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F I D O N E W S -- | Vol. 8 No. 27 (8 July 1991)
The newsletter of the |
FidoNet BBS community | Published by:
_ |
/ \ | "FidoNews" BBS
/|oo \ | (415)-863-2739
(_| /_) | FidoNet 1:1/1
_`@/_ \ _ | Internet:
| | \ \\ | fidonews@fidonews.fidonet.org
| (*) | \ )) |
|__U__| / \// | Editors:
_//|| _\ / | Tom Jennings
(_/(_|(____/ | Tim Pozar
(jm) |
Published weekly by and for the Members of the FidoNet international
amateur network. Copyright 1991, Fido Software. All rights reserved.
Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes
only. For use in other circumstances, please contact FidoNews.
Paper price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00US
Electronic Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free!
For more information about FidoNews refer to the end of this file.
Table of Contents
1. EDITORIAL ..................................................... 1
Tom's Bit ..................................................... 1
Tim's Bit ..................................................... 1
2. FIDONET NEWS .................................................. 2
3. ARTICLES ...................................................... 3
Biting the Hand That Feeds Us ................................. 3
BOP From an NC's Perspective .................................. 5
Graffiti of Ours: A Pagan Woman Speaks ........................ 10
A CULT-HUNTER LOOKS AT CHRISTIANITY ........................... 13
4. RANTS AND FLAMES .............................................. 17
A Word from the Bible - Conclusion & PRIME Info ............... 17
5. CLASSIFIEDS ................................................... 20
6. NOTICES ....................................................... 21
The Realm of Insanity ......................................... 21
The Interrupt Stack ........................................... 22
RA/QBBS Message Spelling Checker Anyone? ...................... 23
Free XRS Key for anyone attending FidoCon'91 .................. 23
UNICORN SOFTWARE Echo Available ............................... 25
Test Drive an Upload Virus Checker ............................ 26
7. LATEST VERSIONS ............................................... 27
Latest Software Versions ...................................... 27
FidoNews 8-27 Page 1 8 Jul 1991
by Tom Jennings
First a reminder from TJ --
I will be out of town until 1 Aug 1991. Tim Pozar is acting as
editor (he's on the masthead, in case you didn't notice). He can
be reached at 1:125/555. Articles etc. still go to 1:1/1.
Probably most of the projects I initiated are on hold until I
return. 'Salright, we lasted this long without them.
Hey! Bye! Have a nice trip! (Wait... that's your line!)
by Tim Pozar
Now, It's Tim's turn --
I just received what Steve Winter claims to be his last article.
I know a number of you folks have mixed emotions about this...
Unfortunately, it has a couple of problems with it. It is
libelous to a number of individuals out there, and therefore I
have banished it to the 'Rant' section. (TJ and I needed a way
to provide a forum for those that would like to speak their mind
but just don't know the way to do it. The 'Rants and Flames' section
was our solution.) I have no problem with folks discussing issues
that concern them, but when it gets down to plain-old-personal
attacks, I will have to draw the line.
Just for the record... I would be happy to run any article or
letter that may argue the merits of a position, BUT! If you
decided to start a flame war here, think about takine the article
some place else. At best, it will be banished to the 'Rants and Flames'
section. Mudslinging is not an acceptable form of debate.
A side note. It just so happens this week we also received a number
of articles that may not go with the 'Chistian' Dogma. There is
no connection to Winter's move to the Rant section and these articles.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 2 8 Jul 1991
FidoNetNews -- a weekly section devoted to technical and factual
issues within the FidoNet -- FidoNet Technical Standards Committee
reports, *C reports, information on FidoNet standards documents
and the like.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 3 8 Jul 1991
by Tom Hall
A Disgruntled NC Vents His Spleen
I have a concern -- a MAJOR concern -- which I think needs to be
addressed by all of us, and that's what I perceive as the increasingly
rampant abuse of the region-routing scheme which was VOLUNTARILY
implemented by the *C's some time ago as a means of encouraging sysops
to open up netmail privileges to users in a manner that would minimize
the financial impact on user and sysop alike.
This action was undertaken voluntarily, and is in no wise mandated by
any policy in Fidonet of which I am aware; yet, from netmail that has
crossed my desk of late, some people seem to be of the opinion that
the NCs and RCs who are participating in this routing scheme are
OBLIGATED to accept ANY and ALL mail which travels this so-called
"low-priority" route.
Let me hasten to say that the term "low priority" may apply to the
urgency of the mail, but it most certainly does NOT apply to the
adverse financial impact this scheme is apparently having on some of
our pocketbooks.
Of late, it appears that along with the normal, low-priority mail
consisting of people getting in touch with people and exchanging
pleasantries, an ugly undercurrent has been injected into this
scenario by the appearance, with increasing frequency, of canned
messages, messages generated by robot software, all of which do
nothing but COMPLAIN about this or that. Let me cite two recent
examples from my own direct experience:
A few weeks ago I started getting robot messages from Bob Johnstone,
moderator of the HUMOR echo, which were routed through my RC, and
since I pay for all the regular connects between Bob and myself, were
picked up on my nickel. Now, in and of itself, that's ok --- BUT:
these messages were not addressed to me, or to anyone on my system.
They were addressed to "Sysop" on various systems within my net, and
complained of "off-topic" postings of an unspecified nature by unnamed
I ignored the first one or two, as they were automatically routed
through me to their destination, but when I noticed that they were
appearing with increasing frequency, and when I received my phone bill
to discover a significant increase in the costs of my regular connects
with my RC, the situation took on a different appearance
FidoNews 8-27 Page 4 8 Jul 1991
When I expressed my displeasure at having to route canned messages
which were not even specific enough in their content to allow me to
draw any clear conclusions as to what action, if any, I should take, I
was reprimanded by Mr. Johnstone for failing to do my duty as an NC,
which in his opinion seems to be the role of policeman and enforcer of
HIS echo rules.
My position is simply this: as an NC I am obligated to route any
inbound mail addressed to a member of my net which I receive. HOWEVER,
I am not obligated by policy to PAY for receiving such mail. If you
want to send mail to someone in my net, then YOU should pay to deliver
it -- not I. If you wish to communicate with me directly, or with a
user on my system, that is entirely a different manner. However -- and
on this subject my RC and I seem to agree -- since I am paying for
this service with every connect with my RC in which the Snooze and
Nodediffs are picked up, I feel that I have the right to exercise some
discretion over WHAT mail I will and will not pay to receive. If it's
addressed to me or a user of my bbs, then I don't mind in the least
paying the freight; but if it's addressed to someone else in my net, I
don't feel that I should have to pay to RECEIVE it when, in some
instances, DELIVERING it would also cost me money. I believe someone
somewhere referred to this philosophy as the "one node, one call"
principle.... I'm all for that.
The second example I would like to cite is even more ludicrous,
because it is clearly the result of an error on the part of someone
This morning I found in my netmail area yet ANOTHER canned message --
this one apparently from Tony Davis's much vaunted GMD software,
gently reprimanding me for failing to follow "spec" on a message I
allegedly posted in SYSOP. When I got to the actual message being
cited, I nearly fell off my chair.
The offending message was cited for having more than 2 tear lines and
more than one origin line. Now, here's the kicker: The message, as it
appeared in SYSOP, and apparently from whence the GMD watchdog went
WOOF, had been CROSS-POSTED from a GroupMail conference INTO the SYSOP
conference by someone entirely different than myself --- in other
words, I was being cited for the fact that someone ELSE chose to
cross-post a message of mine from another conference, bag and baggage,
into the SYSOP echo, in the course of which presumably their own tear
and/or origin lines were prepended/appended to my own. How's THAT for
a kick in the rubber parts?
The point I am trying to make is this: a potentially valuable service,
voluntarily undertaken by individual sysops who happen to be
coordinators, at their own expense, is being ABUSED by the control
freaks of this network who feel that they must pounce on every
statement that is not "politically correct", or every "i" that is not
dotted, or "t" that is not crossed.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 5 8 Jul 1991
It's getting to the point where I begin to dread polling my RC the way
I dread going to my mailbox in my apartment building because God only
knows HOW much "junk mail" is going to be there.
That's right: I'm calling it "junk mail" because that's exactly what
it is. It's bad enough to be taken to task for something wrong you
actually DID, but it's insulting to be criticized by a robot message,
and it's adding insult to injury when you not only are being berated
for something you didn't do, but you're having to PAY for the
privilege of being so berated in the process!
Where will it end? Will I have to stop polling my RC and begin
picking up my Snooze and Diffs from somewhere where I can be certain
there won't be something else lurking? I think my RC will see to it
that I don't have to resort to those kinds of measures, but the point
I am trying to make is that HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.
I have no objection to paying for mail which will enrich, enhance or
constructively inform me or a user of my bbs. That, IMHO, is what this
hobby is all about. What I do MOST STRENUOUSLY object to is the fact
that individuals who seem to have nothing better to do than to find
fault with the behaviour of their neighbors will not only hide behind
"faceless" robot messages in voicing their complaints -- but that they
will make ME pay for the tripe on top of it all!
Now, the piece de resistance: Mr. Johnstone, in one of the netmail
missives to me which he actually wrote himself, makes bold to say:
On 03 Jul 91, Bob Johnstone at 103/227 wrote to Tom Hall:
BJ> the sysops. Sending it would only cost you more. In the
BJ> proposed echo rules, it states within 180 days from 1
BJ> May, all sysops will have to give Routed Mail users if
BJ> they get echomail. What will you do when those
BJ> messages begin coming in.
I call your attention to the underscored words above. I'm assuming
that the word "to" should appear between "Mail" and "users" to
complete the sense (and I use the term loosely) of the statement he
appears to be making. What do you think he's saying here, folks? That
if I carry echomail on my system, I will be required to give my users
the privilege of routing netmail as well? Is this what is to be
construed from the above remark?
by Tom Hall (1:342/1)
Comments on the Implementation of Backbone Operating Procedures 1.01
FidoNews 8-27 Page 6 8 Jul 1991
Quoting from Tony's message:
"There has been much discussion in various conferences about the future
use of GMD (Grunged Message Detector) 3.00 by the backbone.
In order to stop some of the misconceptions going on, I felt a public
explanation was necessary.
1) GMD 3.00 will be SLOWLY phased in. Its initial use will be in
"Notify" mode only. Any message it detects as out side of
specifications will still be delivered as normal. The only difference
will be is that a copy of the message will be returned to the sender
with an explanation of the problem the backbone had with the message.
This "Notify" stage will be used for a minimum of 60 days on each type
of message before any other type of action will be implemented. Each
different type of message irregularity will be implemented one at a
time. The less severe the problem, the later it will come in the
implementation schedule."
I'm bothered by the "specifications" -- I don't really know what they
are. I really feel as though this is something that is being "sprung"
on the net, and, as usual, a relatively few people "in the know"
prepare these things, and then release them on the rest of the
unsuspecting populace....
"2) Multiple tear lines are not considered one of the severe problems
(although they sure seem to be the most vocal of any of the issues).
Thus, although the exact schedule isn't laid out, multiple tear lines
probably will not be in the first round of phase in."
Why not? Of all the various infractions I've heard of so far, this
seems one of the easiest to at least warn people about.... Again, I'm
bothered by the fact that these "specifications" aren't spelled out,
but are referred to as existing in a document the existence of which I
had never been aware prior to Tony's message.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 7 8 Jul 1991
"3) I have seen many references to my opposition to "vanity" lines. To
the best of my knowledge, no one in the backbone structure has said a
word about stopping "vanity" lines, the only statements made were to
stop the "vanity" line from beginning with the same characters as a
tear line ("EOL--- "). And then this only applies if the packer does
not recognize the existing tear line and adds a second one.
4) Any warning messages that GMD 3.00 generates will be sent via
routed net mail. The message itself will be addressed to "Sysop", not
the actual author of the message. This is designed to inform the sysop
of possible problems, not harass the users of our systems. Also if a
system generates a number of the same type of message that GMD
catches, every attempt will be made to only send back one notification
message. The intent is to inform, not bury a system with traffic."
This is by far the most bothersome, because the financial burden of
this lands squarely on the backs of NCs who must poll their RCs for
the weekly diffs and Fidonews, and who will have no recourse but to
pick up these messages on their nickel.
It is unfair, and, I submit, bordering on the excessively annoying, to
implement a policy which will, as a direct consequence, increase my
expenses, but yet I have not been provided an opportunity to submit
input into the decision making process.
"5) Backbone Operation Procedures 1.01 specifically allows for delays
in enforcement. I ENCOURAGE any software authors who feel that they
need such a delay to contact me."
Until Tony's message, I did not know that "Backbone Operation
Procedures 1.01" even existed, yet as an NC I am told that it is a
fait accompli -- I will have no choice BUT to assume the financial
burden of the added region-routed netmail that such an automated
procedure is bound to generate.
As you are probably aware, a fairly significant portion of my net are
relatively new to the world of networking, and many are trying out
software of which they have little or no understanding. This is
particularly vexing with respect to the sudden influx of Imex members
who have been given a "plug and play" system by Bill Mcvay, who have
little if any understanding of what to do with it, apart from "sending
mail", and who have even sent me netmail asking me what they are
supposed to do with the nodediffs I send them each week. Have you any
idea of what kind of volume of bounced mail I could be looking at,
FidoNews 8-27 Page 8 8 Jul 1991
should this "Backbone Operation Procedures 1.01" actually go into
"Presently one such request has been received. It came from the author
of QMail. The currently released version of the software does not
check for the existence of a tear line. If there is no existing origin
line, QM adds both a tear line and an origin line, regardless of the
existence of a previous tear line. The design of GMD 3.00 is flexible
enough to allow exceptions for particular pieces of software. The
request from QMail's author was honored.
6) The "standards" in BOP are there only because, and until FTSC
releases an adequate specification. FTS-0004, as it stands, is not
adequate. This is not meant to be an insult to the FTSC. I am aware
that the chairman FTSC has asked for a re-write of FTS-0004.
Unfortunately the Backbone did not feel it could wait the amount of
time it may be necessary for the FTSC to get such a document approved.
The Backbone will GLADLY get out of the specification business as soon
as the FTSC can release an adequate specification."
I have no problem with standards. What I do have a problem with is
that these standards have not filtered down to the node level, they
are not part and parcel of anything I can present to prospective nodes
in my net as "The way things are done"... We fly by the seat of our
pants here, and I'm sure that we're not at all unique in that respect.
I am not a programmer; I am merely a fairly proficient sysop with a
few years of experience behind me, and I would like to think that I am
fairly conscientious (perhaps to a fault :-) ) in the operation of my
system and the performance of my duties as NC. However, I continue to
be dismayed by the lack of communication between the various levels of
Fidonet administration and the continuing abysmal lack of forethought
that seems to go into the implementation of policy. Did it not occur
to anyone that since the fallout from this "BOP" (i.e., region-routed
slaps on the wrist delivered via the NC) would likely impact on the
NC, the majority of whom (I presume) must, like myself, do not enjoy
the privilege of having their RC either be a local call away, or be an
"angel" who eats the costs for those connects, that it might be
prudent (or at the very least courteous) to gather some feedback from
those affected before a unilateral announcement of this sort?
FidoNews 8-27 Page 9 8 Jul 1991
"The backbone is made up of sysops just like everyone else here. The
only difference is that their systems are deluged with numerous out of
spec messages that severely limit their ability to provide the service
they committed to provide. They each handle around 30,000 inbound
messages a week and create 600,000+ outbound messages a week. There
is not a single person on the backbone that has not had a completely
sleepless night because it was spent trying to recover their system
from 10,000 incorrectly routed echomail messages, then create 10,000
MsgTrack bounce messages. 10,000+ messages in a netmail area is at
least as effective at stopping a system as the worst virus around.
There is not a single system on the backbone that has not had 10,000
dupes in a single night. Last week alone some of the systems received
100,000+ copies of the same message "TECH" and another 20,000+ of a
message in "TEEN". It is not very rewarding to spend a 1 hour long
distance connect, then another hour processing a 8 meg package to find
it was all dupes. Not only does things like that cost the people on
the backbone money, it takes time out of the available time window for
hubs to connect to the stars during low cost long distance hours."
By the time I got to the start of the paragraph above, I was ready to
do my usual "shoot from the lip" and fire back a retort in the echo
where I originally read Tony's announcement. However, the preceding
paragraph made me realize that the process by which BOP came into
existence was not quite as thoughtless as it had at first seemed. I
can easily appreciate the shock and near-terror that backbone sysops
must face when presented with their monthly telephone bills. During my
brief tenure as net echo hub way back when we were bringing in a
back-breaking total of at most 100K a night :-) I can remember a few
sleepless nights when I frantically tried to cope with the effects of
generating echomail bundles for 10-15 systems, all on a 30-meg drive
already running a mailer and a bbs with 15 message areas and a
half-dozen download areas.... God only knows what I would have done
without my Everex streaming tape system... 8-)
"The people on the backbone are realists. They know that they are not
going to get all the tools they are asking for. Fidonet has people on
both side: 1> the anarchist that want to send messages in any format
he desires, and 2> the tech freak who wants a spec that lays out each
byte of a message to make every message totally uniform."
FidoNews 8-27 Page 10 8 Jul 1991
There's one point of view that is missing from the above statement:
that's the guy in the middle... people like me, some of whom happen to
be NCs, but all of whom are neither anarchists nor techies... people
who have varying degrees of technical competence, but who happen to
possess, no matter how rudimentary, a sense of fair play and some idea
of social justice.
I submit that this is the voice from the middle ground which is not
being heard at the higher levels of Fidonet administration. We are
caught between two tyrants: the anarchist on the one hand who says
that anything goes, and on the other hand, the techno-tyrant who says
that things will only go THIS way and no other, because that's what
the "specs" say....
It is those of us in the "middle" who are getting clobbered by both
ends. That middle ground contains a large part of the coordinating
structure of Fidonet as well as the "rank-and-file" sysops.
"There has to be some area of middle ground where both sides can agree
to live with. We have not found that middle ground yet, but we are
trying. We hope a slow implementation of Backbone Operation Procedures
1.01 will help us find that happy median. By using GMD 3.00 in
"Notify" mode, both the backbone and the systems we connect to will
see where we disagree. We have time (as much time as needed) to work
out these differences, without the mail being disrupted."
Absolutely! But the middle ground has to be thoroughly tested before
it can indeed be called "middle". As I understand it, the first stage
of BOP implementation will have a potentially significant impact on a
large number of people -- the NCs of Fidonet who are by far the
largest component of the Fidonet administrative structure. The
cumulative cost to NCs of the routing of these "robot" notices of
infractions will in all likelihood dwarf the largest single phone bill
in the network....
Tom Hall
== ==
== Graffiti of Ours ==
== by Lucia ==
== ==
FidoNews 8-27 Page 11 8 Jul 1991
The Nevada sky was blue, cloudless and still, as usual. In a sudden
rush of contentment, I turned off the main road onto an unfamiliar,
rough, dirt road hoping to find a quiet, unmarred piece of earth to
meditate on in solitude.
About a quarter of a mile down the road, however, I found a
depressing expanse of mutilated land, scarred with dusty paths,
gashed from mining excavations. Dilapidated, abandoned metal mining
buildings stood sentinel on the beaten land, pieces of metal siding
clanging in the wind as warnings.
I felt that I'd blundered into a dead zone when I looked into the
old monuments to greed and saw a colorful barrage of graffiti:
paintings of nuclear explosions; glorified emblems of LSD; the
ominous proclamation "Toxic Waste;" names of the most virulently
woman-hating rock bands such as Motley Crue; the question,
"What do women and screen doors have in common?"; the ancient
symbol of woman, the enclosed pentagram, perverted to the symbol
of male evil, a goat-faced devil glaring from its center.
In the silent Nevada afternoon, these tributes to hatred screamed
annihilation. I realized that graffiti is nearly always by males.
There on the torn body of a once beautiful western hill I felt
intensely those males' efforts to eradicate my voice. It did not
appeal to me to splatter paint on the rusting walls, but I needed
to reply to them.
I drew some of OUR symbols in the dust with a stick, and then
filled in the outlines with dark rocks and slivers of wood. To
those who fear our existence, I left drawings of the labrys, the
butterfly, the goddess, the pristine circled pentagram, and the
international symbol of woman.
I smiled often during the rest of that day. Sometimes I laugh to
think of the confusion my drawings must have caused that vociferous
Marge Robbins 283/120
Chuck Cole 282/78
A challenge to Moderators
It has become increasingly apparient in recent weeks and months that
some sort of polices and procedures are needed for moderators and
their echos. One only has to look at Ham4sale, Sysop, Law, FN_sysop
to name but a few, and it becomes obvious that we are moving rapidly
towards chaos.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 12 8 Jul 1991
It has been suggested by some highly and not so highly placed
individuals that the moderaters organize themselves and do something
to solve some of the problems. We think that is an excellent idea.
Therefore we have set up an echo called Mod_Proposal that is open to
a few Mods and *ECs who have demonstrated an interest in creating a
docuement that will address the issues and present some solutions.
For want of a better term, at this point in time, we are calling it
Moderator guidelines. Its scope, application and general enforcablity
ultimately is going to depend on the moderators themselves and what
THEY want for the future of their echos and their relationships with
the Backbone.
We have been, and are in constant touch with members of the Backbone
and have assurances of review and probably acceptance should we
produce a useful document. THAT we cannot do alone.
We would like to invite, encourage, and challenge all moderators, and
*ECs to contribute to this project. To make this work we need all the
ideas we can get.
If you are either a moderator of an Elisted Fidonet echo or a *EC and
would like to be involved in the actual drafting of the proposal
contact Marge Robbins at 283/120 for a feed. We are trying to keep
this group small so that sheer numbers won't keep the drafting from
proceeding at an efficient rate. We reserve the right to deny access
to anyone who we feel would be a deterrant to this effort.
All moderators, *Cs, *ECs, and grunt sysops may paticpate by sending
us your ideas from time to time via one of 4 "intake workers."
Marge Robbins 283/120, Dennis McClain-Furmanski 275/42, Ken
Zwaska 105/54 and Dixon Kenner 163/129 are available in many echos
and netmail to accept any and all ideas for consideration and to
discuss with you your ideas and concerns. We are especially interested
in case histories that will help us pinpoint exactly where the problem
areas are.
Two files will be available for file request from all intake workers,
Chuck Cole 282/78 and John Johnson 283/657. These files are Pandora's Box
file name pan_box.zxx and modpol.zxx.
Pandora's Box is the file into which we will dump all your ideas for
sharing and consideration. modpol will be the various drafts as we
get them written. By freqing this files on a regular basis and
keeping in touch with an intake worker you will be able to track
our progress and make significant contributions of your own.
So Moderators, this is YOUR CHANCE to make your own rules and
guidelines; to tell the *ECs exactly what YOU want and how your
echos should be handled. Help us give it our collective best shot.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 13 8 Jul 1991
Satanism - The rejection of the christian life of denial.
Satanism is not about sacraficing babies and satanism is not
about the torturing of animals. Satanism is about the rejection
of the christian way of self denial.
It would be nice if I was able to offer you quotations from a
'Satanic Bible' unfortunately satanists and witches have been
persecuted for thousands of years, our fellows slaughtered, our
books burned.
What can Satanism offer you? The peace of mind that knowing what
you do bewteen two (or more) consenting adults is OK. That you
do not have to live by the rules of arrogant 'holier than thou's'.
The basic precept of Satanism is "As long as you do not hurt
anyone, do what you want".
Satanism does not teach that we are the descendants of the incest.
According to the Christian bible, we are. Satanism does not regard
humans as a devolving species as Christianity does. Satanist's
look forward to the next day with promise and hope in life.
Christianity looks forward to armageddon, death and destruction.
Satanism does not condemn non-baptized children to hell.
I will leave you with this thought:
How often do you hear the term 'God fearing Christian'?
Why do they fear their god so?
By Lucy Simmons
1- When you enter some Catholic churches, you are confronted by a
graphic representation of Jesus, nailed to a cross, bleeding,
suffering, and then you are told that He went to this death of
His own free will!
FidoNews 8-27 Page 14 8 Jul 1991
You read about Saints that whipped themselves; that wore hair
shirts to abuse their bodies. You even see, in this modern age,
the Penitentes of Mexico and New Mexico who continue this practice,
even going so far as to crucify themselves, men and women!
People who walk to a "holy" shrine on their knees, doing possible
permanent damage to themselves, are lauded for having performed a
"holy" act!
Children are beaten, starved, tortured and otherwise seriously harmed
by members of this cult following the Biblical admonition "Speare the
rod and spoil the child." There are also innumerable cases of the
denial of blood transfusions, denial of public education, and denial
of * any * modern medical treatment, all in the name of this cult's
Does Christianity preach a form of sado-masochism? If it does, it is
a dangerous cult indeed!
2- This ritual of "Holy Communion" or the "Lord's Supper" has some
overtones that bother any right-thinking person. After all, the
worshippers are told that they are eating the "Body and Blood of
our Saviour, Jesus Christ!"
Can it be very far from *ritual* cannibalism to *real* cannibalism?
This cult seems more and more dangerous!
3- The pre-occupation of some sects of Christianity with "demons" and
"devils" and "evil spirits" that, in their minds, seem to inhabit the
whole Universe, ready at the slightest opportunity to "possess" the
bodies and minds of humans, reeks of Diabolism! The more extreme sects
even seem to believe that this "Devil" is some sort of anti-God that
has *all* power over the world.
Can it be a very great step from being so preoccupied with devils to
the actual worship of them? One should worry about this!
4- One sect of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, actually
LOCKS UP young girls (and older women) and forbids them contact
with the world, forbids them marriage, and tells them it is a "sin"
to think of men in a sexual manner, and that they will "burn in 'hell'"
if they do so. Such single-sex, enforced groupings of people (similar
to secular prisons) are always hotbeds of deviant behaviour.
The same sect forbids marriage to its priests, and thereby perhaps
encourages the many WELL DOCUMENTED cases of its priests molesting
young boys.
One of its major past leaders (called "Apostles"), Saul of Tarsus,
aka "Saint Paul," was known for his hatred of women, and he seems
to be the major theoretician of many of the "Fundamentalist" sects
of the cult.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 15 8 Jul 1991
Can it be that Christianity actually * encourages * homosexuality,
while preaching the opposite?
5- One sect, the "Jehovah's Witnesses," refuses allegiance to their
country! They will not salute the flag, nor will they serve in the
Armed Forces! The "Social Gospel," a take-from-the-rich propaganda
pitch, is preached all over Third World nations, subverting their
Can it be that Christianity encourages the "One World" viewpoint of
certain radical political groups?
6- The sexual behaviour of its leaders has been well documented, from
"Popes" (the leader of the Roman Catholic sect) to Aimee Semple
Macpherson, to Jimmy Swaggert. One wonders about such leaders being
placed in positions of command over our young people.
How many innocents have been defiled by such persons? One wonders!
7- In the Middle Ages, priests actually said "Masses" to impose death
spells on humans. Is such ritual being practiced today? We will
probably never know, because secrecy in such groups would be assumed
as *very* tight.
As so many law-enforcement officers seem to be Christian, and many of
the European governments are enthralled by this cult, we will probably
*never* be able to find out the truth of this.
8- At every Christian service, donations from the membership is
encouraged, and, as most such donations are done publically,
"peer-pressure" to give large amounts of money is very high,
and a feeling of guilt over * not * contributing could lead to
psychotic episodes!
The cult's attitude towards sexual feelings, that even *looking* at
a person with even the tiniest feeling of "lust" is a "sin," is so
rigid as to exclude at least 99 percent of the World's population
from "Heaven" and thereby lead to irreconcilable guilt feelings on
the part of the "sinners!"
Could it be that many of the modern world's psychiatric problems
can be traced to the beliefs of this cult?
9- The intolerant behaviour of Christianity is also well-documented in
history, with its pogroms of Jews, burning of Witches, Crusades against
Islam, culture destruction and outright genocide in the Pacific islands
and Central and South America, and hatred of anything that is not
"Christian." This has even extended to disruption of non-Christian
religious services, and violent behaviour that is touted as simple
"civil disobedience."
FidoNews 8-27 Page 16 8 Jul 1991
Can such past behaviour repeat itself? History shows it does.
10- Proselytization, or the "conversion" of new members to the cult,
is carried on in any number of ways, both with subtle blandishments
and by outright fear and threats. To watch and listen to some street-
preachers is an education in the use of fear-inducing technique, and
also of individual and mass hysteria similar to that induced by Adolf
Hitler and Joseph Goebells!
Why do these preachers do their best to induce such mass hysteria? One
could ask the same question about Hitler and Goebells, and maybe get
the same answer!
If your child, or a member of your family, is involved with this
cult, * please * seek help NOW!
The author wishes to thank the publishers of "File 18," and all
the other cult-hunters and watchers out there, for their good and
constant demonstrations of the techniques used in this article.
--------------------- end -----------------------
FidoNews 8-27 Page 17 8 Jul 1991
_(*#$_(*@#(* (*^$+)#(%&+| #$)%(&*#_$ @_#( @$
*&#_($*&#$_(*#&$_(#*$&$ _(#$*#$+)#($&*+#)$ &#+$*&#
()*&#$_(&^#$_(#*$_#($^&#_$(^&#_$(&^#$_(&#^ damn right _(#^&$_(#^&
$*&#$_+(* #)$&(%($%+)($%*+$)%($* it's ugly _#&%^# &
#($_*#$_ FidoNet (*$&%_@#_(*&@#_(@*#&_ @#_(*&@#_(*
)*&#$ Flames *^$+)#(% (not for the timid) @_#(
(*#$_(*^@#+) and #_|)*% &+(@#&*_+(@#*^&@###
(#$*&#_($*&#$_(*#&$_(#* Rants *&+#$*&#+$*&#
)*&#$_(a regular feature)^&#_$(&^#$_ $^&#$_(#^
(*^#$_*#^&$)*#&$^%)#*$&^_#($*^&#_($ Section #&%^_
_(*#&$_(#* #($*& #$* _(*&@#_(@*# *&@#_(*&
Steve Winter
FidoNet 1:151/208 209 210
Preface: This will be the final appearance of the "A Word from
the Bible" in the FidoNews for an indefinite period of time. I
commend and salute the editors and staff of FidoNews for honoring
their policy and publishing my submissions. I do, however, feel
at this time that due to the design and purpose of FidoNews, my
continuing to submit on a weekly basis could possibly be an abuse
of their non-censorship policy and integrity. For those who
would be interested in Bible discussion, the PRIME network
is now coast to coast. In conclusion here is some information
about PRIME. Please share this with anyone who might be interested.
PRIME - (PreRapture(tm) International Message Exchange)
The PreRapture(tm) Network is by design a wholesome, family oriented,
computer network. It is our hope to attract both the religious and
the "not so inclined" who desire clean decent telecommunications.
We now support PCRelay(tm), Fido, *AND* QWK style message transfer.
1 -> (919)286-3962 * 2 -> (919)286-3606 * 3 -> (919)286-3266
All Lines are: 300-14,400 baud USRobotics DHST V.32bis V.42bis
All Nodes FrontDoor 2.00 FIDONet Nodes 1:151/208 209 and 210
Running GECHO, PCRelay HUB 4.10, and MkQWK
We're growing fast, so far we're:
(these are PCRelay style node names with FidoNet where applicable)
KENSDEN, Visalia Voice 1:205/222, Aether 1:112/2020,
Crystal Mountain 1:352/777, DARK SHADOWS 1:236/13, Genesis BBS,
The Inter-Phase 1:112/28, ARC 1:120/235, Inner SANCTUM,
FidoNews 8-27 Page 18 8 Jul 1991
Hartmann Medical BBS 1:344/60, Judah 1:133/810, Network-USA 1:374/15,
The Saddlebag BBS 1:3610/38, and RAPTURE(1:151/208 209 210)
What do religious deceivers say about PRIME? Here is a message
from HARVEY SMITH quoting a PRIME ad and adding his commentary:
# # # # # # # Beginning of Quote # # # # # # # #
Message #5251 - ECHO_REQ FIDO (Read Only) (RECEIVED)
Date : 23-May-91 3:08
From : Harvey Smith
To : Steve Winter
Subject : PRIME
@EID:1106 16b71900
SW=> PreRapture(tm) Network
SW=> (PreRapture(tm) International Message Exchange)
and be sure you mention that you are a cult and a dangerous one,
filled with hatred etc...
xxx msged 1.99S ZTC
* 0rigin: Messianic Jewish CN#1 -=>XXX-XXX-XXXX<=- (1:100/519.0)
@PATH: 100/519 602 290/627 13/13 151/1003 223
# # # # # # # # # # # End of Quote # # # # # # # # # #
Here, posted by JONATHAN DEFABRITIS (aka Jonathan D. of Jude 3 BBS)
a reply to a PRIME ad on a BBS in California.
# # # # # # # # # # Beginning of Quote # # # # # # # # #
MESSAGE: 994 DATE/TIME: 05-23-91 8:30p
SUBJECT: Your "Oneness" cult THREAD : YES
Man! You're on HERE now??? (Steve plagues MANY BBS's and echos with
his anti-triunitarian heresy, as he is a FIRM disbeliver of the
historic doctrine...<<text deleted>>
# # # # # # # # # # # End of Quote # # # # # # # # # #
Check out PRIME for yourself and see what has the fake Christians
and false preachers so angry!
Here are the current conferences. All conferences originated
by Steve Winter are (c)1989-1991 PreRapture(tm) all rights reserved
(authors retaining all rights to their posts, of course.)
GENBIBLE - General Bible #1 RELIGION - Religion/Theology #2
FidoNews 8-27 Page 19 8 Jul 1991
WHATABUT - The 'Whatabouts' #3
Often, when confronted with Biblical truth, many who have been
taught human tradition, will react with "But WHATABOUT this or
that?" * Not for the fainthearted or insincere *
HOMESCHL - HomeSchooling #7 (Gated to FIDONet HOMESCHL)
CREATION - Creation/Bible Science #8
Bible science goes much deeper than just the Creation Science
aspect. Men's theories of this and that are quite fickle, and
change from generation to generation. Science itself has
disproved much of what was taught as fact mere decades ago. The
Bible just says what it has always said. If the evolution
"theory" was true, then Christianity itself would be void;
because Christianity is founded on the fact that there was no
death before the first sin, and one man's sin brought death to earth.
EXPBIBLE - (Exploring the Bible) Wholly Bible #10
Exploring the KJV Christian Holy Bible. With so many "religions"
teaching opposing doctrines while claiming to be representing
"The Bible", many are deciding to look for themselves. This is the
gated FidoNet conference HOLY_BIBLE and is OPEN to non-members of
PRIME. (This is the echo that was stolen by the RIME network)
HAMRADIO - HamRadio #22 Host - John Campbell Node->SPARKIE
FORSALE - For Sale or Trade #23 Host - Greg Wilson Node->CSHOPPE
KILLBABY - Abortion Discussion/Debate #24
PR_CULTS - Cults #25 PR_TEENS - Teen Chat #27
All conferences originated by Tomas Hood are (c)1991 ICDM Net all
rights reserved. Rights of individual messages by their authors
are retained by whose who have originated them.
HERBS-N-SUCH (PcRelay Name: HERBS #26)... an area that
caters to the gardener, the cook, the tea drinker, etc. It is here
that one discusses how to raise herbs, (i.e., rosemary, basil,
angelica root, etc...), harvest them, buy them, store, cook, and
smell them. How to use them medicinally, how to use them to decorate.
A very interesting area! Weekly discussions on a featured herb.
Host - Tomas David Hood.
Bye! It's been real!
Steve Winter (Moderator - FidoNet HOLY_BIBLE)
FidoNews 8-27 Page 20 8 Jul 1991
ADVERTISEMENT POLICY: Submissions must be 20 lines or less each,
maximum two ads per advertiser, 70 characters per line maximum. No
control codes except CR and LF. (Refer to contact info at the end of
this newsletter for details.)
Please notify us if you have any trouble with an advertiser. FidoNews
does not endorse any products or services advertised here.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 21 8 Jul 1991
James Pallack
1:325/101 @FidoNet
The Realm of Insanity *** Brigadoon
Brigadoon is devoted to the weirder things in life -- fringe
groups, nonstandard religions, cult movies, bad audio and video,
and certified maniacs and politicians. The goal of Brigadoon is to
allow the weird, the odd, the huddled masses yearning to free an
electronic playpen in which to espouse their varied belief systems.
It is a network of losers, winners, dreamers, screamers, dragons,
cats, witch's, whatever.
===> The Brigadoon Group <===
BW_A_PARLOR Auntie Bellums Parlor
BW_AUDIOACTIVE Punk Rap Heavy Metal Bouts
BW_GRAFWALL Great way to meet people
BW_GREEN_DRAGON Green Dragon Good Time Pub
BW_GUVMINT Whats wrong w/our government
BW_INSANITY Insanity, anything goes
BW_MAYBE Just say Maybe to drugs
BW_OPENFORUM What ever, open to all
BW_PAGANS_AN Pagans Against Normalcy
BW_PARACITY Where the Down boys go! (=>18)
BW_VIDEOACTIVE Cult Movies, Bad Films, tapes. etc.
BW_BOOKSACTIVE SciFi Books, Cult ,etc..
BW_DRUGINIT Talk Of the use of Drugs
WACKO as the name implies.
BRIGADOON Brigadoon City Hall
(aka SysOp's room)
Brigadoon postings is that they follow common-sense rules of echo
procedure, whatever those are. The big things are staying on topic in
the specific base. Your welcome to carry just one or all of the echo's
listed above. If you have something weird and feel like you would like
to add..feel free to speak your mind in Brigadoon City Hall.
We make no distinctions as to age, background, religion, sex, gender,
et cetera. We are an Equal Opportunity Network, limited solely by the
ability to move echomail around in a reasonably good manner. Problems
with offending nodes will be dealt with via the path structure of the
network until it reaches Brigadoon Central (1:325/101) where
we will deal with it as need be.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 22 8 Jul 1991
A rough topology map will be compiled monthly to give Brigadoon
users an idea of who gets the net from whom, and for new users to have an
idea where to plug in.
In closing, I point out that we are all of us doing this as a hobby, and
will tolerate no politics or powerplays. I hope to keep Brigadoon
open and free for all by dealing with problems as they arise. It is my
hope that official regulations and policies will not be needed, to the
enjoyment and betterment of all concerned.
File Request BRIGADOON at 1:325/101 @FidoNet, 9:1010/11 @ParaNet,
69:2700/1 @AdultLinks 93:9603/0 @PODSnet
for a free information kit.
The Interrupt Stack
26 Jul 1991
WORLDCON '91 -- July 26-28 -- The First Global Fidonet Conference -
London England. Details From 2:25/102 or 1:103/158 freq magic name
15 Aug 1991
8 Sep 1991
7 Oct 1991
Area code 415 fragments. Alameda and Contra Costa Counties will begin
using area code 510. This includes Oakland, Concord, Berkeley and
Hayward. San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, parts of Santa Clara County,
and the San Francisco Bay Islands will retain area code 415.
1 Nov 1991
Area code 301 will split. Area code 410 will consist of the
northeastern part of Maryland, as well as the eastern shore. This will
include Baltimore and the surrounding area. Area 301 will include
southern and western parts of the state, including the areas around
Washington DC. Area 410 phones will answer to calls to area 301 until
November, 1992.
1 Feb 1992
Area code 213 fragments. Western, coastal, southern and eastern
portions of Los Angeles County will begin using area code 310. This
includes Los Angeles International Airport, West Los Angeles, San
Pedro and Whittier. Downtown Los Angeles and surrounding communities
(such as Hollywood and Montebello) will retain area code 213.
1 Dec 1993
Tenth anniversary of Fido Version 1 release.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 23 8 Jul 1991
5 Jun 1997
David Dodell's 40th Birthday
If you have something which you would like to see on this calendar,
please send a message to FidoNet node 1:1/1.
Fredric L. Rice
The *.MSG format message spelling checker (MSGSPELL.LZH) has been
downloaded from by system a little over one hundred times. There have
been some comments that a version for the RA/QBBS format message data
base would be nice. It is, in fact, under development and will be
available within the next week as file name RASPELL.LZH. (There will
be no magic file name for this project.) If you request this file and
don't get it, try again in the next day or so.
The MSGSPELL.LZH project has had a single update which you may or
may not really care about: When you select (E)dit now, the screen is
cleared, the original message line is offered, and then you make your
modification on a clean screen with the correct spelling choices on
the upper left hand corner of the screen. It's easier to look upon.
I make mention of the RASPELL.LZH project now, prior to its being
completed, so that if there is any input or suggestions, they might
have a chance of being included in the project. Perhaps the data base
of correct words should be compressed or something... If you do have
ideas about features of the RA/QBBS message spelling checker utility,
please let me know and I'll include them if they are reasonable.
Mike Ratledge - 1:372/6666
In the true spirit of FidoNet, I will be giving away free copies
(normally $30) of my "eXpress Response System" (better known as 'XRS')
version "4.50 release 2" on either 1.44MB 3.5" or 1.2MB 5.25" high-
density diskettes, along with a free "key" for anyone registered for
the conference - SysOps *and* users! All you have to do is come see
either the ol' Ratman or my wife in the vendor hall at booth #2, and
show proof of conference registration.
The version I'm handing out will be the same edition which the
Association of Shareware Professionals disk vendors distribute, except
on a single high-density diskette instead of 3-360k floppies. It will
include an all-new custom install program to setup your copy of XRS
according to your specifications, including the support for XCS (Rudi
Kusters' "eXpress Conversion System", which is a series of programs
that provide bidirectional transport/translation to and from FTS-0001
FidoNews 8-27 Page 24 8 Jul 1991
*.PKT format, PCBoard-style "QWK" format, VAXMail format, XRS archives
etc), plus English, Dutch, German, Swedish or French binary overlays
which completely transform XRS into your own native language and more!
Please note that although XRS now supports the 'alien' QWK format
mail bundles, FidoNet users will still prefer 'native' XRS "mailbags",
since only XRS mailbags support netmail, auto-addressing, name lookup,
'read-only' conferences, unlimited number of areas and also unlimited
messages per download (SysOp-limitable, of course).
Also, I will be making several announcements which cover most any
popular BBS currently not supported by XRS at that time - be sure to
attend my "Everything you always wanted to know about XRS but were
afraid to ask" session for details! I will be presenting another ASP
session, and also participating on several other panels, including the
copyright "how-to" session. Come see us in Lakewood!
Sean Robins
FidoNet 1:273/925
Law and Technology Echo
LAW_TECH is FidoNet's newest law-related echo conference!
The "Law and Technology Echo" ( area tag: LAW_TECH ) was created to
provide a forum for the discussion of topics relating to technology in
the legal profession.
LAW_TECH is devoted to the discussion of topics relating to any and
all aspects of technology as it presents itself in the legal
profession. This includes --but by no means is limited to--
law-office and court automation, computer and communications
technology, on-line database and computer-aided legal research,
software and hardware products relating to legal automation,... and
the relationship between technology and the profession.
So long as it is related to law and technology, LAW_TECH is the place!
The proliferation of computer technology in the legal profession has
frequently been slow in coming, and many legal professionals have
found themselves reluctant to become involved. LAW_TECH provides a
forum for the exchange of ideas, questions and concerns about the
advancement of technology in the practice of law, and provides news
and views about upcoming innovations. It also provides a means for the
"uninitiated" to get their feet wet.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 25 8 Jul 1991
LAW_TECH is currently being distributed only in FidoNet Region 13
(R13), which covers DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA and WV, although we
hope to get it on the Zone 1 Backbone before *too* long. <fingers
If your BBS is in R13, you may Areafix it right now from your hub. If
you are outside R13, and wish to receive the echo, let me know, and I
will make immediate arrangements for you to poll for the echo. Please
address any questions or comments to me in the form of Netmail or
Crashmail at the address given below.
Whether LAW_TECH becomes an addition to the Backbone will depend upon
the support and interest that *you* show in this new and exciting
I look forward to your enthusiastic participation in LAW_TECH: the Law
and Technology Echo, and hope that you will choose to give LAW_TECH a
chance. . . . Pick it up today!
Sean Robins
.moderator. of LAW_TECH
by Richard Holler 1:231/290.0
Due to the increasing popularity of the shareware programs produced by
UNICORN SOFTWARE, we have decided to create an echoed message base
devoted to it's support. The echo will originate from The RoadHouse
BBS 1:231/290, and will be co-moderated by Unicorn's author (Charles
Schell) and the Sysop of The RoadHouse (Richard Holler). Charles call
in daily to pick up messages, so turn-around time is rather quick.
Currently, the message base is set up on a "Hold For Pickup" basis, at
least until we can generate enough interest to get it onto the
Backbone. Obviously, with this type of distribution, the traffic will
be a little slow at first, but we hope that will change.
For those of you that are not familiar with UNICORN SOFTWARE, you can
FREQ the magic name UNICORN for a small text file containing desc-
riptions of the programs. The most popular of these being a disk
cataloging program written specifically for 4DOS (DIZK4D).
If you are interested in becomming a part of this message base, please
send NetMail to Richard Holler at 1:231/290 and we'll add you to the
list of nodes. You will need to poll 1:231/290 to pick up your mail,
but if the traffic is low, we may send it to you as well.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 26 8 Jul 1991
By Charles Edstrom (1:154/777)
Upload Virus Checker released in Test Drive version
Ok, so whats the big deal about another virus checker? Well not much
except this one will unpack any archive and check for viruses
immediatly after a tranfer to your system. Both Sysops and Users alike
can use this program to ensure that they are safe from viruses.
This program is written by Al Maynard (Harbor Master - 414-681-1123).
An easy to use configuration program allows you to configure most
aspects of this program, allowing you to use your favorite virus
scanner. Sysops can insert their own comments into the archived header
for advertisments. And many more features.....
To obtain this test drive version, freq the magic name UPCHK at
1:154/777. A private support echo has also been started to help those
with this program. The echo is carried by most UPCHK support systems.
The list of UPCHK support systems is also include in the file request.
FidoNews 8-27 Page 27 8 Jul 1991
Latest Software Versions
MS-DOS Systems
Bulletin Board Software
Name Version Name Version Name Version
DMG 2.93 Phoenix 1.3 TAG 2.5g
Fido 12t+ QuickBBS 2.66 TBBS 2.1
GSBBS 3.02 RBBS 17.3B TComm/TCommNet 3.4
Lynx 1.30 RBBSmail 17.3B Telegard 2.5
Kitten 2.16 RemoteAccess 1.01* TPBoard 6.1
Maximus 1.02 SLBBS 1.77A Wildcat! 2.55
Opus 1.14+ Socrates 1.10 WWIV 4.12
PCBoard 14.5a SuperBBS 1.10 XBBS 1.17
Network Node List Other
Mailers Version Utilities Version Utilities Version
BinkleyTerm 2.40 EditNL 4.00 ARC 7.0
D'Bridge 1.30 MakeNL 2.31 ARCAsim 2.31
Dutchie 2.90C ParseList 1.30 ARCmail 2.07
FrontDoor 2.00 Prune 1.40 ConfMail 4.00
InterMail 2.01* SysNL 3.14 Crossnet v1.5
PRENM 1.47 XlatList 2.90 DOMAIN 1.42
SEAdog 4.60* XlaxDiff 2.40* EMM 2.02
TIMS 1.0(Mod8) XlaxNode 2.40* 4Dog/4DMatrix 1.18
Gmail 2.05
GROUP 2.16
GUS 1.40
HeadEdit 1.18
IMAIL 1.10
InterPCB 1.31
LHARC 1.13
MSG 4.1
MSGED 2.06
Oliver 1.0a
PK[UN]ZIP 1.10
PolyXarc 2.1a*
QM 1.0
QSORT 4.03
ScanToss 1.28
Sirius 1.0x
StarLink 1.01
FidoNews 8-27 Page 28 8 Jul 1991
TagMail 2.41
TCOMMail 2.2
Telemail 1.27
TMail 1.21
TPBNetEd 3.2
TosScan 1.00
XRS 4.50*
XST 2.3e
ZmailH 1.14
OS/2 Systems
Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
Maximus-CBCS 1.02 BinkleyTerm 2.40 Parselst 1.32
ConfMail 4.00
EchoStat 6.0
oMMM 1.52
Omail 3.1
MsgEd 2.06
MsgLink 1.0C
MsgNum 4.14
LH2 0.50
PK[UN]ZIP 1.02
ARC2 6.00
PolyXarc 2.1a*
Qsort 2.1
Raid 1.0
Remapper 1.2
Tick 2.0
VPurge 2.07
Xenix/Unix 386
BBS Software Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
BinkleyTerm 2.32B Unzip 3.10
ARC 5.21
ParseLst 1.32
Vpurge 4.08
[Contact: Jon Hogan-Duran 3:711/909, Ommm 1.42
Willy Paine 1:343/15, Eddy van Loo Msged 2.06
2:285/406] Zoo 2.01
FidoNews 8-27 Page 29 8 Jul 1991
C-Lharc 1.00
Omail 1.00
Apple II
Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
GBBS Pro 2.1 Fruity Dog 2.0* ShrinkIt 3.23
DDBBS + 7.4* ShrinkIt GS 1.04
deARC2e 2.1
ProSel 8.69*
Apple CP/M
Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
Daisy v2j Daisy Mailer 0.38 Nodecomp 0.37
MsgUtil 2.5
PackUser v4
Filer v2-D
Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
Red Ryder Host 2.1 Tabby 2.2 MacArc 0.04
Mansion 7.15 Copernicus 1.0 ArcMac 1.3
WWIV (Mac) 3.0 LHArc 0.41
Hermes 1.5 StuffIt Classic 1.6
FBBS 0.91 Compact Pro 1.30
Precision Systems 0.95b* TImport 1.92
TeleFinder Host 2.12T10 TExport 1.92
Timestamp 1.6
Tset 1.3
Import 3.2
Export 3.21
Point System Software Sundial 3.2
FidoNews 8-27 Page 30 8 Jul 1991
PreStamp 3.2
Name Version OriginatorII 2.0
AreaFix 1.6
Copernicus 1.0 Mantissa 3.21
CounterPoint 1.09 Zenith 1.5
Eventmeister 1.0
TSort 1.0
Mehitable 2.0
UNZIP 1.02c
Zip Extract 0.10
Bulletin Board Software Network Mailers Other Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
Falcon CBBS 0.45 BinkleyTerm 1.00 AmigArc 0.23
Paragon 2.082+ TrapDoor 1.50 AReceipt 1.5
TransAmiga 1.07 WelMat 0.44 booz 1.01
ConfMail 1.12
ChameleonEdit 0.10
Lharc 1.30
Login 0.18
MessageFilter 1.52
oMMM 1.49b
ParseLst 1.64
PkAX 1.00
PolyxAmy 2.02
RMB 1.30
Roof 44.03
RoboWriter 1.02
Rsh 4.06
Skyparse 2.30
Tick 0.75
TrapList 1.12
UNZIP 1.31
Yuck! 1.61
Zippy (Unzip) 1.25
Zoo 2.01
Atari ST/TT
Bulletin Board Network Node List
Software Version Mailer Version Utilities Version
FIDOdoor/ST 2.3.2* BinkleyTerm 2.40l ParseList 1.30
QuickBBS/ST 1.02 The BOX 1.20 Xlist 1.12
Pandora BBS 2.41c EchoFix 1.20
GS Point 0.61 sTICK/Hatch 5.50
LED ST 1.00
FidoNews 8-27 Page 31 8 Jul 1991
Archiver Msg Format Other
Utilities Version Converters Version Utilities Version
LHARC 0.60 TB2BINK 1.00 ConfMail 4.03
LHARC2 3.18 BINK2TB 1.00 ComScan 1.02
ARC 6.02 FiFo 2.1n* Import 1.14
PKUNZIP 1.10 OMMM 1.40
Pack 1.00
FastPack 1.20
FDrenum 2.2.7
Trenum 0.10
BBS Software Mailers Utilities
Name Version Name Version Name Version
ARCbbs 1.44 BinkleyTerm 2.03 Unzip 2.1TH
ARC 1.03
!Spark 2.00d
ParseLst 1.30
BatchPacker 1.00
+ Netmail capable (does not require additional mailer software)
* Recently changed
Utility authors: Please help keep this list up to date by
reporting new versions to 1:1/1. It is not our intent to list
all utilities here, only those which verge on necessity.
/* NOTE: Until 1 Aug 1991 versions are on "hold" til the editor gets
back and finds a volunteer to maintain this file. -- tomj */
FidoNews 8-27 Page 32 8 Jul 1991
Editors: Tom Jennings, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Periello
Special thanks to Ken Kaplan, 1:100/22, aka Fido #22
"FidoNews" BBS
FidoNet 1:1/1
Internet fidonews@fidonews.fidonet.org
BBS (415)-863-2739 (9600 HST/V32)
(Postal Service mailing address)
Box 77731
San Francisco
CA 94107 USA
Published weekly by and for the Members of the FidoNet international
amateur electronic mail system. It is a compilation of individual
articles contributed by their authors or their authorized agents. The
contribution of articles to this compilation does not diminish the
rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in these articles are those
of the authors and not necessarily those of FidoNews.
FidoNews is copyright 1991 Fido Software. All rights reserved.
Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes
only. For use in other circumstances, please contact FidoNews (we're
OBTAINING COPIES: FidoNews in electronic form may be obtained from
the FidoNews BBS via manual download or Wazoo FileRequest, or from
various sites in the FidoNet and via uucp. PRINTED COPIES mailed
may be obtained from Fido Software for $5.00US each PostPaid First
Class within North America, or $7.00US elsewhere, mailed Air Mail.
(US funds drawn upon a US bank only.)
Periodic subscriptions are not available at this time; if enough
people request it I will implement it.
SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/1 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC".
FidoNews 8-27 Page 33 8 Jul 1991
"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings of Fido Software, Box 77731, San Francisco
CA 94107, USA and are used with permission.
-- END