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Raw Normal View History

2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Last Name FName Site Id Serial Hub PQF NodeNumber FTP City State BBS Name BBS Phone
CONNECTICA 5638 5602
Clinton Bill AFTERFIVE 1044 35 Little Rock AK After Five BBS (501) 835-5830
Welch Ed CRENSHAW 5337 15 Luverne AL The Crenshaw County BBS (205) 335-3968
Marks Loren ABIGAIL 872 23 Enterprise AL Abacus BBS (205) 393-6312
Whetstone Seth LAZYDOG 2022 35 Q Y Arab AL Harvey's Home of The Lazy Dog (205) 586-5369
Brewer Ronnie SARDIS 5725 750 Mabelvale AR Sardis BBS (501) 557-5473
Dean David OLDTOWN 203 23 Yuma AZ The Old Town BBS (602) 305-1947
Shantz Lorne TWB 1032 35 Y Phoenix AZ The Wish Book BBS (602) 340-9516
Keane Ron PCARIZONA 5701 35 Q Scottsdale AZ PC-Arizona (602) 423-0640
Jusko Jim INNPARK 1037 35 Scottsdale AZ Inn On The Park (602) 970-0105
Fairweather Les FUNNYFARM 2000 5012 Q Victoria BC Funny Farm Beginner's BBS (604) 475-0231
Cooper Barry BBC 5746 326 Victoria BC Big Blue & Cousins BBS (604) 727-7374
Justiniano Adolfo SANTACRUZ 5445 35 Santa Cruz BO Santa Cruz BBS (591) 336-7046
Flo Mark LBIBMUG 1329 326 Lakewood CA Long Beach ibm users Group (310) 420-1000
Capurro ChristinMIST 1624 5109 San Jose CA The Mountain Mist BBS (408) 248-4140
Van Lear Karl NITELOG 635 15 Monterey CA Nitelog BBS (408) 655-1096
Hintz Ernest HINTS 467 35 San Mateo CA Hints BBS (415) 572-8219
Sherman Dan SHELTER 5109 35 San Bruno CA Sherman's Shelter BBS (415) 872-0242
Laszko Bob FILEBANK 246 326 Fallbrook CA The File Bank (619) 728-4318
Cook Dan PEBBLE 3013 35 F 900:100/3013 Y Escondido CA Pebble BBS (619) 743-2511
Wolff Dick NAPAVINE 1338 35 P Y Napa CA The Electronic Grapevine (707) 257-2338
Gallegos Joe CORUNUM 1719 326 Fountain Valley CA Cor Unum (714) 531-7255
Kruss Mike LABBS 279 326 Anaheim CA Motown - L.A. BBS (714) 535-1319
Bernstein Mike KANDY 5537 326 Garden Grove CA The Kandy Shack (714) 636-2667
Summy Tony THEMAIN 326 35 Anaheim CA The Main Shop (714) 774-8715
Callaghan Mike HOTTIPS 487 15 La Canada CA Hottips BBS (818) 248-3088
Tcimpidis Thomas MOGUR 323 326 Granada Hills CA The Mog-Ur's EMS (818) 366-1238
Part Michael WICKED 356 326 The Inner Statio CA The Wicked Scherzo (818) 508-0881
Cunningham Charles HDCAFE 5228 30 Riverside CA Hard Disk Cafe BBS (909) 369-9150
Curling Carl LOCKSOFT 981 326 Hemet CA Locksoft BBS (909) 654-5625
Bradford Clint ATDBBS 2016 5734 Q Mira Loma CA Attention To Details (909) 681-6221
Shoemaker Alan CCORNER 1725 5734 Moreno Valley CA Computer Corner (909) 683-3367
Marquez Joey LEGEND 1267 30 Riverside CA The Legend Graphics BBS (909) 689-9229
Niemeyer Dave NAUTILUSII 5734 35 San Bernardino CA Nautilus II BBS (909) 880-3229
Kuhl George GAMEMASTER 1758 326 San Bernadino CA Game Master BBS (909) 885-4672
Lotto Dennis CIRCUSBBS 5348 326 Sacramento CA The Circus BBS (916) 446-0785
Roark Bill ANGLE 5191 35 Aurora CO The Right Angle BBS (303) 337-0219
Meno George FUNINVST 1414 15 Wilton CT Fun Investing BBS (203) 834-0490
Mateja Walt PROJECT 1563 35 Wilmington DE The "us" Project BBS (302) 529-1650
Moring Billy MCS 1870 35 Gainesville FL Moring Computer Systems BBS (352) 376-9894
Creamer John HEXPRESS 5288 35 F 900:124/5288 Y Orlando FL The Hy-it Express BBS (407) 295-0594
Biggs Dave CAULDRON 463 5012 Q Winter Springs FL The Black Cauldron BBS (407) 699-6613
Hillebrandt Joseph ORLANDO 2007 35 Q Casselberry FL The Orlando Exchange! (407) 830-4340
Foerste Eleanor OSCHORT 1850 65 Kissimmee FL Osceola Horticulture BB (407) 846-1723
Walker Frank NARCONN 65 35 St. Cloud FL Narcoossee Connection BBS (407) 892-8483
Brooks Alex THE128TH 3002 5288 F 900:124/3002 Seminole FL The 128th Parallel BBS (813) 397-5261
Melone Steve ATRIUM 5207 35 Q Palm Harbor FL The Atrium BBS (813) 785-6563
Wilhite David PANAMASW 5470 35 Panama City FL Panama Shareware (904) 235-3634
Goldsmith Thomas RENDEZVOUS 5308 23 Fort Walton Bch FL Rendezvous (904) 243-6157
Grunik Mike COMPUSMART 5573 5215 Orange Park FL Computersmart BBS (904) 272-8019
Platt SandiferTHECOMPROOM 1426 726 Belleview FL The Computer Room South (904) 347-4319
Newsom Richard MAILROOM 3011 35 F 900:100/3011 Y Niceville FL Rich's Mailroom BBS (904) 678-4162
Fowler Frank THETREE 726 35 Ocala FL The TREE BBS (904) 732-0866
Loos Jim JIMSPLAC 1691 35 F 900:100/1691 Y Jacksonville FL Jim's Place BBS (904) 757-0281
Freeman David RUBYSJOINT 5215 35 Jacksonville FL Ruby's Joint (904) 777-6799
Hanson Terry FREEDOMLOUNG 586 5215 Jacksonville FL Freedom Lounge (904) 778-1644
Wolford Bill MICROWAV 64 35 Kissimmee FL Microwave Research (909) 783-7802
Groome David MICROMETRIC 5662 35 F Sarasota FL MicroMetric Support BBS (941) 371-2490
Davie Jim ACTION 56 35 F Lakeland FL Action-Link Systems (941) 648-5393
Cunningham Gordon PINKROOM 692 35 F 900:100/692 Y Oakland Park FL Email Connectopn BBS (954) 563-5941
Gerber Sheldon WILDTHING 1836 1083 Plantation FL The Wild Thing (954) 587-3496
Willoughby David DWTOOLBOX 1035 35 P Y Riverdale GA D.W.'s Toolbox (404) 471-6636
Hubert Robert ADAGIO 1046 35 Q Y Decatur GA Adagio BBS (404) 508-0431
Watson Charles SLVREGLE 1509 35 P Y Smyrna GA Silver Eagle BBS (770) 438-0725
Cutler Claud OS2TOWER 5555 35 900:100/5555 Albany GA OS/2 Tower BBS (912) 439-4054
Mooij Bram HACOM 5621 35 a/d Vecht HO Hacom BBS 31 33 803610
Cook Philip COOKYJAR 5625 1083 Pana IL The Cookie Jar (217) 562-3153
Giese Lyle BMCBBS 351 5648 P Y Woodstock IL Bell Microcomputer Club BBS (312) 727-5043
Arias Juan ASP 1231 15 P Arlington Height IL ASP (708) 259-8549
Christ Joe TCIBBS 2020 715 Q Blue Island IL The City Of Illusions (708) 361-0511
Valecek Chuck SUBSOFT 715 1083 Oak Lawn IL Suburban Software BBS (708) 636-6694
Williams Steve AQUILA 731 715 Aurora IL Aquila BBS (708) 820-8344
Hodal John LAKESREGION 229 1083 Zion IL Lakes Region BBS (708) 872-8086
Streetz Ken TRDPOST 5503 1083 Villa Park IL The Trading Post BBS (708) 941-7095
Giese Lyle BMCWEST 1083 35 Woodstock IL BMC West (815) 337-0191
Neal Robert CHQBBS 1255 1083 Romeoville IL CorpSoft BBS (815) 886-3233
Medow Marc USRUSA 174 35 Skokie IL USR USA (847) 982-5092
Leaming Bill VOCATION 1263 35 Hammond IN CANDLE Abbey BBS (210) 989-1613
Hoffman Michael MIKESHOST 5137 35 Michigan City IN Mike's Host Mode BBS (219) 873-1949
Edwards Jim WATCHW 813 5 Indianapolis IN The Watch Word (317) 247-1382
Teague Dennis ICS 1820 5 Indianapolis IN Indianapolis Computer Society BB(317) 861-5739
Hankins Rex IBMNET 5 35 900:130/5 Indianapolis IN IBM-NET Connection (317) 882-5575
Brown Philip IVYTECH 488 5 900:130/488 Terre Haute IN Ivy Tech's BBS (812) 299-9306
Willaims Jeff HOMERSPALACE 5204 5 Evansville IN Homer's Palace (812) 471-5939
Benjamin Ronald RUSTICINNBBS 2013 35 Q Y Evansville IN Rustic Inn BBS (812) 471-7185
Brandimarte Stefano EAGLENET 2003 5012 Q Montesilvano IT Car Systems Service (039) 085-4492408
Perkins Pete JANIS2 482 35 Tokyo JP Janis II BBS +81 3-3255-8851
Kipp Jeanie DIGICON 5429 1083 P Great Bend KS The Digital Connection (316) 792-3314
Waldheim Bill DATATAME 168 23 Georgetown KY Data Tamers BBS (502) 857-2548
Albin Earl VALLEYPC 1066 35 Valley Station KY Valley PC Clone (502) 937-6143
McClure Gary PCBKENTUCKY 3009 5 F 900:130/3009 Sharpsburg KY RaCeLaND bbS (606) 247-4018
Green Thomas GREENMAC 5041 5395 New Orleans LA The Green Machine (504) 286-1393
Miller Tom SWAMPTHANG 5718 5395 Marrero LA Swamp Thang (504) 347-8152
Wilking Phil NOLAMENSA 5395 35 Metairie LA New Orleans Mensa Society (504) 456-6704
Copes Charles THEWORD 5544 5395 Des Allemands LA The WORD (504) 758-2184
Perilloux John EAGLES 1577 5395 P Norco LA The Eagles Nest (504) 764-0449
Ledger Fred CAJUNCLICKER 5223 35 Q Baton Rouge LA Cajun Clickers (504) 925-0670
Anderson Jon GAS 154 15 Holyoke MA Boston Gas BBS (413) 539-9834
Patterson David NORDIC 84 15 Ipswich MA Nordic Enterprises EDMS (508) 356-1767
Hermanson Andy WIZARDSBBS 5378 15 Marlboro MA The Wizard's BBS (508) 481-4693
Marrs Jim LITS 3010 5417 F 900:110/3010 Peabody MA Lost In The Supermarket BBS (508) 531-8416
Bresnahan Patrick WHALERS 5099 15 Martha's Vineyar MA Whaler's Walk (508) 627-3285
Rosenheim Patrick PANDA 5417 35 F 900:110/5417 Danvers MA PandA's Den BBS (508) 750-0250
Thornhill Shaun TRIUS 3014 5417 F 900:110/3014 N.Andover MA TRIUS BBS (508) 794-0762
Anderson Nels XEVIOUS 159 15 Framingham MA Xevious (508) 875-3618
Eklund Donald SOFTEXCH 155 35 P Y Webster MA The Software Exchange (508) 949-3590
Rogge Bill WWORLD 952 15 Lawrence MA The Wizard's World (508) 975-1924
Flood Michael NEONLINE 5415 15 Randolph MA New England Online (617)
Miller Brian CHANNEL1 15 35 Cambridge MA Channel 1 (617) 354-7077
Bowes Fred SKYLINE 2011 35 F 900:100/2011 Hyde Park MA Skyline BBS (617) 361-7264
Devine Barry MASSRNBD 1770 15 Canton MA The Mass Running Board (617) 828-0868
Coleman Sam PORTOFCALL 995 1286 Bowie MD Port-of-Call (301) 249-4193
Hayden Brandon HOLLYWOOD 106 18 Hollywood MD Hollywood News/Info System (301) 373-3530
Renner Rod ROD 13 448 Silver Spring MD The Lightning Rod BBS (301) 622-0708
Hartman Howard NETEAST 132 5648 Rockville MD Network East BBS (301) 738-0000
Bredeen Lee MYPLACEBBS 5689 35 Bowie MD My Place BBS (301) 805-1602
Hahn Timothy IAI 1565 35 Bowie MD The IAI-BBS (301) 805-5879
Brodmann Dave BRODMANN 1286 35 P Y Waldorf MD Brodmann's Place (301) 843-5732
Shore Dan SHORELINE 1205 837 Silver Spring MD The Shoreline BBS (301) 946-2771
Miller Andrew IDEALINK 125 5689 Silver Spring MD The Idea Link (301) 949-5764
Cochrane Todd HAFAADAI 5647 5012 Q Great Mills MD Hafa Adai Exchange (301) 994-9460
Babbitt Wally CHESSIE 1262 113 Annapolis MD Chesapeake PC Users Group (410) 266-5939
Collins Tom THEEDGE 5518 837 Severn MD The Edge BBS (410) 551-2586
Ames Walter GREYHAWK 837 35 Columbia MD The GreyHawk BBS (410) 720-5083
Carner Brian METRONET 1489 448 Columbia MD MetroNet BBS (410) 720-5506
Cain Steve TFE 5644 448 Catonsville MD The File Exchange (410) 744-1102
Davis Barry VBARNET 113 1489 900:122/113 Glen Burnie MD Veterans Benefits and Research (410) 761-3406
Elwell Rob BTOWNBBS 5628 448 Westminster MD BorderTown BBS (410) 876-5101
RauchenbergerMalik BAUDWAY 2014 448 Q Germantown MD Access Baudway (703) 620-1733
Pratt David TECHBBS 189 35 Portland ME Technician Connection (207) 767-9668
Wadowski Rick SWHOUSE 5590 35 P Clinton Twp MI SHARE Warehouse BBS (810) 421-8177
Blue Jack BLUESKY 1642 35 Grand Rapids MN Blue Sky BBS (218) 326-4205
Rieman Ron BYTELINE 365 23 P Hopkins MN The Byteline BBS (612) 931-0275
Oliver Jerry MOSTATEFOP00 379 1600 Kansas City MO Missouri State FOP BBS (816) 587-5976
Todd Robert TODD 2004 5012 Q Meridian MS WorldLink Network Services (201) 437-4355
Wood Steve WOODSHED 1023 35 Y Charlotte NC The Woodshed (803) 548-6391
NiespodzianskCindy UGCAFE 5577 1600 Omaha NE The Underground Cafe (402) 292-0178
DePeel Merlin ONANDUP 1600 35 Omaha NE Onwards and Upwards BBS (402) 553-7390
Savery Bob HAWGWILD 5008 1600 Omaha NE HawgWild! BBS (402) 597-2666
Haro John BELLVUE 1594 1600 Omaha NE Bellevue Downtown Community BB (402) 731-9847
Seiden Mark THEBOSS 760 35 Tenafly NJ The Boss (201) 568-7293
Pickering Greg PICKS 1301 35 Green Village NJ Pick's Place (201) 765-0164
Kirschner Marius AGORA 2005 35 Q Y Bayonne NJ Agora Online (216) 381-3320
Daley William STONEHENGE 1138 5218 Burlington NJ Stonehenge (609) 238-1587
Cowles Rick WRITERSBLOCK 5690 5218 Penns Grove NJ Writer's Block BBS (609) 299-6033
Schubert Dave CASINO 18 35 Marmora NJ Jersey Cape Information Systems (609) 390-7213
Sharp Don DONSBBS 5218 35 Stratford NJ Don's BBS (609) 435-1663
Watson Bob TAO 1377 35 P 900:100/1377 Mercerville NJ The Tao BBS (609) 587-2672
Myers Tyler RADIOWAVE 1478 18 P Delran NJ The Radio Wave BBS (609) 764-0812
Browne Bob BBSBBS 1551 5218 Atco NJ BB's BBS (609) 768-6585
Roman Bill THEDETOUR 1222 1396 Ewing NJ The Detour BBS (609) 771-1629
Williams Bill BILLSNJ 1224 5218 Deptford NJ Bill's BBS (609) 845-9171
Onselder Danny REFLEX 965 5621 Amsterdam NL Reflex BBS xx-31-20-6891790
Cook Chris LOTTABULL 2008 35 F 900:100/2008 Flora Vista NM Lotta-Bull BBS (505) 334-6483
Gether Hans DASAN 352 5012 Sandefjord NO Dasan Sandefjord BBS 47 34 595 30
Hunt Melvin PLANETONE 5695 35 Battle Mtn. NV Planet One Systems (702) 635-9427
Weiser Barry CITYPEOPLE 43 35 New York NY City People BBS (212) 255-6656
Harrison Inez PIM 1064 35 New York NY Poetry In Motion BBS (212) 666-6927
Janorkar Ron PHOTONET 5648 35 New York NY Photographers Network (212) 941-0526
Pemberton Tom ASGARDTW 5751 30 W. Islip NY Asgard.TW BBS (516) 422-4225
Lee D.K. PCBBS 27 35 Massapequa NY PC BBS (516) 795-5874
Orentlicher Adam MICROQUICK 5620 27 Plainview NY MicroQuick (516) 935-5704
Mayer Steve DATALINK 5737 35 West Seneca NY Datalink-PC (716) 822-7350
Hoffman Neil WISHBONE 1212 35 New Hyde Park NY Wishbone (718) 441-1262
Barba Don MOONDOG 35 35 Brooklyn NY MoonDog BBS (NetHub) (718) 692-2498
Towobola Mufutau SYSTEMATIC 5210 35 Bronx NY Systematic BBS (718) 716-6198
Caplan Jay CONSULTANT 5049 35 Brooklyn NY The Consultant BBS (718) 837-3236
Hsieh Wen GALAXY999 5676 35 Whitestone NY Galaxy Express BBS (718) 961-4214
Boustead Douglas CHINARIDER 5439 35 White Plains NY China Rider (914) 422-2993
Spinner Larry VESCAPE 2017 35 Q Valhalla NY The Virtual Escape (914) 524-4073
Ross Skip ACC 4 5439 New Rochelle NY Advanced Computer Concepts (914) 654-1981
Trifari Chris WTTM 847 5429 900:102/847 New Rochelle NY Welcome to the MACHINE! BBS (914) 833-2746
Wilson Roy STATS 2018 35 Q N.Bangor NY Statistics Node (999) 999-9999
Henke Norm PCOHIO 1869 35 Euclid OH PC-Ohio (216) 381-3320
Cheeks Don MODEMZONE 23 35 Middletown OH Modem Zone (513) 424-7529
Ketcham Keith THEVAULT 1861 35 Marion OH The Vault BBS (614) 387-2762
Reynolds Mike IXTHUS 1386 35 Marlow OK Ixthus (404) 658-9281
McCarter Chester EMPORIUM 1101 35 Owasso OK The Ham Radio Emporium (918) 272-4327
Cline John BBSWORLD 1279 35 Owasso OK Black Gold (918) 272-7779
Smith David EWESTONIA 1347 35 Weston ON The Westonia BBS (416) 241-9793
Singer Ian IDSPLACE 2010 35 Q 900:200/2010 Etobicoke ON IDS Place (416) 252-1133
Whiteman Derren CAPCANADA 5733 1347 West Hill ON CAP/CANADA Support BBS (416) 287-0935
Jonkman Cope EVANGELIST 1041 23 Paris ON The EVANGELIST BBS (519) 448-3223
Michaud Armand CMICRO 451 23 Cambridge ON Cambridge Micro BBS (519) 621-0561
Nagao Warren DIFFENGINE 5269 23 Guelph ON The Difference Engine Info Ser (519) 766-4288
Borek Ron RIVERSPILL 5700 23 Corunna ON River Spills BBS (519) 862-2396
Mortimer Bob RENFREW 1303 35 Renfrew ON Renfrew Computer Club BBS (613) 432-9552
Lapierre Gary TABB 826 1347 Timmins ON Timmons Area BBS (705) 268-0801
Shumate Andre BUFERD 1437 35 F Murphy OR Buferd's Place Telnet Only
Hunter Bob CHEMEK 233 35 Salem OR Chemeeketa Online (503) 393-5580
Mariel Ms RAIN 1526 23 Corbett OR Random Access Information Net (503) 695-3250
Siegler Joe APOGEE 1674 79 Philadelphia PA AOF II: The Next Dimension PCB (214) 271-5410
Smith Bill PUTERFEVER 5270 5012 Q Wadhington PA Puter Fever BBS (412) 228-0475
Malakoff Robert PROPCBBS 288 35 Pittsburgh PA ProPC BBS (412) 321-6645
Sadlek Joe MEMPRIME 5467 3001 F 900:121/5467 Waynesburg PA Memory Prime BBS (412) 627-3227
Frank Doug DEWDROP 1886 35 Library PA The Dew Drop Inn (412) 854-0619
Danny Uff CPBBS 2019 35 Q Y Allentown PA Connecting People (610) 434-2237
Strausbaugh Fred SEVENSTAR 3001 35 F 900:121/3001 Spring Grove PA Seventh Star BBS (717) 225-7256
Musial Barbara SYSMACHINE 5465 3001 F 900:121/5465 Reedsville PA Syene's Machine (717) 667-9040
Leaman Bryan BITBYTES 1201 18 Hellam PA Bits 'N Bytes BBS (717) 757-4141
Campbell Tony THELITTERBOX 3015 3001 F 900:121/3015 Waynesboro PA TheLitterBox(r) (717) 765-8995
Valentine Jason MAJORMINOR 5654 35 Bradford PA The Major Minor BBS! (814) 368-8481
Rosa Pedro BLASTERBBS 5076 35 900:300/5076 Lisbon PT Blaster BBS 351-1-3953141
Shipp Brad CHOWDANET 1365 35 Providence RI ChowdaNet BBS (401) 331-0334
Humphrey Ken KENSDEN 2002 5012 Q Dharan SAU Ken's Den BBS 966 3 872-1057
Turner Johnnie IBMPCUG 5108 35 Spartanburg SC The Spartanburg IBMPcUg BBS (803) 542-1658
Kakacek Denny STARGATE 3012 35 F 900:100/3012 Watertown SD Stargate BBS (605) 882-2458
McKinnon Paul NORTHPAUL 5410 1598 Seafar ST NorthPaul BBS 44 236 458256
McIntyre AlastairALMAC 1598 35 Grangemouth ST ALMAC BBS ltd. 44 (0) 1324 665 37
Forlines Bill REDNECK 5460 23 Lewisburg TN High Tech Redneck (615) 270-7765
Wynne Dennis TROLLSCAVE 1302 326 Hermitage TN Troll's Cave PCBoard (615) 872-0757
Smith Carlton CRYSTALCLEAR 2021 35 Q Y Memphis TN Crystal Clear BBS (901) 458-4546
Hult Len EDITION 79 35 Dallas TX Collector's Edition (214) 351-9859
Davis Doug DOUBLED 1794 79 Carrollton TX The Double-D BBS (214) 492-8090
Ducote Duke PCHELP 86 79 Richardson TX PC-Help BBS (214) 680-2693
Keen Phillip CHRISTSY 2023 35 Q Y Pasadena TX Christ Systems (713) 941-5579
Stafford Lee WINDMILL 5562 79 Lubbock TX The Windmill Company (806) 792-6116
Starns Frank OASIS 3016 35 F 900:100/3016 Weatherford TX The Oasis BBS (817) 613-9002
Stewart John LUNATIC 1282 79 Richardson TX The Lunatic Fringe BBS (972) 235-5288
Stiegler Scott CCAD 758 79 Dallas TX C-CAD Online (972) 733-2371
Ryckman Steve SIMS 5514 35 Plano TX SimsWare BBS (972) 964-7963
Gibbs Dorothy PANDORA 1493 35 Brookmans Park UK Pandora's Box BBS 44 70 766 4778
Hunter John ORION 2012 2005 Q Worcester UK Orion Systems 44 (181) 873 0974
Graham Paul PjBBS 2009 1598 Q Kreshfield UK PjBBS +44 1704 831949
Kirkman John OAKSYS 5672 1598 Q Derby UK Oakwood Systems BBS +44-1332-733377
Robinson Corey SALTAIR 1720 35 F 900:100/1720 Salt Lake CIty UT Salt Air BBS (PCBoard Support) (801) 261-8976
St. Clair John SHARECITY 5379 35 West Jordan UT Share City (801) 280-8442
Carrero Al QUEST 5449 5448 Salt Lake City UT The Quest Online BBS (801) 963-4650
Tigner David PRIVLEDGED 5448 35 Kearns UT The Privy ledged BBS (no hub dut(801) 966-6270
Eade II Edward DUNGEON 3000 35 F 900:100/3000 Warrenton VA The Dungeon BBS (540) 347-2574
Koontz Dave DREAMS 719 35 Q Staunton VA Digital Dreams BBS (540) 886-7825
Palazzolo John JPPLACE 5285 448 Falls Church VA JP's Place (703) 237-5786
McClure David AOP 5704 448 Alexandria VA Assn of Online Professionals (703) 264-1750
Hackett Tom VIDEOPRO 390 448 Burke VA VideoPro BBS (703) 455-1873
Engler Ken CATDEN 116 5012 Q Woodbridge VA Wildcat!'s Den (703) 491-5726
Bakley Robert NOFRILLS 1299 448 Falls Church VA No-Frills BBS (703) 538-4634
Combs Alvin TINYBOARD 1072 448 Springfield VA Tiny Board (703) 569-8075
Reardon Tiff TECHCONN 1307 448 Woodbridge VA Tech Connect BBS (703) 590-5198
McClenny Tony WORLDNET 448 35 Reston VA The Virginia Connection (703) 648-1841
Ferguson Tim QNET 5723 448 Charlottesville VA Q-Net BBS (703) 832-7188
Walsh Bill DCINFO 16 448 Q Arlington VA The DC Information Exchange (703) 920-2533
Gibson Ed NATIONAL 1882 448 Fairfax Station VA The National Archives BBS (703) 978-7929
Messer Roger SOURCE 1369 35 P Y Virginia Beach VA Selective Source (804) 430-3584
Halliday Dave GREY-BBS 2001 35 Q Seattle WA Grey Matter BBS (206) 528-1941
Walcher Steve TPALLEY 1285 23 Mukliteo WA Tin Pan Alley (206) 742-7782
Coley Curtis KIN 2015 5648 Q Port Orchard WA KITSAP Information Network (360) 769-8437
Bice Delmar SIGMAIOTIA 961 35 Pasco WA Sigma Iotia II RBBS (509) 545-9742
Mahnke Thomas COMSYSTM 5063 1083 Caledonia WI COM Systems MajorBBS (414) 289-0162
Mahnke Thomas SMUGR 790 1083 Caledonia WI COM Systems BBS (414) 835-7754
Baun Terry SECONDOP 394 5 Milwaukee WI Second Opinion BBS (414) 873-7807
Tim Shriver TRS 3004 35 F 900:100/3004 Waunakee WI The T.R.S. BBS (608) 849-6279
Moore Sue SVIS 5012 35 P Y Shinnston WV Software Valley Information Syst(304) 592-2682
Bannister John ONWE 5602 35 Braamfontein ZA Onwe Programmers BBS 27 11 462-3184
Hayes Steve UNISED 5622 5602 Arcadia ZA Unisa Editorial 27 12 429-8641
Bevis Alan ALSPLACE 5618 5602 Durban ZA AL's Place +27 31 474 277