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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Arctic Freak!) you konw the key info system?
Arctic Freak!) ok
back.. no don't know key info
Arctic Freak!) well its a 16 line BBS called the Key Info Net (they
are almost outa buisness now, they are down to 5 lines)...at that time,
they were very powerfull...
Arctic Freak!) they had lots of members, and had credit cards
accounts there..
Arctic Freak!) what i did, was i hacked about 50 credit card
accounts on there...
heh kewl
Arctic Freak!) and i carded these accounts for various
shit....1000s of dollars..
Arctic Freak!) and then i made about 100 fake accounts, and kept
transfering money back and forth for a month so it would not be traced
Arctic Freak!) and i carded these accounts for various
shit....1000s of dollars..
Arctic Freak!) and then i made about 100 fake accounts, and kept
transfering money back and forth for a month so it would not be traced
Arctic Freak!) but i must have slipped somewhere....and they found
out it was me
Arctic Freak!) so the system was gonna notify the FBI....
-=>[MPC-01]:  Logon, user "Dream" to line #Z
/pz hey!
P=#Z<1]:Dream) hi
Arctic Freak!) and i denied all the accusations....and parker knew
one of the sysops, cause he owed WASP a favor, and parker talked to him,
and me and the key infonet made a deal
#A<1]:Arctic Freak!) hey dream
Arctic Freak!) that i would teach them everything about hacking,
and how to prevent hackers like me to get them, and in return they would
not press charges
#Z<1]:Dream) hi
Arctic Freak!) and i was banned from the system forever...
weird man