM.LZH 421542 18-Oct-92 [0] A program that displays the contents of
the first 550 Fish-Disks, that
is YOU type the name of the program you
are looking for and AQUA says
what FISH-disk it is upon. OBS !!! ONLY
up to FISH-DISK 550 !!!
ARQ178.LHA 32445 22-Oct-92 [1] Arq v1.78 - Anim Requester Enhancer,
VERY nice - now OS3.x compatible
ATIPP133.ZOO 90368 25-Jul-92 [3] Ett bra tippnings programm!
BBLANK3.LHA 1015 28-Oct-92 [0] Turns on or off the black border on AGA
(or ECS) machines. Needs KS 3.0.
BFFS11.LHA 105698 22-Oct-92 [2] Berkeley Fast FileSystem v1.1 - Reads
UNIX disks from AmigaDOS!
BLIT1192.LHA 138858 16-Nov-92 [1] Philadelphia Amiga User's Group
November 1992 Newsletter
BLIT1292.LZH 40542 16-Dec-92 [1] Philadelphia Amiga Users' Group
Newsletter for December 1992
CGCAPSF1.LHA 101651 17-May-92 [3] En bunte CG-fonter till Wb 2.xx
och/eller DTP. Enbart stora bokst{ver!
(Carrickcaps, Greencaps, Judas)
CGFONTS1.LHA 137355 17-May-92 [5] En bunte CG-fonter till OS 2.xx
och/eller DTP program. (Architect,
Blackchancery, Faustus, Luxembourg,
CGFONTS2.LHA 189846 17-May-92 [4] En bunte CG-fonter till WB 2.xx
och/eller DTP. (Middleton, Muriel,
OSWALDBlack, Parkhaven, RichardMurray)
CMPDSK10.LHA 30623 04-Nov-92 [4] Compressdisk.device 37.14 (release 1.0)
- A stacker-like Exec device for the
CNV11.LHA 12560 24-Jun-92 [0] CNV 1.1 - Converts between
ASCII/Hex/Decmail/Binary/Octal numers
CONV37_1.LHA 3058 09-Jun-92 [1] Very efficient Amiga<>IBM character
CYBERCON.LHA 3171 18-Nov-92 [1] cybercon iii workbench 2.04+ fix
DFA11.LHA 137143 29-Nov-92 [1] <v1.1> DFAddress,NOT just another
address utility,Commodity,AREXX,Update
to 1.0
DGRDR121.LHA 11885 02-Dec-92 [0] Degrader v1.21 - Util for degrading you
Amiga - useful for dumb programs
DISKCAT.LZH 23580 10-Jul-91 [8] Katalogisera dina disketter !
DOCKICON.LHA 91535 18-Oct-92 [0] Some more icons from Francois Pinault
(update to FF664)
EPHEM428.LHA 106932 22-Oct-92 [0] Ephem v4.28 - displays ephemerides for
all the planets
FBHDINST.LHA 2113 16-Dec-92 [0]
FILEOFAX.LZH 57190 29-Oct-92 [1] Demo Version of a FileoFax
FILMNET.LZH 13440 30-Sep-92 [1] Bygg en filmnet dekoder
FLYER.LZH 233359 20-Dec-92 [0] Philadelphia Amiga Users' Group Flyer
(Postscript file)
GALI23.LHA 51453 25-Oct-92 [0] Gali v2.3 - Reads TIME from a center
time, like Galileo Ferraris in Turin
GB68K.LHA 22036 16-May-92 [6] GameBoy emulator for the amiga ..
including Tetris.... if you know how to
write z80 assembler then you can make
own games.... [TOXIC]
GVPIN134.LHA 29391 07-Feb-92 [5] GvpInfo v1.34 - gives a lot of infos
about your Amigas
GVPPAT14.LZH 2677 06-May-92 [4] GVP Patch v1.4
GVPPATCH.LZH 5574 15-Aug-92 [2] Latest version of GVP Patch, for 4.12
ROMS and below.
GVPTCH16.LHA 5441 19-Sep-92 [1] GVP Patch version 1.6
HEKONOM.LHA 76190 18-Dec-92 [2] <HemEkonomi>. Ett mycket enkelt, men
ocks<6B> mycket bra, hembudgetprogram.
HOUSEINV.LZH 38342 23-Feb-92 [3] Gor ett register over prylar i ditt hus
HSPEED41.LHA 103901 22-Oct-92 [0] HiSpeed v4.1 - printing utility for
DeskJet printers
IDMP100B.LHA 16532 07-Mar-92 [2] IntuiDump v1.00 - Commented listing of
current Intuition structs
IINFO100.LHA 32228 07-Mar-92 [1] IconInfo v1.00 - Display Icon info, and
produce source, test prog. inc.
INFRARED.LZH 17952 27-Sep-91 [12] Controll your VCR/TV/etc with your
KEYME11I.LZH 36224 04-Jun-91 [5] KeyMapEditor 1.1 international
KFISHR11.LHA 66508 23-Dec-92 [0] KingFisher 1.1 - A faster and more
versatile replacement for the Aquarium
database program
KW3DEMO.DMS 352912 16-Sep-92 [0] Demo Version of Kind Words 3 - Save
LEGGI210.LHA 39936 24-May-92 [3] Leggi 2.0 v.10 - A 2.04-only powerful
ISO/ANSI text reader
LEX13.LHA 17164 29-Oct-92 [1] Engelsklexikon f<>r WB 1.3
LEX20.LHA 14134 15-Nov-92 [1] Engelsk lexikon Wb 2.0
LEXORD.LHA 130455 06-Nov-92 [1] Ordbibliotek till Lex13 (ca 18000 ord)
LILA8912.LHA 10722 02-May-92 [0] Lila v8912a - prints texts on
Postscript printers
LSCAPE.LZH 42592 01-Mar-92 [3] Rita Din Egen Tradgard !
LSD44.DMS 573339 27-Dec-92 [1] Senaste Tools Disken Fran LSD Mycket
BRA Utils!!!!
LUCAS.LHA 58442 08-May-92 [8] en accelerator till amiga
500-1000-2000. ca 20mhz
MACHIV-C.LHA 108597 15-Mar-92 [4] Mach 4. Screenblanker/accel/macros etc!
MATHAMAT.DMS 358859 21-Mar-92 [1] Math-Amation. Great maths-program.
MGUID149.LHA 526505 04-Nov-92 [1] makeinfo 1.49 - A modified GNU makeinfo
ported to the Amiga
MINITELS.LHA 3171 25-Oct-92 [1] Cable for connect Amiga (rs-232) to
Minitel Terminals (like Alcatel ADF258)
- Electrical scheme (.iff)
MOUSEXY.LZH 10599 26-May-91 [2] Visar XY koordinaterna i ett litet
MSCMD.LHA 16393 16-Dec-92 [0] Front end for viewing text files, or
whatever. Hard to explain on one line,
but you want it.
MTALK092.LHA 84560 01-Sep-92 [0] Sam Yee's MTALK on Aug 26
MTG.DMS 164147 12-Jul-92 [6] Tips Lotto prg. av killarna som gjorde
NBT1_4.LHA 109631 07-Oct-92 [0] Nasau Beach Times, Huntsville, Alabama,
WOC Special Edition Sep 92
NEWZAP33.LZH 30070 11-Jan-92 [2] NewZap v3.3 - File Editor OS 2.0
NEXTAMI.DMS 486372 16-Sep-92 [0] A concept of a Computer by Mark Rifkin
NOCK0792.LZH 48502 09-Sep-92 [1] The New Orleans Commodore Klub Amiga
Group's July '92 newsletter in
PageStream format
NOCK0892.LZH 60129 09-Sep-92 [1] The New Orleans Commodore Klub Amiga
Group's Aug '92 newsletter in
PageStream format
NOCK0992.LZH 65537 26-Sep-92 [1] The New Orleans Commodore Klub Amiga
Group's Sept '92 newsletter in
PageStream format
NOCK1092.LZH 64277 22-Oct-92 [1] The New Orleans Commodore Klub Amiga
Group's Oct '92 newsletter in
PageStream format
NPAD-373.LHA 2947 26-Aug-92 [3] Emulates numeric keypad on the Amiga
600 (v37.3 released by CBM)
OCT92.LHA 59733 28-Oct-92 [2] Philadelphia Amiga Users' Group
Newsletter for October 1992 in both
PageStream and ASCII format.
P322P.LZH 65415 25-Dec-91 [2] ProWrite patch to version 3.2.2
PAGEBUD20.DMS 327978 23-Nov-92 [2] buddysys for pagestream 2.0
PAL-NTSC.LHA 5657 25-Oct-92 [0] PAL/NTSC Switch den b{sta!
PASREQTO.LHA 1607 16-Apr-92 [1] PasReqTools - let's you to use
reqtools.library in Pascal programs
PCRES223.LHA 18921 26-Nov-92 [0] PCRestore v2.23 - Reads MS-DOS Backup
PCTSK111.DMS 359538 04-Oct-92 [6] PC-TASK v1.11
PFM.LHA 64685 28-Oct-92 [0] Demo version of Personal Finance
Manager Plus. Save disabled.
PMOD23A.LHA 17504 11-Nov-92 [1] Printer MODe v2.3a - configurable print
command (let you set NLQ, char set, etc)
PORTFO17.LZH 112683 12-Jun-92 [0] Powerful "organizer" utility,
evaluation version 1.7.
POST17B.LHA 199249 20-Apr-92 [3] Post v1.7 Binaries - excellent
PostScript interpreter
PPLIB15A.LHA 81395 10-Jul-92 [2] Powerpacker library - pplib 35.256
PREQTOOL.LHA 8977 16-Apr-92 [2] PasReqTools - interface
reqtools.library to Pascal programs
PRINTMAN.LHA 12423 22-Oct-92 [3] PrintManager v1.0 - A printer spooler
for WB 2.x
PRTDRVGEN.LZH 69968 09-Feb-92 [2] Tillverka en egen printerdriver till
din ovanliga skrivare
PS22HL.LHA 46659 29-Mar-92 [2] PageStream patch to version 2.2.HL from
PSION.LZH 26478 12-Sep-91 [3] Komunicera med din Psion Organizer!
PW323PCH.LZH 89600 29-Apr-92 [2] Update Pro Write to 3.2.3
PWCONV20.LHA 63028 26-Apr-92 [1] ProWrite File Convert v2.0 - Converts
files created with other Amiga WP into
ProWrite files
RAMSPEED10.LHA 3838 18-Jul-92 [6] Check the speed of your RAM-chips.
RAWINLIB.LHA 27410 01-Sep-92 [0] Sam Yee's RAWINLIB on Aug 26
REQCHANGE1_14. 170860 05-Sep-92 [1] ReqChange 1.14, allows flushing of the
patched libraries, bugfixes.
RESET202.LHA 6706 22-Oct-92 [3] Reset v2.02 - reset your Amiga plus
other features
RESETHAN.LHA 6348 16-Nov-91 [3] Delay Keyboard-initiated Reset for 10
ROETTER.DMS 330442 25-Oct-92 [0] Sl{cktforsknings programm
RQTLS20B.LHA 259816 29-Jul-92 [2] Reqtools 2.0b, requester toolkit, by
Nico Francois
RQTLS21B.LHA 320994 23-Dec-92 [0] ReqTools lib v2.1b, THE requester
toolkit, by Nico Francois
SEP92.LZH 58466 16-Sep-92 [1] Philadelphia Amiga Users' Group
Newsletter September 1992 (PageStream
SETMAN10.LHA 14144 16-Dec-92 [0] Setman V1.0e - Modifies the
setfunctions vector, and inserts a
custom routine!!!!
SFAP37_1.LHA 3204 09-Jun-92 [0] A SafeBBS type program, that does eat a
soft kickstart.
SFL011.LHA 8778 01-May-92 [1] SetupFileList [v0.11], Extracts
archived filelists and moves them to a
specific filelist directory
SPICAS13.LHA 80372 10-Dec-92 [2] Spicas V1.3 unregistered version best
loud spekaer proggy
SPICE.LHA 159089 08-Oct-92 [3] Ett m<>ste f<>r
elektroniska kretsar
SPKRTLS.LHA 40091 09-Dec-92 [5] Ber{kna h|gtalarl}dor
SSYSTEM3.LHA 29514 05-Sep-92 [2] Shows CPU usage
SUPLOCK.LZH 12561 18-Dec-91 [2] Locks mouse and keyboard
SYSIN301.LHA 39130 02-Oct-92 [7] SysInfo v3.01 - New graphic and
features, Speed/Hardware tester
TCR060EA.RUN 69383 29-Sep-92 [2] Teacher 0.60 - Create lessions,
explainations and questions with
multiple answers.
TD20.LZH 11826 14-Oct-91 [5] TrackDisplay 2.0. Visar head-pos i ett
TEKDAY14.LHA 2226 20-Dec-92 [0] Today in History program by Robert
TELEREG1.LHA 64685 01-Sep-92 [1] Sam Yee's TELEREG on Aug 26
TESTOS.LHA 19100 05-Feb-92 [2] TestOS v2.0 - tests for OS2.x and OS1.x
and starts one
TIMCH101.LHA 7600 10-Jul-92 [0] TimeCheck v1.01; Checks your clock at
TPP400EN.LHA 408098 02-Jul-92 [4] TeXt Plus Professional - TeX-frontend
word processor
TRAFIK.LHA 75833 14-Dec-92 [2] Learn traffic signs.
TTEXT1P3.DMS 307479 14-Mar-92 [5] Suver<65>n editor f<>r programmerare.
B<>ttre <20>n CygnusEd.
TTKV11.DMS 292236 27-Dec-92 [1] Toaster Toolkit V1.1
TV_TID.LZH 4904 27-Nov-92 [4] A fun Hacker program TV TID
UTILS.LHA 234298 27-Aug-92 [1] En massa utilities fran AMIGA user
VIDEOCAT.LZH 30970 08-Jul-91 [8] Katalogisera dina videofilmer !
WTIME.LHA 6996 09-Nov-92 [0] WorldTime - Show over 30 countries time
clock v1.0
WTIME131.LZH 16320 10-Dec-91 [3] WorldTime v1.31 - Shows time in 84
different cities around the globe!
Z80EMULA.LHA 57296 21-Jun-92 [1] Z80 Emulator - Cross Developer v1.00
127 files. 12272918 bytes.
--------------------- Section 6 'Term & Point ' --------------------
A2232DTR.LZH 9656 11-Jan-92 [3] Latest A2232 serial.device driver - Now
supports DTR.
AFAXD134.LZH 354449 20-Nov-92 [1] AmigaFax demo v1.34 (Nov 92)
AMIGAFAX.LZH 25893 18-Jan-92 [7] Amiga Fax
AMIVTX.LZH 27143 03-Oct-90 [6] VideoTex f|r amigan.
ANOS_28H.LHA 266659 10-Nov-91 [2] Network Operating System - For Amiga.
APRIL993.LHA 215107 21-Dec-92 [0] April 0.993 Public Beta: Best
pointprogram for the Amiga
AQWIK20B.LHA 52570 28-Aug-92 [2] AQuick v2.0b - Very nice QMail offline
mail reader
AR200.LZH 90274 16-Apr-92 [1] Amiga offline readerfor multiple formats
ATTACHTD.LHA 27095 19-Oct-91 [0] File-Attaches to TrapDoor. With Source
BAUDB12.LHA 7737 24-Jul-92 [5] BaudBandit 1.2 - Fast replacement
serial device; RTS/CTS timing bug fixed
BAUDB14C.LHA 17167 02-Dec-92 [2] BaudBandit.device v1.4c - faster
replacement of the serial.device
BBDEV14C.LHA 15661 04-Dec-92 [3] A faaaast replacement for
serial.device, minor update to V1.4b
BB_20.DMS 347033 11-Jun-92 [3] Baud Bandit 2.0!! A new comm-prg!!
Quite GOOD!!
CLINFO13.LZH 22528 17-Mar-91 [12] Kolla kostnaden i Kr for Ncomm
CM113EXE.LZH 100324 11-Mar-92 [0] Confmail 1.13 update. Fixes a few
problems. Requires AmigaDos 2.04.
CRLF13.LHA 15202 26-Aug-92 [0] Converts format of ASCII files between
different machines
DAREAD12.LZH 27428 28-Sep-92 [0] Simple QWK offline reader
DLGBL01.LHA 24099 18-Oct-92 [0] Convert DLGMSGS.txt to Blue Wave format
DREQ13.LHA 8914 11-Nov-92 [0] DReq v1.3 - A very simple program for
File Requesting
DTERM02B.LHA 82261 23-Aug-92 [2] Dream Term 0.2b ... Beta releas = Some
bug and not finished .. but take a look
anyway... Really fast text output... w.
14.4k and 8 colors up to 2500
characters per second... THATS FAST !!
DUPPER10.LZH 11397 06-May-92 [0] Dupper v1.0 Eval. Check for Dupe
FASTSER.LHA 3401 20-Dec-92 [1] snabbare seriel devices
FFRS124.LHA 59031 16-Dec-92 [0] The Fido Files Request Server V1.24
FIDONET.LZH 16893 11-Nov-92 [0] TrapDoor's FidoNet Manual, updated
FLZY0203.LHA 16690 23-Dec-92 [0] Foozle log statistics generator v1.203
FNTREPL.LHA 1964 24-Nov-92 [1] Replace your NComm1-2 fonts with these!!
FOOZLE10.LZH 135564 24-Nov-91 [2] Foozle v1.0 - VERY good mail
FRAID1_0.LHA 10007 26-Nov-92 [1] Foozle Raid v1.0 -- Raid-alike program
for the use with Foozle (>=1.01)
FRED142.LHA 70199 25-Mar-92 [1] FRED [v1.42], Filelist manager &
request tool. This version is an update
to v0.42a+ (many bugfixes and
FSERV.LHA 53397 08-Aug-92 [0] FANTASTIC TrapDoor FReq-Server
FTICK096.LHA 31234 26-Nov-92 [0] Foozle Tick/Hatch 0.96 beta -- 4d file
echo manager
FZ101UPD.LZH 67519 01-Jan-92 [1] Foozle 1.01 - Update archive only, many
bugs fixe
FZ102.LHA 145920 28-Jun-92 [2] Foozle v1.02 -- FidoNet compatible mail
FZCC.LHA 28352 22-Aug-92 [1] Foozle .prefs/.areas compiler - FzI
FZNEW100.LHA 6398 01-Sep-92 [0] Let any external program process newly
imported Foozle messages
FZPREFS6.LHA 16850 09-Jun-92 [1] FzPrefs V34.6 - Foozle.prefs
compiler/disassembler. Bugfix.
GCC36B_X.LZH 93218 01-Oct-91 [0] GCCHost 3.6b update, AreaFix bugfixed,
bad pkt problems fixed!
GPF221_A.LZH 88939 16-Dec-92 [0] Patch for GPFax v2.01 (02.05.92) ->
GPF221_B.LZH 88941 16-Dec-92 [0] Patch for GPFax v2.01 (10.06.92) ->
GPF221_S.LZH 89275 16-Dec-92 [0] Patch for GPFax v2.01S -> v2.21S (Supra
only version)
GPFA204.LHA 63540 13-Nov-92 [0] GP-Fax Patch to version 2.04
GPFAX201.DMS 362681 08-Nov-92 [1] GpFax ej den Supra specifika versionen
HIGHNULL.LHA 17162 27-Jan-92 [3] GetSend - Transfer files at 115.2K baud
: Amiga <
JRC102R.LZH 263789 09-Apr-91 [12] Jrcomm version 1.02r. En del fixat
JRCALC.ZIP 11623 26-Jan-92 [7] JRcomm calculations
JRCOS071.LHA 22679 30-Nov-91 [4] JRcost v0.71
JRINFO24.LZH 59732 15-Jun-91 [6] Complete JrComm Log Analyzer v2.4
JRSCAN10.LZH 18088 26-Jan-92 [6] Tillbeh|r till JRcomm
JRSTATS.LZH 16742 26-Jan-92 [3] JRcomm statistics
JUP076.LHA 6294 16-Oct-92 [0] upload script to use with Ncom
LINFO12.LHA 87095 20-Dec-92 [2] Ncomm Logfile analyser, in full
windowing environment. By Sanjeev Massey
MAGICALL.LHA 291773 15-Jan-92 [5] Nytt Term-prg. Snabb ANSI-emulering
MCI-OUT_11.LHA 16618 15-Aug-92 [0] Filter MCI v1.1 Code for FIDO
MKND131R.LHA 8257 09-Dec-92 [0] Arexx program to get information from
Nodelist,req Traplist.library (Bugfix
of 120R) By Mark Kambites
MMAIL101.LHA 5858 27-Jan-92 [1] MakeMail v1.01 is a Ghostwriter for
Foozle (requi
MSGLINK.LZH 13312 09-May-91 [1] (FIDO) Message-handler f|r point-system
NCOM2FIX.LHA 252126 20-Mar-92 [12] NComm2.0 reqistered version
NCOMMFNT.LHA 2236 25-Apr-92 [6] Mycket bra font till NCOMM. DL
NLX04.LHA 13008 15-Aug-92 [1] A versatile nodelist explorer, a lot of
search options and diplay formats.
Requires KS2.04 and traplist.library
OFFLINE!.LZH 34710 03-May-92 [8] Util. till NComm
PAKSRT11.LHA 15113 26-Nov-92 [0] Use from TrapToss. Sort OtherNet mail
pkts into multi inbound dirs
PBVIEW08.LHA 13935 24-Jul-92 [0] PbView v0.8 - Intuitionised phonebook
viewer for NComm v2.00
PBVIEW10.LHA 15076 26-Sep-92 [1] PbView v1.0 - Intuitionised NComm
Phonebook Viewer
PLUT94UP.LHA 57440 08-Nov-92 [0] Bugfix upgrade to Plutonic Message
editor. No docs/support files...
PLUTO93P.LHA 196938 01-Nov-92 [0] Plutonic Message Editor - FTS1
Compatable Area Manager
PM456.ZIP 72861 18-Dec-91 [0] Point Manager 3.00 beta 456
PM456ENG.LZH 21914 18-Dec-91 [0] Point Manager 3.00 beta 456 (english
PM_3_10.LHA 266959 01-Dec-92 [1] PointManager v3.10
PRIVADD.LHA 2262 16-Apr-92 [0] Update PrivUser list for Foozle, GCC &
Q-BLUE07.LZH 117721 24-Jun-92 [4] Q-Blue v.07, BlueWave/QWK offline
reader for the Amiga.
RAPN.LHA 11643 09-Sep-91 [3] Resident Asynchronous Parallel Network
REFLO101.LHA 6348 20-Sep-92 [0] PM Utility. Reflows message text
(strips unneeded CR's)
RGHTTIME.LHA 10148 29-Nov-92 [3] Ringer upp televerkets atomur och
st<73>ller in R<>TT tid i datorn.
RRU1_1.LHA 76772 09-Jun-92 [0] RadaReader v1.1 - Mailer / Tosser
RXMV10E.LHA 13709 29-Apr-92 [4] RXM 1.0 Read messages downloaded by
xenolink message download.
SECTN105.LHA 8015 25-Oct-92 [1] Section 1.05 - Create sections of the
full nodelist for your system
SERNET24.LZH 24586 26-Sep-91 [0] Koppla ihop amigor via Serieporten
STERM109.LHA 18768 29-Sep-92 [2] ShellTerm v1.09 - simple terminal
program that runs in a CLI/Shell window
SUPRA25.LHA 61335 21-Jun-92 [1] modem0.device v2.5 for Supra ZI modems
and software
T2N10C.LHA 9177 09-Dec-92 [0] t2n 1.0c - TrapDoor to NComm log
converter, for cost calculations
TDIAL165.LHA 30314 06-Dec-92 [0] <v1.65> TDialC, TrapDoor Enhanced
Redial Scheduler, now in C, Postcardware
TD_1_80.LZH 213085 04-Oct-91 [3] TrapDoor v1.80 - The Best Amiga mailer -
TD_1_83.LZH 223280 11-Nov-92 [1] TrapDoor 1.83 Release Version - The
Real Amiga Mailer!
TER910.LHA 303543 14-Nov-92 [2] Terminus 1.910, betaversion av JR-Comm
TERM24-1.LHA 407753 22-Oct-92 [3] Term v2.4 - Powerful OS2.x Terminal
program - Exes, Libs
TERM24-2.LHA 861252 22-Oct-92 [2] Term v2.4 - Powerful OS2.x Terminal
program - Utilities, Sources, 030
TLST0832.LHA 18628 23-Dec-92 [0] TrapDoor log statistics generator
TL_LIB.LZH 28583 03-Oct-91 [1] TrapDoor Library 4.17.
TL_LIB52.LZH 32335 11-Nov-92 [0] TrapList Programmers Toolkit,
traplist.library 5.2
TNXB11.EXE 55972 09-Dec-92 [2] TwinExpress - serial Filetransfer
PC<->PC,AMI<->PC - PCPART - from
TSTAT11C.LHA 18755 16-Dec-92 [0] TrapDoor Logfile Statistics Utility
TSYNC016.LHA 17952 29-Nov-92 [1] <v0.16> TSync, synchronizes system time
by use of TrapDoor's TrxID, bugfix
TS_1_4.LZH 8357 03-Oct-91 [1] TrapScan v 1.4. Till TrapDoor.
TT_1_20.LZH 115027 04-Oct-91 [2] TrapToss v1.20 - Very powerfull mail
TWIT11.LHA 7335 16-Apr-92 [0] Twit v1.11: Universal message filter
UU3441.LHA 13391 07-Mar-92 [1] UUEncode/UUDecode V34.41 for AmigaOS
UU3722.LHA 5759 07-Mar-92 [3] UUEncode/UUDecode for AmigaOS 2.0+
VLT5P517.LHA 235091 24-Apr-92 [2] VLT 5.517 - great terminal program full
xpr compatible, Arexx and more
WLMT4713.LZH 160371 11-Mar-92 [1] Welmat 0.47.13 semi-release. This may
be the last AmigaDos 1.3Compat - Read
XCOMM85.LHA 118529 28-Sep-92 [1] NEW !! Update for Xcomm terminal
program. Obs only update.
XLOG201.LHA 49981 20-Apr-92 [3] Calcs phonebill from *ANY* camm-pgm
(normal vers.)
XLOG201A.LHA 45964 20-Apr-92 [3] Calcs phonebill from *ANY* comm-pgm.
(Accelrator Vers.)
XPRK1111.LZH 69977 20-Mar-92 [0] XPR Kermit Version 1.111 by Stephen
XPRY_20.LZH 12097 08-Oct-91 [1] XPRYModem Library V2.0
XPRZ250.LZH 81980 04-Dec-91 [7] xprzmodem.library v2.50 - Added CRC-32
XPRZMOD252.LHA 12120 11-Apr-92 [15] prZmodem.library v2.52. This version
should fix any problems experienced in
xfers between XL and NComm/Term and
other terms that uses XPR-protocols.
Download this with an other protocol as
YModem for instance, switch libraries
and flush the old lib out, then DL:-)
XTIME.LHA 6969 27-Oct-91 [2] Calcualtes how much time a file
transfer is going to take.
PKTINF1B.LHA 36226 29-Dec-92 [0] PktInfo V1.1b packet header peaker with
FSC-0045 support.
108 files. 8551058 bytes.
--------------------- Section 7 'BBS-Programs ' --------------------
4DBBS.LZH 160386 10-Nov-91 [0] 4D-BBS Version 1.11 (Demo) - Good BBS
AFR105.LHA 65004 04-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] AFR 1.05. GUI Request and File
Attacher for DLG.
AOTHELLO.LHA 11539 28-Aug-92 [1] [DLG] game of othello for the amiga..
works with DLG.
ARCUTIL_V.9.LH 1809 15-Oct-92 [2] [CNET] Extract .LHA & .DMS from UD area
- v.9
AREQ100.LHA 4042 18-Oct-92 [0] Automatically generate reqfiles from
file announcement messages
ATC10UR.LHA 32196 16-Sep-92 [0] ATC [v1.0] Area Tick Controller By
Chris Adams
ATC22.LHA 47786 28-Oct-92 [1] Attach II - A funny utility to make
file attach. Needs reqtools.library v38
or higher.
ATICK75.LZH 44882 05-Sep-91 [0] AmigaTick .75. A Major update of .5
AUTODIFF.LHA 3315 23-Sep-92 [0] AutoDiff v1.4 - ARexx NodeDiff handler
for TrapDoor/TrapList
BBBASE16.LHA 68917 16-Apr-92 [4] Powerful BBS Database for
BBSMOD10.LHA 7248 24-Jul-92 [0] [CNET] Super Fast BBSTEXT Modifier v1.0
BGARD123.LZH 12463 05-Apr-92 [1] Board Guard V1.23!
BILLEM.LHA 35673 27-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] EchoMail Billing Program for
Dialog w/ PDQMail
BJACK10.LHA 10756 20-Dec-92 [0] BlackJack v1.0 - A Paragon/StarNet Game
CALBINT7.LZH 37754 09-Dec-92 [0] CallBack-International v1.71 - CallBack
door for StarNet BBS
CC345.LHA 11393 08-Aug-92 [2] CarbonCopy -- A multi-matrix utility
CC347.LHA 11942 15-Aug-92 [0] CarbonCopy V34.7 <20> A nice FSC-0039
MultiMatrix utility
CHDUP090.LHA 22595 04-Sep-92 [0] [STARNET] CheckDupes v0.90 for StarNet.
Very Fast!!
CHDUP100.LHA 23199 16-Sep-92 [0] [STARNET] CheckDupes v1.00 for StarNet
BBS. Very FAST! '030-version included.
CLOG30.LHA 11928 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Last Callers Log by Doctoran
CLUEDO10.LHA 18474 20-Dec-92 [1] Cluedo v1.0 - A Paragon/StarNet Game
CNETHELP.LHA 39289 28-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] Help System in HyperText v2.0
COMPSTAT.LZH 9920 15-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] CLI door for DLG ONLY. Compute
stats on user computer types. v0.1
CONNV130.LHA 40849 15-Jul-92 [1] Connect v 1.30 .. final update av
AmiExpress Emulatorn i AREXX
COUNTER.LZH 7884 04-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] DLG BBS specific program that
keeps track of the total number of
calls made to your BBS.
COWS15.LHA 14387 28-Oct-92 [2] [CNET] Cows! v1.5
CSHARK2.LHA 5781 13-Nov-92 [1] [CNET] Card Sharks v2.0
DD2CONST.LHA 22667 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Double Daggers II Construction
DDDSTAT.LHA 7944 02-Dec-92 [0] DDDSTAT V0.9: DLG
Statistics-ansi-screen generator.
DGQWK065.LHA 73184 20-Dec-92 [2] [DLG] A wonderful QWK door (ofline
reader) from Reid Bishop
DIABTAG.LHA 3951 18-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Move Tagged Files To FidoNet Poll.
DIAWMA11.LHA 4075 13-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] DiaWMail V1.1 (Bug Fix) - Check
User Public Waiting Mail.
DIGITS11.LHA 3493 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] DiGits v1.1 - Game
DLGMODS.LHA 10835 28-Aug-92 [2] [DLG] list of current doors and utils
for DLG.
DLIST224.LHA 12151 08-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Newfilescanner for DLG, list and
TAG new files since last call
DLIST227.LHA 12797 02-Dec-92 [0] DDDLister V3.227: NewFilescanner for
DLG, list and TAG new files.
DOCREAD1.LHA 3004 18-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] Disolve archive a READ file from
Examine command
DSUE110.LHA 164703 15-Oct-92 [0] [STARNET] DuoSoftUE V1.10 (Best
usereditor to StarNet) Now with Arexx,
Transpose and userinfo search.
DSUE111.LHA 164741 22-Oct-92 [0] [STARNET] DuoSoftUE V1.11 (The Best
User Editor to StarNet BBS).
DUPECHEK.LHA 3149 16-Dec-92 [0] Checks for dupe phone #'s, aliases,
passwords, and addresses. RX required.
EFLG305.LHA 15788 26-Dec-92 [1] The ENHANCED-FILELIST-GENERATOR v3.05,
minor update to v3.03, now WITHOUT
EVENTLOG.LHA 996 15-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Add notes to users Event.log
files in DLG
EXCEDEMO.LHA 362261 04-Nov-92 [0] Excelsior! BBS v0.969 Demo 3 - very
powerful BBS system
FCALL1B5.LHA 26220 23-Nov-92 [0] <v1.1b5> The best Node caller for
TrapDoor 1.80, OS2.x only
FFIND105.LHA 85956 26-Sep-92 [0] [DLG] FileFinder 1.05, file lister for
DLG, new version
FFIND106.LHA 99007 09-Oct-92 [0] [DLG]FileFinder 1.06, file list creator
for DLG
FIDO_BADWORDS. 8797 15-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] Strips & Replaces BAD words from
Fido x.msgs
FILEM.LZH 1746 20-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] File maintenance script
for TransAmiga
FIXTDSCR.LHA 4921 16-Sep-92 [1] Force TrapDoor 1.8 to open it's windows
on your 2.04 public screen.
FLDL102.LHA 2536 20-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] File List D/L Util for TA
- Use with GKUpload
FMGR326.LHA 19741 10-Sep-92 [0] [FALCON] FileManager 3.26, a utility
for Falcon CBCS!
FOYERS14.LHA 10128 24-Jul-92 [0] FoyerSelect v1.4 - Launches other
serial device type prgs from a FIDO
FOYERSEL.LZH 10307 16-Sep-92 [0] Allows users to select multiple BBSs
from a FIDO frontend
FREQ311.LHA 33055 11-Mar-92 [3] FReq v3.11 Bugs fixed, new features,
keyfile support...
GETUSER490.LHA 7183 15-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] Many Getuser commands in Text
GETUSERV1.LHA 4924 15-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] Arexx to show a lot of the
Getuser commands
GHDELT1B.LHA 15879 11-Sep-92 [0] Update to GHDeltic. Allows for more
than 3d addressing.
GHDELT1C.LHA 16572 11-Sep-92 [0] Latest version of GHDeltic. Workd with
GIZCONF.LHA 46162 22-Aug-92 [0] [STARNET] GizmoConf v1.26. Alternative
config for StarNet. Requires
GKUP307.LHA 8332 13-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Bulk uploader in ARexx for
GKUP310.LHA 8250 20-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Bulk uploader in ARexx for
TA - Some new features
GKUP405.LHA 12537 16-Dec-92 [0] File List Updater for TA. Lots of
H&S_12.LZH 161948 09-Dec-92 [0] great RPG.. works with Xeno or DLG and
possibly others
HD-INFOV1,0.LH 1955 15-Oct-92 [2] [CNET] Hard Drive info utility
ICHECK.LHA 3900 12-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Info Check - Security program
ISF.LHA 16741 16-Dec-92 [0] Import Stray Files for DLG BBS/OS, beta
version, imports files in the file area
but not avail for d/l.
JBPFX02.LZH 14865 01-Dec-92 [0] JBPAreafix v.02. The BETA version...
Try before you BUY!
JBPSTAT2.LZH 12296 26-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Computer statistics. Soon to be
MORE! ver 0.02
JBPSTAT5.LZH 15273 16-Dec-92 [0] Caller and computer statistics door for
DLG BBS/OS version 0.05
JPFSH131.LZH 15150 13-Nov-92 [0] Fish DATABASE Door for
DLG/PARAGON/Starnet/CLI by John Preston
KILLSTR.LHA 9021 09-Dec-92 [0] For DLG only. Kills stray messages,
which you probably have a lot of.
LAUSR17F.LHA 33230 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] The ORIGINAL LaUsr 1.7f - Last
10 Callers - v2.41+
LU101.LZH 5046 26-Sep-92 [1] [STARNET] LastUsers V1.01 - Show llast
10 users. Bugfix.
MAFIAUD.LHA 41419 02-Dec-92 [1] Updated MafiaDoor, more fair to newer
players, minor changes.
MAGLMP21.LHA 84250 02-Dec-92 [0] Magic Lamp personalized Lotto number
selector for DLG
MAGLP215.LHA 87598 09-Dec-92 [0] Magic Lamp lotto number picker v2.15
(bug fixes)
MAXBBS.DMS 262049 21-Jun-91 [6] MAX BBs v0.96 - BBS Programm written in
MEGA241.LHA 282048 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Mega Egg Interface for v2.41
MIRWHO10.LHA 15478 16-Dec-92 [1] MirWho V.1.0 - Great "Who's online?"
tool - freeware!
MLINE10.LHA 3270 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Inserts random CNET things at
Main prompt
MOTUS10.LHA 10360 20-Dec-92 [1] Motus v1.0 - A Paragon/StarNet Game Door
MSC9E.LHA 32324 18-Oct-92 [0] [DLG] Latest MSChat, KS2.04 ONLY, 7 day
availability support, other minor
MSC9H.LHA 33308 28-Oct-92 [1] [DLG] Latest MSChat for DLG/KS2.04,
fixes serious carrier drop bugs, more.
MSC9K.LHA 34281 09-Dec-92 [0] MSChat 0.9k for DLG BBS ONLY. Toggle
EOL Beep, other control keys.
MSCID01.LHA 32028 13-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Mad Scientist's Caller ID, needs
DLG/TrapDoor/Modem with ID.
MSG2NEW.LHA 6466 13-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] For DLG, send message to new user.
MSGPHAGE.LHA 4405 09-Dec-92 [0] Cleans up rogue messages in your msg:
areas. Nice and tidy!
MTLK0920.LHA 84560 28-Aug-92 [1] [DLG] MULTI user chat module for DLG by
Sam Yee
MULTIA.LHA 17088 23-Sep-92 [0] [DLG] Allows seperate aliases for
different DLG msg areas, configurable
NINFO375.LHA 2936 04-Apr-92 [1] NodeInfo V37.5 -- A NODELIST lock-up
utility for OS2.04+
NIPL3705.LZH 9238 22-Oct-92 [0] NicePoll v37.05 - The GUI poll-program.
NMAIN11.LHA 2936 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] New Menu System from Main Prompt
NOTE10.LHA 2796 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] SysOP Note Writer v1.0
NPAGE1.LZH 56130 26-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Enable & Disable Sysop
paging from the shell for TransAmiga.
OLSS2RL.LHA 42178 01-Sep-92 [0] [FALCON] OLSS by Tim Walls. A Falcon
util to access offline software via
online dbase.
ONELINER.LHA 4901 13-Nov-92 [0] [CNET] Simple One Liner
PAGE.LHA 1869 09-Sep-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Arexx script that allows
TA Sysops to toggle Page ON or OFF.
PASSP132.LHA 22626 20-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Password protect
TransAmiga sysop functions - new version
PASSPR13.LHA 21048 08-Nov-92 [0] [TRANSAMIGA] Password protect
TransAmiga sysop functions.
PCONV2.LHA 8021 08-Nov-92 [0] PointConv - Program to convert
FrontDoor->TrapDoor pointlists
PIGGY.LHA 45364 28-Aug-92 [2] [DLG] interesting game for DLG bbs's
PKTINFO.LHA 16986 08-Aug-92 [2] PKTinfo v1.00 Examine fidonet packets
(KS 20)
PORTX130.LHA 86530 16-Dec-92 [0] PortalX v1.30 - Portal offline message
PROCHAT.LHA 10134 04-Oct-92 [0] [DLG] ProChat v1.0e - Two chat windows.
Demo version with many limits.
PTEST21.LHA 36687 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Purity Tester v2.1 - Sexually
PTEST22.LHA 36815 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Purity Tester v2.2 - Sexually
PTEST23.LHA 37463 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Purity Tester v2.3 (ADULT)
RATIO_V20.LHA 14250 15-Oct-92 [1] [CNET] UD to Message Ratio checker v2.0
SFILE220.LHA 14019 26-Apr-92 [1] SendFile 2.20 - A good file attach
SKYFR301.LHA 32933 22-Oct-92 [0] [DLG] SkyFreq v3.01 - DLG Freq Handler
- work around fixes for SAS C 6.00 bugs.
SKYQUO10.LHA 73976 20-Mar-92 [1] SkyQuote v1.0 - Displays random quotes,
useful for DLG or other BBS programs
SL125ALPHA.LHA 148982 18-Oct-92 [1] [CNET] Space Lanes v1.25 - ALPHA
SLOT11.LHA 1163 06-Nov-92 [0] [DLG] Slotter V1.1 (ARexx) - User win
or lost online time.
SLOTS10.LHA 9252 20-Dec-92 [1] Slots v1.0 - A Paragon/StarNet Game Door
SMAIL10B.LHA 56417 06-Sep-92 [0] [FALCON] The QWK Format Off-Line Mail
Door for Falcon CBCS
STARVOTE.LHA 17980 26-Sep-92 [1] [STARNET] StarVote v1.0 -- StarNet
AREXX Voting Booth (User Polls)
STELLAR.LZH 23955 13-May-92 [2] Stellar War v1.91 - Multiplayer ARexx
war game. for StarNet or Paragon BBS.
SUBSCR01.LZH 4395 07-Oct-92 [0] [STARNET] Subscription Screener V.01
screens bbs users for access on a
particular line of the bbs
SYSOPPAG.LHA 82906 18-Oct-92 [1] [CNET] Opens ARQ requestor on front
screen when Chat Requested
TA11_A.LHA 90275 16-Apr-92 [4] TransAmiga BBS [v1.11] - Part 1 of 3 -
TA11_B.LHA 241484 16-Apr-92 [3] TransAmiga BBS [v1.11] - Part 2 of 3 -
Binary & Libs
TA11_C.LHA 20705 16-Apr-92 [4] TransAmiga BBS [v1.11] - Part 3 of 3 -
Text & Configs
TA11_PRG.LHA 16831 16-Apr-92 [3] TransAmiga [v1.11] Programmers ToolKit
TAGRD16.LHA 72731 15-Oct-92 [0] [DLG] Latest TagRead for DLG BBS/OS,
now with batch file support.
TLSTAT10.LHA 16614 22-Oct-92 [0] TLStat 1.0 - Analyze TrapDoor Log (Z2
TQUOTE7A.LHA 12827 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] T Quote Wall v7.0a
TUCFG16A.LHA 32519 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] The Ultimate CNET Filelist
Generator v1.6a
TUCFG17B.LHA 35272 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] The Ultimate CNet Filelist
Generator v1.7b
TUCFG17D.LHA 34837 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNet] The Ultimate CNet
Filelist/FREQlist Generator. FAST,
TUCFGII_V1.5A. 25215 09-Oct-92 [0] [CNET] The Ultimate CNet Filelist
Generator II - v1.5a
VALCHECK.LHA 5826 09-Dec-92 [0] Displays unvalidated files to the SysOp
at login
WIZDOM11.LHA 16062 11-Nov-92 [0] [FALCON] WiZDom v 1.01 - Allows
multiple net addresses to be used under
Falcon CBCS
WIZRD16A.LHA 14726 11-Nov-92 [0] [FALCON] WiZRead v 1.6a - Falcon Online
Message reader (for use with WiZScan)
WIZSCN17.LHA 16783 11-Nov-92 [0] [FALCON] WiZSCan v 1.7 - Offline mail
scanner for use with Falcon
XPKT10.LHA 9246 19-Jan-92 [0] XPkt 1.0 - Great tool for peeking at
fidonet mail
YAL120.LHA 7845 09-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Yet Another LaUs Last 10 Caller
clone - More Flags
ZREG4.LHA 10583 16-Dec-92 [0] [CNET] Z-Registry v4 - FInger
CLUEDO11.LHA 19378 29-Dec-92 [0] CLUEDO Master Detective v1.1 - A
Paragon/StarNet Door
138 files. 4994405 bytes.
--------------------- Section 8 'Graphic Utils ' --------------------
3DMAST.LZH 147979 29-May-92 [6] Ett raytracing PRG vid namn 3D MASTER
AEROTOONS.LZH 305140 30-Oct-92 [0] This package contains "Swiss F-16
Combat" and "Stealthy Maneuver 2" by
the one and only Schwarz..
AIRCRFT1.LHA 457256 23-Aug-92 [0] aircrafts for imagine 2.0
AMIGAGIF.LZH 12304 16-May-91 [5] Gif-Viewer till Amiga
ANTILEM.LHA 508704 29-Nov-92 [2] Anti-Lemming demo av Eric Schwartz
ATMOVIES.LHA 212857 29-Nov-92 [0] At the movies. End demo av Erik
ATMOVIES.LZH 227205 29-Dec-91 [5] At the movies. Eric Schwartz animering
BBSDRA42.LHA 27240 27-Nov-92 [3] BBS Draw v4.2 The Best ANSI ED
BFTBEACH.LHA 250315 11-Jun-92 [4] Back from the Beach by Patrick Black...
(Adult Movie? :-)
BOOTPIC1.LZH 31559 26-May-91 [12] Byt ut bootbilden mot din egen.
CHMATE08.LZH 68098 19-Oct-91 [7] ChemniMaTe 0.8, Animate Chemical
CLOUD.ZOO 27779 21-Oct-90 [6] Generar snygga moln eller satellitbilder
COYOTE2.LHA 193629 06-Dec-92 [0] Graben och Hjulben. Ett demo av Eric
DP41_1.DMS 453440 15-Aug-92 [6] DeLux Paint 4.1
DPATCH.LZH 7207 25-Nov-91 [4] Patch till DPaint IV f|r att {ndra
DPNTAGA.LHA 236055 07-Dec-92 [2] Deluxe Paint For AGA- BETA VER
DPNTBUD1.DMS 310674 23-Nov-92 [0] deluxepaint4.1 budysys 1/2
DPNTBUD2.DMS 314792 23-Nov-92 [0] deluxepaint4.1 buddysys 2/2
DYNAMATE.LZH 3330 08-Dec-91 [7] DynaMate v0.5 - The best Dynamic-Hires
FAC2FROG.LHA 540455 16-Dec-92 [0] Impressive morphing animation between a
face and a frog
FAGIF112.LHA 9025 04-Nov-92 [4] Really fast GIF viewer (near to
realtime!). 8 bits converted to
FANSI13.LHA 49523 27-Jan-92 [4] The Fancy ANSI Manipulator v1.3 -
awesome ANSI ed
FANSIV20.LHA 43035 25-Dec-92 [1] Fansi version 2.0 - ANSI Editor Good
FFEX40.LZH 59003 27-Jan-92 [3] Fast Fractal Exploration Set 4.0
FONTDESI.LHA 129016 08-Jul-92 [2] FontDesigner till bl.a Page Stream !!!
FRAKBERG.LZH 11066 03-Oct-90 [4] Ritar Bergslandskap med hj{lp av
GIF-PACK.LHA 35505 20-Dec-92 [2] Convert GIF <---> IFF/Ham Pictures
GIF2IFF.LZH 36438 19-Aug-91 [12] Converts GIF (IBM) Pictures to IFF
GIFVIE44.LHA 12895 22-Oct-92 [5] GIF_view v4.4 (August 1992) - GIF image
viewer and GIF to IFF converter
GIFVIEW2.LZH 11958 16-Nov-91 [5] GIF_view v.2 - Displays GIF images
HTRIWALL.LZH 115352 11-Mar-92 [7] How To Run Into The Wall. Animation by
Erik S.
ICOONS10.LHA 366644 02-Dec-92 [0] ICoons v1.0 - spline based object
modeller that generates obj in TTDDD
IFF CONVERTER 7984 08-Sep-92 [1] en iff converter!
IFF2EX.LZH 4546 21-Jun-92 [2] G<>r en korbar fil av en iff bild
IFF2PS.ZOO 44466 03-Oct-90 [3] Omvandlar IFF till PostScript.
IFF2SRC.LHA 10012 26-Apr-92 [3] Converts IFF ILBM or ANIM file to C or
machinelanguage source, by Jorrit
ILBM05.LZH 92671 31-Jul-92 [1] A library for easy handling the
IMAGE.DMS 132596 25-Aug-91 [4] Imagefinder... An image ripper...
IMCOMP1.1.DMS 336814 20-Aug-92 [0] imagine companion disk med ex o dyl
foer 1.1 kanske 2.0
INTFONT.LHA 272744 21-Nov-92 [2] Interfont. Vector fonts editor.
MANDEL.LZH 55937 13-Sep-91 [8] Mandelbrot Generator 680x0 v2.2 !
Fastest mandel
MANDMA30.LHA 50114 02-May-92 [4] MandelMania v3.0 - very powerfull
Mandelbrot/Julia Set explorer - OS 2.x
MESSUP14.LHA 2836 26-Nov-92 [0] Updates lastread.bbs pointers after
user has logged off. By Martin Wasley
MODEL4D.LZH 83887 13-Nov-92 [3] Ett 3d-raytracingprogram som man ocks<6B>
kan g<>ra anomimationer i.
MOSTR108.LHA 50020 07-Oct-92 [3] Mostra v1.08 - the best ever IFF image
MTV.LHA 4866 18-Oct-92 [7] Ger en MTV-logo i <20>vre h<>gra h<>rnet!
N<>t att skryta med!
MVPPATCH.LHA 2177 04-Nov-92 [0] Patches the graphics.library in order
to allow the correct scrolling of
multipalette pictures
NAVYTR.LHA 48081 22-Feb-92 [10] Another Erik S. animation. An
PCHGLIB.LHA 252960 04-Nov-92 [0] PCHG (Palette CHanGe) IFF chunk specs
and tools - release 1.1
PIC2ANSI.LZH 17920 06-Apr-91 [2] Omvandlar LORES/1BitPlan till ANSI-text
PIXPRO.DMS 324858 15-Nov-92 [0] pixel professional a
converter/conversion prog for various
ray tracers
POGO.LHA 267329 27-Dec-92 [1] A demo by Eric Schwartz
PPANM10B.LHA 45862 11-Jun-92 [0] Play Anim files packed with powerpacker
PPSHOW21.LHA 50892 11-Jun-92 [5] IFF ILBM Viewer with SHAM, Dynamic
Hires, powerpacked files support
PPSHOW23.LHA 44260 01-Nov-92 [2] PPShow 2.3, IFF ILBM viewer, supports
AGA Chipset, by Nico Francois
PPSHOW30.LHA 58088 01-Dec-92 [1] PPshow v3.0, show IFF/ILBM files, now
with AA support, by Nico Francois
PPSHW30A.LHA 58361 16-Dec-92 [0] PPShow v3.0a, show IFF ILBM files,
plays AGA anims, by Nico Francois
PROAN114.LHA 80526 17-Jul-92 [3] ProANSI v1.14: ANSI editor.
RASTERLK.DMS 306189 26-May-91 [7] RasterLink. Lets you convert
whatever format you desire.
REND104F.LHA 99968 25-Oct-92 [0] Rend24 v1.04f - Convert 24bit IFF into
various formats
SEEPIX33.LHA 32765 22-Oct-92 [0] SeePix v3.3 - IFF ILBM picture viewer
and printer
SETOB.LZH 12869 09-Apr-92 [1] Visar txt-filer och ilbm-bilder,snabbt
SHCOCK.LZH 93184 15-Feb-92 [5] Eric S. i Rymden !!!
SOFTLAND.LHA 111832 22-Feb-92 [9] Another Erik S. animation. An aerotoon
about russian runways for landing.
STEALTHII.DMS 268906 27-Jan-92 [6] Another Animation By Schwartz
SUPERPAL.ZIP 3961 03-Jul-91 [8] 3 Utils for Fatter Agnus owner
TAKE2.LHA 335431 24-Aug-92 [3] Animation made by Geert Vergauwe,
author of Take-2, includes player
TIFFVIEW.LHA 133106 20-Sep-92 [0] Tiffview 1.01b, convert IFF <-> TIFF,
by Bert Wynants
TIV16C.LHA 58180 14-Feb-92 [3] TIV v1.6c - Shows any IFF file
TV_104.LHA 106582 29-Nov-92 [3] TiffView v1.04, view/print/read/write
TIF/IFF/GIF files, by Bert Wynants
VERTEX17.LHA 107937 17-May-92 [4] Sculpt, TSilver/Imagine, LightWave,
Geo, Wavefront Editor.
VIETNAM.LZH 110756 23-Jul-91 [9] Vietnam Conflict. An Erik Schwartz
VIEW34.LHA 48881 02-Dec-92 [1] View v3.4 - nice IFF/SHAM intuitioned
images/anims viewer
VISTA.LZH 211748 11-Jul-92 [3] Vista. Generates great landscapes.
VJPEG.LHA 26761 19-Mar-92 [5] Vjpeg v0.01 - Displays JPEG pictures on
the Amiga
VTEK101.LHA 80671 29-Nov-92 [2] Viewtek 1.00 - A Multi-Format
(ILBM/GIF/JPEG/ANIM) Picture/Animation
WASP200B.LHA 105973 21-Mar-92 [6] Wasp v2.0 beta.. Convert GIF -> IFF!!
X-VU10.LHA 10668 22-Oct-92 [3] X-Vu v1.0 - IFF/GIF/ANIM5 shower,
simple but fast
ANUS.LHA 90763 30-Dec-92 [1] Anus p<> linjen. (Linus p<> linje, men
mycket fr<66>ckare)
TREEFROG.LHA 51928 30-Dec-92 [1] Detta ar en liten demo av en groda som
sitter och blinkar i ett trad. Med den
ar skitbra ritad (Diggad).
81 files. 10099456 bytes.
--------------------- Section 9 'Pictures ' --------------------
1992CARD.LHA 21499 16-Dec-92 [1] A Special IFF Christmas Card from
Edward I. Gee of PAUG
1MBCHIP.LZH 26449 16-Jun-91 [3] 1meg chipmem om du har Superfat
3IN1.GIF 50783 21-Jun-92 [5] 3 man 1 kvinna
9000CS.LHA 90931 04-Oct-92 [1] A very nice picture of a SAAB 9000CS.
Very high Resolutiuon !!!
A4000.LHA 109464 16-Sep-92 [1] Amiga 4000 outside and inside HAM
A600.LHA 124451 15-Mar-92 [3] Pictures on the new amiga 600!!!
AJ37VIGGEN.LZ 77130 27-Jan-92 [2] Piccy p} 4 st AJ-37...
AMIGAAE.JPEG 161034 22-Sep-92 [0] Snygg Amigalogo...
ARNOLD.LZH 24047 21-Feb-92 [8] Bild Pa Arnold I Terminator 1 !!!
Otrolig !!!
ART1.LZH 197118 01-Jan-92 [5] Assorted IFF art pictures in various
ART2.LZH 228090 01-Jan-92 [5] Assorted IFF art pictures in various
ART3.LZH 111755 17-Jan-92 [3] Art collection no 3.
ART4.LZH 103751 17-Jan-92 [2] Art collection no. 4
ART5.LZH 101363 14-Feb-92 [2] Art collection no 5
ART6.LZH 79183 21-Feb-92 [3] Art coll. no 6
ASIATITS.LHA 29738 24-Jul-92 [7] Jajja! Vad<61> STORA!!?
BATLTECH.LZH 41034 12-Dec-92 [3] This is a nice Ham-picture of a
BattleMech. The BattleMech is a huge
war-robot used in BattleTech TM.
BAYWATCH.LHA 71469 01-Dec-92 [11] Kanner du igen henne ifran
BLUEGIRL.LZH 99375 28-Apr-91 [18] En Bild p} n}gon l{ttkl{dd sk|nhet.
BONDAGE3.LHA 32623 22-Mar-92 [11] Kolla namnet!!!
BRDSWORD.LHA 110592 20-Nov-92 [3] Broadsword. A great sword in HAM by Al
BRUNETT7.LZH 97616 30-Nov-92 [5] Spermasugande brunett.......
BUTTFUCK.LZH 22202 22-Feb-92 [12] En ganska otrevlig bild med n<>got i
n<>tt h<>l.
CARLSSON.LZH 3312 10-May-92 [7] En skojig bild pa Carlson
CGCL023.HAM 123922 12-Dec-92 [4] A Blondie Spreading Her Legs...........
CHAIR.LZH 84479 08-Nov-92 [7] A 16 colour gray-shade Hi-Res picture
of a girl sitting in a chair with her
legs apart !!
CHANEL.LHA 48497 31-Oct-92 [3] A Hi-Res picture of Tally Chanel from
DPG showing her nice butt.
CHINA1.LZH 45455 30-Nov-92 [5] Kinesiska suger kuk....
CHINA3.LZH 53672 30-Nov-92 [6] Kinesiska suger vidare......
CICCI.LZH 287561 06-Jul-92 [7] 16 iff pictures ( nasty ones ) of
Cicciolina and friends.
CINDCRAW.LHA 64598 06-Sep-92 [10] Cindy Crawford in a bathing suit.
CINDY.LZH 44532 06-Dec-91 [25] This is a real Nasty pic, Enjoy!
CINDY9.LHA 54905 09-May-92 [20] Bild pa Cindy Crawford
COLORLADY 41076 01-May-92 [3] NICE PIQTURE
CORVETTE.LHA 125862 02-Apr-92 [3] En snygg Dynamic Hires bild p} en
DAWN.LZH 30556 11-Mar-92 [3] snygg bild!
DIABLO.LHA 84094 12-Oct-92 [2] A HAM-picture of a Lamborghini Diablo !!
DPG-1215.GIF 84836 20-Dec-92 [2] FIN BRUD!
DPG-1737.GIF 112196 20-Dec-92 [3] SNYGG TJEJ!
DPG-499.GIF 156260 20-Dec-92 [2] EN URSNYGG TJEJ!
EELENIAK.LZH 368816 12-Dec-92 [3] A package containing 4 Ham-pictures of
Erika Eleniak. Of course she is the
star of BAYWATCH and of course she is
ERIKA.LZH 69502 16-Oct-92 [9] The beautiful face of Erika Eleniak of
EVADAHL.LHA 46659 06-Sep-92 [21] E Dahlgren naked.
FALK.IFF 26796 20-Apr-92 [5] En falk ... vad trodde du?
FCRAB.LHA 113910 20-Nov-92 [3] Fiddler.HAM. Great picture by Al
FENN2.GIF 119197 18-Jun-92 [6] A Gif picture of Sherilyn Fenn (from
Twin Peaks)
FOX2.LZH 40095 17-Apr-92 [5] Samntha Fox PIC 2
GAMEGAY.LZH 20760 26-Apr-92 [6] Ett missbildat ansikte i sallskap med
en gameboy.
GAR1.LZH 56090 15-Feb-92 [0] Tva coola bilder pa Katten Gustaf.
GARFIELD 25216 16-Jan-92 [1] bild pa katten gustav
GIRLS.LZH 43776 30-Jul-91 [17] Flickor Flickor!!!
GOLD2.LHA 110741 19-Dec-92 [3] Som Sagt Hon tog den i
GOLD4.LHA 108785 19-Dec-92 [3] Som Sagt Hon Tog den oi munnen
HERMANHE.LHA 37047 06-Dec-92 [1] Herman Hedning.
HIQ-PICS.LHA 721387 06-Dec-92 [0] 8st fina skarpa bilder p<> snygga tjejer!
HIQLACE3.LHA 88595 27-Sep-92 [5] SNYGG PORR BILD
HIQLACE4.LHA 89382 27-Sep-92 [4] SNYGG PORR BILD
HIQLACE5.LHA 92385 28-Sep-92 [6] SNYGG PORR BILD
HIQLACE6.LHA 91631 28-Sep-92 [4] SNYGG PORR BILD
HIQLACE7.LHA 91548 28-Sep-92 [5] SNYGG PORR BILD
HOBBE1.GIF 4608 20-Apr-92 [5] Fr<46>n Kalle & Hobbe
HONDA.LZH 131394 22-Sep-91 [2] Bild pa supersnygg Honda i depa...
HSX-008.GIF 150239 21-Dec-92 [1] STORA LOKAR
HSX-009.GIF 149257 21-Dec-92 [1] STORA LOKAR PART II....
JACKSON0.LZH 42558 22-Dec-91 [11] LaToya Jackson #0 (PLAYBOY)
JACKSON1.LZH 30079 02-May-91 [33] La-Toya Jackson (From PLAYBOY) #1
JACKSON2.LZH 44039 02-May-91 [25] La-Toya Jackson (From PLAYBOY) #2
KATYA.LHA 86721 31-Oct-92 [3] A Hi-Res picture of a girl named Katya
spreading her lips !!
KINSKI.LZH 90595 16-Oct-92 [1] A Ham-picture of Nasassja Kinski with a
snake !!
LESBIAN03.IFF 106756 21-Sep-92 [5] Picture of three women having a ball!
LISABONE.LZH 46411 16-May-91 [16] Bild p} Lisa Bonet i Cosby 'e naturell'
LOGO!.IFF 15740 17-Oct-92 [0] en Illusion-logo.. ratt snygg.
MADONN05.GIF 189213 20-Dec-92 [3] EN BILD P<> MADONNA!
MADONN37.GIF 204461 20-Dec-92 [3] en till bild p<> madonna!
MADONNA.LZH 13081 23-Aug-91 [29] Madonna naken
MANSIKKA.IFF 80116 15-Dec-92 [0] En RIKTIGT bra bild forestallande en
jordgubbe ... Forstapristagare i en GFX
tavling pa nat party ...
MEGAFUCK.LZH 43008 22-Apr-91 [18] Tja, vad later det som!
MERCEDES.LZH 28376 23-Sep-91 [5] JATTESNYGG Merca,(=Varsting)
NEPTUNE.LZH 28159 22-Nov-91 [6] A very nice picture of Neptune taken by
NYMPH.LHA 109914 06-Dec-92 [1] Bild i samma klass som Nymphs.
OCEAN.LHA 28295 26-Dec-92 [2] Some very nice pictures of their LOGO,
made by me, the UL:er !!!
PABDUL.LZH 76462 14-Oct-92 [1] A very high-resolution picture (No sex)
of Paula Abdul.
PAD.LHA 45433 28-Sep-92 [9] SNYGG BRUD!
PAULA.GIF 113681 20-Dec-92 [2] en snygg brud!
PAULA.LZH 22784 03-Jun-91 [28] Abdul naken
PAULC.GIF 196682 20-Dec-92 [2] hon e <20>nnu snyggare!
PAULINA1.GIF 103261 20-Dec-92 [2] EN BILD P<> EN SEXIG TJEJ!
PAULINA1.LHA 78684 18-Apr-92 [8] A girl
PENT-185.GIF 104144 20-Dec-92 [3] PENTHOUSE GIRLS!
PIC005BRUSH.LZ 28728 05-Oct-92 [4] Porno pic digitized from a film....
PICTURES.LHA 90268 08-Jul-92 [11] Two nice girly pictures. Not for weak
PL-JUN90.GIF 116992 20-Dec-92 [3] EN PIC FR<46>N PLAYBOY KALENDERN, JUNI-90!
PL-NOV90.GIF 88603 20-Dec-92 [4] EN PIC FR<46>N PLAYBOY KALENDERN, NOV-90
PLAYMATE.LZH 13209 07-Oct-90 [16] En till "rumsren" bild.
PMANTIS.LHA 114288 28-Oct-92 [2] Imagine 2.0 pic by al Braunworth
PORTABLE.LZH 16191 25-Dec-91 [5] IFF image of the Amiga portable!
PROM.IFF.PP 91732 12-Dec-92 [7] Bilderna Hustler Blev Stamda For........
RAISTLIN.LZH 105260 12-Dec-92 [1] This is a Ham-picture of Raistlin
Majere, the best wizard on Krynn in
Dragonlance TM, an Advanced D&D RPG.
SABRINA.LHA 208099 20-Dec-92 [2] 5 st Bilder p<> s<>ngerskan SABRINA.
SEXYGIRL.LZH 100350 10-Nov-91 [9] En ganska grym bild.
SHARON.LHA 91108 15-Sep-92 [21] Sharon Stone (Total Recall) halfnude !!
SKOGSENG.LHA 68356 19-Oct-92 [2] En vacker skogsbild
SNYGGING.IFF 22564 28-Jan-92 [15] MEGA snygg bild p<> en flicka
STRIP.LZH 48343 29-Feb-92 [4] Fox Trot Fran DMZ !!!!
SUPER.LZH 119934 17-Mar-91 [4] Tv} SUPER-bilder. Ett lejon, och Musse
SVULLEN2.LHA 19496 04-Nov-92 [3] En naken bild p<> en brud som <20>r p<>
SYBIL.LZH 73100 19-Oct-92 [10] A nude picture of Sybil Danning from
the pages of Playboy.
SYLVIE.LZH 98645 12-Dec-92 [5] Here we have a Ham-picture of a girl at
the beach who's spreading her legs just
for you.
T&H-97.LHA 97642 10-Nov-92 [6] Tits and heels #97 - en skitsnygg
brud... YAMMY !
T2BILD.LHA 20190 30-Sep-92 [1] Terminator 2 med Arnold p<> Motorcykel
T2BILD.LZH 20227 21-Feb-92 [6] Bild Pa Arnold I Terminator 2 !!!
TEENY.LZH 81699 30-Dec-91 [12] TV<54> S<>TA FLICKOR
TERMINOLOGI.ZI 4530 08-Nov-91 [1] The World of Personal Computers (PC's)
TESTBILD.LZH 5248 27-Apr-91 [8] St{ll in din monitor/TV ordentligt.
TFORD.LZH 87903 15-Feb-92 [2] Snygg Hi-resbild pa en T-Ford.
TRACI.LHA 67563 24-Jul-92 [8] WOWWIE!!! DET <20>R JU Lords (Traci)
URSULA.LZH 103528 16-Nov-92 [4] This is a HAM-picture for all those
"Behind of a girl"-lovers because
that<61>s what this girl shows. Her
behind, and a pretty one it is.
VENUS 53644 08-Dec-91 [11] A realy nasty picture!
WALKER.LZH 25280 18-Jun-91 [10] Snygg bild fr[n Starwars
WETNWILD.LZH 77056 09-May-91 [17] Snygg HAM-bild pa nan hyffsat grann
WET_HOLE 91104 31-Dec-91 [8] A Cool Picture Of A Fuck!
XRAT.LHA 266817 08-Jul-92 [6] 2 pics of nude females
XRAT2.LHA 276177 08-Jul-92 [6] another 2 pics of nude females
YVONNE.IFF 33474 22-Dec-91 [17] Mums...
124 files. 11011327 bytes.
--------------------- Section 10 'Textfiles ' --------------------
(FL)ASC2.TXT 21807 17-Aug-92 [1] Massa logos for den riktiga hackern.
(SC)ASC3.TXT 33798 11-Sep-92 [1] massa grupp-logos i ASCII-format.
-L-SWBBS.TXT 8004 02-Sep-92 [6] Some bbsnumbers for the real elite!!
020.TXT 3968 18-Jul-91 [28] Skojiga 020-nummer till USA att ringa
1080MODS.LZH 12090 18-Dec-91 [2] How to ehnance your 1080 monitor
14ACC3.LHA 58277 05-Feb-92 [3] Hardware project (68000 and 68010 at
28K8HST.TXT 11018 18-Jul-92 [5] Information on the new v.fast standard.
28800 bps modems!
2MB-CHIP.LZH 5771 18-Dec-91 [4] German text file desc how to install a
2Mb 8372
500HACKS.LZH 20585 08-Nov-91 [12] A lot of hacks/suggestions for your
Amiga 50
500TOWER.LHA 69919 29-Mar-92 [6] Hardware project to build an Amiga 500
800BBS.TXT 10647 25-Jan-92 [4] 800-nummer till BBS och data i USA.
8MB_HACK.LHA 33725 14-Dec-91 [7] How to build an 8mb RAM board for
ABBS0104.TXT 4948 05-Apr-92 [4] ABBS board list 01.04.92
ABUSE.LZH 6170 17-Feb-92 [2] Text for trakasserade och deprimerade
ACCEL14.LHA 8490 09-Apr-91 [19] Hotta din Miga till 14 Mhz.
ADSRUL11.LZH 8485 10-Dec-91 [2] The OFFICIAL Amiga Distribution System
ADSSITES.TXT 4449 22-Aug-92 [0] Current list of ADS site as of Aug
19th, 1992
ADSSITES.Z01 6059 15-Oct-92 [0] Current List of ADS Sites as of Oct
12th 1992 for Zone 1
ADSSITES.Z02 4597 04-Nov-92 [0] ADS List of coordinators for Zone 2
ALIST0107.TXT 9180 01-Jul-92 [5] Swdishedish Amiga BBS List - 01.07.92
ALIST0108.TXT 8592 22-Aug-92 [7] Swedish Amiga BBS List - 01.08.92
AMIHIST.LHA 8574 26-May-91 [6] Historien bakom tillkomsten av Amigan.
ANACAL.LHA 19344 27-Jan-92 [4] How to use an IBM Analog Joystick on
ANAL.LZH 31479 13-Mar-92 [7] The story about real anal intruders
ANALFANT.LHA 5680 27-Aug-91 [10] For dig som gillar holet pa fel
ANSIKODE.LHA 4857 01-Sep-91 [4] Beskrivning av ANSI-koderna till A+PC
AREP.LHA 1519 27-Apr-91 [12] S} h{r lagar du din dator...
ASMKURS.LHA 92151 28-Apr-91 [13] assemblerkurs med bilder
AUTOFIRE.LHA 1321 24-Mar-91 [9] Beskrivning pa en variable autofire
AVATAR.LHA 8227 20-Mar-91 [2] Beskrivning av det superbra protokollet
BAKIS.LHA 812 26-May-91 [12] Vad ska du g|ra f|r att bli av med
BARNEN.LHA 5282 01-Aug-91 [9] "Alla barnen" historier.....
BARNEN.LZH 5699 16-Nov-91 [5] Allabarnen historier.
BBS020.LHA 1674 20-Dec-92 [9] bbser p<> 020 nummer mycket biligt
BEER.LHA 637 21-Oct-90 [14] Varf|r \l {r b{ttre {n kvinnor.
BEVINGAD.LZH 651 07-Sep-92 [1] Just some fine wisdom words
BLONDE.TXT 11175 20-Apr-92 [1] skamt
BLUE.LHA 1546 25-Jul-91 [12] Blue box [KREEDO]
BLUEBOX.LHA 16731 03-Oct-90 [29] L{r ut hur du kan ringa utan att pr|jsa
BUDORD.LHA 797 09-May-91 [6] Modemarens budord...
BUILDIT.LHA 12957 01-Sep-91 [11] Beskrivningar p} diverse h}rdvarubyggen
CALLTAP.LHA 1438 26-May-91 [17] Hur du kan avlyssna samtal.
CDROMPRO.LHA 6357 05-Feb-92 [0] ''Whole Ball of Wax'' about producing
own CD-ROMs
CDROMS.LHA 4352 19-Jul-92 [1] List of CD-ROM reader tried on Amiga
CFFC.PP 1048 05-Sep-92 [6] Call For Free Card. Ringa gratis!!!
CLASS_1.LHA 7834 11-Sep-92 [0] Class 1 and 2 FAX schematics by Supra
COKE.LHA 1809 15-Feb-91 [13] Receptet pa Coca Cola!
CTMP1.DMS 296576 19-Sep-92 [1] Commodore the Marketing Plan (Disk 1 of
CTMP2.DMS 846967 19-Sep-92 [1] Commodore the Marketing Plan (Disk 2 of
DATABROT.LHA 23209 25-May-91 [5] text om databrot
DIV-TEXT.ZIP 37648 18-Aug-92 [0] Diverse Texter packade med amiga-zip
DLGBBLST.LHA 6765 28-Aug-92 [0] list of current DLG bbs's
DLGBBS12.LZH 3693 01-Jan-92 [4] Latest Dialog BBS listing.
DLGDIG_1.LHA 14234 07-Mar-92 [3] DLG Digest Issue #1
DRIVES.LHA 9191 26-Apr-92 [3] En text som beskriver olika h<>rd diskar
(ganska m<>nga)
DUAL.LHA 3239 09-May-91 [6] Teknisk beskrivning av UsRobotic Dual
EATER.LHA 846 29-Apr-91 [11] markeringsatare
EXCSTACY.TXT 2232 22-Dec-92 [3] hur man g<>r excstacy
EXPLOSIV.LHA 1262 07-Oct-90 [15] Hur g|r man spr{ng{mnen... Beskrivningar
F561-570.LZH 7040 14-Dec-91 [2] Fishlista 561-570...!
FBI-2.LHA 47024 27-Mar-92 [4] Freakers Bureau Inc. om P/H/A
FF441450.LHA 5507 23-May-91 [4] Fred Fish serien 441-450
FF451460.LHA 6850 23-May-91 [3] Fred Fish serien 451-460
FF461470.LHA 5826 23-May-91 [2] Fred Fish serien 461-470
FF471480.LHA 7061 23-May-91 [2] Fred Fish serien 471-480
FF481490.LHA 5708 26-May-91 [3] Fred Fish serien 481-490
FF511520.LHA 6243 25-Sep-91 [3] Fred Fish serien 511-520
FF531540.LHA 8877 05-Sep-91 [5] Fred Fish serien 531-540
FFBAR.LHA 1038 16-May-91 [7] Fels|kningschema f|r barbes|k. Ladda
FIFTY.LHA 2681 26-May-91 [9] Femtio saker att gora nar datorn hanger
FIRE.LZH 27330 18-Nov-91 [9] HST-settings.Textfil
FLOPPYIF.LZH 36886 25-Dec-91 [7] How to connect PC 720k drives to Amiga
FRU.LHA 619 26-May-91 [4] En mans problem med sin fru...
GDH-S8-1.TXT 16447 25-Nov-92 [1] Godhead Of Shining 8 Presents His First
ASCII Collection
GROGGYS.LHA 1718 29-Apr-91 [10] groggresept
GUERILLA.LZH 40018 28-Dec-91 [11] Guerilla Warfare techniques used by the
GURKA.TXT 1152 10-Dec-91 [4] Varf|r gurkor {r b{ttre {n m{n.
HACKUNLM.LZH 61598 08-Dec-91 [7] En massa hacking stuff. Bla Blueboxing
HAPPY.LHA 1579 07-Oct-90 [10] Beskrivning av de flesta :-O,;-$ osv
HARDDISK.LHA 7824 21-Sep-92 [1] Two large lists of different harddisks.
HJULLAST.LZH 2006 06-May-92 [1] Text by ant of the pogos
HORSESEX.LHA 7707 22-Oct-92 [5] en historia om en tjej och en hast..
HWAREREF.DMS 463698 15-Mar-92 [0] RKM Hardware Reference Manual 1.3
IBM-KEYB.LHA 41290 21-Oct-91 [5] How connect an IBM Keyboard to the Amiga
JANE.NUD 9344 23-Feb-92 [3] Nude lady print it out and see(text)
JOKES.LHA 6218 27-Aug-91 [4] Smatrevliga historier om negrer och
JOKESII.LHA 18212 12-Jan-91 [5] En samling skamt.
LAMER.TXT 2300 07-Jan-92 [8] Info f<>r pirat sysops
LIGHTPEN.LZH 3584 10-May-92 [4] En beskrivning pa hur du bygger en
LISA.LHA 75942 23-May-91 [8] Relativt grova historier om Lisa.
MACHINE.LHA 3945 03-Oct-90 [4] Vad anv{nder en riktig programmerare...
MAKE9600.LZH 2248 09-Dec-91 [24] Hur du far ditt 2400baudsmodem att ga i
MARKSTOP.LHA 1953 03-Oct-90 [22] Bygg en markerings-stoppare.
MNP1-9.LHA 4941 26-May-91 [2] Beskrivning over MNP 1 till 9.
MODEM.LZH 13184 06-Dec-91 [7] A very complete doc about modems,
speeds and prot
MODEMARE.LHA 893 27-Aug-91 [4] Lite tips till oss alla..
MOZART.TXT 6115 24-Jul-92 [3] En udda text som jag fick av en polare.
MURFSSEX.LHA 2015 12-Jan-91 [17] Murphy's lagar angaende sex.
MURPHY'S.LHA 5457 12-Jan-91 [9] Murphy's lagar om allts javlighet.
NATUR.LHA 1792 05-Feb-91 [3] Naturen best}r till st|rsta del av PLM
NEVERMIN.LZH 3490 01-Nov-92 [3] L<>ttexterna til Nirvanas Nevermind.
NEWCMB.LHA 7734 16-Sep-92 [0] Announcement of new Commodore products
NEWRS232.LZH 2260 06-Jul-92 [1] A new version of the famous RS-232c
NKOTB 3025 21-Dec-91 [3] Sann historia om nkotb-konserten i gbg
NNL_LST.LZH 57748 11-Jun-92 [5] Never Never Land, 0476-12618, ny
fillista 11 Juni 92.
En bas med mycket textfiler och
moduler. (och annat ocks<6B>) f<>r Pc/amiga.
NOAGA.TXT 89666 09-Oct-92 [0] Texts about why you cant upgrade your
old Amiga to AGA
OL.LHA 637 27-Aug-91 [2] Om livets goda .drycken alltsa
ORDLIST.LZH 3083 06-Apr-92 [2] Ordlista f|r lamers s} de kan h{nga med
i snacket!
PERSON.LHA 989 18-Feb-91 [4] Svenska personlighetsbeskrivningar
POLIS.LZH 988 08-Apr-92 [12] Civ. polisfordon i Kristianstad
PORNO.LHA 8193 19-Aug-92 [8] Some Porno stories from a magazine...
PPS040.LZH 4981 28-Sep-91 [2] BenchMarks on Progressive P's 68040-kort
PRAY.LHA 320 16-Jul-91 [3] En digital bon. Ladda ner !!! Kul !!!
PYROMAN.LHA 6434 26-May-91 [6] Mycket intressant text for Pyromaner
ocg terr.
RCS68040.LHA 1612 28-Sep-91 [1] Benchmarks till RCS's 68040-kort.
REALPRG.LHA 11024 03-Oct-90 [3] Hur g|r en riktig programmerare...
REFERENCECARD 7865 09-Feb-92 [2] AT kommando & S register settings till
SUPRA 9600 !
RIKT.LZH 10558 17-Nov-91 [4] Visar Var RiktNummret G<>r H<>n.
RIV.TXT 5633 17-Oct-92 [0] BBs lista <20>ver UNIX bbs i USA
ROMSWTCH.LHA 11718 21-Oct-91 [5] ROM-Switch Hack - Use both kick 1.3 &
Kick 2
SANAII.LHA 45884 22-Nov-91 [2] SANA-II - the SANA-II Network Device
SANRULES.006 4887 04-Apr-92 [1] SAN Policy Version 6
SANRULES.008 5058 02-Dec-92 [1] SAN Policy v8
SEDUCT.LHA 105115 26-May-91 [4] En trevlig bok om nagot annu trevligare.
SOLVEDEX.TXT 5657 23-Dec-92 [5] Alla Som Kor SnoopDos V1.6 Bor Ladda
Hem Denna Fil SnoopDos Ar Ett VIRUS!!!
Plus Alla Som Kor Amixpress samtidigt
det DELETAR Users!!!!!
Take It Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ST3.LHA 61551 06-Dec-92 [2] Svensk Toppen Issue#3 Med EN massa
boardsnummer....+lite annat roligt..
STARNET.LHA 3289 26-May-91 [2] Feature-lista over nya "Paragon".
SUPFXMOD.LHA 3410 01-May-92 [1] Config notes on setting up the
SupraFaxModem, many progs covered.
SWEBUST.TXT 2462 14-Dec-91 [5] All traders... Read this !!!
SWEBUST2.TXT 2017 15-Dec-91 [7] YO ! Traders read this one to
TEKNISTE.LHA 1176 07-Oct-90 [14] Vad pysslar teknister med...
TELEINFO.LZH 13153 12-Jan-92 [9] Lite teletips
TELETIPS.LZH 6272 02-Sep-91 [5] a little help for my friends.(beatels)
TELSEX.TXT 2176 24-Jul-91 [16] manga manga tele nr
TERROR.LHA 61099 20-Mar-91 [13] Terroristens handbok...
TEXT242.LZH 8157 22-Aug-92 [0] Texter till Front-musik
TODAY.LHA 891255 20-Dec-92 [0] Data files for the Today in History
program TEKDAY
TWORLD1.LHA 3559 25-Dec-92 [1] World of CBM Toronto info om planer och
TWORLD2.LHA 3610 25-Dec-92 [1] World of CBM Toronto info om planer och
TWORLD3.LHA 4515 25-Dec-92 [1] World of CBM Toront info om planer och
USR231192TXT.P 4516 25-Nov-92 [2] USR senaste pricelista
USROBOT.NOV.PP 10080 25-Nov-92 [1] sum info about USR
V32.LHA 3253 09-May-91 [3] Teknisk beskrivning av USR's v.32-modem
V32LIST2.LZH 1384 18-Aug-92 [0] En lista <20>ver baser som k<>r med v.32bis
VICKY.LHA 22156 27-Aug-91 [15] Grovt pornograferad text znutt...Mmmm?
WMAUA10.LZH 18809 10-Dec-91 [1] Western Michigan Amiga Users Assoc.
WORLD-XL.TXT 34961 12-Jul-92 [4] Worldwide list of XenoLink boards!
WWIVCRAK.ZIP 3385 17-Oct-92 [1] BBS lisa <20>ver N<>gra bBS i USa
XENO.LHA 2885 27-Apr-91 [1] Reklam f|r ett nytt BBS-prg. Xenolink.
TDRFILES.TXT 346762 02-Jan-93 *[11] The Dark Realm's filelist
TDRFILES.LZH 108179 02-Jan-93 *[46] The Dark Realm's filelist
158 files. 4930769 bytes.
--------------------- Section 11 'Assembler ' --------------------
68000.DMS 200171 21-Mar-92 [4] Beskrivning av alla funktioner i M68000
A68K2_61.LZH 52865 15-Jun-91 [4] A68k v2.61 - High quality public domain
AFL-GP1.DMS 484142 21-Mar-92 [2] Asm-sources from Markt?Technik. Part 1
AFL-GP2.DMS 326737 21-Mar-92 [1] Asm-sources from Markt?Technik. Del 2
ASM.LZH 48807 20-Apr-92 [8] Massor av blandade sources.
ASM106.LZH 55542 11-Dec-91 [10] Only AsmOne 1.06 and docs for < 2400
baud users
ASSKURSD1.DMS 353985 12-Sep-92 [4] Assemlerkurs fr<66>n b<>rjan disk2
ASSKURSD2.DMS 348227 12-Sep-92 [3] Assemblerkurs fr<66>n b<>rjan disk2
BSAND.LHA 9787 24-Aug-92 [0] Cell-Automat Simulation
DEVPACK2.LZH 99357 03-Mar-91 [12] DevPack assamblern med doc fil.
DISK 21064 27-Jan-92 [6] just download it!!
DMASSL.LHA 26029 30-Jan-91 [9] Listningarna till DMz:as assembler skola
EXCEPT.LHA 3582 22-Aug-92 [2] An exception handler example.
FASTSER.LZH 5632 23-May-91 [7] Ett par Serie-portsrutiner i
KURSMKOD.LZH 29368 20-May-92 [6] Lerning Assembler....
MCASM102.LZH 131156 09-Apr-91 [2] MacroAssembler 1.02
MEGASTAR.S 2081 04-Jan-92 [10] Starscrollrutin i seka.
MM30.LZH 31150 05-Aug-91 [2] MegaMon v3.0!! Good monitor....
MSEKA180.LZH 31752 15-Feb-92 [2] Masterseka 1.80
MULTIV29.LZH 31870 10-Jul-91 [9] Multi-Ripper v2.9 (fung. preview av 3.0)
NT2_ASM.LZH 83445 14-Oct-91 [10] The source to Noice Tracker V2.0
PLASMA.S 4075 03-Dec-91 [24] En Assembler source pa en "Plasma"
PLAY100.LHA 6325 10-Sep-91 [8] Protacker 100% working play routine
PSYCHO1.DMS 257159 25-Aug-91 [9] A lot of sources for Seka!!
PTSOURCE.LHA 267869 04-Feb-92 [2] Protracker V1.2 - Sourcen!
SAMPHELP.LHA 80809 28-Jun-92 [1] Two well known sources that can be of
help when making samp-progs
SCROLL.S 2300 27-Jan-92 [13] scroll rutin coded by inferno of
SEKA32.LZH 27288 18-Feb-92 [1] Seka 3.2 !!
SINUSSCR.LZH 4096 08-Sep-91 [19] Stilig sinusscroll fraan Accumulators...
SSCRIII 9500 06-Mar-92 [2] SSCR III! The BEST Source Rescuer
TOOLLB76.LZH 74885 04-Jun-91 [4] Programmering av gadgets och f|nster
31 files. 3111055 bytes.
--------------------- Section 12 'AMOS ' --------------------
A3DPATCH.LZH 19061 01-Oct-91 [1] Amos v1.3 patch the screen height >200
EASY_AMOS.DMS 284561 24-Sep-92 [0] Demo av Easy_Amos inneh}ller alla
filer, packas upp p} diskett med ett
LDOS.LHA 68274 19-Jun-92 [0] LDos V1(3) - General function library
for AMOS 1.3 and above
LDOSV25D.LHA 76748 07-Oct-92 [1] AMOS ext. w
etc. >70 new fast commands
LSERIAL.LHA 19347 19-Jun-92 [1] LSerial V2(3) - Serial port support
functions for AMOS 1.3 and above
LSERV25D.LHA 38062 07-Oct-92 [2] Serial for AMOS with xyz modem,
ctrl-mapping, carrier-check and more
SNAKEAMO.LZH 4736 27-Dec-91 [2] The AMOS Snake!!!
8 files. 521436 bytes.
--------------------- Section 13 'Arexx ' --------------------
ABAREXX.DMS 359954 11-Jan-92 [4] Using AREXX - from Abacus books!!!
ADDRX106.LHA 7117 04-Dec-91 [1] ADDREXX V1.06 - A phonebook written in
AREXX115.DMS 349542 11-Jan-92 [4] Programming AREXX - from Abacus books...
AREXX5.LHA 4657 17-Aug-92 [0] Del fem av den serie ARexx-artiklar
Eric Giguere skrev f|r saligen
avsomnade AW Tech Journal. Denna
publicerades aldrig i AW TJ...
AREXXTUT.LZH 166528 15-Jun-91 [8] Complete ARexx Tutorial, w/ examples,
ARXB100.LHA 127294 09-Jul-92 [1] ARexxBox v1.00 - ARexx Interface Design
AUTOREXX.LHA 19075 28-Oct-92 [1] AutoDocs Rexx Server V1.0 - Very fast.
DEVASM.LZH 1408 03-Mar-91 [3] Suvarant REXX-script om du anvander
EXECREXX.LZH 3967 05-May-91 [2] FF463 - ARexxScript -> Executable file
NLIST115.LZH 8192 09-Apr-91 [1] Arexx-script for att kolla nodelists
REXX120.LHA 329170 21-Oct-92 [2] Arexx 1.2 Complete package.. Many
RXGEN10.LHA 14529 18-Dec-91 [1] RxGen v1.0 - allows you to call
SAS2CED1.LZH 9216 23-May-91 [3] Anv{ndbart Script om du anv{nder SAS
med CED
13 files. 1400649 bytes.
--------------------- Section 14 'Basic ' --------------------
BASICCMP.ZOO 170455 26-May-91 [1] En Basic-komilator till AmigaBASIC
CURSOR.LZH 51968 26-Dec-90 [3] Basic Compiler
ELIZA.LZH 23077 23-Aug-91 [2] Neurotisk? Anvand Eliza...
SCREEN.ZIP 2290 23-Oct-90 [0] Du kan vid prg fa redapa x-y.kod till
WORDCRAF.ZIP 4664 03-Oct-90 [1] Ett glosf|rh|r skrivet i BASIC
5 files. 252454 bytes.
--------------------- Section 15 'C ' --------------------
AGENT10.LHA 102449 26-Aug-92 [0] A programmable WB 2.x AppIcon to easy
operate on files
AR002.LZH 11726 22-Dec-91 [4] Sources to the -lh5- packingroutine
ARPPRO.ZOO 165376 09-Dec-91 [2] Kompletta docs till Arp med includes osv
AUTO.LHA 7501 02-Oct-92 [1] Auto - little tool to read Commodore
<TM> AutoDocs
BBSC.LZH 14744 22-Jul-91 [5] Sourcekod till en enkel BBS/
BCPL4AMI.LHA 158255 29-Mar-92 [1] BCPL (Basic Combined Programming
Language) compiler
BENCH.LZH 2269 03-Oct-90 [0] Benchmark till datorn i C.
BLK.LZH 24293 26-Jan-91 [4] Ger C-kod till requesters smidigt.
BOVS10.LHA 37973 20-Mar-92 [2] Bryan's Overlay Supervisor - Replaces
SAS's overlay system.
CAT2H.LHA 5083 24-Aug-92 [2] Convert catalog desc. files to
efficient C header files, by Nico
CAT2H10A.LHA 5185 11-Sep-92 [0] Convert catalog desc. files to
efficient C header files, by Nico
CH120N.LHA 30754 06-Jul-92 [3] CHelp v 1.20n. Searches AutoDocs for
information on structures, syntax etc
at the touch of a button. Get rid of
all those manuals...
CH134_E.LHA 49295 04-Oct-92 [0] Chelp 1.34 - Search in includes &
CH135_E.LHA 51292 09-Oct-92 [1] Chelp 1.35[eval] - Search in autodocs &
includes. Fast!
CH136_E.LHA 52835 22-Oct-92 [4] Chelp 1.36 [eval] - FAST search in
autodocs & includes.
CH137_E.LHA 53196 04-Dec-92 [1] Chelp 1.37 - Search in
CHELP103.LZH 21678 07-Jan-92 [2] QuickHelp. Search Includes & AutoDocs.
CM113SRC.LZH 173743 11-Mar-92 [0] Source code to the 1.13 update to
Confmail - Requires AmigaDos 2.04.
CMANUAL1-2.LHA 627778 15-Mar-92 [0] Komplett manual for dig som vill
programmera Amigan i C. Dokumentation
och programexempel ingar. Forutsatter
att du redan kan programmera C.
CMANUAL3-4.LHA 590533 15-Mar-92 [0] Disk 3 och 4 till CManual.
CPP.LHA 190505 30-Nov-91 [0] TI COOL cpp - the TI COOL C Preprocessor
CSOURCE.LZH 4437 07-Oct-90 [7] Diverse source-filer
CWEB24.LHA 246667 12-Jun-92 [0] CWeb v2.4 - programming tool that let
you to auto-document your sources
CWRLIB31.LHA 31652 22-Aug-92 [3] New version of this fast console
handling library.
DCCOPT.LHA 18030 02-Apr-92 [1] Intuition frontend for Dice!!!
DIC20635.LZH 527360 10-Nov-91 [10] DICE v2.06.35 - Best FreeWare C
Compiler -
DOREV03.LHA 7352 28-Jun-92 [1] DoRev v0.3 - build source headers
ENFORC28B.LHA 11308 19-Jun-92 [2] Enforcer v2.8b. Debugging Tool provided
by Commodore-Amiga.
ENFR3726.LHA 24185 29-Nov-92 [2] All new Enforcer V37.26 - For
68020/68851, 68030, and 68040 CPUs
GADED220.LHA 113845 15-Oct-92 [2] Gadget's Editor v2.20 - Allows to
design and modify gadgets on any type
GCCTOOLS.LHA 102169 21-Jun-92 [1] Tools for GCC programming environment
GMAKE103.LZH 18962 30-Nov-91 [0] GenMake 1.03 - creates a MakeFile from
C sou
GTB13.LHA 152980 19-Jun-92 [2] GadToolsBox v1.3. Complete
window/screen/requester-creator. Makes
your userinterface easy to create.
Outputs Assembler OR c-code for direct
use. OS 2.xx only!
GTB14.LHA 355981 13-Sep-92 [3] Gadget Toolbox v1.4! Great your own GUI
for your program VERY easily...
INDENT13.LHA 219477 21-Jun-92 [2] Indent v1.3 - auto-idents C sources
INTUIBRK.LHA 9519 06-May-92 [1] Add SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C signaling to
intuition windows. Req OS2.04
KCX175SC.LHA 95493 28-Jun-92 [0] Sources for KCommodity v1.75
LCMAKE.LZH 27860 21-Oct-91 [3] Intuitioned front-end for Lattice C
LIBOPEN.LHA 24602 29-Sep-92 [0] Does C code to open/close the libraries
- w/source - Only 2.0+
LINT.LZH 211101 08-May-92 [0] Lint. Can detect bugs that the compiler
might miss...
LISTPS.LHA 2704 29-Jul-92 [1] ListPS - List Public Screens, with
example source code & info
LMKTOSMK.LHA 2907 11-Nov-92 [1] Converts SAS 5.1x makefiles to SAS 6.00
MEMMAN21.LHA 21490 20-Mar-92 [1] Low Memory Manager - Allows
applications to free non required
MI_1_49B.LHA 129622 09-Dec-92 [0] MakeInfo v1.49b - Updated GNU makeinfo
for the Amiga by Reinhard Spisser and
Sebastiano Vigna
MONIDCMP.LZH 30912 04-Jun-91 [0] IDCMP-koderna p} ett f|nster.
MUNG3751.LHA 21903 19-Jun-92 [2] MungWall v 37.51. Another
debugging-tool provided by
Commodore-Amiga Inc.
PERL4_03.LHA 767744 04-Nov-92 [0] Perl v4.03 - Amiga port of Perl -
powerful interpreted C-like language
PERSONNR.LZH 4805 05-Sep-91 [1] R{kna ut sista siffran. Med Source i C.
PV120.LHA 610123 29-Jul-92 [1] PowerVisor V1.2, powerfull debugger, by
Jorrit Tyberghein
PV132.LHA 662116 11-Sep-92 [0] PowerVisor v1.32, powerfull debugger,
by Jorrit Tyberghein
PV140.LHA 681505 29-Sep-92 [0] PowerVisor v1.40, powerfull debugger,
by Jorrit Tyberghein
PV144.LHA 774345 15-Dec-92 [1] Power Visor 1.44 .. En Valdigt
kraftfull debugger for C Assembler o de
flesta andra sprak...
RAWIL110.LHA 27410 15-Aug-92 [0] RawIN.lib v1.10 - raw input routines
REQLIB25.LZH 70131 04-Jun-91 [3] Req.Library 2.5. Med Arexx,
include-filer mm.
RMAKE312.LZH 177280 24-Nov-91 [0] RMAKE v3.12 - eliminates the need to
ROTATE.LZH 2867 07-Jan-92 [8] Source how to Rotate a Cube in C.
SB_AD1_2.LHA 8840 04-Nov-92 [2] Steve Bond's Intuition AutoDoc
Reference for WB2.0
SC6_1.LHA 375264 01-Dec-92 [1] SAS C Update! Patch From V6.0 To V6.1.
- Requires Original Disks -
SORT.LZH 4655 07-Oct-90 [8] En massa sorteringsrutiner i C.
SOURCES.LZH 50748 03-Oct-90 [1] Source-Filer f|r d|rrprogrammerin till
SPL34100.LHA 67967 26-Apr-92 [1] 41 powerfull functions for KS 1.3 &
up.Inc AutoDocs & test sources
STARTUP2.LHA 9266 08-Aug-92 [1] Different startups for SAS/C checking
TERMINAL.LHA 3647 31-Jul-92 [5] How to use the serial.device and so on..
TIMER.LZH 17280 02-Mar-91 [2] Mycket bra prg for utnyttjande av
ZMODEM.ZOO 113024 03-Oct-90 [3] Beskrivning + Source till Zmodem.
65 files. 9217998 bytes.
--------------------- Section 16 'Music-Progs ' --------------------
10BACHSONG.ZOO 19953 14-Jan-92 [5] 10 Bachsonger till i midiformat. NJUT.
10BACHSONGS.ZO 22987 12-Jan-92 [3] 10 st BachSongs i Midiformat
AMASTER4.DMS 383450 13-Oct-91 [5] AudioMaster 4. Komplett disk.
BLUEHAWAI.ZOO 19047 22-Dec-91 [3] MidiL}t
C64MUS_1.DMS 439225 18-Dec-91 [5] PlaySid 2.0 beta, now with hundereds of
C64 son
C64MUS_2.DMS 341263 18-Dec-91 [4] More C64 modules, Disk 2/3
C64MUS_3.DMS 355885 18-Dec-91 [4] More C64 modules, Disk 3/3
CAMBODIA.LZH 54928 22-Nov-91 [2] A old but nice somg by Kim Wilde.
CANTGETE.LHA 248013 24-Apr-92 [4] Just Can't Get Enough / Depeche Mode.
Suver{n kvalite.
CANTLOVE.LHA 23036 18-Feb-92 [6] Can't buy me love -A Beatles song in
MIDI format (B&P) !!!
DISKTALK.LZH 39745 23-Mar-92 [6] L}t din diskdrive tala med dig n{r du
s{tter i/tar ur disketten
EDRIVE.LHA 39882 09-Nov-92 [1] ELOQUENT DRIVE v1.0 - Play IFF sound at
disk manipulation
FAG_E-M.LHA 330508 20-Dec-92 [2] En sampling av en text med Eddie Murphy.
GREENGRASSOFHO 11586 28-Dec-91 [4] Midil}t
ICONPLAY.LHA 4154 24-Jun-92 [1] Put an AppIcon on Workbench screen to
play 8SVX IFF files
LHAPLAY.LHA 2312 12-Jul-92 [1] REXX Script for MPlay which plays LHA
packed modules.
MED310.LZH 125535 29-Feb-92 [1] Med 3.1 !!!!!!
MEDPLAY.LZH 72595 27-Jan-92 [1] Player + song (Rocket)
MEMORYB&P.ZOO 9528 31-Dec-91 [3] Midil}t i B&P format
MODMAS25.LZH 33350 10-Dec-91 [7] Module Master v2.5 - Great module
player for 2.
MP111A.LZH 75550 16-Jan-92 [3] Multiplayerrutin for uppspelningar av
MPLAY130.LHA 168839 28-May-92 [3] MultiPlayer v1.30!!! Simply the BEST!!!!
MPLAY131.LHA 124271 08-Aug-92 [6] MultiPlayer 1.31 - Great MusicPlayer,
now with OctaMed Pro Support & BugFixes
MPLAY132.LHA 125361 15-Oct-92 [1] MultiPlayer 1.32 - Great MusicPlayer -
Misc fixes, can now lock the channels
MRIPP22A.LZH 31014 10-Dec-91 [3] MRipper v2.2a PAL - Very good module
MULTIRIPPER3.0 22283 25-Nov-92 [2] multiripper 3.0
NOIPLAY4.LZH 42052 12-Apr-92 [7] NoisePlayer 4.0!!!!!!!!!!
OCTAM3.DMS 565618 06-Jul-92 [3] Octamed Pro 3.0 !!!
PLAY590.LZH 18816 22-Nov-91 [5] Play Large samples from HD/Disk.
PPLAY13.LZH 28513 05-Dec-91 [6] ProPlay 1.3. New moduleplayer....
PRIPPER.LZH 43736 02-Mar-92 [4] Pro-Ripper. A new ripper...
PROTR22.LHA 166002 23-Aug-92 [4] Pro Tracker 2.2a Beta
PT13B.LHA 75122 05-May-92 [6] A new version of Protracker 1.3b
SPLAY13B.LHA 46716 01-Nov-92 [0] SmartPlay V1.13 - Fast! Multiformat
SPLAY14B.LHA 48031 04-Nov-92 [2] SmartPlay v1.4b - Fast! MultiFormat
ModulePlayer by Xtreme Intelligence
SPLAY20.LHA 54690 05-Dec-92 [1] SmartPlay v2.0 - Fast! MultiFormat
ModulePlayer by Xtreme Intelligence
THIEF30.LZH 44941 29-Nov-91 [6] Thief v3.0! Good ripper!!
TSOUND.LZH 55562 21-May-92 [1] Technosound Turbo. Sampler software.
YAZZO1.LHA 28477 24-Jul-92 [1] En YAZZO song (GOOD TIMES) sparad i 2
olika format: .mid och .song . Passar
perfekt till Bars & Pipes (.song) och
tex KCS (.mid) gar aven bra att kora
aven pa PC (.mid)! Inspelad av Hakan
Hultberg (The Outlaw) ENJOY!
41 files. 4374184 bytes.
--------------------- Section 17 'ST/NT/PT mods ' --------------------
ADAGIO.PP 71180 30-Jul-92 [4] En PT-modul..
AIRWOLF.LZH 116319 29-Mar-92 [7] Modul for NT/ST from TV..
ALPHAVIL.LZH 58460 22-Nov-91 [7] ST/NT/PT-module. Big In Japan -
AMIGOS.PP 102372 11-Mar-92 [2] module of the softer kind
APPROX.LZH 172422 20-Mar-92 [9] Tung Tung Tekkno l<>t. Fr<46>n Wildfires
Tekkno-demo. Mycket bra techno!
ARCANOI.PP 102276 20-Jul-92 [2] En super PT-modul
ATOM.LHA 171971 15-Aug-92 [2] NT/ST Mod
AXEL.LZH 60462 19-Feb-92 [3] Axel F. laten !!!
BASKET.LZH 159238 24-Feb-92 [4] Basketball. A module by Dr.Awsome
BEASTII.LZH 55312 02-Apr-92 [10] At last, shadow of the beast II st
module!!! it's great!!
BE_FUNKY.LHA 193441 12-Jul-92 [2] PT - "Be Funky" by Erno Tuomainen in
BLADERUN.LHA 54076 19-Oct-91 [11] Titelmusiken till BladeRunner. Vangelis!
BLITZKRG.LZH 71040 19-Jan-92 [9] Metallicas Blitzkrieg som Modul. Bra
BLUEMOND.ZIP 61701 28-May-92 [7] ST/NT/PT-module. Blue Monday - New Order
BLUES.LZH 22158 16-Feb-92 [9] En modul fr<66>n Phenomena
BROWN.LHA 86477 15-Aug-92 [3] NT/ST Mod
BUSTERS.LZH 29619 28-Nov-92 [1] ST-modul Ghostbusters
CALIF.LZH 75993 03-Feb-92 [4] ST/NT/PT-module. California Dreams!
CELEBRA.PP 129528 20-Jul-92 [3] en bra PT-Modul.
CHASE.LZH 47277 14-Mar-92 [3] even more nice st-muzac
CHICAGO.LZH 53487 14-May-92 [6] A great modudle from kefrens
CHINESED.LZH 63708 16-Feb-92 [7] En modul fr<66>n Phenomena
COLD.PP 128336 30-Jul-92 [3] En PT-modul. Bra.
COLORIS.LHA 71552 15-Aug-92 [2] NT/ST Mod
CONSUMMATION.L 56345 15-Aug-92 [2] NT/ST Mod
CONTEX.LHA 87233 15-Aug-92 [2] NT/ST Mod
CREAM.LHA 90476 15-Aug-92 [3] NT/ST Mod
CRO.LZH 138295 15-Mar-92 [5] ST/NT/PT-module. Crocketts Theme / Jan
CRUSA.LZH 92977 22-Feb-92 [4] En modul av Crusaders.
CUT.LHA 250407 15-Aug-92 [2] NT/ST Mod
DASBOOT.LZH 232967 26-Apr-92 [12] U96s Das Boot som modul! Av
Dirk/Renegade. Superb!
DAS_OMEN.LHA 318356 21-Nov-92 [3] En helt vanlig modul?......eh?
DEPECHE.LZH 88859 06-Jan-92 [5] ST/NT/PT-module. Depeche Mode-mix
DESIRE.LZH 95388 17-Mar-92 [3] Higa/Triad It's GREAT!
DEZEC.LZH 38542 19-Feb-92 [5] Lat av Dezecrator/Classic.
DRAGONS.PP 135200 25-Jul-92 [4] En PT-modul
ELGONDOR.PP 145100 20-Jul-92 [6] Simon & Garfunkel Lat. Kanonbra
ELVLAT.LZH 94117 31-Jan-92 [5] Inladdndingslaten till Elvira.
ELYSION.LZH 91403 28-May-92 [4] ST/NT/PT-module. A must for everyone to
have in his collection.
ENIGMA.LHA 125463 05-Feb-92 [7] Pro-Tracker modul
EXIT.LZH 90933 22-Feb-92 [4] Modul av Exit.
EYETIGER.LHA 32871 19-Oct-91 [12] Eye of the Tiger. Filmmusik till Rocky
FANTA_MAN.PP 133836 02-Jul-92 [6] Mod.Fanta_Manna_Mani By HeatBeat of
Carillon.. PowerPacked File,
use PowerPackPatch or Decrunch it in
PowerPacker 4.0!!!
Sent By Kervin/Death Defiers!
FEELMEGA.LZH 161113 04-Dec-92 [0] E nn <20>ckligt go modul
FLASH.LZH 86106 24-Nov-91 [6] Flashdance... GREAT module!!
FLETCH.LHA 39516 28-Oct-91 [2] ST/NT/PT module.
FREEFL.PP 96888 30-Jul-92 [4] Suvve PT-Modul..
FUNKBEAT.PP 131464 30-Jul-92 [3] En PT-Modul
FURELISE.LHA 43020 04-Jan-92 [5] Fur Elise! SUPERB piano music!!! It's a
GIFVIEW.LHA 13120 23-Jul-92 [1] Titta p<> bilder i PC-format. konv
GIMME.LZH 44544 21-Sep-92 [4] ST/NT/PT-module. Gimme Gimme Gimme -
GODSLAT.LZH 211554 11-Jan-92 [5] Godslaten Into the wonderful... Superb!
GSMURF.LZH 77655 06-Jan-92 [4] ST/NT/PT-module.
HARLEY.LZH 70715 20-Apr-92 [2] Gamal goding, b{sta elgitarren p}
ICEMACH.LZH 40514 22-Dec-91 [5] ST/NT/PT-module. IceMachine/Depeche Mode
JAMES.LZH 43429 02-May-92 [12] James Brown is DEAD, Great Techno
[Bluestar] [Never Never Land]
JULETID.LHA 39409 10-Nov-91 [5] ST/NT/PT-modul. Ger r{tta julst{mningen.
KARATE.LZH 58802 21-Apr-92 [3] Musiken fran spelet Fullcontact (
gammalt spel men bra musik)
KJELL.LZH 200573 22-Aug-92 [4] Modul
KW-MIX.LHA 110665 31-Jul-92 [5] En Kraftwerk megamix gjord av Crossair.
LASTR.LHA 93487 29-Nov-92 [2] the last rumba (jarre), gjord av
LEANDER1.LZH 40464 09-Feb-92 [4] Gamemusic from Leander Level1.
NT-Module. Superb!!
LYZMOD.LZH 76238 22-Feb-92 [5] Annu en modul av Exit
MACROCOSM.LZH 57105 16-Feb-92 [8] En modul fr<66>n Phenomena
MEGAPOPCORN.PP 50668 23-Dec-91 [6] megamixad popcornversion
MISSIONI.LHA 35002 19-Oct-91 [7] Titelmusiken till Mission Impossible.
MOD.AGONY_INTR 179650 01-Nov-92 [1] A Great module from the game " Agony "
uploaded by Nils ]ke ! ! !
MOD.ANIMOTION 93032 31-Oct-92 [3] En Modul av Firefox/ex.Phenomena!
MOD.BLUES 69082 16-Nov-91 [2] St|rt sk|n modul!!
MODEL.LZH 51128 15-Mar-92 [7] ST/NT/PT-module. The Robot / Kraftwerk.
MYDAY.LZH 57317 16-Apr-92 [4] Module gjord av DR AWSOME Cool!!
MYLIFE.LHA 66785 28-Nov-92 [0] ST-modul Its my live
MYSTERY.LHA 271325 12-Jul-92 [5] PT - "Mystery" by Erno Tuomainen in
NEXTRO.EXE 90648 21-Apr-92 [4] NNew Intro By Magic. Code:Nexus,
GFX:bluestar. Downloada nu!!! (Las
NIRVANA.LHA 50870 27-Jul-92 [6] ST/NT/PT. Smells like teen spirit.
OBVIOUS.PP 132248 30-Jul-92 [4] Kanon PT-Modul
OVERLOAD.LHA 135880 06-Jan-92 [6] ST/NT/PT-module. Competition-winner!
PAN.LHA 159695 13-Sep-92 [5] ST/NT/PT-module. A song with some
panflutes in it.
PDINNER.LHA 27517 03-Feb-92 [3] ST/NT/PT-module. PianoDinner.
PHANTAS.LZH 93191 18-Mar-92 [3] ST/NT modul.
PHENOM4.LZH 6931 17-Apr-92 [10] Kort men cool intro l<>t.
PHIL3.LHA 113816 19-Oct-91 [3] ST/NT/PT module. Phil Collins Music, 3.
POPCORN.LHA 42596 04-Jan-92 [3] Quite good version of Popcorn!
PSYGNOS.LHA 116745 19-Oct-91 [5] Cold. From a Psygnosis game
PULSTAR.LZH 94712 15-Mar-92 [11] ST/NT/PT-module. Pulstar / Vangelis.
PUMPUPJAM.LZH 112815 07-Jan-92 [8] Laten Pump up the jam som modul
RASTA-MAN.LHA 66913 28-Nov-92 [0] ST-modul Regge-l<>t
RENDEZV.LHA 46758 14-Oct-91 [11] Rendezvous II av J-M Jarre. Suvve!
ROXETTE.LZH 43613 13-Sep-92 [4] ST/NT/PT-module. Some Roxette-music...
SHECRAZY.LHA 50692 18-Jul-92 [2] ST/NT/PT-module. She Drives Me Crazy -
SIGMA-7.LZH 17696 20-Dec-92 [2] A very good module i recomended it for u
SONAR.LHA 23603 25-Oct-92 [3] SonarSystem 1 -- Rave music by Karim
SONAR3.LHA 119397 25-Oct-92 [3] SonarSystem 3 -- by Karim Benaddi
(Sonar System 2 is Copyright, so not
STEEL.LZH 38770 06-Apr-92 [5] En hyfsad mudul, v{l v{rd 2min download
STORIES.LHA 61743 22-Nov-91 [10] ST/NT/PT-module. Never Ending Story -
STRANGE.LZH 34497 19-Feb-92 [4] Strangelove fran Depeche Mode !!!!
STRANGE1MOD.LH 64634 29-Aug-92 [1] Min senaste lat (Med.module) Ladda ner
STRIPPED.LHA 53287 19-Oct-91 [7] Stripped. Depeche Mode
TECHNO.LZH 123507 09-Feb-92 [7] A superb module composed by the
TEXNO.LZH 94122 28-Mar-92 [8] ST/NT/PT-modul Xenotechno Mitt senaste
alster /The Outlaw... Dla!!!!!!!!!!
TTYS.LZH 38250 21-Feb-92 [7] The Things You Said Med Depeche Mode
TUN.LZH 39891 17-Mar-92 [3] ST/NT modul bra och <20>sig
TYSKLAND.LHA 145870 01-May-92 [5] Amiga-modul
UTOPIA.LZH 102199 18-Feb-92 [4] Lat fran Utopia. Laaaaaaang.
VANILLA.LZH 89415 26-Aug-92 [3] Mod.Positive Vanilla
VAXJOBN.LZH 18772 15-Feb-92 [2] El<45>t fra<72>n MusicDream II
WARRIOR.LZH 100569 30-Jun-92 [8] En dunderbra modul med superklass och
med samplingar av hog kvalitet.
WATERFAL.LZH 22144 08-Dec-91 [5] ST/NT/PT-Module. WaterFall
WHITE.LZH 30944 12-Mar-92 [3] soft module by unknown composer
ZAPCOMP17.LZH 83996 09-May-92 [5] En heftig ST/NT modul!
118 files. 10937108 bytes.
--------------------- Section 18 'Demos/Intros ' --------------------
AFL-RSI1.DMS 455541 12-Sep-92 [2] Red Sector demomaker disk1
AFL-RSI2.DMS 521870 12-Sep-92 [2] Red Sector demomaker disk2
CHAOS_ENGINE.D 488116 08-Nov-92 [0] Demo p} ett nytt Arcad-program som
sl{pps i november 1992
CMANWOC.EXE 130316 12-Dec-92 [0] Chip Mania Issue#3 en massa
DO.DMS 304038 07-Dec-92 [4] Ett mycket bra musikdemo md laten Dont
you want my love by FELIX.
GREAT92.DMS 828844 21-Dec-92 [0] En Massa Demos Fran Analog Party Packed
By Rebels!!!!!
HCD_BBS2.LHA 192838 26-Nov-92 [0] HardCoreDesign BBsIntro2
HH2.LZH 117769 09-Oct-92 [4] ETT SKIT BRA TECHNO DEMO
HYPVEC.DMS 177077 18-Oct-92 [3] WORLDREL.
KEF_MIII.DMS 742075 24-Dec-92 [3] Kefrens Multi Mega Mix III Its
Great!!!!!!!! Just Download it!!!!
MDINTRO.EXE 123508 12-Dec-92 [2] Intro By Triad.......
MEGAINTRO 72440 08-Sep-92 [2] A nice intro from DISKNET
RAW4-A.DMS 421538 29-Nov-92 [2] Raw Issue_4 A
RAW4-B.DMS 348349 29-Nov-92 [2] Raw Issue_4 B
RELAX 14988 20-Sep-92 [3] A little intro from Relax
TSL-ETS.DMS 325334 27-Oct-92 [4] A trackmo from The Silents.
XPOSE1.DMS 377713 15-Aug-92 [2] Xpose demo...1/2
XPOSE2.DMS 150552 16-Aug-92 [1] Xpose demo 2/2...
ASD10-1A.DMS 454934 30-Dec-92 [1] Stolen Data Issue #10 - Anarchy - [1A/2]
ASD10-1B.DMS 422045 30-Dec-92 [1] Stolen Data Issue #10 - Anarchy - [1B/2]
ASD10-2.DMS 531427 30-Dec-92 [1] Stolen Data Issue #10 - Anarchy - [2/2]
I'ts a Diskmagazine
21 files. 7201312 bytes.
--------------------- Section 19 'Games ' --------------------
-L-NYLEM.WRP 17469 05-Jan-92 [3] New Year Lemmings MegaTrainer by
4GETDEMO.LHA 218630 16-Apr-92 [1] A Playable Demo of 4-Get-It. GREAT New
Puzzle Game! 10 FULL SCREENS
6TIMATES.LHA 147244 07-Jul-92 [11] Some kind of sexgame/sextest. hmmm...
ADVMRB2.DMS 437872 05-Sep-92 [1] Spel likt Boulder Dash
AHEXTRIS.LHA 34124 26-Apr-92 [4] Extremely addictive game, needs OS 2.04
or higher, V1.0 by Yves Aerts
AMUL900.LHA 283451 24-Jun-92 [1] Amiga Multi User game Language by
Oliver Smith
AWII.LHA 55188 22-Oct-92 [2] Another World II - Preview, impressive
BALLY3.LHA 82374 19-May-92 [4] Pixel som ska m<>la yta. Klassiker.
BLACKJAC.LHA 143193 04-Dec-92 [0] En blackjack simulator
BMPREV.DMS 374378 22-Aug-92 [1] Preview of BeastMaster
BOMBER.LZH 22382 15-Jul-92 [2] MSMinesweeper for Amiga!! Highly
BOOTGAME.LHA 1345 15-Aug-91 [9] Ett spel att l{gga i bootblock.R}coolt.
BOULDER.LHA 20523 13-Feb-92 [6] Boulderdash, funny PDgame, dont
postorder, download!
BRIDG101.LHA 113688 05-Feb-92 [3] Amiga Bridge v1.01 - Plain and MC68020
CHESS10.LHA 204025 29-Sep-92 [0] GNU Chess v1.0 - nice Chess with
complete sources
CHESS30.LHA 38331 15-Feb-92 [5] Schack
CLUE.LHA 36087 03-Oct-90 [8] Cluedo (detektiv-spel) i datorversion
COMAIRP.EXE 269436 20-Dec-92 [1] Combat Air Patrol -Psynosis- Preview
CROBOT23.LHA 79795 07-Jul-91 [9] Programmera din egen robot och lat den
DRIP.LHA 235640 11-Jan-92 [4] Det basta PD-spelet nagonsin enligt
DVA-TECH.DMS 259677 04-Dec-92 [4] A Game called Techno Ball........grym
music ! ! ! ! !
EMP-2.LHA 275501 26-Jan-92 [2] Empire the BBS Game V2.1w
FLIP.LHA 27803 31-Dec-91 [2] Kul spel
GAMMON12.LHA 24320 09-Dec-92 [1] Gammon v1.2 - a real good Backgammon
game by Marc Fischlin (OS 2.x only)
GUN2000P.DMS 268174 18-Dec-92 [1] Spelbar Preview av Gunship 2000
HEARTS.LHA 35158 13-Jul-92 [2] ETT KORT SPEL
HHIKER.LHA 105367 03-Oct-91 [8] Hitch-hikers guide to the
INVADERS.LHA 19408 01-Feb-92 [1] ENKELT RYMDSPEL........
JSM_MTH1.DMS 391260 14-Dec-92 [0] ADI Teach Yourself Math nastan 10 spel
plus lit annat roligt du som har
JSM_MTH2.DMS 389756 14-Dec-92 [0] ADI Teach Yourself Math nastan 10 spel
plus lite annat roligt du som har
matteproblem Disk 2/2
KAMICHE.LHA 11292 06-Mar-92 [2] KAMIKAZECHESS d{r f|rloraren vinner
LARN123.LHA 93647 24-Sep-91 [5] Larn v12.3 - dungeon type adventure
game similar
LEM2FIX.DMS 12625 05-Dec-91 [6] Fix for Lemmings 'II'. To play levels
above 13!
LEM2TR.EXE 16608 30-Nov-91 [7] Gigatrainer (+44) for OhNo - More
LEMMDEMO.DMS 423108 18-Nov-92 [0] Lemmings II - Demo version. Wonderful!!
LOCO.DMS 284237 15-Nov-92 [1] J{rnv{gsspel, logiskt t{nkande,
LOT3.EXE 430532 19-Sep-92 [1] Lotus III....Preview..!!!!!!
MASKEN.LHA 6205 09-May-92 [5] klassiskt masken spel pa WB screenen.
MAZE.LHA 6465 03-Oct-90 [7] ta dig igenom labyrinterna.
MAZEMAN.LHA 27309 18-Mar-92 [10] Packman on new adventures
MEGABALL.LZH 323317 06-Sep-92 [0] Arkanoidclone Bra !!!
MEMPIR14.LHA 41196 19-Sep-92 [0] MATER EMPIER
MFORCE71.LZH 210864 22-Nov-92 [0] This is Version 3.71 of the PD-game
Mechforce, earlier called Battleforce.
It is a game inspired by BattleTech TM
in which you fight with and versus
gigantic Warmachines.
MICROBES.LZH 108544 02-Oct-92 [1] Fun arcade style game like Tempest or
space invaders
MISSILE.LHA 53336 15-Apr-92 [2] Spelet MISSILE COMMAND.
MONOPOLY.LHA 97331 03-Oct-90 [8] Monopol i datorversion
MORIA3.LZH 371496 08-Sep-92 [1] Moria III ett spel f#r D&D fans
NC10.LHA 5897 09-Dec-92 [0] Noughts & Crosses V1.0, for Kick. 1.3+
PD2-PREV.DMS 316431 04-Oct-92 [2] PinBallDreams 2 PREVIEW...
POING10.LHA 21535 17-Oct-92 [1] A nice breakout game
PSYCHO.DMS 394028 20-Dec-92 [2] Psycho Santa .........Jultomtespel....
REV100.DMS 249482 01-Sep-92 [0] Revolution 100% This is a game mad in
AMOS , Looks very nice but seems hard .
(Maybe should have read the docs...)
Docs anre on the disk...
Sent by Bagarn
ROME.LHA 98806 22-Jul-91 [9] EternalRome. Ett Mycket realistiskt
ROTMC.LHA 123016 08-Dec-92 [1] Rev.of the mutant camel (C64 nostalgi)
RUNNIN11.LHA 66704 26-Apr-92 [0] Running V1.1, Classical maze and puzzle
game, by Jorrit Tyberghein
SIMUTIL.LHA 90856 25-Dec-91 [4] Some utilities for SimCity
SKART.DMS 189998 20-Dec-92 [0] ETT KORT SPEL PA TYSKA MEN ANDA ......
SOC_BOSS.DMS 327963 20-Dec-92 [1] Soccer Boss -D&H Games-
SOLO100.LZH 4141 17-Oct-92 [0] A solitaire game
S_RIVALS.DMS 231961 20-Dec-92 [1] Soccer Rivals -D&H Games-
TACL.LHA 232907 27-Apr-92 [0] <20>ventyrs spel
TAGTEAM.DMS 384605 23-Dec-92 [2] American Tag-Team Wrestling!!!!!!
TANK.LHA 207067 02-May-92 [4] Ett av de basta pd-spelet nagonsin. Tva
TETRIX.LHA 22490 18-Mar-92 [7] A game like Tetris
TILES.LHA 12436 03-Oct-90 [1] ta bort alla brickorna parvis. OBS inte
TRIX.LHA 17693 12-Mar-92 [2] det klassiska qi...
WORM.LHA 39279 15-Apr-92 [3] Du {r MASKEN som ska ta saker. Styr med
ZM103.LHA 179429 17-Jun-92 [2] ZMachine 1.0.3 - Great InfoCom ZIL
interpreter, now BBS compatible!
ZORK1.LHA 84838 09-Apr-91 [11] Det klassiska spelet...
73 files. 10894021 bytes.
--------------------- Section 20 'Docs/Cheats ' --------------------
388CHEAT.LHA 67271 18-Dec-91 [6] 388 Cheats and Hints for games!
3DKIT.LHA 31943 27-Sep-92 [0] docen till 3d construction kit
4DSPDRV.DOC 30000 18-Jul-92 [2] The manual for 4D Sports Driving.
AD-TTWTR.DMS 19446 25-Dec-92 [2] Trainer till TagTeam Wrestling
ADDAMSFAMILYDO 5632 22-Oct-92 [0] doc addams family
ADPRODOX.LZH 62439 28-Nov-91 [4] The manual for ArtDepartment
AERDORK.LZH 13404 01-Feb-92 [7] Koderna till Aerodork terminalen i
Leasiure Suite Larry V.
AFL-EOB2.LHA 199817 18-Apr-92 [9] Eye of the Beholder II +29 trainer.
AIRSUP.DOC 81741 10-Oct-92 [1] Doxs till Air Support
ALL_AMBE.DOC 113989 27-Nov-92 [2] AMBERSTAR.DOCS
APROGGUI.LZH 28126 20-May-92 [8] Amiga Programmer's Guide. Boken!
AREXX.LZH 115721 26-Sep-91 [0] arexx dox
ARMGFAST.LZH 1305 08-Jan-92 [4] hj'lp till sv[ra armour geddon
ARMOUR.LZH 21415 31-Jan-92 [3] Doc`s till Armour Geddon !!!!!
ATRAIN.DOC 135050 18-Dec-92 [0] Docen till Atrain !
ATX-BTGF.DMS 15224 29-Nov-92 [2] Fix For Alla a500+ agare till spelet
Bill`s Tomato Game
ATX-JMMT.DMS 45024 08-Dec-92 [6] Trainer Till Spelet Joe&Mac - Cavemen
ATX-LWTR.DMS 12138 28-Nov-92 [2] Trainer Till Lethal Weapon_3
ATX-TMTR.DMS 45374 29-Nov-92 [2] Trainer Till Bill`s Tomato Game
ATX-TTTR.DMS 35553 18-Dec-92 [0] Trainer Till Tearaway Thomas
ATXPINB.DMS 46568 14-Mar-92 [13] Trainer for Pinball Dreams!!
AWP2CODES.LZH 824 21-Mar-92 [6] Koder till AnotherWorld & Populous II
B&PINSTRUKTION 37883 03-Nov-91 [4] Instructions for Bars & Pipes.
B&PQUICK.TXT 16512 29-Oct-92 [1] help to bars and pipes all comands
BCHESS2.LHA 4424 20-Jul-91 [3] BattleChess II Document....
BIRDS.DOC 3511 21-Jun-92 [4] Docen till spelet BirdsOfPrey
BLACRY.LHA 17238 22-Dec-92 [2] doc,solv,och hints till spelet black
BPQUICK.LZH 6725 25-Jan-92 [6] Bars&Pipes Quickguide. Lot's of commands
BT3.PP 8660 27-Dec-91 [3] Losning till Bard`s Tale 3 OBS! EJ 100%
CEDMAN.LHA 62972 02-Apr-92 [3] Manualen till CygnusEd Professional!
CHEATNY.LZH 68975 09-Jan-92 [15] Over 300 fusk till spel. Manga nya,
Ninja3 mfl.
CIVD.LHA 55022 29-Nov-92 [1] The documentation f<>r Civilization.
CMDREF2.LZH 3261 30-Nov-91 [4] All the options of lc, lc1, lc2, cpr of
CMX-BILT.LHA 25329 18-Dec-92 [0] Trainer Till Bouncing Bill
CRC_F&I.DOC 16239 11-Jun-92 [1] Doc for the game Fire And Ice!!
CRUSOLV.LZH 3295 02-Dec-91 [12] Cruise for a Corpse-Solution (Murderer
CRYPT.LZH 2560 13-Oct-92 [3] Solution for Black crypt Level 7-8
(Perhaps 9 too, lost memory..)
DADOCS.PP 69008 27-Dec-91 [2] Doc till Disney Animation Studio.
DARKQOK.TXT 25468 20-Nov-92 [3] Solve for Dark Queen Of Krynn.
DMIIDOC.LHA 39231 22-Jul-91 [8] DiskMaster II COMPLETE DOCS!!!!
DP4DOC.LZH 18638 12-Sep-91 [14] Dokumentationen till Deluxepaint4!!
DPAINT3.LHA 123284 03-Oct-90 [17] Manualen till Deluxe Paint 3
DPAINT4.DOC 50393 24-Oct-91 [15] manual till dpaint4
DREAMFIX.DMS 6650 02-Mar-92 [10] Fix for Pinball Dreams...
ELITETIP.LHA 3745 03-Oct-90 [10] Lite tips till Elite
ENKINGDOCS.PP 7908 27-Jun-92 [0] Docs till Kings Quest Enchanged version!
EOTBALL.LHA 168650 01-Mar-92 [1] All the maps for Eye Of The Beholder.
EPIC-TRA. 31994 28-Aug-92 [1] epic trainer
EPIC-TRAINER 31994 05-Sep-92 [1] en epic-trainer
EYESOLV.PP 24820 27-Dec-91 [7] Losningen till megaspelet Eye of the
F18TIPS.LHA 5997 23-Aug-91 [4] Tips till FA18 Interceptor
FATESOLV.TXT.P 8696 30-Nov-92 [1] Losning Till Indy IV (Atlantis)
FB-CTR.LHA 115974 14-Dec-92 [2] Capitol Trainer Till FlashBack!!!!
FBENGFIX.LZH 5781 14-Dec-92 [5] Fix For Flashback en liten del
FBPASS.TXT 1240 16-Dec-92 [1] PassWords to flashback!!!!!
FLSHBCK.SOLV.P 7852 17-Dec-92 [1] Losningen Till FLA$HBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
FOXTR.LZH 18251 22-May-92 [2] En Trainer till spelet Titus The Fox
FUMMEL.LZH 1743 26-Jul-92 [2] Detta <20>r en modifierad fummel tabell
f<>r rolspelet Drakar och Demoner
FUTUREMAP.TXT 5110 26-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till Future Wars!!!
FYNDTABELL.LZH 3254 26-Jul-92 [2] Detta <20>r en fyndtabell f<>r rollspelet
Drakar och Demoner
HEARTCHI.LHA 5840 16-Jun-91 [2] Heart of china dox
HILL.LZH 24486 31-Jan-92 [0] Doc`s Till Hill Street Blues !!!
HOOK.CHE 5283 26-Aug-92 [4] losningen till hook!!!
III.LZH 224 31-Jan-92 [2] The codes to Last Ninja III !!!!
INDY.SLV 17520 27-Nov-92 [2] Indiana Jones Fate Of Atlantis
INDY500.LHA 7534 21-Dec-92 [0] doc till spelet
IT.LHA 1321 03-Oct-90 [14] L|sningen till IT CAME FROM THE DESERT
KGLOVEII.DOC 11088 28-Dec-91 [0] Kid Glove II Docs!
KING1.LZH 4448 14-Apr-92 [1] L|sningen till KINGS QUEST 1.
KING2.LZH 6246 14-Apr-92 [0] L|sningen till KINGS QUEST 2.
KING3.LZH 14778 14-Apr-92 [1] L|sningen till KINGS QUEST 3.
KING4.LZH 6946 14-Apr-92 [1] L|sningen till KINGS QUEST 4.
KQ5.LHA 29929 09-May-91 [8] Sol. till KQ5 med gif bilder
KULT.LZH 1784 14-Apr-92 [0] L|sningen till KULT.
L-DSOLVE.PP 10712 27-Jun-92 [0] Solve to Life and Death
LARRYV.LZH 11556 21-Feb-92 [6] Help for Leasuire Suite Larry V (hints)
LD36.DMS 685183 09-Dec-92 [3] Docs till dom senaste spelen och prg
som ami V2.30 plus lite fusk. Docdisk
by LSD nummer #36.
LEMMINGS.LZH 1265 09-Sep-91 [8] alla koder till lemmings!
LOOM.LZH 1526 14-Apr-92 [2] L|sningen till LOOM.
LOTUS.KODER 730 16-Jan-92 [2] koder till lotus 2
LSL5_1.DOC 19471 21-Feb-92 [3] Doc:en till Leasuire Suite Larry V.
MANHUNTER.LZH 21087 14-Apr-92 [0] L|sningen till MANHUNTER NEW YORK.
MANLEY.TXT 12405 09-Sep-91 [5] fusk till Search for the king!
MAPAMIGA.LHA 107728 09-Jun-92 [2] A description of the inner world of
Amiga (registers, functions calls,etc)
MF_THOTR.DMS 5818 02-Dec-92 [0] Trainer Till Spelet Thomas The Tank.
MIDWDOC.LHA 33583 03-Oct-90 [3] Manual till MidWinter.
MIGHTIII.LHA 108101 16-Apr-92 [3] Complete Docs,Map,Solves etc. for Might
and Magic III
MONKEYII.PP 27856 24-Mar-92 [9] Losningen pa Monkey Island II
MOONSTON.LZH 9513 25-Mar-92 [8] hints & tips for moonstone
NIGEL.DOC.PP 5404 18-Nov-92 [1] docs till nigel mansell grand prix
NIGHTMAR.LHA 14174 16-Feb-92 [2] Docs till Nightmare.
NINJA3-SOLV.TX 2164 04-Nov-92 [1] L|sning till Last Ninja 3
OPUS_DOC.LHA 65006 01-Feb-92 [5] Dox for Opus 3.29.
PARADROID'90.D 6292 21-Dec-92 [0] doc till spelet
PEG.LZH 199 31-Jan-92 [1] The codes to Pegasus !!!!
PFCHEAT.DOC 1989 18-Nov-92 [9] Koder till Pinball
Fantasies.......Written by Spreadpoint!
PFF.LHA 20440 18-Dec-92 [2] Cheat for 'Pinball Fantasies' !
PIN.LHA 20255 18-Dec-92 [2] Cheat for 'Pinball Dreams' !!!
PINBALL.DOC 11102 29-Mar-92 [13] Docs for Pinball Dreams...
PINDREAM.LHA 20487 22-Nov-92 [5] Fusk till Pinball Dreams.
PIRATES.LHA 75786 03-Oct-90 [2] Manual till Pirates
POLICE1.LZH 15188 14-Apr-92 [1] L|sningen till POLICE QUEST 1.
POLICE2.LZH 6881 14-Apr-92 [3] L|sningen till POLICE QUEST 2.
PQ3DOC!.LHA 21055 26-Sep-92 [1] Doc och solve+iff karta till Police
RAIL.LZH 1070 08-Sep-91 [12] fusk till railroad tycoon!
RAILRDOC.LZH 137578 20-Mar-92 [2] Manualen till Railroad Tycoon
REDSTORM.IFF 40994 05-Jul-92 [1] Function-Keys for Red Storm Rising
ROBO3DOC.LZH 9036 09-May-92 [2] Docs till robocop3
SB4DOC.LZH 118728 15-Mar-92 [6] Manual till SuperBase 4
SHADB3.LHA 3968 25-Dec-92 [0] Docen till Shadow of the Beast III.
SHDWHINT.LZH 11264 29-Aug-92 [0] extensive hints for solving the game
SIMEARTH.DOX 5004 21-Dec-92 [1] doc till spelet
SOLUTION.HQ1 13361 29-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till Hero's Quest I So You Want
To Be A Hero!
SOLUTION.KQ1 18726 27-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till King's Quest I
SOLUTION.KQ2 26067 27-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till King's Quest II
SOLUTION.LHA 18502 09-May-91 [2] Lite bra att ha l|sningar!!!
SOLUTION.LL2 25345 29-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till Leisure Suit Larry 2
SOLUTION.LL3 18292 29-Oct-92 [1] L|sning till Leisure Suit Larry 3
SOLUTION.PQ2 46085 31-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till Police Quest 2
SOLUTION.SQ3 10934 31-Oct-92 [0] L|sning till Space Quest 3
SOMISOLV.LZH 19015 29-Sep-91 [8] Solve & Manual to Monkeys Island
SPACE1.LZH 10076 14-Apr-92 [0] L|sningen till SPACE QUEST 1.
SPACE2.LZH 11379 14-Apr-92 [0] L|sningen till SPACE QUEST 2.
SPACE3.LZH 9833 14-Apr-92 [1] L|sningen till SPACE QUEST 3.
SPACECRUSADEDO 30372 04-Nov-92 [1] Docs till space crusade
SR_TTW_T.DMS 6260 25-Dec-92 [1] Trainer Till Tag Team Wrestling
THOMAS.DOCS 6546 02-Dec-92 [0] Docs Till Spelet Thomas The Tank.
TRODDLES.TXT 5055 22-Dec-92 [1] Level codes till spelet troddlers
TROLLDOC.LHA 6309 25-Dec-92 [1] Doc'en till Troll
TSBVECTORDESIG 9232 21-Dec-92 [0] doc till programet
ULTIMAV.HLP 5444 21-Dec-92 [1] doc till spelet
UNKNOWN.LZH 17252 24-Mar-92 [7] Tips till Heimdall, Utopia,
PopoulousII, Populous, PowerMonger and
Mega lo mania.
WARLORDS.LZH 122465 21-Feb-92 [2] Doc:en till WarLords. Med kartor.
WAXFIX.LHA 1355 25-Dec-92 [1] Fix till WaxWorks HD install
WGH2.LZH 25173 27-Feb-92 [0] Doc till Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2
WILLY.LZH 39478 24-May-92 [5] willy beamish solution
WLFPAKDX.LHA 1765 16-May-91 [1] Hj{lp med tangenterna till WolfPack
ZYCONFIX.DMS 26661 29-Nov-92 [1] Fix For Alla A500+ Till Gamet Zyconix
<EFBFBD>VENTYR2.LZH 9096 26-Jul-92 [0] Detta <20>r ett <20>ventyr f<>r rolspelet
Drakar och Demoner
LEGENDDOCS 24844 27-Dec-92 [0] LEGEND DOCS
143 files. 4744638 bytes.
--------------------- Section 40 'Packers ' --------------------
AMYZIP93.LHA 286458 06-Jan-92 [1] Zip v0.93 - A little bug fixed !
ARC.SFX 27824 25-Dec-90 [13] Arc version 0.23. (*.SFX =
ARCEX20.LHA 7443 16-Sep-92 [0] [V37] ArcEx V2.0 - Multi-archive
extract utility
ASS_PP.DMS 475102 19-Dec-92 [4] PowerPacker V4.3b
AWECRU.DMS 138661 18-Apr-92 [1] TurtleSmasher, a new cruncher, based on
the TimeCruncher.
AX378.LHA 6300 26-Aug-92 [1] AX V37.8 <20> A frontend for some common
archivers. Kickstart 2.04+ only
BOOZ.LZH 6219 03-Oct-90 [9] Listar samt packar upp *.ZOO filer.
CFX5258A.LHA 88061 23-Dec-92 [1] Crunched File Examiner v5.258 ADS
CFXW0102.LHA 11834 23-Dec-92 [0] Intuitionised front-end for CFX v1.0102
COMPRS16.LHA 18334 04-Oct-92 [0] Compress v1.6 - Data compression
program using a modified Lempel-Ziv
method (LZW)
DCRYPT12.LHA 14439 23-Dec-92 [1] DeepCrypt 1.2, crypts/decrypts any kind
of file, GUI, WB 2.x and up required
DMS111.SFX 40960 09-May-92 [15] A new version of DMS. Both faster and
packs better!
DMSTOY.LHA 20981 10-Nov-92 [8] Edit your DMS files !!.
DMSW230.LHA 47761 19-Oct-92 [2] DMSWindow v230 f|r DMS 1.11 Turbo (Inte
DMSWIN11.LHA 32310 23-May-92 [7] DMS window v1.11 - For use with the new
version of DMS (1.11) !!!
DMSWIN2.LHA 27738 06-May-92 [13] DMS Window v2.0 - Intuition control of
Disk Masher
EXPLODE6.LZH 1024 17-Nov-91 [4] New Explode.Library
FIXOBJ 6912 03-Nov-91 [1] Ett program som fixar filer pajade av
IMPLODER4.LZH 137749 07-Mar-92 [5] Packar exekverbara program. Som
Powerpacker, men klarar av att g|ra
filerna residenta.
LHA-WIN.LHA 64755 21-Sep-92 [2] Graphical Userinterface for LhA.
LHA135R.LHA 83935 01-Sep-92 [7] LHA version 1.35 REGISTERED version
Sent by Bagarn
LHA139R.LHA 141816 16-Sep-92 [7] LHA v1.39 reggade versionen!!!!
LHA140R.LHA 82742 02-Oct-92 [3] LHA v1.40...
LHA148E.LHA 34016 28-Nov-92 [4] LHA 1.48 Evalution
LHAA102.RUN 39287 27-Jan-92 [2] LhArcA v1.02 - intuitioned -lh1-
LHARC130.SFX 40248 13-Nov-90 [21] Senaste versionen av Lharc : 1.30
LHASFX12.RUN 20379 29-Mar-92 [3] LhASFX 1.2 - Create selfextracting LHA
LHA_138E.RUN 109140 09-Sep-92 [3] LhA v1.38 Evaluation - best/faster
-lh1-, -lh5- archiver for Amiga
LHA_E138.RUN 109140 05-Sep-92 [1] Lha 1.38 Bugs fixed
LHSFX12.SFX 22656 03-Oct-91 [3] SelfExtracting Archive maker. V1.2.
LHWARP14.LZH 33051 03-Oct-90 [10] LhWarp v 1.40. *.LHW
LHX106.LHA 17005 21-Apr-92 [0] LhX V 1.06
LISTER16.LZH 25473 08-Nov-91 [0] Lister v1.6 - Lists
LZ192.LZH 44780 26-Aug-91 [32] Lz 1.92. Riktig version! Klarar *.LHA
LZUTILS.LHA 24246 05-Feb-92 [4] Utils to type/show/play/exe files in
*.LZH and *.LHA archives
MAKEKEY.LHA 949 03-Oct-92 [5] Register LHA 1.4x To Yourself or anyone
NEWZAP.RUN 34433 03-Jan-92 [1] NewZap 3.30. Selfextracting archieve.
PAK.PAK 7168 03-Oct-90 [11] Sj{lvuppackande packer. *.PAK.
PKAX.LZH 14920 24-Mar-91 [7] PkAx v 1.00. Packar upp ALLA! arc-files
PKAZIP11.SFX 57176 03-Oct-90 [15] Packar o packar upp ZIP. Intuivt
PP40B.LHA 103605 24-May-92 [5] Power Packer v4.0b
REARC211.LHA 29661 09-Jun-92 [1] ReArc V2.07 - ArcEx V1.04 -- Another
bugfix !
SHRNK101.LHA 21216 23-May-92 [0] Shrink 1.01b, a new archiver using the
IFF Archive Standard
TARC.LHA 20532 08-Jan-92 [2] Turbo ARC - a new FASTER .ARC archiver
UNARJA06.LHA 7152 12-Jun-92 [4] UnARJ Amiga version 0.6 -- extract
files from .ARJ archives
UNCPP.DMS 534216 29-Aug-92 [6] PowerPacker 4.1a only for OS 2.0
UNWARP 11012 06-Jan-91 [12] Unwarp for *.WRP filer...
UNZIP41.LZH 19711 14-Aug-91 [10] UnZip v4.1 !!!
UNZIP500.LHA 29272 11-Sep-92 [3] UnZip v5.00 - .ZIP decompressor - new
UUXXCODE.LZH 4648 01-Jul-91 [1] UU(De|En)Code For Sending Binaries Via
XFH100A.LHA 17023 24-Jul-92 [2] XFH - XPK File Handler 1.00a - Small
XPK.LHA 147776 15-Jul-92 [1] XPK - A standard external compression
library standard!
XPK25DEV.LHA 144516 29-Nov-92 [0] XPK 2.5 - The External Compression
Library Standard - Programmers Specs
XPK25USR.LHA 220144 29-Nov-92 [0] XPK 2.5 - The External Compression
Library Standard - Lots of New Features
XSMART10.LHA 5918 24-Jul-92 [1] XSmart 1.0 - A clever and nifty packer
for the XPK library, crunch your msgbase
ZIPPY125.LZH 25483 10-Nov-91 [5] En Unzip som klarar headers st|rre {n
ZIPUNZIP.LHA 161694 03-Dec-92 [2] Zipv1.09 med unzipv5.0 med ny
ZOO-210.LZH 51624 01-Aug-91 [9] Zoo 2.1b. Med NY packningseffektivitet
ZOOM54.LHA 91854 12-Mar-92 [6] Zoom v5.4 - Disk de/compressor - bug
fix release.
59 files. 4050482 bytes.
--------------------- Section 41 'Copy Programs ' --------------------
ACS.LZH 34429 21-Aug-91 [2] AllCopySystem 1.0
D-DCOPY2.DMS 190838 01-Jan-92 [2] D-Mob's D-Copy v2.0!!! Finally ready!
FCOPY17.LHA 19709 09-Sep-91 [3] FreeCopy v1.7 - Sprotects a lot of
games !! -
MAV4.DMS 445248 16-May-92 [4] Maverick 4.0 Parameter copier.
PCOPY214.LZH 26533 03-Nov-91 [2] PCopy v2.14 - Fast copier
PDCOPY3.LZH 23652 07-Mar-92 [0] PDCopy 3 !!!!!
R-XCOPY.DMS 345143 29-Nov-92 [5] Xcopy newest release med en javla massa
andra prg bl.a till hd`en, qed + en
massa annat stuff rele. at the german
show.... mycket bra!!!!
RATPAC.LZH 20832 02-Jul-91 [4] PacMacCopy from RATTLEHEAD
RCOPY40.LZH 160774 24-Aug-91 [5] The real bugfree Rattlecopy 4.0!!!!
SUPERD21.LHA 25886 28-May-92 [3] SuperDuper 2.1!! GREAT copy program!!
XC.PRO.DMS 303646 23-May-92 [6] XCopy Pro Update may '92. Nya XCopyPro
+ Cyclone.
XCOPY701.LHA 23378 27-May-92 [2] the very best in xcopy series
XCOPY80.LHA 27710 12-Sep-92 [11] X-Copy 8.0 !!!
XCPRO.DMS 188174 28-Aug-92 [11] X-Copy pro os2.0
14 files. 1835952 bytes.
--------------------- Section 50 'F.Fish-programs ' --------------------
2VIEW.LHA 39311 22-Sep-92 [0] [727] 2View v1.52 - 2View is an ILBM
picture viewer for use under Workbench
2.04 or later. It supports all
standard ECS graphics modes, SHAM,
Macropaint-style dynamic hires, color
cycling, ARexx and both the CLI and
501.LHA 72608 22-Sep-92 [0] [728] 501 v1.15 - This program keeps
score for the dart game 501. Games
recorded via the keyboard create a data
base reflecting each player's
performance. The statistics track
personal bests, averages, win
percentages and high scores.
A-GENE.LHA 113661 28-Aug-92 [2] [702] A-Gene v4.18 - Latest demo
version of a popular genealogy database
program. A-Geneincludes a text-editor
to add free-form reports to records and
allows you to show digitised pictures
from within the program. A-Gene needs
1Mb of ram.
ABACKUP.LHA 119723 26-Nov-92 [0] [759] ABackup - A powerful backup
utility that may be used both for
harddisk backup and for file archiving.
Has a full Intuition interface , can
save/load file selections, handles HD
disk, etc. Includes both a French and
an English version. v 1.60.
ADDICON.LHA 39338 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] AddIcon v1.7 - A useful tool that
copies icons to a given file or
directory. It supports pattern matching
and has various options. It first
looks at the suffixes of the files and
for chunks to identify their types,
then it copies the right type of icon
to the files. OS 2.xx only.
ADDRESSE.LHA 117814 12-Dec-92 [0] [767] Addresser v1.0 - Name, Address
and phone number database in a window.
Features include merge file creation
for most popular Amiga word processors,
envelope printing, user-defined address
formats, support for the Amiga
clipboard device, and much more.
ADOC.LHA 103165 30-Oct-92 [0] [747] ADoc v1.21 - New version
rewritten from scratch, of a help
utility for the Amiga which allows you
to have permanent help on any subject
you want. Features include automatic
search of any word on which you
clicked, intelligent term requester,
ability to use Commodore "AutoDocs"
files and any nonproportional font, an
AREXX port, and more. Both French and
English versions.
ADVENTUR.LHA 63325 22-Sep-92 [0] [727] Adventure v1.10 - The Colossal
Cave Adventure, by Donald Woods and
Will Crowther. This program runs from
the CLI or Workbench, and is virtually
identical to the original mainframe
AL.LHA 12116 12-Jul-92 [3] [684] Archive Lister. Supports
ALIST.LHA 7758 30-Oct-92 [0] [742] AList v1.0 - A CLI command that
lists the length of every file and the
REAL length of every subdirectory in
Bytes, KBytes and MBytes. includes
source in C.
ALOCK.LHA 16449 22-Sep-92 [0] [717] ALock v1.04 - A limited multiuser
security system for your Amiga.
ALOOK.LHA 18189 16-Dec-92 [1] [769] ALook v3.1 - An IFF ILBM
displayer with lots of features!
Displays Anims, HAM, extra half-brite,
overscan, low-res, hi-res, lace, etc.
Runs from WorkBench or CLI, recursive
wild-card selection, specifiable delays
between displays, loop mode and more.
Uses iff.library. Requires OS 2.0.
ALTKEYQ.LHA 10956 12-Dec-92 [0] [764] AltKeyQ v1.0 - A commodity that
allows the user to input characters
thru ASCII code by holding the left ALT
key and typing in the code on the
numeric keypad. (same as on PCs with
MS-DOS). With AmigaOS 2.1 a
localization takes place (currently
German). Requires AmigaOS 2.04.
Version 1.0, includes source.
AMIBACK.LHA 75470 12-Jul-92 [0] [682] Demo version of Ami-Back v2.0, a
nice backup utility for the Amiga. v2.0a
AMIGAEMS.LHA 33559 12-Jul-92 [0] [687] A utility for Amiga bridgeboard
that allows you to use any amount of
Amiga mem as expanded mem on the
bridgeboard. v1.1
AMINES.LHA 10984 28-Aug-92 [0] [707] AMines v1.1 - A small game, like
the X-Window's game XMines. The aim of
the game is to detect all of the 99
mines in a 30 by 16 playing field.
Selecting a field uncovers a number
that indicates how many of the adjacent
fields contain mines.
AMOKED.LHA 110866 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] AmokEd v1.30 - A highly
configurable editor based on Matt
Dillon's well known DME. Features a
rich command language, an ARexx
interface and ARexx based application
port, environment variable support,
user definable pull down menus, fast
scrolling and scroll gadgets, multiple
file editing, iconification, reentrant
and can be made resident.Requires
AmigaOS2.0 or higher.
AMPLOTDE.LHA 178679 15-Oct-92 [0] [737] AMPlotDemo v2.0 - A demonstration
version of a commercial graph plotting
program designed for publication
quality plotting of scientific data.
The demo allows datasets no larger than
10 datapoints and will not create hard
copy plots.
ANIMAN.LHA 95958 22-Sep-92 [3] [723] AniMan v3.2 - AniMan combines
Amiga animation, speech synthesis, and
voice recognition, to provide you with
an animated talking head that will run
any Amiga program by voice command.
Ask for an Amiga program by name, and
AniMan will oblige. If AniMan becomes
impatient, you may be insulted. AniMan
will also recite poetry if you ask
ANISO.LHA 11217 28-Aug-92 [1] [707] Aniso - A small puzzle game for
your Workbench screen, similar to the
"Brain game". Played in a small window
containing two 3 by 3 grids. One grid
is already filled with numbers between
one and four, and the other is empty.
The goal is to form an image of the
first grid by clicking on squares in
the empty grid.
ANNOTATE.LHA 49638 26-Nov-92 [0] [751] Annotate v1.8 - A text editor
written for ADos 2.04 only. Takes
advantage of Public screens and the
system default font. Features include
folding, shifting, vertical cut and
paste, full clipboard support, macros,
scroll bar, editor buffering, printing,
text locking and a tools menu.
ANSI.LHA 21162 15-Oct-92 [0] [737] ANSI v1.6 - A small CLI utility
to convert C source between ANSI and
Kernighan and Ritchie function
definition formats. Also allows
generation of prototypes. No Amiga
extensions and should be portable.
Includes C source.
ANTICICL.LHA 73399 12-Dec-92 [0] [767] AntiCicloVir v1.6A - A link virus
detector that detects 25 different such
viruses. Version 1.6a, containing a
small but important bug fix.
APRF.LHA 79989 30-Oct-92 [0] [747] APrf - A printing utility for
the Amiga. Features include full
Intuition interface, preview function,
page selection, margin setup, line
numbering, an AREXX port, a
multi-columns mode, 2.0 system release
support and more. Both French and
English versions. This is version 1.40.
ARESTAUR.LHA 20942 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] ARestaure v1.00 - Permits you to
restore accidently deleted files. Works
on all Amiga partitions (Floppy, Hard
disk and RAD:). Intuition interface
where user can select between one of
three different languages: English,
French and German.
AREXXAPP.LHA 24585 26-Nov-92 [0] [754] ARexxAppList - The ARexx
Application List. A list (plain text)
of approximately 175 Amiga programs
that support ARexx, with brief
descriptions of their capabilities.
Updates are posted in the USENET
newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.applications.
Version dated October 15, 1992.
AREXXBOX.LHA 127096 30-Oct-92 [1] [745] ARexxBox v1.00 - ARexxBox,
inspired by the GadToolsBox by Jan van
den Baard, is a tool which greatly
simplifies the design and
implementation of an ARexx interface
for a program. Provides a graphical
interface in which to enter the command
arguments and results, then creates the
C source; one module containing
necessary basic functions and another
containing the interface stub routines
to which you only have to add your code
ASKFIRST.LHA 7093 26-Nov-92 [0] [753] AskFirst - A software disk
write-protection. With the permission
of the user, disables floppy writes
even on write-enabled disks. Switches
to enable/disable states with a gadget.
Runs from both WorkBench and CLI.
Includes source in assembly.
ASSIGNWEDGE.LH 12310 12-Jul-92 [2] [689] An AssignX clone, redesigned from
the ground up, which fixed a couple of
potential bugs in the original program.
ATBL.LHA 22342 30-Oct-92 [0] [746] ATbl v2.20 - A program for table
formating, somehow inspired by the
"tbl" utility on UNIX system. Can
produce a printer output (with IBM
semi-graphic characters) or a regular
IFF file which can be read by any
decent word-processing or
desktop-publishing program. Both
French and English documentation.
AUSH.LHA 248820 30-Oct-92 [0] [747] AUSH v1.52 - A command line
interpreter for the Amiga. Features
include file name completion, pattern
expansion, expression computation,
command history, for...done loops, full
support of AmigaDOS 2.0, and much more.
AUTORUNN.LHA 16524 01-Nov-92 [0] [744] AutoRunner v1.2 - Automatically
executes a CLI command line when you
insert a disk into a drive. All you do
is put a special tag at the beginning
of a comment in the disk's root
directory. After the comment tag, you
put a normal CLI comand line.
AutoRunner then executes this command
when the disk is inserted. Pascal
source included.
AUTOSAVE.LHA 7632 29-Dec-92 [0] [771] AutoSave - A small program which
calls an ARexx script at regular
intervals, controlled through a
Workbench window. Although intended to
provide an "AutoSave" function for
applications, the script can do
anything. Includes C source, which
demonstrates simple use of GadTools and
the timer device. Requires Kickstart
2.0 or later.
AZAP.LHA 104574 26-Nov-92 [0] [759] AZap v1.00 - A "new generation"
binary editor able to edit files,
memory, or devices like hard disks. It
can open several windows at the same
time, handle FFS/OFS file systems, and
has a lot a functions (fill block,
compute checksum, base conversion,
etc.). Includes both a French and an
English version.
AZTECERR.LHA 22309 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] AztecErr v5.XX - A Manx quickfix
support program. If you use the
quickfix option of AztecC version 5.xx,
you can set CCEDIT to this program. It
opens a window which displays all
errors one after another. It also has
an ARexx port and a gadtools user
interface. OS 2.xx only.
BACKCOUP.LHA 23444 10-Jul-92 [0] [679] A simulation of
screen-camera-backcoupling. v1.0
BACKUP.LHA 34548 12-Dec-92 [1] [767] BackUP v3.77 - A freely
distributable, shareware hard drive
backup program that features a custom
Intuition interface, multi-floppy drive
support, high-density drive support,
incremental/full backups, on-the-fly
compression using lh.library, optional
verify, two types of backup logs and a
restorable configuration. BackUP
requires Workbench 2.0.
BBASE2VI.LHA 11572 12-Dec-92 [0] [766] BBase2View v1.0 - A Base-Viewer
for Databases created with BBase2.
Advantages are faster database
processing, viewing and more. Includes
a print option for single records.
Requires Amiga OS2.0.
BBASEII.LHA 97670 28-Aug-92 [0] [710] bBaseII v5.5 - A simple database
program using an intuition interface.
Stores, sorts and searches for
information. Features include fast
sorting, search in any field, mailing
label support, and best of all, it's
really easy to use.
BBBBS.LHA 308499 30-Oct-92 [1] [745] BBBBS v5.5 - Baud Bandit Bulletin
Board System. Features include up to
99 file libraries with extended
filenotes, up to 99 fully threaded
message conferences, no inherent limits
on number of users, files, or messages,
controlled file library and message
conference access for users and sysops
etc etc...
BCBMUSIC.LHA 309073 12-Dec-92 [0] [763] BCBMusic - This is the third set
of original music in the BCBmusic
series. This set includes the songs
"Reactance", "DreamScape", and
"Transition". These songs are
self-playing with no additional player
programs required. WB2.0 compatible.
BCOUNT.LHA 9303 22-Sep-92 [1] [716] BCount v1.12 - A utility to count
files, directories, hardlinks, and
softlinks for a given root directory.
Requires Amiga OS 2.04.
BFORMAT.LHA 16660 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] BFormat v4.0 - Formats disks that
have media (or hard) errors on them and
allocates them as used, making the rest
of the disk usable. Supports FFS, OFS
and most devices, including
hard-drives. Includes source.
BIOCOMP.LHA 14879 30-Oct-92 [1] [741] BioComp v1.13 - A program that
computes the biorhythmic compatibility
of two persons. Uses an intuition
interface and allows the printing of
the results.
BIORHYTH.LHA 16854 26-Nov-92 [0] [759] BioRhythm v1.0 - An intuition
based easy-to-use program that shows
your 3 basic BioRhythms plus the
average-"rhythm". Take a look, dump it
to your printer and make your plans for
"when to do what".
BLITT.LHA 40877 12-Dec-92 [1] [761] Blitt v1 - A graphic utility to
help blitter-programmers with Minterms.
Reads a standard IFF picture for
experimentation and writes out any
results if required.
BONAPPETIT.LHA 116753 12-Jul-92 [2] [686] Bon Appetit is a recipe database
manager that automates recipe
colletions. v1.3
BOOTJOB.LHA 34637 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] BootJob v1.00 - The BootBlock
Utility. Includes functions to store,
install, view or execute any disk
bootblock. Also, self-made bootblocks
can be installed to disk. The most
powerful function is to save any
bootblock as an executable CLI-File.
Now you can start any boot-util,
viruschecker, game, or loader from the
CLI. BootJob requires Amiga OS2.0.
BOOTLOGO.LHA 13892 26-Nov-92 [1] [754] BootLogo v1.0 - Designed for
machines displaying a white screen
during boottime. Displays a nice
picture that automatically terminates
as soon as the first window is opened
during the boot process. Requires
AmigaDOS 2.0 or higher.
BOOTPIC.LHA 128139 22-Sep-92 [0] [718] BootPic v2.1B, - BootPic allows
you to install nearly any IFF picture
that you like in place of the WorkBench
hand that appears after a reset, and
additionally plays a MED-Module.
CANONBJC.LHA 116302 15-Oct-92 [2] [738] CanonBJC v1 - Color printer
driver package for Canon BJC 800 and
Canon Epson emulation printers.
Supports Epson 24/48 pin and BJC
emulation compressed native mode. This
driver is not limited to 16/4096
shades/colors. Includes font
independent preferences programs for
controlling additional options, free
definable dither routines (many are
included), ink compensation, color
adjustment, timeout, and more.
CANONSTU.LHA 77644 15-Oct-92 [3] [738] CanonStudio v1.2 - Prints IFF
pictures from disk in 24/8 bit accuracy
on normal WB printer driver. Pictures
can be printed in any size (poster
function) without need for much memory.
Supports most IFF formats (incl. EHB,
HAM6, HAM8, IFF24). Provides a nice
font independent user interface, free
definable ordered dithers, error
diffusion and blue noise dithers, ARexx
Interface, color adjustments, ink
compensation, printer spooler and more.
This version is limited to Canon
printer drivers.
CDTV-PLA.LHA 16391 26-Nov-92 [0] [759] CDTV-Player v1.0<EFBFBD> - A little
utility for all those people, who'd
like to play Audio-CD's, while
multitasking on workbench. It's an
emulation of CDTV's remote control, but
is a little more sophisticated.
CFX.LHA 137687 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] CFX 5.242 - Crunched File
eXaminer allows the user to examine and
find files using several different
search criteria. CFX knows a huge
amount of the current Amiga filetypes,
including a vast number of "cruncher"
types. CFX can also give in-depth
disassemblies of crunched files,
including most address crunched files,
relocator crunched files, and some
major archive crunched types. This
version requires kick 1.3 or 2.0.
CHEATFON.LHA 29771 26-Nov-92 [0] [751] CheatFont - A simple program
which Patches the TOPAZ/8 font. You
can use one out of FIVE implemented
fonts, but it's also possible to
install external fonts via the
req.library and/or the
reqtools.library. Also included in the
package are 30 demofonts.
CHEMBALA.LHA 17551 26-Nov-92 [0] [759] ChemBalance v1.0 - An ARexx
script to balance unbalanced chemical
equations. With ChemBalance in ram,
enter "rx ram:ChemBalance" from a CLI
or Shell window. A prompt should
appear from which you can enter an
unbalanced chemical equation for
ChemBalance to try to balance.
CLI-TOOL.LHA 20707 12-Dec-92 [0] [764] CLI-Tools - Some CLI-use only
tools. Includes a file splitter, a
cold reboot utility, a
test-if-command-is-resident utility, a
50Hz time delayer, and a utility to
calculate the "REAL" number of blocks
used by a file. All include C or
Assembly source.
CLICKRUN.TXT 266 01-Nov-92 [0] [743] ClickRun v1.0 - Description
CLITOOLS.LHA 5970 08-Aug-92 [0] [696] CLITools - Binaries
CLOSEWD.LHA 13583 30-Oct-92 [0] [742] CloseWD v1.2 - A tool which
enables you to kill windows which are
left on any screen from other programs,
which have been terminated by gurus or
other things. You can specify the
window by pattern matching in the
string gadget or by setting a timeout
that gives you time to select the
proper window. It has a gadtools
interface and an "ask-before-closing"
option. OS 2.xx only.
CMANUAL1.LHA 734106 15-Aug-92 [0] [691] CManual v3.0 Part #1 - One of the
largest collections of documents,
examples, and utilities in C for the
Amiga. It consists of six manuals, with
more than 40 chapters, 175 fully
executable examples complete with
source code, and several utilities and
other goodies. The manuals describe
how to open and work with Screens,
Windows, Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters,
Alerts, Menus, IDCMP, Sprites,
VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics
Routines, etc. They also explain how
to use your C Compiler and give you
important information about how the
Amiga works and how your programs
should be designed. When unpacked, the
manuals and examples nearly fill up
twelve standard Amiga floppies. This
is version 3.0
CMANUAL2.LHA 749468 15-Aug-92 [0] [692] CManual v3.0 Part #2 - Archive
CMANUAL3.LHA 766897 15-Aug-92 [0] [693] CManual v3.0 Part #3 - Archive
CMANUAL4.LHA 515814 08-Aug-92 [0] [694] CManual v3.0 Part #4 - Archive
CMANUAL5.LHA 509349 08-Aug-92 [0] [695] CManual v3.0 Part #5 - Archive
CMDEMO.LHA 580371 26-Nov-92 [0] [757] CMDemo - A couple of nifty
animation demos created with GVP's new
standalone morphing package
CineMorph(tm). CineMorph features the
ability to warp single images, morph
between two or more images, and even
morph between moving sequences of
images, with an easy-to-use interface.
Extremely fast rendering times, and the
ability to output to a variety of
formats (includingdirect support for
HAM-E, DCTV, and generating Op-5 ANIMs).
COGO.LHA 61207 22-Sep-92 [0] [714] CoGo v1.0, -
engineering/surveying program to solve
coordinate geometry problems for
highway design, surveying, subdivision
layouts and constuction. Needs 1 Mb of
memory. CLI only with output to screen
or printer. Manual, with sample
problems, available from author.
COLORSWI.LHA 5731 01-Nov-92 [0] [742] ColorSwitch - A little program
to switch between WB1.3, WB2.x and user
preference palettes. Requires
Kickstart 2.0 or higher. Includes
source in C.
COPPERPR.LHA 20054 16-Dec-92 [1] [769] CopperPrefs v1.0 - A OS 2.0-style
preferences editor that allows you to
load,edit and save copperlists for your
workbench. A little program will load
your copperlist on startup and display
it - exactly like IPrefs does.
Includes some sample copperlists and
the specification for a new IFF
copperlist format. Requires OS 2.0+.
COUNTING.LHA 106839 22-Sep-92 [0] [722] Couting v1.0 - An educational
program for kids from 4 to 14, that
helps to develop and sharpen skills in
addition, subtraction, and
CPUCLR.LHA 14245 28-Aug-92 [2] [709] CpuClr v2.000 - A small hack,
inspired by CPUBlit, that replaces the
BitClear routine of the graphics
library with a highly optimized 68020
(or higher) routine. This results in
about a 60% speed up on a 68020 and
should be even more on a 68030/68040.
CRCLISTS.LHA 265597 22-Sep-92 [0] [719] CrcLists - Complete CRC check
files for disks 521-710 using the brik
program. These were made directly from
my master disks. Along with the CRC
lists from previous disks, these lists
will allow you to check all of the
disks in the library to make sure they
are correct and complete.
CREATE.LHA 9340 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] Create v1.1 - A replacement for
the "makedir" command. It can create
directories and files. Useful for some
editors and other programs that allow
you to you define a file to load at
starttime. In this case files can be
created before calling these programs
that usually give you nervous
requesters on nonexisting files. It
accepts multiple files and directories,
and is also useful for batchfiles. OS
2.xx only.
CROSSMAZ.LHA 67971 28-Aug-92 [1] [705] CrossMaze v1.0a - A crossword
puzzle game where the player is given
the words but no clues. The object is
to find a way to place all the words
back into the puzzle. Options include
10, 20, or 30 word games with one or
two players.
CRYPTOKI.LHA 57849 28-Aug-92 [0] [710] CryptoKing v1.1 - A game for
those who like to solve Cryptograms,
(those coded sentences that have to be
decoded to be read). Operate with
keyboard or mouse.
CUBE.LHA 80826 15-Oct-92 [0] [733] Cube - An animated Rubik's Cube
simulator, solver, and tutorial. It
uses two solving algorithms, one which
can be applied by a human using simple
rules, and another that is too
complicated to be used except by a
CYBERCRON.LHA 45164 12-Jul-92 [0] [682] A cron utility for AmigaDOS 2.0.
DATAFILE.LHA 96130 22-Sep-92 [1] [721] DataFiler v1.01 - A database for
names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Has search and print capabilities.
DBUFF.LHA 11598 15-Oct-92 [1] [737] DBuff v1.6 - Source code with a
small demo to implement double
buffering by adding a second ViewPort
to an Intuition screen. Includes C
DEBT.LHA 13168 15-Oct-92 [0] [740] Debt - A calculator suitable for
dealing with numbers the size of the
national debt. Will accept two 60
digit numbers and come up with a 120
digit answer. Includes source.
DEFT.LHA 11909 15-Oct-92 [0] [739] Deft v1.0 - A program to change
the default tool of project icons. Will
search through a disk or directory,
finding all icons that contain a
specified default tool and change that
tool to a different one. It is useful
for changing the default tools of all
the doc files on disk to your favourite
text reader, for example.
DEFTOOL.LHA 19805 22-Sep-92 [2] [719] DefTool vIS - Programs that allow
you to easily change the default tool
of one or more project icons, from
either the CLI or from WorkBench. The
WorkBench version is a commodity.
DELITRAC.LHA 422059 30-Oct-92 [0] [748] DeliTracker v1.30 - A powerful
and system friendly music player.
Features include configuration files,
GUI, full ARexx control, flexible
player interface and xpk support.
DeliTracker will play all popular sound
modules available on the Amiga.
DIRWORK.LHA 79089 22-Sep-92 [0] [721] DirWork v1.62 - A fast, small,
efficient, DirUtility. Configurable
options and buttons, as well as all the
usual features. Comes with external
configuration editor.
DISKMATE.LHA 28313 22-Sep-92 [2] [723] DiskMate v2.1 - multitasking
floppy disk utility program. Features
include multidrive disk copier, disk
formatter, disk eraser, diskchecker and
DIVISION.LHA 185706 22-Sep-92 [0] [721] Division v1.1 - An educational
program for kids of all ages that helps
to develop and sharpen division skills.
Has four levels, a practice section,
and a testing section.
DOCKBRUS.LHA 25707 30-Oct-92 [2] [750] DockBrushes - Two PAL pictures
containing brushes to be used with
AmiDock , or other such utilities. One
is in hi-res (640 x 256 2 bit planes),
the other in hires interlace (640 x 512
2 bit planes).
DONSGENI.LHA 162486 22-Sep-92 [1] [724] DonsGenies v1.0 - A collection of
more than forty ARexx "genies" for use
with Professional Page, plus some
supporting material. Also includes two
example ARexx scripts for Art
Department Professional.
DOUBLESQ.LHA 122127 28-Aug-92 [0] [702] DoubleSquares - A game played on
a 10x10 board, where the goal is to set
as many tiles on the board as possible.
There are 100 different color
combinations for a single tile, and
rules which control where tiles may be
DPU.LHA 38954 22-Sep-92 [1] [721] DPU v1.2 - Disk Peek and Update,
a hex disk and file editor. Functions
include show device info, show bitMap,
check disk, zap file, zap disk, zap
fileSystem and zap rigid disk blocks.
DRAWMAP.LHA 352922 26-Sep-92 [2] A program for drawing representations
of the Earth's surface. New features
include seven new types of map
projections, user specifiable point to
be at the center of the maps, and box
views that can now cross the
international date line. Also includes
accelerated version requiring a 68020
CPU and 68881 FPU, and versions for PAL
systems. Requires 1.5 Mb of memory and
a hard disk with 1.6 Mb of free space.
Both parts are required. This is
version 4.1.
DRAWMAPE.LHA 729855 22-Sep-92 [2] [720] DrawMapExe vREQUIRING - A program
for drawing representations of the
Earth's surface. New features include
seven new types of map projections,
user specifiable point to be at the
center of the maps, and box views that
can now cross the international date
line. Also includes accelerated
version requiring a 68020 CPU and 68881
FPU, and versions for PAL systems.
Requires 1.5 Mb of memory and a hard
disk with 1.6 Mb of free space.
Distributed in two parts,Both parts are
DSOUND.LHA 24742 22-Sep-92 [2] [729] DSound v1.20 - DSound is an 8SVX
sound sample player that plays samples
directly off a hard drive, without
having to load the entire sample into
memory first, making it possible to
play samples of any length even under
limited memory conditions.
DU.LHA 9337 28-Aug-92 [2] [710] Du v2.5 - A very small (only 932
bytes) program to display the total
disk space used by a directory and all
its sub-directories. Enhancements
include wildcards, totals, clearer
output plus the program can be made
resident. Requires Kickstart 2.0.
DVI2TTY.LHA 56577 02-Jul-92 [1] [671] A program to convert TeX's dvi
output files to ASCII format
DWFICONS.LHA 41231 12-Jul-92 [3] [686] A collection of icons for
WorkBench 2.0
DWFPRESETS.LHA 46450 12-Jul-92 [1] [686] A collection of AmigaDOS 2.0
presets for pointers, palettes, screen
modes, and workbench backdrop patterns.
EASYSTAR.LHA 126282 15-Oct-92 [0] [736] EasyStart v1.12 - A program to
start other programs in a very easy
way. It can start programs with a
popup menu, a popup screen, with menu
items in the WorkBench menu, with a
window containing gadgets, and more.
EMPTYHANDLER.L 4241 12-Jul-92 [0] [684] Another example of a filehandler.
This one creates empty files of any
given lengh
ETERNALR.LHA 114986 22-Sep-92 [0] [723] EternalRome v1.1 - A historical
strategy game, that in spite of its
high complexity is fast and easy to
play. Fully mouse controlled with a
fine zoomable map of the Roman empire
(overscan and interlaced options). The
simulation delivers many historical
insights because of its accuracy (may
be used for educational purposes) and
is a challenging and entertaining game
for two or more players (also
interesting for solitary studies).
EXAMINER.LHA 11261 28-Aug-92 [0] [701] Examiner v1.0 - Will question you
with files produced by SpellCheck.
Smaller than SpellCheck, looks better
under AmigaDOS 2.0, and has some extra
EXECMAST.LHA 16937 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] ExecMaster v1.7 - A tool that
allows you to start scripts, programs
and rexx scripts in different ways.
You can optionally specify an output.
This could be a file or even a window.
It has the ability to iconify and a
full gadtools user interface with key
command support. It fully supports
PublicScreens. OS 2.xx.
EZASM.LHA 111187 08-Aug-92 [0] [699] EZAsm v1.7 - Archive
F2C.LHA 715969 09-Jul-92 [0] [675] A program that translates Fortran
77 source into C or C++ source.
FASTGIF.LHA 11468 12-Jul-92 [0] [690] A fast GIF87 file viewer written
in very optimised asm, but displays
only pictures with no more than 32
colors. v1.00
FBM-1.LHA 748016 10-Jul-92 [0] [676] An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap
image manipulation library. 68000
version. v1.0
FBM-2.LHA 664077 10-Jul-92 [0] [676] An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap
image manipulation library. 68020/68881
version. v1.0
FF.LHA 27005 22-Sep-92 [2] [729] FF v1.01 - FF is a file find
utility for use under Workbench 2.04 or
later. It features a full,
font-sensitive GUI, AppWindow support,
dynamic find-list update, the
capability to recognize both hard and
soft links, and the ability to
optionally descend into hard links to
FILE.LHA 33038 12-Dec-92 [0] [767] File v1.1 - Examines given
file(s) and takes an educated guess as
to their type. File types looked for
include:- fonts, icons, executables,
objects, compressed, command scripts,C
source, directories, iffs, LaTeX
source, modula II source, shell
commands and scripts, TeX source, dvi,
uuencoded, yacc, zoo, lha(rc).Includes
FILESTAT.LHA 9392 22-Sep-92 [0] [717] FileStat v2.0, - Facilitates the
editing of all information about a
file, such as protection bits, name,
comment, etc., using a graphical
FIM.LHA 25922 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] FIM v1.00 - The Fast-Intro-Maker.
Use this little IntroMaker to create
your own Intros in a few minutes.
Includes functions to insert selfmade
IFF-Pictures, Color-Screentexts and
more. Final created Intros will run on
OS1.2/1.3/2.0 (WB/Cli). F.I.M.
requires Amiga OS2.0.
FIND.LHA 61124 12-Jul-92 [1] [690] Yer another file find utility,
this one only for Kickstart and
Workbench 2.04. v1.7
FINDIT.LHA 44149 15-Oct-92 [0] [731] FindIt v1.0 - A fully
Intuitionised file finder. Features
include search multiple
drives/directories, search for file
names starting with/not starting with
given text, file names containing/not
containing given text, file names
ending with/not ending with given text,
files created on/after/before/not-on
given date, files containing given
text, etc. Found files can be copied,
deleted, viewed, or printed. Requires
Workbench 2.0.
FISHCAT.LHA 51873 28-Aug-92 [0] [705] FishCat v1.2 - A program designed
to allow searching the entire library.
Was written specifically for KS 2.0.
Features very fast searches and the
built-in ability to easily add new
disks to the database. Supports many
2.0 features such as AppWindow and
public screens.
FIXICON.LHA 9925 22-Sep-92 [0] [719] FixIcon - Fixes some icons that
show bad markings when run on greater
than 4 color Workbenches. Doesn't fix
them all, but fixes a common problem.
FLEUCH.LHA 25150 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] Fleuch - A little game with more
than five extra large stages. The
object is to pickup up your cargo and
climb safely to the next stage, without
being shot or running into anything,
(including your cargo!). Scrolling,
shooting, some gravitation, similar to
Thrust (C64).
FLEX.LHA 247495 28-Aug-92 [0] [704] Flex v2.3.7 - A replacement for
the UNIX "lex" (lexical analyzer
generator) program that is faster than
lex, and freely redistributable.
Lexical analyzer generators are
generally used in combination with
parser generators (such as yacc or
bison), to generate frontends for
language compilers and other tools.
FO.LHA 17237 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] FO v1.3 - CLI based Fast
Optimizer for AmigaDOS disks. It can
optimize one disk in less than 2 min,
30 sec. Allows optimization for CLI or
WorkBench usage, and allows you to use
unformatted disks as the destination.
At least 1 Mb memory required.
FO2.LHA 88267 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] FO2 - Intuition-based version of
FO, will run on a single drive machine.
Includes multiple destinations,
automatic turn on upon disk insertion
and more. Requires 1.5M or more of
memory. This is version v2.5, includes
FOCO.LHA 28981 30-Oct-92 [0] [743] FoCo v1.0 - Format controller. A
graphical user interface for disk
formatting. Pops up on disk insertion
or via hotkey. OS 2.0. Includes source.
FOLLOWMO.LHA 11609 26-Nov-92 [0] [757] FollowMouse - A pair of small
blinking eyes following the mouse
movements on the screen. Runs from
both the WorkBench and CLI. Includes
source in PASCAL.
FONTVIEW.LHA 26721 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] FontViewQ v1.2 - A commodity to
display a table of characters of any
Amiga font, which is chosen by a font
requester. The characters are
clickable to show you the ASCII value
and the key combination to press. With
AmigaOS 2.1 a localization takes place
(currently German and French). includes
FORMAT.LHA 23089 22-Sep-92 [2] [727] Format v1.00 - A 2.04-only
replacement for the AmigaDOS Format
command. It uses a much more complete
Workbench user interface (allowing for
greater control over formatting from
the Workbench) and is smaller that the
original Format command.
FRACBLANK.LHA 46914 12-Jul-92 [1] [687] A commodities screen blanker
written for Kickstart and Workbench
2.04. v2.2
FREE.LHA 27120 22-Sep-92 [1] [713] Free v1.06, - Display how much
free space (bytes or blocks) you have
on any or all of your mounted disk
volumes. Runs from CLI only. Free now
searches your device list if desired
(under AmigaOS 2.0+ only), and several
minor bugs have been fixed.
FREECOPY.LHA 24021 12-Jul-92 [6] [685] FreeCopy removes the protection
so disks can easily be backed up with
almost any program. v1.8
FREQUEST.LHA 14641 30-Oct-92 [0] [743] FRequest v1.5. - FRequest is a
handy program which lets you select a
file by using the ASL file requester
and executes a CLI command with the
given selection. FRequest can be
easily used in batch files and has a
lot of options. You can use it as an
frontend for any program which does not
support filerequester selections. It
exchanges '[]' in the specified
command line with the selection. OS
2.xx only.
GALAGA.LHA 117970 15-Oct-92 [0] [738] Galaga v1.4 - A space "blast-em"
game with over 300 different animation
frames in 16 colors, many levels, end
of stage nasties, bonus levels,
kamikaze raids, etc.
GAMBIT_C.LHA 679858 12-Dec-92 [0] [765] Gambit_Comp - A compiler for the
full Scheme Programming Language which
conforms to the IEEE/ISO and Revised
Report standards. Contains complete
sources for the compiler and an
Interpreter. The compiler is shareware
and requires about 3Mb and a hard disk
for effective development.
GAMBIT_T.LHA 566759 12-Dec-92 [0] [764] Gambit_Terp - An interpreter for
the full Scheme Programming Language
which conforms to the IEEE/ISO and
Revised Report standards. In addition,
some code samples and tutorials are
GEOTIME.LHA 111935 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] GeoTime v1.2B - A software
"Geochron" that allows you to see the
earth's shadow scroll across the world
map or globe in real time, showing the
earth's day/night state.
GMC.LHA 64905 12-Jul-92 [1] [683] A console handler with command
line editing and function key support.
GNUPLOT.LHA 561526 28-Aug-92 [0] [701] GNUPlot v3.2 - An interactive
function and data plotting program
which supports a great number of output
devices. Includes extensive on-line
GRABIFF.LHA 30071 28-Aug-92 [2] [704] GrabIFF v1.00 - Lets you grab any
screen, window, portions of a screen or
a mousepointer-image as an
IFF-ILBM-file, which can be used by
nearly any paint program on the Amiga.
Gives you lots of useful options.
Implemented as a commodity.
HACKDISK.LHA 36384 08-Aug-92 [4] [697] HackDisk v1.10 - Binaries
HAMLABDE.LHA 176100 22-Sep-92 [0] [726] HamLabDemo v2.0.8 - Demo version
of an expandable image format
conversion utility that converts GIF,
MTV, Spectrum 512, QRT, and Sun images
into IFF (normal, HAM, halfbrite, and
"sliced" variations of each). Images
can be scaled, dithered, color
corrected, and cropped. This demo
version is limited to processing images
of 512 by 512 pixels or less.
HARDBLOC.LHA 22980 28-Aug-92 [0] [708] HardBlock v1.2 - A shared library
with support routines for Commodore's
hardblock standard, and a small tool
which demonstrates use of the library.
HDFIXER.LHA 14194 12-Jul-92 [8] [690] This program patches the system
so that KS V37.175 owners are able to
use 1.71 MB HD disks in the floppy
drive. v1.10
HDMEM.LHA 13162 15-Oct-92 [3] [740] HDMem v37.X - Demo version of
software that allows you to use virtual
memory with OS2.0, version 37.x or
higher, on m68020/m68851 or m68030
amigas. Supports task exclusion. The
demo version is limited to 2Mb of
virtual memory.
HEXTRACT.LHA 91956 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] Hextract v1.2 - A complete header
file reference. Definitions,
structures, structure members and
offsets, flag values, library contents,
function definitions, registers,
library offsets, etc. The data from a
set of V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header
files is packed into the included file
"headers.z" for immediate reference by
HISPEED.LHA 44339 08-Aug-92 [1] [697] HiSpeed v2.7 - Binaries
HUNKX.LHA 5273 28-Aug-92 [0] [703] HunkX v2.00 - A utility to
examine the hunk structure of
executables, static libraries, dynamic
libraries or object files. Supports all
AmigaDOS 2.0 hunks. For use with
KickStart 2.0 only.
HYPER.LHA 16478 15-Oct-92 [1] [739] Hyper v1.0 - Will lead you
through documents that are written to
be used with the legendary `Am*gaGu*de'
from Commodore. An ARexx port gives
access to it from other applications.
Requires OS 2.0.
ICALC.LHA 78659 30-Oct-92 [0] [742] ICalc v2.1 - A powerful
calculator with many features,
including user defined variables and
functions, C-style programming
constructs, complex number calculations
and more. Has comprehensive
instructions, and numerous examples.
ICONAUTH.LHA 139681 15-Oct-92 [1] [739] IconAuthor v1.0 - A replacement
for IconEdit2.0. It can transform IFF
images or brushes into resized
2-BitPlane brushes or icon files that
match the WorkBench2.0 colors. Online
help is available via `Hyper'. Demo
version limited to processing provided
demo image only. Requires OS 2.0.
ICONS.LHA 18105 28-Aug-92 [0] [708] Icons - Some WorkBench 1.3 icons
with a WorkBench 2.0 3D look. They also
look pretty good under 2.0 when simply
run through one of the many icon
remapping tools available.
IFFCONVE.LHA 53868 08-Aug-92 [0] [699] IFFConvert v1.11 - Archive
IFFLIB.LHA 75115 02-Jul-92 [0] [674] An easy to use Amiga library
which gives you some powerful routines
for dealing with IFF files
IFSLAB.LHA 107705 08-Aug-92 [0] [696] IFSLab - Binaries
ILIST.LHA 5576 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] IList v1.2 - A simple list
program which displays the data of all
open screens and their connected
windows. OS 2.xx only. PD, includes
INDENT.LHA 223571 28-Aug-92 [0] [702] Indent v1.3 - A C source code
formatter/indenter. Especially useful
for cleaning up inconsistently indented
INFOQ.LHA 6948 12-Dec-92 [1] [763] InfoQ v1.0 - A replacement for
the CLI 'Info' command. Has the option
to display devices or volumes or
specified devices only. Displays the
columns "Size" and "Used" in MBytes or
KBytes instead of blocks. Requires
AmigaOS 2.04. Includes source.
INSCRIPT.LHA 182738 15-Oct-92 [0] [739] InScript v1.1 - A program for
producing video titles. Features
include fully editable text entry, IFF
pictures as background, unlimited
number of fonts loaded at one time, up
to 99 undos, outline font support (WB
2.0), text styles (shadow, outline,
etc) can be named and saved, toolbar
for common operations, playback script
maker with transitions between pages,
adjustable color cycling, low, high and
interlace resolutions with overscan,
adjustable kerning, and comprehensive
text alignment options. InScript can
save InScript data, IFF pictures or
animation files. At least 1 mb memory
INSTALLE.LHA 80699 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] Installer v3.1 - A replacement
for the installer tool by Commodore.
It's an interactive, user-friendly
installer, that can perform a complete,
sophisticated installation. GadTools
user interface and the ability to save
a preferences file and a lots of
options. Step by step installation,
ask, update, makedir, options, etc.
Controlled by a simple script which
contains the names, patterns and/or
vars of the installation programs.OS
2.xx only, includes installation script
for itself.
INTIME.LHA 26467 15-Oct-92 [0] [736] InTime v1.2 - A program to
overlay a 'timecode' onto videotape
while making working dubs of original
footage. The display consists of a
tape number, hours, minutes and
seconds. It is designed to be used as
as aid in logging and finding sections
of a video tape. The display can be in
any shown in any font.
INTUISUP.LHA 557401 22-Sep-92 [0] [722] Intuisup v4.5 - A shared library
with support routines for using texts,
menus, borders, gadgets, requesters,
and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3. Includes
a template editor and source to library
and test programs.
ISAM.LHA 180608 16-Dec-92 [0] [766] ISAM v1.01 - A Server/Library.
Even novice programmers can
store/retrieve database records.
Powerful, multi-"user", almost
unlimited number/size of records/files.
Many recordretrieval methods. Recover
Index file if lost/corrupt. AmigaDOS
V1.2 and up, contains examples w/source.
ISAM.TXT 639 12-Dec-92 [0] [766] ISAM v1.01 - Description
JCGRAPHD.LHA 270932 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] JcGraphDemo v1.100 - Demo version
of a ShareWare Business grapher with an
Intuition interface. JcGraph can show
your data as bar, line, planes, stack,
blocks, 2D and 3D, etc. Features
realtime rotation around X, Y, Z axis,
on-line help, professional looking 2D
and 3D graph output, and more. Can
output EPS, 3D GEO, AegisDraw2000 and
IFF ILBM format files.
JEYES.LHA 12378 22-Sep-92 [1] [712] JEyes vOF - Amiga version of
XEyes, a program which opens a window
on the WorkBench screen containing
eyes, which follow the cursor about the
JOEYDEMO.TXT 411 22-Sep-92 [2] [714] JoeyDemo vOF - Description
JOINSOUN.LHA 40110 22-Sep-92 [2] [713] JoinSounds v2, A utility to join
8SVX sound files. Graphical interface
allows samples to be previewed, and
start/stop points to be set. This
program will join both stereo and mono
sound files in any combination. Uses
buffered disk I/O, allowing samples
larger than available memory to be
KAN.LHA 25267 08-Aug-92 [0] [694] Kan v1.0a - Binaries
KCOMMODITY.LHA 220646 09-Jul-92 [1] [673] Multifunctional commodity for
OS2.0. Includes window-activator,
time-display, alarm function,etc
KETI.LHA 4663 15-Oct-92 [0] [739] Keti v2.0. - Prints 3.5" disk
labels (71.5 x 69.6 mm) on a NecP6 from
a 15 line ASCII file. The first line
will be the headline (max 25 chars), 14
textlines (max 44 chars) may follow.
Requires OS version 2.0. Includes
source and DME macros.
KEYCLICK.TXT 183 01-Nov-92 [0] [742] KeyClick - Description
KFAST.LHA 57834 12-Jul-92 [1] [683] Key Frame Animator with Skeletal
Technique. v0.5
KLONDIKE.LHA 104772 15-Oct-92 [1] [740] Klondike v1.3 - A single player
card game. Really great! (SysOps
KOE2.LHA 503546 26-Nov-92 [0] [756] KOE2 - Three-turn demo of the
strategy role-playing game Kingdoms of
England II, where up to six human or
computer players compete for nearly 200
territories of the old British Isles.
Features excellent, scrolling, 64-color
extra halfbrite graphics. Requires 1Mb
minimum memory.
LASTREFU.TXT 237 22-Sep-92 [0] [728] LastRefuge - Description
LE-NAG.LHA 126618 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] LE-NAG v92.10.21 - LeverEdge NAG
is a program to remind you of events
before you miss them. Events can be
scheduled to occur once or repeat
daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. You
can be alerted of the event in a number
of ways from a screen flash to a
message requester.
LESS.TXT 366 22-Sep-92 [0] [718] Less v177.4 - Description
LITTLEBO.LHA 96956 28-Aug-92 [0] [709] LittleBo v1.0 - A "Pick'n Run"
Action-game, which contains eight
different levels to be completed within
a certain time limit.
LOADLIBR.LHA 7367 01-Nov-92 [0] [743] LoadLibrary v2.52 - Another
LoadLib program, but this version runs
in it's own task, and uses the
reqtools.library for multiselection and
other user friendly file handling. All
installed LoadLib libraries can also be
removed from the system. OS 2.0 use.
LOADSPY.LHA 4731 16-Dec-92 [0] [769] LoadSpy v1.0 - A small
System-Patch for the Dos.Library. It
writes itself to the LoadSeg-Routine,
displaying information about program
names and load addresses from all files
loaded with the LoadSeg routine.
Requires OS2.0.
LOGMAN.LHA 14079 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] LogMan v1.003 - The Log Manager
allows you to manipulate your log files
to a greater degree than other log
managers. LogMan operates on a
personalized script file. You can
insert a call to LogMan in your
startup-sequence or in your "mail"
script. LogMan will call the script
and check certain parameters.
LONGPLAY.LHA 8570 22-Sep-92 [2] [713] LongPlay - An 8SVX IFF sound
file player. Reads samples directly
from disk while playing, allowing
unlimited length samples. Runs as a
background task and multi-tasks well.
Can also be used as the default tool of
a project icon.
LOOK.LHA 34279 30-Oct-92 [0] [743] Look v1.2 - A very powerful
program for disk magazines. Supports
IFF pictures, IFF brushes, ANSI, fonts
and many more features. Programmed in
assembly language to be short and fast.
Available only in German language and
LSLABEL.LHA 80267 26-Nov-92 [1] [759] LSlabel v1.29 - A simple label
printing utility. Very powerful as the
user can/must do a lot of settings by
himself. Features include variable
linefeeds (in 1/216 inch steps) between
21 independent lines and freely
configurable printer codes.
MAGICON.LHA 24765 22-Sep-92 [2] [725] MagIcon v1.0 - A program which
takes 'fake' icons dropped on the
Appicon and turns them into 'real'
icons. The program also supports a
Tools-menu entry so 'fake' icons spread
over several windows can be easily
iconified. Support for 38 file formats
and the appropriate icons are included.
Requires Kickstart 2.0 or higher.
MAGPAGES.LHA 563580 12-Jul-92 [0] [684] A software package that allows
you to create and display a disk-based
magazine. v1.30
MAKEICON.LHA 7071 22-Sep-92 [0] [719] MakeIcon - Allows you to create
any of the Workbench 2.0 default icons
for anything, disks, projects, drawers,
the works. Designed for people who
work from the shell making disks that
will ultimately run from the Workbench.
Requires Workbench 2.0.
MAKELINK.LHA 3741 10-Jul-92 [0] [677] A replacement for the original
AmigaDOS 2.0 MakeLink command. v1.1
MASSIGN.LHA 4688 28-Aug-92 [1] [703] MAssign v2.00 - A little command
to make 'M'ultiple assigns. Allows you
to remove all assign and makedir
statements from your startup-sequence.
For use with KickStart 2.0 only.
MATHSADV.LHA 94995 22-Sep-92 [0] [713] MathsAdv vON - A simple game
where you, the young adventurer, must
try to escape the king's Maths
Adventure. To do this you must pass
through a series of rooms. In each
room you are given a math problem to
solve, after which you can proceed to
the next room if you answer correctly.
The problems become more involved and
more difficult in each room.
MCMASTER.LHA 56916 12-Jul-92 [1] [685] MCMaster is a cassette tape cover
printing utility which work with any
printer wich supports pica and fine.
MEGAED.LHA 54802 30-Oct-92 [0] [743] MegaEd v1.5 - A powerful text
editor with lots of features, some not
found elsewhere. Integrated Text
oriented database, extensive
formatting/printing functions, macro
language, Arexx-port, keyword
indention, multiple blocks/marks,
key/menu macro recording,
configurability for lot's of
languages/compilers, inumerable handy
functions for programmers, user
friendly interface.
MEMCHECK.LHA 8732 15-Oct-92 [0] [740] MemCheck v1.0 - A small tool to
watch the first 1000 bytes of memory
for illegal write actions. It also
checks some system vectors
(coldcapture, coolcapture, warmcapture,
kickMemPtr, kickTagPtr and
kickCheckSum) to show any changes made
by viruses. Kickstart 1.3/2.04
MEMGAUGE.LHA 9732 22-Sep-92 [2] [723] MemGauge v1.2 - A graphical
memory gauge. Displays your computer's
memory (chip, fast, public) in three
horizontal bars.
MEMMIN.LHA 4181 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] Memmin - A little utility that
will measure and continuously report
the maximum amount of memory used by a
program and the minimum level of memory
remaining. Freeware, assembly source
MEMMOMET.LHA 53502 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] MemMometer v1.2B - A program that
opens a narrow window and graphically
displays your memory usage like a
gauge. Warps mode will detect changes
in regions of memory over time.
Detected changes are categorized and
displayed using color coded bands. Can
be used with AmigaDOS 1.2 to 3.0; does
32-bit memory addresses. Includes
source in C.
MEMON.LHA 10218 16-Dec-92 [0] [769] MeMon v1.0 - An intuition-based
utility that allows you to monitor or
change specific memory addresses. User
may select byte, word, or long word
alignment. Displays in binary, hex,
and signed or unsigned decimal. Also
useful for displaying ascii codes of
various character key mappings and/or
as a hex/binary/decimal converter.
MEMSNAP.LHA 8268 08-Aug-92 [0] [696] MemSnap - Binaries
MEMWASTE.LHA 3399 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] MemWaste v1.0 - Allocates all
fast memory except a user specified
number of bytes. Allocation is
freeable with another call to MemWaste.
Useful if you do not want to waste
32-Bit-RAM for your 1 MB RAD. Includes
source in assembly.
MIDISYN.LHA 10054 12-Dec-92 [1] [763] MidiSyn v1.0 - Monitor incoming
MIDI messages. Displays a synthesizer
on a PAL screen and redraws current
state of all 61 keys at 50 frames per
second. All interrupts turned off
while running.
MINE.LHA 51397 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] Mine v1.6 - A new Modula-2
implementation of an old computer game.
You have an N * N square with mines
hidden in some fields. Your job is to
mark them with a flag as fast as
possible. Highscore lists are
supported. Requires AmigaDOS 2.0,
includes source.
MKMAKE.LHA 12258 02-Jul-92 [0] [671] A make file generator, originally
written for Turbo-C and Ms-DOS, and now
ported to the Amiga ny the author
MOSTRA.LHA 51656 26-Nov-92 [1] [753] Mostra v1.08 - A shareware IFF
utility featuring real-time unpacking
scroll, dozens of options, "smart"
analysis of any IFF file (FORMs,
LISTs,... also nested ILBM), total
control over display modes, simple
slideshow processing, pattern matching,
multipalette, double buffering, fast
decompression, color cycling, TeXdocs,
startup files for easy custom
configurations and complete WB support.
MOUSEAID.LHA 20484 22-Sep-92 [0] [721] MouseAideDEMO v5.02a - A demo
version of a "Mouse utility" with all
the standard functions; mouse
acceleration with threshold, window and
screen manipulation by mouse and
keyboard, mouse and screen blanking,
SUN (auto-activation) mouse, user
definable "hot key" command, keyboard
"string" macros, etc. Also has
functions other mouse programs do not,
such as multi-icon-select with only the
mouse, left and right button swapping,
mouse port switching, WorkBench to the
front function, freezing of the mouse
and keyboard of all input, etc.
MPE.LHA 88590 12-Dec-92 [0] [766] MPE v1.38 - A compiler tool for
users of the M2amiga programming
environment. MPE does the same job
better than your batch file. You can
do everything with the mouse or the
right amiga key. With this Modula-2
Programming Environment you can
compile, link, and run your program.
When there is an error, the editor is
started automatically. You can set all
switches for M2C, M2L M2Make,
M2Project, and M2LibLink.
MULTIBOX.LHA 11628 12-Jul-92 [0] [686] Request utility which can be used
in scripts
MULTICLO.LHA 208456 15-Oct-92 [1] [740] MultiClock v1.17 - A flexible
titlebar clock commodity with many
extra features such as chime with
builtin or digitized sounds, alarm
which allows launching an Arexx or
Batch file, and both digitised and
narrator speech to say the time.
Requires AmigaDos 2.04 or greater.
MUNGWALL.LHA 21966 28-Aug-92 [0] [707] MungWall v37.54 - Munges memory
and watches for illegal FreeMem's.
Especially useful in combination with
Enforcer. Output can go to either the
serial or parallel port. Includes a
new MungList program that examines used
memory areas for MungWall tag info, and
outputs a list of who owns the various
pieces of allocated memory, their
sizes, etc. Can even identify the
owner of the memory by task name. -
Commodore Amiga; submitted by Carolyn
NEWIFF.LHA 264578 28-Aug-92 [0] [705] NewIFF v37.10 - New IFF code
modules and examples for use with the
Release 2 iffparse.library. This code
release is again 1.3 compatible. This
code is intended to replace the 1985 EA
IFF code modules, providing significant
enhancements including support for
arbitrary display modes and overscan
(2.0), clipboard load/save, centralized
string handling (for ease of
localization), and simplified
subroutines for displaying, saving, and
printing ILBMs. And the 8SVX reader
now plays!
NEWPOS.LHA 5176 12-Jul-92 [0] [686] A tool to resize and move the
active shell window directly or from
NFD.LHA 9695 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] NFD - Newest File Date. Searches
the specified directory for the newest
file, then returns that filename and
path as an ARP global variable. For
people without ARP, it allows you to
execute a command line, specified as a
parameter, with the file name and path
inserted at a specified point. Includes
source in Pascal
NOARGS.LHA 9093 12-Dec-92 [1] [763] NoArgs v1.00 - The Arguments
Utility. Never again get weak-minded
by typing those long Command lines
including hundreds of Arguments/Para-
meters. With NoArgs you can create a
new executable command that calls the
original command and automatically
passes it the arguments you specified,
without having to execute any
Batch/Scriptfiles. Requires Amiga
NOCHANGE.LHA 7070 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] NoChange - Saves some important
system vectors at the start of
execution and periodically checks them
to see if they've changed. A universal
virus finder. Runs from both WorkBench
and CLI. Includes source in C.
OCTAMED.LHA 661653 26-Nov-92 [0] [755] OctaMED v4.00 - Save-disabled
version of the full-featured
OctaMED-Pro, a commercial product.
OctaMed is the 8-channel version of
MED, a music editor which was
originally designed for making music
for programs (demos, games, etc), but
works well as a standalone music
program. Includes several sample songs.
OCTAMEDPLAYER. 446720 12-Jul-92 [0] [688] Standalone player program for
playing songs made with OctaMED. v3.00
OCTOTHEL.LHA 29227 22-Sep-92 [3] [721] Octothello - An othello type
game, but played on an octaganal board.
There are hundreds of variations to the
game, with resizable boards, different
corner shapes, and a play to lose mode.
OFFENDER.LHA 238907 02-Jul-92 [0] [673] Demo version of a fast shoot'em
up game based on Williams' Defender game
P-COMPRE.LHA 75334 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] P-Compress v2.5 - A compression
program that produces smaller files
faster than any other current
general-purpose cruncher, using LZH
comression algorithms. Can handle
single files, whole drawers, disks, or
selected files or types of files within
drawers and disks. Includes
compression and decompression object
files which can be linked to your own
programs to allow them to access and
output data in LZH format.
P-INDEX.LHA 69250 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] P-Index - A program for creating
active index/selector pages to replace
the normal window/icon display.
Appearance of pages is only limited by
the capabilities of your paint program
and your imagination. Index lines can
be shown as arrays of boxes (as with
current "selector" programs), or as
icon look-alikes, or anything else you
P-READER.LHA 26126 30-Oct-92 [0] [744] P-Reader v6.2 - An all purpose
reader that displays texts, pictures,
animations and sounds, which may be
uncompressed or compressed with
P-Compress. Texts can include embedded
static or animated illustrations and
P-WRITER.LHA 69428 02-Jul-92 [4] [674] A text editor with special
facilities for inserting text color and
style changes
PACMAN.TXT 296 22-Sep-92 [0] [717] PacMan v1.1A, - Description
PAL.LHA 4389 30-Oct-92 [0] [742] Pal - A small utility to help
applications open their own PAL screen
on an NTSC Amiga with ECS. It requires
Workbench 2.0. Includes sources in C
and assembly.
PAPERBAC.LHA 15383 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] PaperBack v2.004 - Allows the
user to generate a double sided
document from a single sided one. Two
output documents are created: an ODDS
set and an EVENS set. The odds set can
be printed on single sheet or tractor
feed paper, reversed and re-inserted in
the printer, then the even set can be
printed on the reverse side.
PASSWORD.LHA 6136 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] PassWord v0.1. - A little
password program, not intended to give
protection against professional hackers
but more like keeping little sisters
and/or friends from using your system
without your permission.
PATCHLAC.LHA 5565 01-Nov-92 [2] [742] PatchLace - A commodity for
Workbench 2.0 that makes all interlaced
screens open in NTSC mode, thereby
reducing flicker. Requires Kickstart
2.0 or higher.
PATCHMAN.TXT 335 22-Sep-92 [0] [728] PatchMan - Description
PATCHOS.LHA 23054 28-Aug-92 [0] [706] PatchOS v1.00 - Enhances OS 2.04
with three new features:
keyboard-shortcuts for menus while a
string-gadget is active, use of the
star ('*') in AmigaDOS pattern matching
and input of any char by typing its
ASCII-code on the numeric pad.
Requires at least AmigaOS 2.04.
Implemented as a commodity.
PC.LHA 16847 26-Nov-92 [0] [757] PC - Printer Controller. Sends
escape codes to the printer according
to ANSI standards to aid using various
capabilities of the printer. Intuition
interface, runs from both the WorkBench
and CLI. Includes source in assembly.
PED.LHA 12049 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] PED v2.30 - A source text editor
which supports all important standard
editor commands. It accepts mouse and
keyboard commands, and will run from
CLI and from Workbench. PED doesn't
use the operating system for outputs
and scrolls very fast.
PERFMONI.LHA 8291 15-Oct-92 [0] [740] PerfMonitor v1.0 - A small tool
to show the CPU usage of each task.
Kickstart 1.3/2.04 compatible.
PGMTOSHD.LHA 13826 08-Aug-92 [0] [695] PgmToShd v1.0 - Binaries
PHONE.LHA 147397 12-Jul-92 [0] [689] A funny strategy gane. You goal
is to connect everyone to the phone
system without running out of wire
PHXASS.LHA 40197 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] PhxAss v2.11 - A MC68000 Macro
Assembler which supports includes,
incbins, small data and small code
model, optimization, 12 arithmetic
operations, relocatable and absolute
code, floating point equates and nearly
all standard assembler directives.
PhxAss can be used from CLI only.
PHXLNK.LHA 7692 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] PhxLnk v1.27 - An Amiga DOS
Linker which is very small (7 KB) and
processes the small-code/data model.
It does not support overlay hunks in
the current version. PhxLnk can be
used from CLI only.
PLANETS.LHA 26142 28-Aug-92 [1] [709] Planets v1.1 - A pair of programs
to calculate the positions of the
planets and the moon (as viewed from a
specific point on the earth), for an
arbitrary date and time.
PLAYSOUND.LHA 28742 12-Jul-92 [1] [684] A tool to replay IFF-8SVX sounds
using double-buffering while the sound
file is being loaded from disk. v1.1
PLOTMAP.LHA 745781 12-Dec-92 [1] [762] PlotMap 0.85 - PlotMap is a tool
like DrawMap from Bryan Brown that
draws a map of the world's surface. PM
uses the same map files as DrawMap
4.0/4.1 but has several improvements:
much faster, runs on 512 KB machines
with just one floppy, more
configurable, zoom box from a box map,
definable screen mode, abortable
drawing. This version requires OS
2.04. Includes source in C.
PM.LHA 9701 10-Jul-92 [0] [677] A tool that monitors the Amiga
system's CPU usage using some hooks
that are available in 2.04 EXEC. v37.8
POINTTOP.LHA 17608 28-Aug-92 [0] [702] PointToPoint v1.1 - A board game
where each player gets to alternately
set one of his stones on the board
until the last field is occupied. The
goal of the game is to enclose as many
stones of the opponent as possible.
POPUPMEN.LHA 47695 26-Nov-92 [0] [756] PopUpMenu v5.0 - A small program
that makes it possible for you to use
pop-up menus with any program that uses
standard intuition menus. Includes
POWERPLA.LHA 83503 16-Dec-92 [0] [769] PowerPlayer v3.4 - A very
powerful, user and system friendly
module player. It can handle nearly
all module-formats, supports
multiselect, has hotkeys, has ASL and
ReqTools filerequesters, has an ARexx
port, can read powerpacked modules and
comes along with its own cruncher that
uses the lh.library.
POWERSNA.LHA 18115 22-Sep-92 [1] [726] PowerSnap v2.0 - A utility that
allows you to use the mouse to mark
characters anywhere on the screen, and
then paste them somewhere else, such as
in another CLI or in a string gadget.
Checks what font is used in the window
you snap from and will look for the
position of the characters
automatically. Works with AmigaDOS 2.0
in both shell and WorkBench.
PPDATA.LHA 29624 08-Aug-92 [0] [695] PPData - Binaries
PPDO.LHA 18587 12-Dec-92 [1] [766] PPDO v1.21 - PowerPackerDataOnly,
a CLI/Shell tool which uses the
powerpacker.library for (de)crunching
data files. Many options available
(crunching speed, speed up buffer size,
etc.) Includes source in C.
PPMC.LHA 67975 26-Nov-92 [0] [751] PPMC v1.1 - The Powerpacker Mini
Clone. This is powerpacker.library
meeting gadtools.library: A small
utility, useful for compressing any
text or data file. Includes the C
source for both SAS/C & DICE.
PRINTERC.LHA 36768 22-Sep-92 [0] [723] PrinterCTRL v1.00 - A printer
interface program which allows you to
send raw HEX and device driver commands
to your parallel printer. Also has
provisions for printing text files to
the printer.device. Makes extensive use
of the req.library functions.
PRINTFILES.LHA 111088 12-Jul-92 [2] [683] A print utility to replace the
standard workbench Printfiles command.
PRLABEL.LHA 84265 15-Oct-92 [1] [737] PrLabel v1.2 - A utility to print
laser printer labels. Support 3x8, 2x8
and 2x7 A4 label sheets. The program
may easily be modified for other
formats. Also serves as a
demonstration of using STSLib for
gadgets and menus. Includes C source.
PSUTILS.LHA 129457 15-Oct-92 [2] [732] PSUtils v1.0 - Some utilities for
postscript and adobe fonts. Resetadobe
is a program to modify the AFM files of
adobe fonts which do not appear to have
the correct spacing after being
generated by AFM2PFM. Postsplit is a
program to split a color PageStream
postscript file into individual
color/page files for multipass
printing. PFM2AFM generates AFM files
for adobe fonts. T1Utils is a set of
adobe font manipulation tools including
a font disassembler.
PUBLICMANAGER. 35657 12-Jul-92 [0] [685] Public screen tool which opens
public screens which are freely
configurable. v1.2
QMOUSE.LHA 15614 08-Aug-92 [2] [697] QMouse v2.10 - Binaries
RAYSHADE.LHA 666209 28-Aug-92 [0] [708] RayShade v4.0PL6 - Rayshade is a
ray tracing program ported to the Amiga
from UNIX. Rayshade's features include
eleven types of primitives, composite
objects; several types of light
sources, texturing, bump mapping,
antialiasing, linear transformations,
rendering of stereo pairs, rudimentary
animation support, and more.
READREFS.LHA 17056 12-Dec-92 [0] [763] ReadRefs v1.1 - A tool that
brings the ability of references file
loadings to any editor that can call
ARexx scripts or batch files. It does
a fast searching and is compatible to
the format of the DMe and autodoc refs
files. Includes sample scripts for
TurboText and DMe. OS 2.xx only.
REFLEXTE.LHA 52471 26-Nov-92 [0] [751] ReflexTest v1.1 - A game which
tests your addition, subtraction, or
multiplication skills. The goal is to
answer several math questions in the
shortest possible time.
REMLIB.LHA 5331 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] RemLib v1.2 - A little CLI tool
that closes the specified libraries in
a system-friendly way. Ability to
specify multiple libraries with return
status about the success of each one.
Codesize about 2 KB. OS 2.xx only,
includes source in C.
REQCHANGE.LHA 83128 12-Jul-92 [0] [682] A little program that patches the
system requesters to use the similar
requesters (ARP,etc) in
ReqTools.library. v1.08
RESCUE.LHA 337893 12-Jul-92 [0] [690] A non-multitasking shoot'em up
game with smooth scrolling in three
REXXHOSTLIB.LH 31748 12-Jul-92 [0] [682] This is a shared library package
to simplify the ARexx host
creation/management procedure. v37.1
RIFF.LHA 9105 15-Oct-92 [0] [732] Riff v1.0 - A little iff reader
written in M2amiga Modula-2. Includes
RKRMLIB1.LHA 301146 30-Oct-92 [0] [741] RKRMLib1 - Part two of a four
part distribution of complete source
code and executables of all the
examples in the third edition Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manuals, published by
RKRMLIB2.LHA 234216 01-Nov-92 [0] [742] RKRMLib2 - Part three of a four
part distribution of complete source
code and executables of all the
examples in the third edition Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manuals, published by
RKRMLIB3.LHA 186659 01-Nov-92 [0] [742] RKRMLib3 - Part four of a four
part distribution of complete source
code and executables of all the
examples in the third edition Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manuals, published by
RKRM_DEV.LHA 333644 01-Nov-92 [0] [741] RKRM_Devices - Part one of a
four part distribution of complete
source code and executables of all the
examples in the third edition Amiga ROM
Kernel Reference Manuals, published by
RTRACKER.LHA 68494 15-Oct-92 [0] [732] RTracker v2.0 - A MOD player that
is small, easy to use, highly
configurable, follows CBM's style
guide, supports automatic decompression
of MODs, and more.
RUN68013.LHA 13192 26-Nov-92 [0] [756] Run68013 - Emulates 11 of the
68020-specific instructions and its
registers in a system with 68000. It
does so using 68000 instructions and
memory. None of the new 68020
addressing modes are supported. Runs
from both WorkBench and CLI. Includes
source in assembly.
S-TEXT.LHA 12094 26-Nov-92 [0] [760] S-Text - Turns texts into
completely self-contained,
self-displaying compressed files
callable from Workbench or a CLI.
S-Texts will save disk space and can be
transferred from disk to disk without
having to think about reader and
decompression compatibility.
SANA.LHA 49097 02-Jul-92 [0] [673] The official Commodore developer
information package for the SANA-II
Network Device Drivers
SATTRACK.LHA 186159 10-Jul-92 [3] [680] A satellite tracking program.
SAVEW.LHA 9018 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] SaveW v1.3 - SaveW is the
counterpart of SizeW. It saves the
current window coords to a file (if
given) or to STDOUT. Includes some
useful shell aliases. OS 2.xx only.
SCRAM500.LHA 696762 08-Aug-92 [0] [699] SCRAM500 - Archive
SCREENSNAP.LHA 14627 12-Jul-92 [1] [688] ScreenSnap allows you to save and
close screens of any applications. v1.12
SETPREFS.LHA 3934 30-Oct-92 [0] [742] SetPrefs v1.0 - A CLI command
which activates a system-configuration.
Useful when different prefs are created
(i.e. for the printer) and you don't
want to continually change your
existing system configuration. includes
source in assembly.
SETTIME.LHA 6606 22-Sep-92 [0] [718] Settime vTHAT - et the system
time from the internal hardware clock.
Written to be very small and fast.
Also includes versions that can be
installed as boot blocks.
SFCODER.LHA 7243 28-Aug-92 [0] [704] SFCoder v3.2 - A program that
allows you to encrypt and decrypt files
by using a password. Uses complex
routines to assure the security of your
data. Requires OS 2.0 to run.
SFRAGMEM.LHA 11496 12-Dec-92 [1] [761] SFragMem v1.01 - Graphically
shows memory fragmentation. The
graphic display is sizeable. Also
displays some other information of the
exec memory header. Requires OS 2.0.
Includes source in C.
SHELL2FR.LHA 3242 01-Nov-92 [0] [741] Shell2Front v0.12 - A simple,
small and pure utility to be launched
by a hotkey. It brings to the front,
the first shell window it finds,
including its screen.
SHELLTOOLS.LHA 18002 02-Jul-92 [0] [673] Four small useful programs. PIPE,
SHOWI.LHA 9481 30-Oct-92 [0] [741] ShowI v1.9. - A CLI tool which
displays all given icons in the
original OS 2.0 look. It opens a
little window displaying the Icon where
you can select and deselect it. By
pressing 'n' the next one is displayed.
SHOWLINK.LHA 6398 12-Jul-92 [0] [683] Tool to list hardlinks. v1.1
SHRINK.LHA 24173 08-Aug-92 [0] [699] Shrink v1.1 - Archive
SIRDS.LHA 90847 12-Dec-92 [1] [763] Sirds v1.1 - Generates & Prints
'Single Image Random Dot Stereograms'.
These are 3D images viewed within a
picture of seemingly random dots.
SIZER.LHA 7947 30-Oct-92 [0] [741] Sizer v0.20 - A small and pure
shell utility giving the size in bytes,
blocks, and the total size occupied by
a directory, file or device. Accepts
multiple arguments.
SIZEW.LHA 10894 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] SizeW v1.5 - SizeW is a tool that
lets you change the size and the place
of the currently active window. You
can specify coords from commandline or
optionally from a file. This is a
companion to SaveW. Includes some
examples in the docfile. OS 2.xx
SKEW.LHA 32260 30-Oct-92 [0] [746] Skew v1.2 - Skeleton Writer is a
tool for generating C code for various
Intuition based applications. You
click the mouse and the code gets
written. Similar to PowerSource and
GadToolsBox, but with slightly
different functionality. Includes
SKSH.LHA 453228 02-Jul-92 [0] [672] A ksh like shell for the Amiga.
SMALLMAT.LHA 11445 22-Sep-92 [2] [718] SmallMath v1.1, - "Drop-in"
replacements for the Commodore IEEE
math libraries for users with a math
coprocessor. Since these libraries do
not contain the coprocessor-emulation
code normally present, they are 60%-90%
smaller than the usual libraries. For
the same reason, however, they cannot
be used without a coprocessor...
SMARTDIS.LHA 13243 26-Nov-92 [0] [754] SmartDisk v1.3.1 - A 512K
pre-fetch scsi cache that currently
supports xt.device, gvpscsi.device and
scsi.device. For users with not more
than one drive on a device only.
Includes source.
SMARTED.LHA 43568 28-Aug-92 [0] [708] SmartED v1.0 - Demonstration
release of a DX7 voice editor,
librarian, bulk storage utility. When
you run the Smart-ED demo you have one
SNOOPDOS.LHA 36701 22-Sep-92 [2] [725] SnoopDos v1.5 - A utility for
monitoring AmigaDOS calls. In
particular, it allows you to see what
libraries, devices, fonts, environment
variables or startup files a program is
looking for. Very useful when you're
trying to install a new application.
SOFTRACK.LHA 12168 26-Nov-92 [0] [754] SofTrack - Opens a little window
that shows the current track number of
the heads of each floppy drive and
whether a read or write operation is in
progress. Runs from both WorkBench and
CLI. Includes source in C and Assembly.
SOLITAIR.LHA 34843 22-Sep-92 [2] [711] Solitaire v1.9, - A shareware
solitaire game of klondike solitaire.
The rules can be varied, and there are
five different ways of working through
the deck. Also includes an undo
function that will un-move more than
the last move, a wrapup function for
when a game is all but won, a palette
requester to fine tune the colors to
your liking and a save-setup function
that remembers how all the options are
SPACEII.LHA 57228 22-Sep-92 [0] [717] SpaceII v2.3 - A hot-key program
with over 50 functions including four
screen blankers, screen shuffler,
path/filename transmitter, text reader,
virus checker, boot block display,
calculator, disk copier and/or
formatter, palette selector, screen
dumper, etc.
SPCLOCK.LHA 15455 28-Aug-92 [0] [704] SPClock v2.1 - A clock that uses
sprites to display the time. This
allows the clock to remain visible no
matter what screen is being displayed
and no matter where you scroll on a
Workbench 2.0 autoscrolling screen.
SPELLCHE.LHA 27316 28-Aug-92 [0] [701] SpellCheck v1.3 - A program which
aids you in learning foreign words.
You enter the words and their
translations, and then the computer
quizes you later.
SPLITQ.LHA 7704 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] SplitQ v1.1 - Opposite of the
AmigaDos 'JOIN' command. A portion of
the file specified by offset from the
beginning and length is saved to a new
file. The syntax is like the BASIC
function MID$(). Parts can be rejoined
with the 'JOIN' command. includes
STATISTI.LHA 20400 01-Nov-92 [0] [744] Statistics v1.26 - Provides
statistical data on ASCII text files
regarding file length, number of
letters, words and sentences, average
word length, etc. Written in assembler
for minimum size and maximum speed.
STRIPIT.LHA 17603 30-Oct-92 [0] [750] StripIt v1.3 - A programming
utility that strips all kinds of
comments from given source codes of all
programming languages. It is
controlled by a config file which
includes the rules of the comment
chars. Some configuration files
included. OS 2.xx only.
STRUCT-S.LHA 23416 12-Dec-92 [0] [761] Struct-Saver v1.20 - A utility to
save the whole menu or gadget structure
of a window as C-source code. Useful
if you want to make a 2.0-tool running
under 1.2/1.3, gadtools generates all
necessary menu structures in memory,
this tool saves them as source code.
Requires OS 2.0. Includes source in C.
SUNCLOCK.LHA 50331 28-Aug-92 [0] [704] SunClock v1.0 - Displays a map of
the world showing the portion that is
presently illuminated by the sun.
SUPERDUP.LHA 139899 26-Nov-92 [2] [753] SuperDuper v2.02 - A very fast
disk copier and formatter. Can make up
to four unverified copies from a ram
buffer in 36 seconds. Verified copies
from a ram buffer take 67 seconds for
one destination drive, plus 34 seconds
for each additional destination.
Includes a program to fine tune some
fields in the trackdisk.device, and a
"no click" type program.
SUSHI.LHA 14459 15-Oct-92 [1] [733] Sushi v37.7 - A tool to intercept
the raw serial output of Enforcer 2.8b,
Enforcer.megastack 26.f, Mungwall, and
all other tool and application
debugging output that uses kprintf.
This makes it possible to use serial
debugging on a single Amiga, without
interfering with attached serial
hardware such as modems and serial
printers. Sushi also provides optional
signalling andbuffer access to an
external display/watcher program.
SWITCHER.LHA 6291 12-Dec-92 [0] [766] Switcher v1.0 - A set of
utilities designed for Amiga owners who
use a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Series
Printer and Pacific Data's PacificPage
P.E cartridge. These utilities allow
the user to leave the Postscript
cartridge installed at all times, and
switch easily between Postscript and
PCL (standard HP) modes.
TALINCOD.LHA 65243 22-Sep-92 [0] [716] TalinCode - A bunch of source
code for demos, tests, and experiments,
that the author wrote over a period of
8 years, mostly for recreation or for
general R&D for projects that never
materialized. Includes 3D techniques, a
maze generator, logarithms, basic
utility functions, dos functions,
random numbers, and much more.
Includes source, mostly in assembly
TERM.TXT 898 22-Sep-92 [1] [725] Term - Description
TERMCAP.LHA 165364 15-Oct-92 [1] [733] Termcap - A port of the GNU
termcap library for the amiga. Termcap
is a library of C functions and a
database of terminal descriptions, that
allows an application to send control
strings to terminals in a way
independent of the specific terminal
TEXTREAD.LHA 49818 12-Dec-92 [1] [767] TextRead v37.16 - A nice, fast,
text file reader which was designed to
replace More or PPMore. The text
output is very quick, since the program
writes directly into it's screen
memory. Supports printing, different
tabsizes, fonts and screen modes.
Configurations can be saved. Search
routines use the locale library, if
present. Requires OS 2.04,
ReqTools.library v37+ and
PowerPacker.library v35+ (both
THEWEB.LHA 185073 22-Sep-92 [0] [711] TheWeb v1.1, - a graphic-diagram
based, interactive environment for data
acquisition and processing. This is a
freely distributable demonstration
edition that has a restricted set of
modules, and cannot save things to
disk, but is otherwise fully
featured.The concept is of data packets
travelling alongpaths between data
handling elements. Configurations are
built by placing and connecting the
desired elements on screen using the
mouse. Needs the 2.04 or later
operating system and at least 1MB of
THINKAMA.LHA 223197 28-Aug-92 [0] [709] ThinkAMania v2.9 - A
'Concentration' like board game. It
features excellent hires graphics,
funny sound effects and enormous fun
for up to two players regardless of age
and education. All options are
available and the complete set of
stones is integrated.
TINYCLOC.LHA 8863 08-Aug-92 [0] [696] TinyClock - Binaries
TKED.LHA 178426 12-Jul-92 [1] [689] TKEd is a very comfortable
Intuition-based ASCII editor. v1.05
TR2TEX.LHA 87313 02-Jul-92 [0] [671] Converts documents in UNIX troff
format to LaTeX format.
TURBODEX.LHA 182023 30-Oct-92 [0] [743] TurboDEX v1.2 - A compiler for
the DEX language. DEX is a language
similar in structure to Modula2 and C,
but different and simpler in concept.
Features include compact and fast
executables, clear program structure,
integration of Exec/Dos/Gfx/Intuition
library calls in the compiler, inline
assembly, register variables, commented
assembly source output, easy to manage
development system, and more.
TYPOGRAP.LHA 105973 28-Aug-92 [0] [710] TypoGrapherFix - A patch for the
TypoGrapher v2.05 font editor on disk
697. It fixes a bug which kept the
program from running on KickStart 1.3
UCD.LHA 29965 15-Oct-92 [1] [734] UCD v1.0 - A utility for changing
the current directory that scans a disk
and builds a file containing
information about the directory
structure that makes it possible for
UCD to change directory to any
directory in the scanned volume by
simply naming the directory without
pathname information.
UEDIT-1.LHA 441666 12-Dec-92 [0] [768] Uedit-1 v4.0 - Part 1 of a three
part distribution of the popular editor
by the late Rick Stiles. Per Rick's
wishes, the entire program, including
source has been placed in the public
domain so that it may continue to grow.
This part contains the editor, config
and support files, and lharc'd
documentation. Uedit is a completely
customizable editor with a learn mode,
a command language, menus, hypertext,
online help, a teach mode, split
windows, copy and paste, undo,
spellchecking, many word-processing
features and more.
UEDIT-2.LHA 450966 16-Dec-92 [0] [769] Uedit-2 v4.0 - Part 2 of a three
part distribution of the popular editor
by the late Rick Stiles.
UEDIT-3.LHA 751906 16-Dec-92 [0] [770] Uedit-3 v4.0 - Part 3 of a three
part distribution of the popular editor
by the late Rick Stiles.
UHR.LHA 9150 26-Nov-92 [0] [757] Uhr - A small configurable
digital clock (Uhr is german for
"clock"), that makes use of the
FormatDate() function in WorkBench
2.1's locale.library. Requires at
least Kickstart 2.04 and WorkBench 2.1.
Includes source.
UPDATEICON.LHA 6648 12-Jul-92 [1] [688] A tool to add icons to files and
drawers which do net yet have icons
attached. v1.0
VCLI.TXT 706 26-Nov-92 [1] [751] VCLI v5 - Description
VCR.LHA 108011 22-Sep-92 [2] [721] VCR v1.1 - A database for all
your VCR tapes. Has built in search
and print capabilities.
VERTEX.LHA 160911 22-Sep-92 [0] [727] Vertex v1.62a - A 3D object
editor that differs from other 3D
editors in many ways. You can choose
any view, including perspective, to
select points and examine objects. The
view can be rotated, positioned and
scaled at will by either typed in
values or using the mouse, which makes
the editor fast and responsive.
VIEWICON.LHA 6938 22-Sep-92 [1] [717] ViewIcon v1.0, - Simple program
to view icons from the shell. Opens up
a sufficiently sized window so that the
icon can be displayed in it. If you
click the icon, it has the same effect
as clicking it on the workbench, so you
can see the icon's alternate image.
VIRUSHUNTER.LH 4240 12-Jul-92 [1] [690] A harmless screen hack
VOICEBOY.LHA 25374 28-Aug-92 [1] [708] VoiceBoy v1.1 - A small WorkBench
utility which allows you to use DX7
voice libraries produced by both
Smart-ED DX7 and Music-X. Also
contains a voice library drawer with a
total of 64 voices for you to try out.
VOICEEDI.LHA 83149 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] VoiceEditor v2.0 - A tool to
edit, save, load, and convert
instruments of Roland D-20 Synthesizers
(and compatibles, like D-10) via MIDI.
You can convert instruments into
Music-X sequences, save and load
voicedumps and edit the system area of
your D-20. Req.library and
midi.library are used and included.
WALKINGM.LHA 66300 28-Aug-92 [0] [706] WalkingMan - A small screen hack
that makes a variable number funny men
appear on the WorkbenchScreen and
CustomScreens. They move depending on
the graphics shown and changing
graphics will be noticed by them.
WASP.LHA 134951 22-Sep-92 [1] [716] Wasp v2.02BETA. - A picture
format converter. Input formats
supported include GIF (87a), IFF
(lores, hires, HAM, EHB, 24-bit,
sliced, dynamic, etc), SRGR, Sun
rasterfile, PPM (P5 and P6), HL2, and
MTV. Output formats supported include
WBSTART.LHA 11551 26-Nov-92 [0] [757] WBStart v1.2 - WBStart is a
package to emulate the WorkBench
startup procedure, by loading a
program, creating a process for it, and
then sending it a WB startup message.
Includes a handler process which does
the starting of the processes for you
and then waits for the startup reply
messages. Includes source.
WIN2FRON.LHA 6566 26-Nov-92 [0] [754] Win2Front v0.21 - A simple, small
and pure utility similar to
Shell2Front. This program adds the
ability to specify the name of the
window to be brought to the front.
WINDOWTI.LHA 10864 08-Aug-92 [0] [696] WindowTiler v2.1b - Binaries
WINDOWTO.LHA 45810 22-Sep-92 [1] [711] Windowtool v1.0, - Windowtool is
a program that allows you to switch
between windows, to close them and to
change their size. You can also open a
new shell and stop multitasking. The
program is a standard commodity and can
be controlled by the workbench exchange
WIZKEY.LHA 27657 30-Oct-92 [0] [745] WizKey - A commodity that speeds
up working with windows and screens via
allowing the user to manipulate them
via keyboard instead of mouse.
Anything you can do with system gadgets
becomes accessible via keyboard. Popup
windowlist allows activation of any
window by keyboard or mouse.
Configurable Hotkey definitions and a
complete ARexx port.
WKSC.LHA 8392 15-Oct-92 [0] [739] WKSC v1.0 - Workbench Keyboard
Shortcut Changer is a program which
allows you to add or change keyboard
shortcuts used for the Workbench menus.
WKSC works on Workbench 1.2, 1.3 and
WORLDTIM.LHA 12395 26-Nov-92 [0] [758] WorldTime v2.1 - A clock that can
show you the time in any city in the
world. The times are calculated
automatically using data supplied by
the user. Rewritten to take advantages
of features available under Kickstart
2, and thus will not run under 1.2 or
1.3 anymore. A commodity that can be
run from the workbench or CLI.
XPRD.LHA 35801 12-Jul-92 [1] [687] eXternal PRotocol Driver. A
standalone driver utility for doing
file transfers with XPR libraries
XSB.LHA 38834 12-Jul-92 [2] [687] eXternal ScreenBlanker Standard.
Documentation and examples of a new
library standard for fancy
XSEARCH.LHA 193509 22-Sep-92 [1] [724] XSearch - A program to search
files and directories on any Amiga
device. Uses AmigaDOS 2.0 style
interface. Includes both German and
English versions. Includes source in
XSTAT.LHA 31860 22-Sep-92 [0] [714] XStat v1.07, - A UUCP utility
that computes several statistics from
the XferStat file (similar to UUTraf).
Offers lots of options. Requires
uucico V1.15c or later, and also
Kickstart 2.04 (V37.x) or later.
YAK.LHA 30518 26-Nov-92 [0] [753] Yak v1.0 - "Yet Another
Kommodity". Features a sunmouse that
only activates when mouse stops,
KeyActivate windows, Click windows to
front or back, Cycle screens with
mouse, Mouse and Screen blanking,
Close/Zip/Shrink/Enlarge windows with
programmable hotkeys, Activate
Workbench by hotkey (to get at menus
when WB obscured), Pop up a palette on
front screen, Insert date (in various
formats), KeyClick with adjustable
volume, PopCommand key for starting a
command (like PopCLI), Gadtools
interface. All settings accessible
from Workbench tooltypes. Includes
YATZ.LHA 33280 12-Jul-92 [2] [685] One player Yatzee game. v1.1
YEARPRIN.LHA 47856 26-Nov-92 [0] [751] YearPrintQ v2.5 - Prints a
calendar of the year onto four sheets
of paper. The GUI adapts itself
automatically to the actual system
font. With AmigaOS 2.1, a localization
also takes place (currently German and
French). A configuration file with any
holiday or special occasion definitions
can be chosen thru file requester or
"drag and drop". The calendar can be
printed onevery printer supported from
AmigaOS either with IBM graphicsor
ASCII characters. Requires at least
AmigaOS 2.0. Includes source.
ZIPWD.LHA 4893 30-Oct-92 [0] [749] ZipWd v0.5 - ZipWd is a little
example code of the new OS 2.xx feature
of zipping windows. It does the same
thing as clicking on the window's
ZipGadget. It's also useful if you
define a keyboard macro with ZipWd.
Requires AmigaOS 2.xx. includes source.
ZMACHINE.LHA 187029 22-Sep-92 [1] [716] ZMachine v1.0.3, - A program
which can interpret Zork Implementation
Language (ZIL) data files. ZIL is the
language used by the interactive
fiction series of games from Infocom
ZOO.LHA 288321 26-Nov-92 [0] [753] Zoo v2.10 - Another independent
port of Zoo version 2.10, this version
includes source. Zoo is a file
archiver, much like "arc" in concept,
but different in implementation and
user interface details. New features
include greatly improved compression,
preservation of full pathnames by
default, and extended multi-screen
help. Includes source.
341 files. 34224398 bytes.
--------------------- Section 99 'Progs for OS 2.0 ' --------------------
20COMP21.LZH 15364 16-Nov-91 [3] Kickstart 2.0 and Amiga 3000 software
3997ADOC.LZH 489226 31-Aug-92 [2] Autodocs for OS3.0 v39.97
3997EXAM.LZH 87392 31-Aug-92 [3] Examples for OS3.0 v39.97
3997EXT.DMS 312939 30-Aug-92 [1] Extras 3.0 beta v39.97
3997FONT.DMS 81965 30-Aug-92 [2] Fonts 3.0 beta v39.97
3997INC.LZH 545996 30-Aug-92 [3] Includes for OS 3.0 v39.97
3997INST.DMS 369527 30-Aug-92 [2] Install 3.0 beta v39.97
3997KS30.LZH 323089 30-Aug-92 [4] Kickstart 3.0 beta v39.97 for A3000
3997KS6.LZH 526058 30-Aug-92 [2] Kickstart 3.0 beta v39.97 for A600
3997LIB.LZH 79455 30-Aug-92 [4] Libs for OS 3.0 v39.97
3997LOCL.DMS 239940 30-Aug-92 [1] Locale 3.0 beta v39.97
3997RNOT.LZH 31723 30-Aug-92 [5] Notes for OS 3.0 v39.97
3997STOR.DMS 130893 30-Aug-92 [2] Storage 3.0 beta v39.97
3997WB.DMS 338999 30-Aug-92 [1] Workbench 3.0 beta v39.97
3DPATTER.LZH 14080 27-Jan-92 [2] Some 3D backdrop patterns for WB 2.0
A2NTSC11.LHA 7816 09-Oct-92 [2] Amiga2NTSC 1.1, force screens in
PAL/NTSC/DOUBLE-NTSC, by Nico Francois
v1.2, by Nico Francois
A4091PA2.LHA 7337 16-Nov-92 [1] A4091Patch V39.2 - A patch for Amiga
4000 and A2091 SCSI board
AGUIDE.LZH 150330 18-Dec-91 [6] AmigaGuide -standard method of
displaying help
ALOAD_11B.LZH 36356 22-Dec-91 [4] Show the "Load-factor" of your
computer. OS2.0
ALTMENU.LHA 14951 29-Jul-92 [5] Commodity to use the keyboard to
control the menu
APIPE.LHA 14104 16-Nov-91 [1] A new PIPE handler for AmigaDOS 2.04
ARQ161.LHA 28562 09-Sep-91 [2] Arq v1.61 - Replaces System Requester
under OS 2.
ASSX12.LZH 13065 01-Mar-92 [4] AssignX 1.2 f|r KS 2.0+. L}ter dig
assigna om, mounta mm mm olika
devices/assigns. MYCKET BRA!
ASWARM3.LHA 25501 06-May-92 [8] ASwarm III - good screen blanker
commodity - OS 2.0
ASYNC373.LHA 2078 09-Dec-92 [2] ASyncRun V37.3 - A RUNBACK clone for
AmigaOS 2.04+
BBLANK.LZH 3777 10-Nov-91 [3] BorderBlank. Kr{ver 2.0 samt ECS. (8373)
BOOTSEL.LHA 1343 25-Sep-91 [7] Util f|r att v{lja OS vid boot.
CPUCON13.LHA 6569 28-Jun-92 [5] CPU-Control, utility like CPU/SetCPU
for OS 2.04 with a GUI. Additionally
moving VBR to FastRAM possible
CTM110.LHA 6047 04-Nov-92 [0] CycleToMenu v1.10 - A commodity to use
popup menus with the standard gadtools
cycle gadgets
CUSTREQ.LHA 5263 20-Mar-92 [2] A replacment for the old Custreq -
Requires Kick 2.0
CXALTNUM.LHA 2272 18-Jul-92 [3] A commodity for 2.0 that lets you use
ALT+numeric keyboard for input a'la PC.
Simply great!
DC23.LHA 7951 21-Jun-92 [1] DC v2.3 - directory changer - keeps
track of all dirs - OS 2.x
DEG121.LZH 14285 06-Nov-92 [3] Degrader V1.21. Make those dumb
programs work.
DEV2_04.1.DMS 843071 25-Aug-92 [1] Official Includes & autodocs for OS2.04
DEV2_04.2.DMS 491922 25-Aug-92 [0] Official Libs and FD's for OS 2.04 v
DEV2_04.3.DMS 358949 25-Aug-92 [0] Official debugging tools for OS 2.04 v
DEV2_04.4.DMS 731610 25-Aug-92 [0] Official example code for OS 2.04 v 37.4
DFDRWR11.LHA 8010 12-Jul-92 [2] DefDrawer V1.1, requires KS 2.0 or
higher. Uses ONE drawer for every
directory on your workbench. Great if
you are tired of x diff. drawers.
DKICON.LHA 2772 11-Jun-92 [14] Some nice Floppy, Hard Disk & Ram Disk
icon for OS 2.0
DOCR.LHA 6158 18-Nov-92 [0] DocReader. AppIcon DocReader tool.
EMBOSSED.LZH 87165 17-Oct-91 [11] A lot of OS 2.0-style icons!
EXPLAY10.LHA 14702 16-Apr-92 [4] Exploding Layers 1.0, Commodity to
explode/implode windows
FCACHEX.LHA 2576 17-May-92 [2] FontCacheX - cache AvailFonts() - very
FILER206.LZH 96501 08-Dec-91 [3] Filer v2.06 - A good File Manager for
OS 2.0
FRACTAL.LZH 16858 15-Oct-91 [10] Very nice screen blanker - OS 2.0 only -
FT12.LHA 62858 15-Oct-92 [2] Flying Toasters 1.2 - A really wierd
commodity screen blanker :)
JBSPOOL.LHA 36326 19-Jun-92 [3] JBSpool. A printer-spooler for OS 2.xx.
Simply queues files for the printer
without you having to wait for it.
JUTILS.LZH 121495 23-Aug-91 [11] A lot of utilities for WB2.0!!!
KCOM200.LHA 160896 22-Oct-92 [4] KCommodity v2.00 - eccellent
multi-function commodity for OS 2.x
KICK39105.LHA 524584 20-Sep-92 [0] Kickstart 39.105 for the A500/600/2000.
KS37300.LZH 313233 20-Mar-92 [6] Kickstart 37.300
KSWITCH.LZH 12486 02-Aug-91 [12] Kick Switch - A nice tool for switch
between KS 1.3 / 2.0
LIB201.LZH 15194 15-Jan-92 [7] Lib v2.01 - online help for all
kickstart v37 kernels.
MASGN200.LHA 4352 12-Jul-92 [0] Massign 2.0, make multiple assignments.
MEHELPR1.LZH 17152 30-Nov-91 [2] KS 2.0 commodity that allow easier
MFR20D.LHA 185382 15-Aug-92 [2] MFR v2.0d - very powerful file requester
MORE3D.LZH 10752 27-Jan-92 [4] More 3D backdrop patterns for WB 2.0
MOUSHIFT.LHA 2663 28-May-92 [1] OS 2.0 commodity to use the right mouse
button for multiselection
MOVE1_0D.LHA 11304 09-Jul-92 [3] Move 1.0d - A command to MOVE files,
requires AmigaDOS 2.x
NCLICK2.LZH 6338 18-Aug-91 [12] NoClick till KS 2.0
NICKPREF.LHA 31012 12-Mar-92 [5] NickPrefs - An enhancement of IPrefs,
the preferences manager of WB 2.0
NOCLICK.LHA 1847 19-Sep-92 [4] The final disk-drive clicking disabler
for WB2.x, by Bart Van Assche
OS30-DOC.DMS 281166 08-Jul-92 [3] WB 3.0 Doc disk
OS30-INC.DMS 213493 10-Jul-92 [2] Wb 3.0 include updates
OS30-KS2.DMS 320685 08-Jul-92 [5] Wb 3.0 Kickdisk
OS30-WB.DMS 15592 10-Jul-92 [6] Wb 3.0 Wbdisk
PAT2ICON.LHA 6869 18-Nov-92 [0] paticon os2.0 prefs icon tool
PATTERN.LHA 12057 27-Jan-92 [3] 24 more patterns for WB 2.0
PBLANKER.LZH 9349 14-Nov-91 [7] ScreenBlanker that shows the
Amiga-sign! 2.0...
POINTER2.LZH 2432 24-Nov-91 [6] PointerX - Spins the hand of any
pointer -
QCD.LZH 5680 20-Mar-92 [5] QCD Quick CD WB2.0 utility
RBOOT103.LZH 4699 11-Jan-92 [6] Reboot your Amiga under Kick 2.0x
RQTLS20C.LHA 262204 15-Aug-92 [2] ReqTools 2.0c, THE requester toolkit,
inc. RTPatch 1.0b, by Nico Francois
RQTLS21.LHA 308437 16-Nov-92 [0] ReqTools v2.1, THE requester toolkit,
by Nico Francois
RQTLS21A.LHA 314431 26-Nov-92 [2] ReqTools lib v2.1a, THE requester
toolkit, by Nico Francois
SAKICK15.LHA 3126 27-Jan-92 [4] SafeKick v1.5 - Write protects kick at
$200000 !!
SCRAM373.LHA 33365 21-Sep-92 [1] Scrammer [v37.3b]. Allows to set
crucial system parameters on A3000.
SCRAMMER.LHA 18489 24-Jun-92 [2] SCRAMmer [v37.2] Allows to set crucial
system parameters on A3000
SETNTSC.LHA 2194 09-Sep-91 [3] SetNTSC, Switch all PAL Amiga in NTSC -
KS 2.0 -
SMENUS.LHA 12090 13-Sep-92 [2] Silicon Menus. Great Menu-Enhancer al'a
PopUpMenu. For OS 2.++.
SOFTBOOT.LHA 49040 09-Dec-92 [1] SoftBoot 3.31 - The new SuperKickstart
Emulator for the A3000
SPEECHT2.LZH 16256 18-Dec-91 [6] SpeechToy2 v a.01 - Very nice 'Say'
clone for OS 2.0
SPLINR16.LHA 26182 09-Dec-92 [1] Spliner 1.16 - A freeware spline screen
blanker commodity for the Amiga
STARBURS.LZH 2366 18-Nov-91 [4] Ger UNIX-wildcards under 2.0
TDUPDATE.LHA 4350 17-May-92 [5] TdUpdate - Stops floppy disks from
'clicking' - OS 2.0 only
TLDMN20A.LHA 50630 08-Aug-92 [3] ToolsDaemon 2.0a, add extra menus to
your WB 2.0x
TLDMN20B.LHA 50906 15-Aug-92 [4] ToolsDaemon 2.0b, add menus to your WB
2.0 menu strip, by Nico Francois
TLDMN20C.LHA 51276 09-Sep-92 [2] ToolsDaemon 2.0c, add menus to your WB
2.x menu strip, by Nico Francois
TLMAN20.LHA 580000 07-Oct-92 [2] ToolManager 2.0 - Program Launcher with
Dock Window, Tools Menu, More!
TOLMAN15.LZH 120485 28-May-92 [4] ToolManager v1.5. Add tools to your
VCLOK12A.LHA 7419 07-Mar-92 [5] VClock 1.2a - 68000 bug fixed
VIEW_20.LHA 99768 28-Jul-92 [2] View A good text viewer Req 2.0
WALLP.LZH 80128 16-Nov-91 [7] Wallpaper v1.0 - Place an iff image in
the background of WB 2.04+
WBFED.LZH 55523 11-May-92 [11] Font editor till 2.0.
WIAT120.LHA 5031 05-Feb-92 [3] Wiat v1.20 - replace the "Excute
Command <A>E." of WorkBench 2.0
WINTIT13.LHA 9090 24-Apr-92 [8] WindowTiler v1.3 - commodity that
allows Windows 3.0-style windows
ZKICK301.LZH 57088 22-Jul-91 [8] Zkick som till}ter KS vart som helst i
ZKICK302.LHA 27681 27-Jan-92 [5] ZKick v3.02 - as 3.01 but modified for
1.8mb RAM
TTWB21F5.DMS 525042 31-Dec-92 [0] WB 2.1 (38.35) 5/5
TTWB21F1.DMS 359749 31-Dec-92 [0] WB 2.1 (38.35) 1/5
TTWB21F2.DMS 382523 31-Dec-92 [0] WB 2.1 (38.35) 2/5
TTWB21F3.DMS 372218 31-Dec-92 [0] WB 2.1 (38.35) 3/5
TTWB21F4.DMS 196978 31-Dec-92 [0] WB 2.1 (38.35) 4/5
104 files. 13077085 bytes.
Total files: 1951
Total bytes: 169509274
== ==
== This filelist was made by MegaList v1.14 ==
== Registered version ==
== Copyright (c) 1991-1992 by Magnus Lilja ==
== ==
== Yet another incredible Xenolink-utility ==
== ==