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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
ThrobNet National Adult Network
Network Application
Please do not use this form past Oct 31, 1994
This application may be FAXED to 417-683-6187
************ Do Not Upload this application!! *****************
Board's Name:
Main BBS Phone Number:(___)___-____ Fax number (___)___-____
Number of nodes:____ Hours of operation _____ BBS Software _____
Type of modem's you support (please give details. I.E. Compucomm
on (xxx)xxx-xxxx)_____________
Does your mode support : V32___V42____HST____V.Fast____V.34____
Baud Rates you allow on your BBS 300__ 1200__ 2400__ 9600__
14.4__ 16.8__ 21.6__ 28.8__
Name you want listed as SysOp:_________ In operation Since:______
Method of Echo (Postlink, QWK, FIDO,Other ):________
Fido #:_________ Type of Tosser/Mailer______________________
Rosenet Name:_________ If QWK name of Importer/Exporter___________
Postlink # ___________ If QWK Names of mail doors available_______
Your Full Name: ______________ Date of birth __/__/__
Street Address: ______________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________
Voice Phone Number:(xxx)xxx-xxxx
Who would you like to poll mail from?______________________________
What other Adult networks do you presently carry:__________________
Please set up an account on your system with the name of HEART THROB
and assign me a password:______ This account is used for verification
What are your policies on allowing access to the ThrobNet Conferences
(and/or adult areas)?______________________________________________
Do you charge additional fees for ThrobNet areas?__________________
Do you charge additional Fees for adult areas?_____________________
Do you have adult Files for download?
GIF's______ Text?______ Other?______
Do you have Adult On Line Game doors?______ Other Adult doors?_______
Is your BBS operated as a business?________________________
How often do you poll for mail:____________________________
Would you object to having your name released for mail lists?______
**These questions are optional (for statistics only) **************
* *
* Are your phone lines Residental or Business?___________________ *
* Who is your LD carrier?________________________________________ *
* Approx # of Users on your system_______ Adult Users____________ *
* Do you accept Credit Cards for subscriptions to your BBS?______ *
* *
Fees for access to ThrobNet International Adult Network are $20.00 a
year. Fees are due on or before Jan 1st, of each year.This fee is to be
enclosed along with your application. Please enclose a self addressed
stamped envelope for the return of your check, should you NOT be accepted.
Make checks payable to Laura's Lair. For Canadian and foreign orders we
accept Visa, Mastercard or American Express only.
Card Holder Name:____________________________________________________
Card Number:_________________________________________________________
Expiration Date:______
Make sure you send in proof of age.
Do *NOT* upload this application. All applications must be mailed to the
PO Box.
ThrobNet Int'l Adult Network
c/o Laura's Lair BBS
PO Box 1118
Ava, Mo. 65608
Or fax all information to Joe Crosby or Laura Brito at 417-683-6187
I have enclosed:
___ Proof of Age
____Completed application
___ Network Fee Have you set up the verification account?___
___ Disclaimer
By my signature below, I acknowledge that I understand and agree with
the terms of acceptance into ThrobNet International Adult Network.
___________________________________________ Date ___________