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+---------------------------------+ incorporated new versions of
| EDITORS FILE | PCBoard, GAP and PCRelay software.
| | We have weathered quite well!
by John Dodson, Node ->CANTINA. +---------------------------------+
Welcome to the May issue of RIME | |
Times! I am very pleased to +---------------------------------+
announce that I now have a co- by Ed Lazarowitz, Node ID ->CAPCON
editor! Ed Lazarowitz has
generously offered to help me scour Hello! I'm Ed Lazarowitz, and I'm
conferences, collect articles, edit the new co-editor of the Rime Times
articles and interview RIME users newsletter! I'd like to take a
and sysops. Ed is a co-sysop on Bob minute and tell you all a little
Shucks Capitol Connection and can be about myself.
reached via Node ID->CAPCON. Ed
tells us a little about himself in Where to start? Well, I'm 'thirty-
the Who's' Who in RelayNet feature. something' years old, married, with
I am excited about this prospect as a 3 year old daughter. By
it insures growth of the newsletter. profession, I'm a Senior Programmer
Please make Ed welcome and do not Analyst with Blue Cross Blue Shield
forget to send him your ideas and of the National Capital Area. I
articles! work with a dedicated group of
professionals in our Data Processing
Have you read the newest version of division's Development Support
the RelayNet User manual? Hats off Center. What we do, is to provide
to Randy Blackmond (Node ID - product and methodology support for
>BASEMENT)for writing in terms the applications programming
everyone can understand! If you departments within BCBSNCA. I
have ever wondered about private personally work in the Product
mail, routed mail, encrypted mail, Support section. Since I have some
mailboxes or just how this darn mail experience with technical writing,
thing works, you need to download both as a writer and critic, John
RIMEMAN.ZIP from your friendly local asked if I would be interested in
RelayNet BBS. You will become an helping him. I said sure! It could
over night netmail expert... highly be fun for all of us!
Although my primary programming
It seems to me to have been a rather background and expertise is in
calm month. We have weathered the database administration on IBM
"Fan-driven Sailboats" thread(I mainframes, I've been involved with
think), the new Women only personal computers since the early
conference (some eyebrows still are 80's. I started working for Radio
upraised), more indiscriminate use Shack shortly after they introduced
of network sysop (NS) messages and the Model III. Even though money
Page 2
was tight, I conned my wife into willing to help answer a question or
letting me buy a 48K, 2 floppy disk offer an opinion.
Model III. Back then, that was hog-
heaven! Well, that's enough about me for
now. I look forward to hearing from
Shortly after that, I bought a 300 many more of you over the next few
baud manual modem and discovered months, both soliciting articles and
CompuServe and a couple of local in personal conversation.
BBSes. At the time, I really didn't
get too involved in telecomputing. +---------------------------------+
It just didn't seem all that | MEET THE CONFERENCE HOST |
interesting. Although there were | |
lots of little boards, nothing had +---------------------------------+
yet been conceived to tie them all by Sheila Fava, Node ID ->CAPCON
together. Additionally, it would
often take hours to go through just Greets fellow RelayNet'ers! My name
a few dozen messages a week (no off- is Sheila Fava and I'm the HOST(ess)
line readers existed back then!). of the disABLED Conference. I'd
like to take a few minutes and tell
Since then, I've continued as a user you a little about myself and the
of CIS and tried most of the other disABLED Conference.
subscription services that have come
down the pike; not really finding Although I've only been HOST(ess) of
any of them to my liking. Until the disABLED Conference for a bit
recently, I had pretty much ignored more than a month, I have been
the BBS community. involved in tele-computing since
1982, when I purchased my first
Anyway, I recently bought into the computer, a TI99/4A. In 1983 I
IBM PC market when I upgraded to a purchased a TRS-80 Model 100 and I
386SX-based clone. Even though I'd now have a TRS 1400LT.
been using an IBM PS/2 at work for
several years, this was my first After spending two years on
real exposure to the power of the CompuServe, I discovered the FreeNet
IBM PC. At work, I was more of a BBS in Cleveland, Ohio. While
'power-user'. Now, I have the honing my writing skills there, I
opportunity to really see what these wrote several very funny stories
babies can do! which were submitted to Case Western
Reserve University's Literary SIG.
As far as RelayNet is concerned, I To make a long story short, I
use The Capitol Connection BBS in entered the First Annual Short Story
Annandale, Virginia as my window Contest even though I lived out-of-
into the network. I actively State. The stories entered in the
participate in the UPLINK, STARTREK, contest were voted on anonymously.
PETS, NEWUSER, and DEBATE Imagine my surprise when the
conferences. Additionally, I monitor Literary SIG Staff told me I had won
what's going on in several other First Prize!
areas such as COMMON, TELIX, DBASE,
and EZ-READER. I've only been One of the best things in my life
active here for a few months, and is being a puppeteer for the 'Kids
already I've made many new friends; On the Block' program. As far
everyone always seems more than as I know, I have the unique
distinction of being the only
Page 3
disABLED puppeteer in the USA. The should take a hike ... they should
puppets (life-size 12-year-olds) have taken a hike l-o-n-g ago.
are very colorful and the puppeteers
wear black in the Japanese 'Bun- Within the disABLED Conference, we
Raku' Style of puppetry. Some of the generally have light discussions as
puppets are non-disABLED though most well as more technical software and
of the puppets have some kind of hardware discussions geared to
disABILITY: Spina Bifida, Cerebral particular disABILITIES. Help is
Palsy, Deaf, Blind, Four Older also offered with particular
Brothers, Obese, With Divorced problems that an individual may be
Parents, Retarded, Child Abuse, facing in obtaining services for
Sexually Abused, Drug Abuser ... you his/her disABILITY.
name it! I've been a puppeteer for
6 years and love it! Why haven't I Although intended primarily as a
'burned out' by now? I find this means for the disABLED to
drama troupe is a nift way to dispel communicate trends and ideas, you
my anger and frustrations and to don't have to be disABLED to
educate students about the disABLED participate in our conference.
at the same time. Several of our participants aren't
disABLED; they participate to learn
Another thing I'm very active in is more about the disABLED and to
participating in Aquatic experience the support that's a
Competitions for the disABLED. I cornerstone of our conference. Most
travel all over the United States newcomers quickly learn that we try
and Canada (via Greyhound) to attend to provide more than just a message
competitions. Many of my lasting base of where to go for what kind of
friendships have been kindled at service or piece of equipment! A
these events. Not only do they large percentage of our messages
provide necessary physical activity, offer conversation and support to
but the competitions allow those needing it.
interaction on a social level to
those with disABILITIES as well! A recent (non-disABLED) BBS'er
Although I enjoy the actual physical commented on the "eye-opening
competition, I also enjoy the mental experience reading through the
stimulation and emotional support my accumulated message base" and "the
fellow competitors provide. love and support is positively
astounding! Rarely were there any
If I've kept your attention this messages 'moaning and groaning'
far, please read on just a little about how bad life is for the
bit farther to learn more about the disABLED. Everything was so upbeat
conference I take care of on and positive!" This is just the
RelayNet. attitude we try to foster on the
disABLED Conference.
The disABLED Conference that I
shepherd USED to be called the - Thanks for taking the time to read
HANDICAP- Conference. I have a through this ... I think I'll roam
distaste for that name because it is over to the disABLED Conference, but
steeped in antiquity. The disABLED if I've piqued your curiosity about
person was thought of as standing on the disABLED Conference and you'd
a street corner with CAP In HAND ... like more information about anything
begging! Noooo ... this is a NEW I've talked about in this article,
day and abrasive names like that
Page 4
please feel free to send me a DESCRIPTION: A place for Women to
message at my home board: discuss virtually anything, sans
Men. All Sysops that elect to carry
Capitol Connection -> CAPCON. Check this conference, please be advised
us out! that it is strictly for Women, and
this rule is expected to honored.
+---------------------------------+ HOST: Kathi Webster Node ID
Posted by Skip Ross, Conference Co- NAME: SCUBA
ordinator, Node ->ACC NUMBER: 106 (previously
Well, it is time for a batch of new DESCRIPTION: A conference that is
conferences to be announced, but dedicated to the SCUBA divers in our
this time it is going to be slightly network, and hosted by a certified
different! We are in the process of PADI SCUBA Instructor, IDC Staff
replacing some of the slower Instructor, and who also teaches 7
conferences, and these confs. will types of specialty diving.
be our first attempt at doing this, Discussion is open to all folks from
so please check the conference the absolute novice to the
numbers listed below. experienced diver.
HOST: Tom Kellen Node ID
NUMBER: 26 (previously Word ACTIVITY: NEW
DESCRIPTION: This conference will NAME: BOATING
encompass all forms of computer NUMBER: 113 (previously
graphics, animations, programming, ETHICS)
pictures, etc. Would also cover DESCRIPTION: A conference dedicated
topics of graphics conversion for to the Boaters. This conference is
desktop publishing, and some desktop shared with MetroLink
publishing itself. HOST: To Be Announced
HOST: Mark Bernat Node ID - ACTIVITY: NEW
NUMBER: 159 (previously Pre-
NAME: Laptop Computers Teens)
NUMBER: 29 (previously DESCRIPTION: A conference for the
Educational) kids to discuss one of Americas
DESCRIPTION: This conference is biggest games. Shared with MetroLink
dedicated to the users of Laptop HOST: To Be Announced
computers, a place for answers and ACTIVITY: NEW
advice on purchasing and tips on
using these small wonders. NAME: Non-Profit
HOST: Dave Shubert Node ID Organizations
->CASINO NUMBER: 142 (previously
DESCRIPTION: The conference's
NAME: Women Only purpose is to exchange information
NUMBER: 71 (previously effecting the Non profit
Leading Edge) organizations in your area. By
Page 5
posting events listings as well as Each conference develops it's own
fund raises techniques and lingo and abbreviations as well. It
membership participation and would be rather time consuming to
retention programs. Also to provide compile and list all of the
a means for networking between possibilities in all of the
people involved in the these conferences, so I will select two.
organizations. We are establishing a
clearinghouse for all non profit In the Computer/Technical
organizations. conference, you will find the
HOST: Ira Karlick Node ID - following:
ACTIVITY: NEW CPU .... Central Processing Unit
DIP .... Dual In-line Package
+---------------------------------+ EPROM .. Erasable Programmable Read
| | I/F .... Interface
+---------------------------------+ PROM ... Programmable Read Only
by Mark Adams, Node ID ->OUTER Memory
RAM .... Random Access Memory
How many times have you seen an ROM .... Read Only Memory
abbreviation in a message and SIMM ... Single In-line Memory
wondered what it meant? Most users Module
who have been at this for any length SIP .... Single In-line Package
of time already know and use many WORM ... Write Once, Read Many
abbreviations. We take it for ZIF .... Zero Insertion Force
granted that everybody knows what we ZIP .... Zig-zag In-line Package
mean. New users, however, may be
scratching their heads wondering There are others, but this is a
whats going on. I've picked out sampling of what to expect.
several of these over the past few
weeks and compiled them here, In the 4_Sale conference, you may
primarily for the novice user. find some of the above and others,
as follows:
BBS .... Bulletin Board System
BTW .... By The Way BO ..... Best Offer
FWIW ... For What It's Worth C/MO ... Cash/Money Order
FYI .... For Your Information COD .... Cash On Delivery
IMHO ... In My Humble Opinion PPD .... Prepaid
L8R .... Later OBO .... Or Best Offer
OTOH ... On The Other Hand SASE ... Self Addressed Stamped
RIME ... RelayNet International Envelope
Message Exchange
ROTM ... Right On The Money I'm sure by now you get the idea.
RTFM ... Read The Forgotten Manual Usually if you think about it, and
(The `F' is variable.) take it in the context in which it's
SIG .... Special Interest Group presented, it will become apparent.
TTFN ... Ta Ta For Now And don't forget the smiley "faces",
TTMS ... Talk (Type) To Me Soon [look sideways], ;-) :-) :^) 8-)
TTYL(A) Talk (Type) To You Later :^{) , etc. (Winking, smiling, with
(Alligator) nose, with glasses, with moustache.)
And then there are the "stage
directions", i.e., <grin>, <groan>.
Page 6
3. Don't use the local equivalent of
+---------------------------------+ a PAGE command unless you really
| BEGINNERS CORNER | have some clear cut notion of what
| | you want to say and why. Almost any
+---------------------------------+ Sysop is more than happy to answer
by Jim Daly, Node ->TREASURE questions or offer help concerning
his system. Unfortunately, because
Bulletin Board Etiquette about 99% of the people who want to
Chat with the Sysop have absolutely
The following are a few points of nothing to say besides "How old are
general BBS etiquette. If you wish you?" or something equally
to maintain your welcome on whatever irrelevant, few Sysops even bother
system you happen to call, it would turning on their pagers let alone
be to YOUR advantage to observe respond when Paged.
these few rules.
4. When you are offered a place to
1. Don't habitually hang up on a leave comments when exiting a
system. Every Sysop is aware that system, don't try to use this area
accidental disconnections happen to ask the Sysop questions. It is
once in a while but we do tend to very rude to the other callers to
get annoyed with people who hang up expect the Sysop to carry on a half
every single time they call because visible conversation with someone.
they are either too lazy to If you have a question or statement
terminate properly or they labor to make and expect the Sysop to
under the mistaken assumption that respond to it, it should always be
the 10 seconds they save on-line is made in the section where all the
going to significantly alter their other messages are kept. This allows
phone bill. "Call Waiting" is not an the Sysop to help many people with
acceptable excuse for long! If you the same problem with the least
have it and intend to use the line amount of effort on his part.
to call BBS systems, you should
either have it disconnected or find 5. Before you log on with your
some other way to circumvent it. favorite pseudonym, make sure that
(CALLWAIT.ZIP) handles are allowed. Most Sysops
don't want people using handles on
2. Don't do dumb things like leave the system. There is not enough room
yourself a message that says; "Just for them, they get silly games of
testing to see if this thing works". one-upmanship started, it's much
Where do you think all those other nicer to deal with a person on a
messages came from if it didn't personal basis, and last but not
work? Also, don't leave whiny least, everyone should be willing to
messages that say; "Please leave me take full responsibility for his
a message". If ever there was a actions or comments instead of
person to ignore, it's the one who slinging mud from behind a phony
begs someone to leave him a message. name.
If you want to get messages, start
by reading the ones that are already Also when signing on, why not sign
on-line and getting involved in the on just like you would introduce
conversations that are already on- yourself in your own society? How
going. many of you usually introduce
yourselves as Joe W Smutz the 3rd or
Page 7
are going to do next. Most BBS
6. Take the time to log on properly. systems will automatically log you
There is no such place as ORL, WS, off if there is no keyboard activity
WP or any of a thousand other for an extended period of time
abbreviations people use. You may (usually 2-5 minutes).
think that everyone knows what WP is
supposed to mean, but most BBS On the same subject, if you are
systems have members that call from going to Send or Receive a file and
all around the country and I assure think that you may not be able to
you that someone from Atlanta has no wait for completion of the transfer,
idea what you're talking about. then wait till you can, or use the
Local equivalent of the (G)oodbye
7. Don't go out of your way to make after completion.
rude observations like "Gee, this
system is slow". Every BBS is a Auto log-offs due to keyboard
tradeoff of features. You can timeouts show up in the System's
generally assume that if someone is Activity Log (and your personal
running a particular brand of statistics) as Security violations!
software, that he is either happy On some Multi-Tasking systems, this
with it or he'll decide to find type of disconnect can cause the
another system he likes better. It program to lose it's place in MEMory
does nobody any good when you make and freeze all the NODES!!
comments about something that you
perceive to be a flaw when it is 11. Have the common courtesy to pay
running the way the Sysop wants it attention to what passes in front of
to. Constructive criticism is your face. When a BBS displays your
somewhat more welcome. If you have name and asks "Is this you?", don't
an alternative method that seems to say YES when you can see perfectly
make good sense then run it up the well that it is misspelled. Also,
flagpole. don't start asking questions about
simple operation of a system until
8. When leaving messages, stop and you have thoroughly read all of the
ask yourself whether it is necessary instructions that are available to
to make it PRIVATE. Unless there is you. I assure you that it isn't any
some particular reason that everyone fun to answer a question for the
shouldn't know what you're saying, thousandth time when the answer is
don't make it private. We don't call prominently displayed in the system
them PUBLIC bulletin boards for bulletins or instructions. Use some
nothing, folks. It's very irritating common sense when you ask your
to other callers when there are huge questions. The person who said
blank spots in the messages that "There's no such thing as a stupid
they can't read and it stifles question" obviously never operated a
interaction between callers. BBS.
9. If your favorite BBS has a time 12. Don't be personally abusive! It
limit, observe it. If it doesn't, doesn't matter whether you like a
set a limit for yourself and abide Sysop or think he's a jerk. The fact
by it instead. remains that he has a large
investment in making his computer
10. Do not sit in front of your available, usually out of the
screen with your hands in your lap goodness of his heart. If you don't
while trying to figure out what you like a Sysop or his system, just
Page 8
remember that you can change the doesn't expect nonstop pats on the
channel any time you want. Besides, back, it seems reasonable that he
whether you are aware of it or not, should at least be able to expect
if you make yourself enough of an fair treatment from his callers.
annoyance to any Sysop, he can take This includes following any of the
the time to trace you down and make rules for system use he has laid out
your life, or that of your parents, without griping about it. Every
miserable. Sysop has his own idea of how he
wants his system to be run. It is
13. Keep firmly in mind that you are really none of your business why he
a guest on any BBS you happen to wants to run it the way he does.
call. Don't think of logging on as Your business is to either abide by
one of your basic human rights. what he says, or call some other BBS
Every person that has ever put a where you feel that you can obey the
computer system on-line for the use rules.
of other people has spent a lot of
time and money to do so. While he
| 'C' TUTOR |
| |
by Doug Maclean, node ->RUNNINGB
Last month we looked at routine to copy a file from one place to
another. This month we will be improving the through put and error
checking. The increased speed is the result of replacing open and
read/write statements with fopen and fread/fwrite. This permits us
the option of using the setvbuf statement. This routine permits us
to set up very large buffers to minimize disk access. In the
routine fastcopy, we set up a set of 20K buffers to expedite file
We also use the access command to determine if the destination file
exists. This is much faster than checking with the success of
failure of an open.
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "dos.h"
#include "io.h"
#if defined(__TURBOC__) /* Turbo C */
#include "alloc.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
#define BUFSIZE 20480
Page 9
char *srcfile,*destfile;
int overwrite,touch; /* flags */
char *buffer;
int n;
union REGS r;
FILE *srcptr,*destptr;
char *srcbuf,*destbuf;
int src,dest;
if(access(srcfile,0) == ENOENT)
if(!access(destfile,6) && !overwrite)
buffer = malloc(BUFSIZE);
srcbuf = malloc(IOBUF);
destbuf = malloc(IOBUF);
srcptr = fopen(srcfile,"rb");
destptr = fopen(destfile,"w+b");
n = fread(buffer,1,BUFSIZE,srcptr);
if(fwrite(buffer,1,n,destptr) != n)
if(touch == 1)
src = open(srcfile,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
dest = open(destfile, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY,S_IREAD
r.h.ah = 0x57;
r.h.al = 0;
r.x.bx = src;
Page 10
r.h.ah = 0x57;
r.h.al = 1;
r.x.bx = dest;
by Doug Maclean, node ->RUNNINGB
As an active member of the relay I find myself writing a lot of
messages with EZ-Reader. I use Brief as my editor and wrote the
following macro to help with some of the mundane chores. This
macro will automatically split the screen into a message and reply
if you are answering a message or keep one screen if you are
preparing a new message. The macro also sets up hot keys to route
a reply based on the home board of the original message. F2 will
route the mail and F3 will also request a return receipt. F1 will
search for the person's name and start the reply off for you.
extern blktype;
string ascii_table;
int buff_id;
buff_id = next_buffer();
assign_to_key("<F2>","_ro 0");
assign_to_key("<F3>","_ro 1");
message("RIME Handler loaded");
Page 11
_ro(int ret)
search_fwd(" ",0,0,0);
int temp;
search_fwd(" ",0,0,0);
temp = blktype;
blktype = 1;
blktype = temp;
Page 12
vi_tilde (...)
int ascval, row;
int rep_cnt;
string chr;
if (inq_marked (row, NULL))
if (blktype == 3)
move_abs (row, 1);
swap_anchor ();
rep_cnt = inq_mark_size ();
raise_anchor ();
if (strlen (read ()) == 1)
next_char ();
while (--rep_cnt >= 0)
ascval = ascii (chr = read (1));
delete_char ();
if (ascval >= 65 && ascval <= 90)
sprintf (chr, "%c", ascval + 32);
if (ascval >= 97 && ascval <= 122)
sprintf (chr, "%c", ascval - 32);
insert (chr);
refresh ();
ascii_init (...)
int a_count;
string a_chr;
Page 13
ascii_table = "";
a_count = 0;
while (++a_count < 128)
sprintf (a_chr, "%c", a_count);
ascii_table += a_chr;
sprintf (ascii_table, "%s", ascii_table);
ascii (...) /* converts 1st character in string to ascii value */
string parm;
get_parm (0, parm);
if (first_time ())
ascii_init ();
if (parm == "")
returns 0;
returns index (ascii_table, substr (parm, 1, 1));
You should, of course, change the name in the signature macros to
your own. I hope you enjoy this macro and join us in the Brief
Support conference.
+---------------------------------+ The primary purposes of these marks
| TRADEMARKS | are to indicate origin, imply
| AND SERVICE MARKS | quality, and stimulate demand.
+---------------------------------+ While they keep others from using
by James Spinelli, Node ID ->VMC similar names, they don't prevent
others from making or selling
In our previous columns we talked similar goods or services.
about patents and copyrights as
methods used to protect our Only the owners of the marks are
inventions, creations and entitled to use them. If your idea
expressions of ideas. In this is a marketing concept that depends
column we'll address the use of on a particular name, you had
trademarks and service marks to better learn at the outset whether
protect our ideas. you are free to adopt it. One
marketeer spent considerable time
A trademark is a word, name, and money developing the "French
symbol, device, or a combination of Kiss" candy idea before checking
these actually used in trade with the status of the name. Last-minute
goods to indicate their source and research revealed it to be a
to distinguish them from products registered trademark of a
of others. A service mark serves a California company. The mark was
similar function for services. They not actually being used at the
are essentially brand names. time, and the company could have
been contacted about licensing its
Page 14
use. However, the marketeer decided Registering a trademark or service
that the profit potential was not mark grants the right AND THE
great enough to pay licensing fees, OBLIGATION to use the circled "R"
and the project was abandoned with or "S" symbols or certain phrases
some egg on face but with tongue indicating registered status.
still safely in cheek.
A mark owner has an obligation to
To avoid a similar fiasco, you can protest its misuse or risk losing
do your own preliminary search in it. If a mark falls into general
the TRADEMARK REGISTER OF THE public use to denote a TYPE of
UNITED STATES. Verifying whether or article, as opposed to a particular
not a particular mark is currently brand, it may be deemed generic and
registered will save you the the trademark protection lost.
possibility of a lawsuit to Anyone making that type of article
preclude you're using someone could then use the former trademark
else's mark. You may find it useful to describe it. Preventing this can
to spend a few hundred dollars to require diligence in informing the
have a professional search done for public that the mark should only be
you by a Patent and Trademark used to refer to the specific
specialist brand. Former trademarks that have
become generic, for example,
The requirements for registration include aspirin, cellophane, and
are quite technical and linoleum.
complicated. You can file your own
application, but, as with patents, Registration is effective for
it is wise to consult an agent or twenty years and is renewable, but
attorney. A trademark cannot be an affidavit must be filed within
registered if it is: six years showing that the mark is
still in use and that there is no
- Immoral or deceptive intention of abandoning it. Fees
- Disparaging of living or dead for the original registration and
persons, institutions, national renewals are several hundred
symbols, or beliefs (remember, dollars.
there's no issue of "freedom of
speech" involved here) Trademarks should not be confused
- The flag or coat of arms of any with TRADE NAMES. Trademarks and
state or nation service marks refer to goods and
- The name, portrait, or services, while trade names relate
signature of a living person to those who produce and sell them.
without his or her permission Businesses always have trade names,
- The name, signature, or but they might not use any marks.
portrait of a deceased U.S. Trade names are not protected by
President while his widow is alive, federal law, but state law may
without her permission protect them by statute or by
- So similar to an existing mark common law concepts of unfair
as to cause confusion, mistake, or competition. A trade name can be
deception registered and used as a trademark.
- A common English term, common It is then protected by the same
name, or a descriptive or generic procedures and to the same extent
term as any other trademark. Coca Cola
is a trade name. It is also a
Page 15
As with patents, marks are better | PRACTICE SAFE HEX! |
in theory than in practice, at | |
least for individuals and small +---------------------------------+
businesses. They are difficult to by Ed Lazarowitz, Node ->CAPCON
obtain and can be quite costly to
maintain and protect. On the other "Prevent computer viruses -
hand, if you have ample financial Practice safe hex!"
resources, the system can be most
effective. Inadvertently running This admonition recently appeared
afoul of someone with a mark and as the tagline from a RelayNet BBS.
the means to enforce it can be Sage words of advice in this time
costly indeed. of paranoia over the multitude of
viruses and Trojan horses floating
Another rather unknown small around. Most programmers and PC
business marketeer helped found a users give little thought to the
small company that sold salad security of their valuable software
dressing, using a red and white and hardware - until it's too late.
checkered pattern for the border on I'd like to present to you my
its label. Although this very 'unofficial' checklist of PC
common pattern was used solely to protection do's and don'ts:
achieve an attractive design the
firm was promptly "requested" by o First and foremost, back up your
attorneys from the Ralston Purina hard drive frequently. The
Company to remove it. Even though frequency of backup is only
the small company strongly believed something you can determine.
the BORDER design did not in any However, the more suspect software
way infringe the Ralston you acquire and use, the shorter
trademarked checkerboard SQUARE, your backup cycle should be. At
the producers of the salad dressing the same time, maintain at least 3
had to comply. Doing battle with or 4 levels of backups. Be aware
the enormous multi-billion-dollar that if a virus is timed to go off
Ralston Purina Company was, without after a three-month period, for
any doubt, out of the question, and example, it could also be resident
the cost of revising all of the on your most recent backup disks.
graphics and printing new labels If a virus is detected, your hard
were more than enough to put the disk can be reformatted and files
fledgling salad dressing restored.
manufacturer out of business.
o One of the simplest active-
In the final article of our series protection actions you can take is
regarding the protection of our to alter the file attributes of all
ideas, to appear next month, we'll executable files to 'read-only'.
talk about State and Common Law This will prevent poorly engineered
protections. viruses from being able to alter
these program files. This category
includes any files loaded in the
CONFIG.SYS file and those with
extensions of .BAT, .COM, or .EXE.
Most of the commercially available
low-level DOS tools have a facility
Page 16
for doing this, such as The Norton your risk of infection from these
Utilities FA command. sources by minimizing contact with
BBSes that have large download
o Another active protection method directories of games, hacked or
you can use to protect your otherwise.
COMMAND.COM file is to rename AND
relocate it using the SHELL command o Be extremely leery of
from within CONFIG.SYS. suspicious-looking files. Avoid
running downloaded files that don't
o Although many viruses will not include documentation written by
be caught by a hard drive the program's author. Also, if the
protection utility, they still program documentation doesn't
offer relatively cheap insurance include name, address, and phone
against corruption by a wide number of the author.
variety of known viruses. These
include such packages as Flushot o While they may be the most
Plus, Bombsquad, and Write Protect attractive tools to the technically
Tab. (A recent issue of "PC oriented, use extreme caution with
Magazine" reviewed several packages low-level tools. Since these
available. FOr more information, programs by nature are designed to
see the ??????, 1990 issue.) tinker with the kinds of data most
often corrupted by viruses, it may
o Avoid ANY software downloaded be very difficult to ascertain that
from those BBSes that don't a tool has a virus imbedded in it
validate or otherwise verify new until it's too late. Beware of
users. Along the same lines, Don't public domain disk optimizers,
run files downloaded from BBSes directory sorters, bulk unerasers,
where the Sysop doesn't test and FAT/directory editors, and other
approve all files. There are many low-level DOS utilities. The best
BBSes where the Sysop has a bet for safe low-level hard disk
separate test PC management is a known commercial
for verification of uploaded package like The Norton Utilities
software. If you find a board that 4.5 Advanced Edition or PC Tools
has this setup, they would be a Deluxe 5.5.
prime source of download software.
o Of course, it goes without
o If you use shareware software, saying that programs you copy onto
such as EZ-Reader or Telix, try to your hard drive should come from a
download that software from the source that you know and trust.
author's BBS. Most authors provide
support BBSes for their products or Well, that's the 10 most obvious
frequent one particular BBS where steps you can take to try and
they post new releases and bug protect yourself against the
fixes. onslaught of viruses and Trojan
horses that may come your way.
o Avoid at all costs hacked or However, this information is just
pirated software. Some of the the tip of the iceberg. If you're
deadliest viruses created have been interested in obtaining more data
hacked versions of mainstream on viruses and protection schemes,
applications. Game programs are the National Computer Security
especially prone to this kind of Association, Washington, D.C.,
attack philosophy. You can reduce sells a Virus Self-Defense Kit for
Page 17
a very reasonable $45.00. This Blasters, one IBM Music Feature,
includes the program, and one-year and one CMS card.
membership in the group. They also
run a BBS (unfortunately not part I also asked for a satisfaction
of RelayNet). The number is rating from 1 to 10. The general
(202)364-1304. consensus is that you like your
music cards. The average vote is
+---------------------------------+ 8.1 out of 10. The overall vote
| RIME TIMES POLL | for the AdLib is about the same at
| | 8, and the Sound Blaster is 8.3.
+---------------------------------+ The users of the IBM Music Feature
by Nathan Anderson, Node ->OUTER and the CMS card voted at 10 and 5,
Since I am an avid user of RIME and
I found the new newsletter I'll probably run out of good ideas
informative and entertaining, I for polling questions soon, so I'd
really wanted to give some appreciate all the suggestions that
continuing contribution. I figured you wonderful people have. If any
that the best way to do this was to of you can recommend something that
organize a poll and collate all the I could ask in a future poll, just
information that I received from drop me a line in the COMMON
it. I hope that in the future conference. I'll be there to
there will be more participation in receive it. Make it R/O if you
this poll than there was in the want, I'm R/O capable.
first one. Only 27 of you answered
the first poll. Although the poll I'll probably have started my next
applied to only a few people, I poll by the time you read this. I
think there are more people who still hope to see you answer,
have a sound board and DIDN'T though. The more that answer, the
answer. merrier. Just take a minute and a
half to vote, and I'll really
My first poll dealt with music appreciate it.
cards for the PC. These are cards
such as the AdLib, Game Blaster, +---------------------------------+
Sound Blaster, and IBM Music | BETA THIS! |
Feature. | |
As I said before, only 27 of you by Jeff Woods, Node id ->MUSICAL
answered, but I can really only
count 25. Kevin Nelander, with Well, it's official. The PCBoard
some friends of his, once got his world is topsy turvy. I acquired
Apple II+'s drive to play such the beta code for 14.5 about four
songs as "Colonel Bogie's March." hours after posting. One thing
Another RIME user, has some exotic beta testing does for you is to
pieces of hardware that I couldn't keep your board off-line while you
really fit into the results of the get new code. Judging on the
poll. volume of calls to Salt Air, my
board spends more time making calls
This leaves 25 of you left. There than receiving them.
are 27 cards among the 25 of you.
There are 21 AdLibs, four Sound Beta testing should be called bet-
a-testing. "Oh, I bet the code
Page 18
will run......" No slur intended the same of the BBS. Just ask my
against CDC, but with 10,000 users. PCBoard is colorful, and so
customers, you can bet there will is my users' language these days.
be 10,001 problems. First was the
multiple events. I found that Ok, now to the actually running.
getting multiple events was an Yes, I was running - all over town
event in itself. I had to actually to find blank disks, and a copy of
program something. Never mind Norton's so I could recover my old
that six other people did it at the 14.2 files. Let me back up.
same time, including Daniel Rall (Ooops, I can't, I forgot to back
who had to outdo me by including my up). Anyway yes, it works. It
future features in his current works me to the bone. It runs.
release. So, what's a few hours It runs me ragged. Its improved.
of compiling bug-ridden software? Its improved my tolerance for
If Dave Terry can fight several stress (even with the Vivarin).
thousand lines of PCBoard code, I And, I'm afraid. I'm a-Fraid Clark
can muddle through 100 lines of fan, and that's that. I wouldn't
code to do a simple task, right? have sacrificed this experience for
Ha! the world. (Well, maybe for the
WHOLE world......) Now, before
Well, that was solved. Now on to you go to Terr-your hair out,
configuration. Another misnomer. remember, I am still the
The word is con-figure-it-out incorrigible punster, and should
(pronounced with an accent - Can't not be incorriged. CDC you
figure it out). By this time I later.....
had already bought stock in Vivarin
and Foldgers (too bad it was de- +---------------------------------+
caf).... First order of business | NOTES FROM |
- keep the nodes happy. I never | ADMIN |
should have upgraded.... ;-) +---------------------------------+
Nothing works as planned. Starting with the next beta release
Something tells me I use the only of PCRelay, serial numbers will be
utilities that are NOT required. Bonnie Anthony is
compatible..... distributing the version of the
node software 41B15 along with the
Ok, on to setup. No misnomer required serial numbers.
there. I was definitely set up.
They KNEW it would take a full day +---------------------------------+
off work to completely reconfigure | AS SEEN ON THE BIT STREAM |
the system. The features may be | |
worth it, but sheesh! This isn't +---------------------------------+
a 14.2 to 14.5 upgrade. This TAGLINE OF THE MONTH:
thing should be called version 42.0 "Outlaw puns and only outlaws will
(42 being the meaning of life and have puns!" (As seen on a tag of Ed
everything but the kitchen sink.) Lazarowitz, suggested by Mark
Speaking of sinks, I have this Burfeind)
sinking feeling about the upgrade
(There wasn't one! <grin>)
Testing. What can I say. My
patience and endurance were EXCITING THREAD OF THE MONTH:
definitely tested. I can't say "Laptop/Toshiba Conference..."
Page 19
(which somehow evolved into a
detailed discussion of Howard
Belascos tush! For those that do
not know, Howard weighs 260lbs.
Last we heard, someone was
demanding a GIF of his tush!)
"Fan-driven Sailboats" (What else!
Amazing how many mechanical
engineers we have on RIME! )
Bonnie's node ->RUNNINGA (after
installing PCBoard 14.5, the BBS
continually crashed... which had
Bonnie AND David Terry scrambling!)
| |
The RIME Times is published monthly
by the membership of RelayNet In-
ternational Message Exchange as its
official newsletter. Users and
Sysops are encouraged to con-
tribute. Submissions and questions
may be directed to the editor John
Dodson, node ->CANTINA or Ed
Lazarowitz, node ->CAPCON.
(c)Copyright 1990, The RelayNet
International Message Exchange.
Permission is hereby granted for
unlimited distribution and
duplication, provided such
distribution and duplication are
strictly for non-commercial
purposes only. All other rights
reserved. RelayNet and RIME are
registered trademarks.