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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Classical liberalism is individual freedom and the minimalization -- as far as
it will go -- of the size and scope of authoritarianism such as government in
our business and private lives. Classical liberalism cannot die, fade away,or
be "engineered" out of existence ... it's an intrinsic part of being human.
ClaslibNet is for those who support or are curious about individual liberty,it's
natural roots and rich history, and it's inexorable regrowth after the global
failures of socialism's centrally-controlled economic activity and collectivism.
It's about freedom of speech, the global weakening of government and political
tribalism (nationalism), the demise of our own intrusive and oppressive welfare
state, and the morality of individual liberty. It's very different from all the
Orwellian group-think, political correctness, victim mentality, affirmative
action, quotas, intellectual manipulation, nanny-statism, dependancy, and the
general politicization of life as portrayed in much of the major media.
On ClaslibNet there's actually encouragement to think for yourself and run your
life in your own way, interacting voluntarily with others. On this network you
will see classical liberalism, not the silly and derogatory stereotypes of
freedom and liberty fed to us by the major media. It's in the same tradition as
the works of John Locke, Adam Smith, Karl Popper, Frederic Bastiat, Friedrich
Hayek, Lysander Spooner, H.L. Mencken, Mark Twain, Lord Acton, Thomas Paine,
Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, David Friedman, Henry David
Thoreau, Isabel Patterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and thousands of others who were
not afraid to leave the herd and live-out their own individuality, and fight for
it if neccessary.
Each node has message areas and hundreds of text files on subjects such as the
history of liberty, self-sufficiency, minimal government, voluntarism, private
alternative services, spontaneously organized market-driven economic
activity,and other socio-economic aspects of open societies comprised of
individually-directing and self-organizing people.
It's about time governments got out of our faces and simply protected us as we
freely carry on our private interactions with one another, each according to our
own individual civilized values and needs. It's about time some common sense
information and humanism -- classical liberalism -- got back into the public
domain. ClaslibNet is for "WE the people", not "THE people".
If you're a sysop in FidoNet and are interested, then get a starter package
FREQing the magic filename "CLASSLIB" from any one of the nodes below. Or you
can just directly log on to any of the nodes and download CLASSLIB.ZIP . If you
run a standalone BBS, we'll help you set up the neccessary software to get
netted with us. If you're a sysop, but not interested in being a node of
ClaslibNet, let us know if you're interested in getting fed with one or more of
the new private FidoNet echos POLPHIL, FREE_SPEECH, BCPOLITICS, or LIBERTY. The
following ClaslibNet message echos are available (* = mandatory for nodes in the
ClaslibNet network):
CENSORED Media, propaganda, thought, regulations destroying liberty
EDUCATION Reform of government schools, homeschooling
ECONOMICS* Trade, value, money, market-driven (free-market) economics
HARDWARE Technical advice, discussion, trade
INDEPENDENCE What would it be like ? Private & social
LAW Natural vs. authoritarian law, history, property rights
POLITICAL* Parties, ideologies, impact of historical Canadian events
PHILOSOPHY The philosophy & morality of liberty, historical and present
SCI-FUTURE Technology ... present and future, homestead technology
SOFTWARE Software information and discussion
SYSOPCHAT* Miscellaneous chatting for Claslibnet sysops
SIG-TYRANNY* SIG's ... Orwellianism and politically-correct crusades
Network Coordinator: Leonard Knoll, IMPA-BBS, ClaslibNet 350:1/100 FidoNet
1:163/141, 01-613-820-0606
Ontario NC and Network NEC: Keith Weaver, Rational Anarchist BBS,ClaslibNet
350:2/100, FidoNet 1:247/130, 01-905-646-8229
British Columbia NC: Ken Wiebe, The Classical Liberal BBS,ClaslibNet
350:50/100, FidoNet 1:340/47, 01-604-380-4030
The following FidoNet message areas are available on our nodes, separate from
POLPHIL Political philosophy. Moderated by Ken Wiebe in British Columbia.
FREE_SPEECH Freedom of speech as opposed to Orwellian political correctness.
BCPOLITICS British Columbia politics.
LIBERTY This is the popular Internet e-mail lists called LIBERNET and
LIBERNET-D, gated over to FidoNet. Lots of classical liberal
information and discussion, both theoretical and practical,
political and apolitical.
CANPOL Canadian Politics. Moderated by Karl Pollak in British
Columbia. Unlike the major media, more is allowed than just
nanny-statism and political tribalism.
CIVLIB Civil liberties.
VFALSAC Victims of false abuse accusations.
RTKBA Right to keep and bear arms.
CONTROV Controversial topics.
PHIL Philosophy.
MENS_ISSUES Moderated by Ken Wiebe. Males are individuals, not nameless
and faceless political objects or SIG "strawmen" to be
whimsically and legally persecuted (AKA "affirmative action")
or plundered.
* Origin: Rational Anarchist BBS * (905)646-8229 * Freedom ! (1:247/130)