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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Jim Ryan
02 May 84
Notes on the FidoNet System
Tom Jennings has outlined, in his article dated 30 Apr 84, a
proposal for FidoNet-- a communications network for Fido and
other message systems.
I have some comments and suggestions for improvement of the
FidoNet system.
If FidoNet were to use a structure similar to DecNet, the
networking system for Digital computers, a person could send a
message using the syntax :
To : -F01 Tom Jennings
meaning "Send this message to FidoNet Node 1, addressed to Tom
Jennings". A message to all could be coded as :
To : -F01 All
and a message going to all systems could be coded as :
To : -F All
The originating Fido system could keep a log of all messages
in all areas that are flagged to other FidoNet nodes, and send
them with a record indicating there originating node, and area
description :
Message : 25
From : -F01 Tom Jennings
To : All
Subject : FidoNet List
(Area : General )
In my opinion, the major drawback to the FidoNet system is
the reliance on the SysOp to foot the bill for the long distance
charges to all the FidoNet nodes he needs to send mail to. This
may make the system prohibitive to smaller users.
An alternate idea would be to send the FidoNet mail through
an alternate system such as MCI Mail or Compuserve. In this
manner each sysop would only be paying the charges of the various
host systems instead of the long distance charges to each FidoNet
For example : If Tom (or some other willing volunteer) would
write a FidoNet mail system on Compuserve, a sample session might
run like this (with the FidoNet computer handling the
input/output) :
host : Welcome to Compuserve
Password : ____________
Compuserve Information Service
FidoNet Host System
Login : FIDO-01
Welcome FIDO-01
Checking for mail
Ready to send mail
(CIS sends mail to FidoNet node)
Ready to recieve mail
(FidoNet node sends mail to CIS)
Thank you for using FidoNet
The disadvantages of this system (especially on CIS or the
Source) would be transmission speed. Unless you want to spend the
extra $12.00 per hour for 1200 baud service, your stuck with 300
But the advantages would be a central point for all FidoNet
messages, and probably much greater efficiency.
Well, those are my comments. I think the idea of a national
BBS network is fabulous, but it's up to us to figure out the nit-
picking details!!!!!
Jim Ryan
Delta MicroSystems, Inc.