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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Original Message Date: 02 Apr 92 20:04:02
From: RUSS GOODALE on 1:343/68
To: Tom Jennings on 1:1/1
Subj: Gay History
^AINTL 1:1/1 1:343/68
[NOTE: Message modified, tom jennings, 02 Apr 92 20:04:11]
Tom...I read your message in FidoNews and was impressed that you were
open with all about your sexuality. I've got to admit, I didn't know
nor had I even thought about it. I have seen you name plastered all
over the place for many years.
My system carries the echo call "Gay History" and it goes out to those
systems that connect to my system. Gay History is also sent out to
GateNet and the Gay Subnet. I don't know if you call or connect to PC
Bear's system 204/501, but it's available there.
What Gay History is about is PEOPLE in OUR community that are OUT. We
aren't here to bring people out nor start unwanted rumors.
Since you are so well known in FidoNet and have come out to all in the
Fido News, I was wondering (requesting) if you would PLEASE send me a
message containing information about you and your involvement with
FidoNet. There are many people that don't know the stories. I know
some but not all. The purpose of the History Echoes are to educate. I
hope you will help educated me, us and others. I would prefer you write
about yourself rather than me attempt to write about you. After all,
you know what you have done.
You are part of our Gay History and I would very much like to post your
story or whatever you would like posted about yourself.
If you have access to the "Gay History" echo...please feel free to post
about yourself in this echo. If not, and you are willing to send me the
information, you can netmail the information to me and I'll make sure it
gets posted in the echo.
I did post your Fido News message directly in the echo. I hope this
isn't a problem.
Russ Goodale (aka My Gizmo) (I realize this may not be important, but
I'm not out with my family....although unspoken it's known).
The Room Next Door, Seattle WA
Sysop 1:343/68 84:4201/680 84:4201/681 84:4201/682
* OLX 2.2 * The Room Next Door - Home of "Gay History" 343/68
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