481 lines
25 KiB
481 lines
25 KiB
@MBBS 1.10
<20> <20>
<20> Issue VI, 1 May 1995 <20>
<20> <20>
<20> Covering MetroDetroit area codes 313, and 810. <20>
<20> <20>
<20> Copyright (c) 1994-95 The MBBSList Team <20>
<20> <20>
<20> <20>
<20> ____________________/\____________________ <20>
<20> ^(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_ ==== _)_)_)_)_)_)_)_)^ <20>
<20> ^(_(_(_(_(_(_(_<=MA=>_)_)_)_)_)_)_)^ <20>
<20> ^(_(_====_)_)^ <20>
<20> ^^^^ <20>
<20> ^^^^^^ <20>
<20> - Modem Addictus Seal of Approval - <20>
<20> <20>
<20> The Home of The MBBSList Home Away From Home <20>
<20> <20>
<20> Wonderland BBS Bad to The Bone BBS <20>
<20> of Wayne County of St. Clair County <20>
<20> 313-274-3531 810-749-3581 <20>
<20> 1:2410/610 @fidonet 1:120/653 @fidonet <20>
<20> <20>
<20> On Wonderland BBS verified access is granted to first-time <20>
<20> callers via auto-security validation or log on with the <20>
<20> following name and password to get access to the MBBSList files <20>
<20> and conference: MBBSLIST SYSOP ACCESS. Put all of that on the <20>
<20> line when asked for your REAL first name. On Bad to The Bone <20>
<20> BBS access is granted to all MBBSList files. Further access <20>
<20> is granted after voice verification. <20>
<20> The accuracy of this directory is dependent upon YOUR <20>
<20> comments and messages. Please read the MBBSList msg area <20>
<20> on Wonderland BBS. Please leave reports via: <20>
<20> FidoNet Tom McEachren at 1:2410/610 <20>
<20> MBBSLIST echo available on Net2410's Local Echos <20>
<20> ... or on one of the boards listed above. <20>
<20> This list is a product of these people's efforts: <20>
<20> <20>
<20> Tom McEachren Donald Quarles Mark Vanderhill <20>
<20> Rozey Strohl Mark Nichols Chris Bourne <20>
<20> <20>
<20> Tom McEachren, Editor-in-Chief <20>
*** For any and all Add, Delete, and Update requests, please
use the enclosed MBBSAPP.EXE program. You can now access the MBBS
Application Program on Wonderland BBS via the Serviceland Menu.
The MBBSList is published as a public service by the MBBSList
Team, and may be freely distributed in any form as long as its
contents, authorship and title page remain unaltered.
*** Disclaimer ***
BBS's come and go very quickly so the information contained
herein may already be wrong. Remember to always be curtious
when calling a BBS...the SysOp spent many hours, days, weeks,
and even years in developing it. You are on his/her computer
in his/her home, so act accordingly.
The entire MBBSList Team will not be held liable for any
discrepencies contained herein. The MBBSList Team does all
in its power to make sure all information is correct, but we
are human too.
*** End of Disclaimer ***
The MBBSList is published every month and will be available for
download and FREQ'ing from Wonderland BBS on the 1st of every
Boards marked with a * before the number are either perpetually
busy or we were not able to establish a connection. Please
inform us of any changes.
Boards marked with a + before the number will disappear before the
next list is published.
The MBBSList is in two main sections, one being for the 313 area
code and the other for the 810 areacode. The list is in alphabetical
order by city as well as alphabetized by BBS name within each city.
All codes and abbreviations are defined at the end of the listing.
NOTE: As you will notice the MBBSList has been
significantly decreased in size, thus the removal of many BBS
systems that were on the list prior. This has been done
primarily due to the phone cost of calling to verify all the
systems. I don't mind the cost, if it were justified! If your
system has been removed please use the enclosed MBBSAPP.EXE
program and send in the application.
I am very sorry for any inconvience that this brings to the
USERS of this list.
313-386-1905 Dante's Inferno................{365}(2) PC/WILD *D Alprk
313-783-3719 Strange Brew...................{318}(?) PC/TAGG *? Brown
313-562-0051 Bruce's Place..................{290}(1) PC/WILD *? Dbn
313-582-2528 Crimp BBS...<T.A.G. Support>=2={116}(1) PC/TAGG a* Dbn
313-584-1253 Edge of Sanity.................{279}(2) PC/TAGG h# Dbn
313-582-0888 The Bloom County BBS........=1={400}(1) PC/MAXI *X Dbn
313-274-3531 Wonderland BBS.................{610}(4) PC/WILD *# Dbn
* 313-561-9874 Jack's Flashdom! BBS...........{710}(5) PC/TAGG *# DbnHt
* 313-838-4172 Cheers.........................{217}(1) PC/TAGG *# DetNC
313-273-7666 C-Tech #1......................{158}(?) PC/QBBS *? DetNC
313-885-7594 Pizza Parlor...................{271}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetNE
313-937-9456 Bytes & Pieces.................{208}(?) PC/RBBS *? DetNW
313-255-2464 Future World...................{215}(?) AM/CNET *? DetNW
313-534-6347 TR's Home......................{603}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetNW
313-255-8927 TTARDIS...........................(N/A) UX/SYSV *# DetNW
313-532-8410 V.O.I.C.E......................{121}(?) PC/SPIT *? DetNW
313-295-7279 Ballroom.......................{505}(?) PC/VBBS *? DetSW
313-274-1034 The Bible Connection...........{236}(2) PC/MAXI ** Taylr
* 313-386-6135 Blue Room......................{807}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-928-6429 Burlington Route...............{804}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-386-1884 Chess Players' Forum.............{0}(1) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-386-7054 Chess Players' Forum...........{278}(1) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-386-1140 Looney Bin.....................{517}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-292-5506 Midnight Express...............{165}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-582-8832 NCC-1701-D.....................{202}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-381-2931 Nut House......................{135}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-388-1351 Pickle's Place.................{515}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-389-0466 Squire's Guild.................{355}(?) PC/TAGG *? DetSW
313-782-4524 The Danger Zone................{314}(8) PC/TAGG ** FlatR
313-782-5817 Prometheus.....................{310}(?) PC/TAGG *? FlatR
313-273-1708 The 57-Shaker BBS..............{413}(2) PC/SYNC *X Livna
* 313-522-5349 The Air Studio.................{814}(1) PC/TAGG *# Livna
* 313-458-2417 Liberal Antithesis.............{602}(?) PC/TAGG *? Livna
313-953-8532 The Finish Line................{127}(2) PC/SYNC *X Livna
313-451-9974 Digital Undergrnd.HQ...........{809}(?) PC/RNGD *? Plymo
313-535-0842 A Call For Papers..............{235}(6) PC/RACC *E Rdfrd
313-535-6306 Bill's BBS..............<Adult>{326}(2) PC/TAGG *@ Rdfrd
313-565-2919 Detroit...After Dark!..........{806}(5) PC/RNGD *X Rdfrd
313-538-9361 Detroit Online BBS..................(0) PC/MEGH *# Rdfrd
313-534-8777 One Way Christian BBS..........{118}(3) PC/RNGD ** Rdfrd
313-937-2016 The Raven! BBS.................{223}(4) PC/TAGG *@ Rdfrd
313-729-8043 Dons Toy BBS..............{2380/511}(3) PC/WILD ** Rmuls
* 313-941-2176 Emergency Scene................{331}(?) PC/TAGG *? Rmuls
313-282-6149 Mist's of Time.................{329}(3) PC/TAGG ** Rmuls
313-941-0865 Rosie's Place..................{520}(4) PC/TAGG ** Rmuls
313-285-0217 Electronic Dreamland................(5) PC/RNGD *# Sgate
313-946-4367 The Disc Depot CBCS.............{82}(2) PC/MAXI ** Taylr
313-295-6284 The Last Call BBS!.............{903}(1) PC/WILD *X Taylr
313-287-2118 The Outer Limits.................=4=(5) PC/WILD ** Taylr
313-675-2804 Blue Dragon..................<RPG's>(2) PC/WILD *Z Trntn
313-675-0912 Blue Dragon.............<RPG's>{410}(2) PC/WILD *Z Trntn
313-326-2961 Eye Of The Beholder............{376}(?) PC/MAXI *? Wayne
313-595-9785 My BBS!.....................=1={411}(4) PC/TAGG *X Wayne
* 313-722-8208 Dragons Realm..................{224}(1) PC/RNGD *X Wayne
313-467-5740 The War Zone........................(4) PC/TAGG *X Wayne
313-467-9950 The War Zone................=1={805}(4) PC/TAGG *# Wayne
313-692-4174 The Outer Limits.......=4={2380/400}(5) PC/WILD ** Wdhvn
313-692-9065 The Outer Limits.................=6=(5) PC/WILD *E Wdhvn
313-595-8243 Miller's Manor.................{522}(3) PC/WILD *D Westl
313-721-0952 The Auction Pit................{812}(5) PC/RNGD *# Westl
* 313-284-5455 Galaxy.........................{480}(?) PC/TAGG *? Wydte
* 313-283-8195 Stardock Orion.................{516}(?) PC/TAGG *? Wydte
810-749-3581 Bad To The Bone............{120/653}(6) PC/TLGD *# Casco
810-749-3581 The -X- BBS.........................(6) PC/TLGD g# Casco
810-363-0554 The Nth Dimension...................(0) PC/WILD ** Cmtwp
810-754-6731 WishNet International......{120/605}(4) PC/RNGD *E Cntrl
810-779-9191 The Data Axe........................(0) PC/TAGG *# Epnte
810-473-5435 Egghead's Place................{297}(3) PC/TAGG ** Livna
810-463-2099 Canman's Can BBS....<Ham Radio Info>(0) PC/TAGG *E Macmb
810-469-8461 Macomb Online.<Community Info&Files>(0) PC/XCLB *X Macmb
810-549-4214 Flying Circus...............{2202/4}(?) PC/MAXI *? RoOak
810-751-6704 The Short Circuit BBS...............(2) PC/WILD ** Waren
810-477-6695 Mike's Place........................(1) PC/PCBB ** Livna
<20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> These numbers have not answered after several attempts <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>-
*** These listings will disappear next month,
unless I hear from the SysOp concerned. ***
313-295-7311 A Total Eclipse.....................(1) PC/TAGG *# DbnHt
313-561-0155 Miga-Port......................{519}(1) PC/CNET *? DetSW
313-942-3015 The PLUGGED-IN BBS........{2380/445}(3) PC/SLBB *# Nbstn
313-531-2487 Bunch 'O' Bits.................{712}(1) PC/POWR ** Rdfrd
313-282-2403 The Collegium..................{709}(4) PC/TAGG *X Sgate
810-792-9078 Excalibur..........=4=[FEE]{120/452}(1) PC/SYNC *# Cltwp
810-792-9178 Excalibur...................=4=[FEE](1) PC/SYNC *F Cltwp
If there is a letter to the right of the number, the Sysop of the
affected board has informed us of the reason for a temporary
<E> .... Equipment problems/upgrade.
<L> .... Legal difficulties.
<S> .... Changing or reconfiguring software.
<C> .... System sold/changed hands.
<M> .... System moving.
<D> .... System Down until further notice.
<P> .... Phone Lines being checked for trouble.
Please inform us if you have any information about the NO ANSWER
board list.
Please note the use of the various brackets:
{ } indicates FidoNet system, with node number; {xxx} is node
1:2410/xxx, {yyyy/zzz} is node 1:yyyy/zzz.
=[ Contact {0} or {10} for help on joining Fidonet ]=
[ ] indicates Private or Fee-based system.
< > indicates board orientiation or specialization.
( ) indicates number of EchoMail Networks Supported
= = denotes number of 'ringdown' lines on this number
<? > .... System unknown to us.
<64> .... System: Commodore 64/128.
<A2> .... System: Apple II Series.
<AM> .... System: Commodore Amiga.
<AT> .... System: Atari (Any Model).
<CP> .... System: CP/M based.
<LC> .... System: Any library catalogue system.
<MC> .... System: Macintosh (Any model).
<PC> .... System: IBM PC and compatibles. (DOS or OS/2 based).
<TI> .... System: TI-99/4a.
<TR> .... System: TRS-80.
<UX> .... System: Any UNIX (or 386BSD, Linux etc...) system.
<VX> .... System: Any VAX/Mini based system.
<AKCS> .... A Killer Conferencing System <UX>.
<AMIE> .... Ami Express <PC>.
<ANET> .... Unknown <A2>.
<AUNT> .... Auntie <PC>.
<BBPC> .... BBS-PC <AM>.
<BBSE> .... Unknown <ST>.
<BPRO> .... BBS-Pro <AT>.
<CARI> .... Carina <AT>.
<CELE> .... Celerity <PC>.
<CL64> .... Color 64 <64>.
<CNET> .... C-Net <64,AM>.
<COCO> .... Coco <TR>.
<COLI> .... Collie Bulletin Board <PC>.
<CUST> .... Custom BBS software <??>.
<DBBS> .... Dan Doman's dBBS for MS-DOS networks <PC>.
<DIAL> .... Diversi-Dial Chat System <A2>.
<DIGI> .... DigiSystem <A2>.
<DLGP> .... DLG Pro <AM>
<DLXB> .... DLX (Deluxe) BBS <PC>.
<DSBS> .... DBS BBS <PC>.
<ELIT> .... Elite <AM>.
<EPIC> .... Epi-Center <PC>.
<EXPR> .... BBS Express Professional <AT>.
<EZCM> .... Ez-Comm <PC>.
<FALK> .... Falken <PC>.
<FIDO> .... FidoNet International BBS Network Software <PC>.
<FRST> .... First Class <MC>.
<FORM> .... Forum-PC <PC>.
<FREM> .... Forem-ST <ST>.
<FSTP> .... Fast Plus BBS <PC>.
<GAPC> .... GAP Communications <PC>.
<GBBS> .... GBBS <A2>.
<GENE> .... Genesis <PC>.
<GTBB> .... G.T. PowerComm System <PC>.
<GTLK> .... GTalk Chat Software <PC>.
<HRMS> .... Hermes <MC>.
<IBBS> .... PC Bulletin Board System (not PC-Board!) <PC>.
<IMAG> .... New Image BBS Software <64>.
<JRBB> .... JR-BBS Software <PC>.
<KEEP> .... ST-Keep <AT>.
<LABB> .... LA-BBS <PC>.
<LSDB> .... L.S.D. BBS <PC>.
<LUIS> .... Library User's Information System <LC>.
<MAGN> .... Magnum-OS/2 <PC>.
<MAJR> .... GalactiComm MajorBBS <PC>.
<MAXI> .... Maximus/CBCS <PC>.
<MEGH> .... MegaHost <PC>.
<MEPS> .... Matchmaker Electronic Pen-Pal System <UX>.
<MGPE> .... MagPie <UX>.
<MCBB> .... MCBoard BBS Software <PC>.
<MICH> .... MichTron <AT>.
<MTRO> .... MetroBBS <AM>.
<NITE> .... NiteLine <AT>.
<NVLP> .... Nova-Link Pro <MC>.
<OASI> .... Oasis BBS Software <PC>.
<OBLV> .... Oblivion II <PC>.
<ONLN> .... 64 Online, a chat system <64>.
<OPUS> .... Opus Computer-Based Conversation System <PC>.
<ORAP> .... OraComm-Plus <PC>.
<OSIR> .... Osiris <PC>.
<PARA> .... Paragon <AM>.
<PCBB> .... PC Bulletin Board System (PC-Board) <PC>.
<PHOE> .... Phoenix Remote Communications System <PC>.
<PICO> .... PicoSpan BBS Software <PC>.
<PLIN> .... ProLine <A2>.
<POWR> .... PowerBBS <PC>.
<PROB> .... ProBoard <PC>.
<PUNT> .... PC-Punternet <PC>.
<PYRO> .... Pyroto BBS <PC>.
<QBBS> .... Quick BBS <PC>.
<QBOX> .... QBox BBS Software <PC>.
<RACC> .... Remote Access BBS <PC>.
<RBBS> .... Remote PC Bulletin Board (RBBS-PC) <PC>.
<RNGD> .... Renegade BBS <PC>.
<ROBO> .... Roboboard BBS <PC>.
<RTWO> .... R2HOST <PC>.
<RYBS> .... RyBBS (Greg Ryan BBS System) <PC>.
<RYEB> .... Rye-BBS <AT>.
<SBBS> .... Scooter BBS <PC>.
<SILB> .... Silver Bullet BBS System <PC>.
<SKYL> .... Sky Line <MC>.
<SLBB> .... SearchLight BBS <PC>.
<SPIT> .... Spitfire Bulletin Board System <PC>.
<SSIT> .... Second Sight (old Red Ryder) <MC>.
<STSB> .... STS BBS Software <PC>.
<SUPR> .... SuperBBS <PC>.
<SYNC> .... Synchronet <PC>.
<SYSV> .... System V BBS Software (Unix System) <PC>.
<TAGG> .... T.A.G. BBS <PC>.
<TBBS> .... The Bread Board System <PC,TR>.
<TCOM> .... Total Communications System <PC>.
<TELF> .... TeleFinder <MC>.
<TLCB> .... TLC-BBS Software <PC>.
<TLGD> .... Telegard board system <PC>.
<TPBS> .... Turbo Pascal Board System <PC>.
<TRIB> .... Tri-BBS <PC>.
<TRNS> .... Trans-Amiga <AM>.
<TUBB> .... TuBBS Software <PC>.
<TURB> .... TurboBoard <PC>.
<UBBS> .... UBBS <A2>.
<UNIB> .... UniBoard <UX>.
<UNIX> .... Public access UNIX system <UX>.
<ULTR> .... UltraBBS <PC>.
<VBBS> .... Virtual BBS <PC>.
<VBLS> .... Vision-Blast <PC>.
<VSNX> .... Vision-X <PC>.
<WAFF> .... Waffle <PC,UX>.
<WILD> .... Mustang's Wildcat <PC>.
<WWIV> .... World War IV <MC,PC>.
<XCEL> .... Excelsior BBS Software <PC>.
<XCLB> .... Excalibur BBS <PC>.
<XLNK> .... X-Link Chat System <PC>.
<XPRS> .... Express <AM>.
<XZOT> .... X-Zot-Iks BBS <PC>.
<?> .... We miss information here - Please contact us.
<*> .... Full Time: 24 hours, except for mail/maintenance.
<a> .... Part Time: 7am-1am EveryDay.
<b> .... Part Time: 9:30pm-6am, Mo-Su.
<c> .... Part Time: 6pm-6am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<d> .... Part Time: 4:00pm-7:00am Mo-Su.
<g> .... Part Time: 9pm-8am, Mo-Su.
<h> .... Part Time: 7am-11:30pm Mo-Su.
<i> .... Part Time: 7pm-8am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<k> .... Part Time: 6pm-9am, Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<l> .... Part Time: 6pm-7:30am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<m> .... Part Time: 7pm-6am, Mo-Su.
<n> .... Part Time: 6am-12pm, Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<p> .... Part Time: 10pm-3pm, Mo-Su.
<q> .... Part Time: 5pm-5am, Mo-Su.
<r> .... Part Time: 6:30am-10pm, Mo-Su.
<u> .... Part Time: 10pm-7am, Mo-Su.
<y> .... Part Time: 6pm-12am Mo-Fr, 24 hrs Sa-Su.
<z> .... Part Time: 10am-9pm, Tu-Su.
----> 12am = midnight, 12pm = noon. <----
* * * * MODEM STYLE CODES * * * *
<?> .... We miss information here - please contact us.
<B> .... ISDN line (B channel) Max rate = 64000 bps.
<X> .... V.34 (Any model) Max rate = 28800 bps.
<*> .... VFC (incl. 24k models) Max rate = 28800 bps.
<T> .... V.32terbo Max rate = 19200 bps.
<Z> .... ZyXel 19.2k Max rate = 19200 bps.
<P> .... TeleBit PEP/V.32/V.32bis Max rate = 18000 bps.
<=> .... TeleBit PEP (TrailBlazer) Max rate = 18000 bps.
<E> .... USR Dual Standard H14 or H16 Max rate = 16800 bps.
<#> .... V32.bis (Any model) Max rate = 14400 bps.
<D> .... USR HST (HST *only*) Max rate = 9600 bps.
<&> .... CompuCom SpeedModem Max rate = 9600 bps.
<+> .... V32 (Any non .bis model) Max rate = 9600 bps.
<@> .... Unknown/other high speed type Max rate = 9600+ bps.
<-> .... Any 2400bps modem Max rate = 2400 bps.
* * * * EDITOR'S SOAPBOX * * * *
1st) I am very pleased to announce that the MetroDetroit BBS List
has made the Boardwatch Magazine, May Issue. Thanks goes out to
Donald Quarles that submitted a letter to the editor of Boardwatch.
2nd) We are still receiving many compliments from all the users of
this list. I personally thank you all for compliments. I still
thank all of you out there that help with the list. Lets all keep
up the good work.
3rd) All SysOp's who want to have their system added, deleted, or
updated on the list can now call Wonderland BBS directly at
(313) 274-3531, using the logon name of MBBSLIST SYSOP and the
password of ACCESS, and goto the Serviceland Menu and hit "L" and
you can enter your data right into the MBBSAPP program.
Always remember if anybody, SysOp or User, see's an error or have
any suggestions please feel free to contact me at Wonderland BBS
and leave me a message.
Again, many thanks go to Gary Gilmore for testing the totally new
MBBSAPP program. Thanks Gary!
Please use a recent issue of the List! I sometimes get reports
telling me about errors on six month old lists. Don't use an
outdated list - you may wake somebody up!
SysOps, when sending in an update/delete/add request, please use
the MBBSAPP.EXE program enclosed. You can also access the MBBS
Application Program on Wonderland BBS's Serviceland Menu. Use the
same log-on name and password as listed in the beginning of this
FidoNet Sysops: this list is available for file request from:
FidoNet 1:2410/610 Wonderland BBS of Wayne County
The filename is MBBSmmyy.ZIP where mm = month, yy = year
(i.e. MBBS0195.ZIP) or use the magic-name MBBSLIST for the
most recent issue.
The MetroDetroit BBS List Application Program is also availible
for FREQ using the magic name of MBBSAPP.
The last three months are available for FREQ'ing, not including
the latest issue, four in total.
Just a few friendly reminders:
1. SysOp's please hold on to the MBBSAPP program as it is also
for sending in those updates and or deletions.
2. Boards marked (A), (B) ... are DIFFERENT boards with the same
name. A repeated name without letter is a multinode board.
3. The staff here requests that all SysOp's help us out by
sending the MBBSList to those systems with unknown info.,
systems with a "?", which by the way is most of the list.
The MBBSlist team needs more people! We need several dedicated
individuals who can help us check on the status of the always
changing MetroDetroit BBS scene within your area. If interested
please contact Tom McEachren at Wonderland BBS (313) 274-3531.