
585 lines
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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Maison Ikkoku ASCII Art Collection : Second Edition 1996-...
Compiled by Glenn Tarigan <tarigan@sfu.ca>
Last updated on 1997.12.06.
This edition is incomplete, and will be enlarged as new pictures arrive.
"Maison Ikkoku" and characters relating to "Maison Ikkoku" are
a Copyright of Rumiko Takahashi and Shogakukan, Inc.
Title Artist
----- ------
Maison Ikkoku kanji (at start of this file).............Brad Shigenaka
"Shouting Godai".........................................Glenn Tarigan
"Bashful Yagami".........................................Glenn Tarigan
"Godai Comes out of the Closet"..........................Glenn Tarigan
"Asuna & Salad"..........................................Glenn Tarigan
"Sneaker Yagami".........................................Glenn Tarigan
"Thumbs Up"..............................................Glenn Tarigan
"9/3"....................................................Glenn Tarigan
"9X3"....................................................Glenn Tarigan
"Fantasizing"............................................Glenn Tarigan
"Akemi at ChaChaMaru"....................................Glenn Tarigan
"Obaachan"...............................................Glenn Tarigan
"Himitsu"................................................Glenn Tarigan
"Attic Attack"...........................................Glenn Tarigan
Ending Notes and Comments.
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"Shouting Godai" 1996.02.07
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"Bashful Yagami" 1996.02.24
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"Godai Comes out of the Closet" 1996.02.24
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"Sneaker Yagami" 1996.03.03
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"Thumbs Up" 1996.03.05
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"Fantasizing" 97.09.12 45min
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"Obaachan" /=.,' / ............
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97.10.22 35min ----- `--.__
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"Himitsu" 97.11.02 35min
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"Attic Attack"
97.12.04 54min
Ending Notes and Comments:
Obviously, I'm not quite the creative type. Everything is just a copy
of what appeared in the manga-- but if it looks good, I'm not ashamed...
"Shouting Godai"
From p158 of Volume 11.
"Bashful Yagami"
From p161 of Volume 11.
"Godai Comes out of the Closet"
From p161 of Volume 11.
"Asuna & Salad"
From p156 of Volume 13.
"Sneaker Yagami"
From p164 of Volume 11.
"Thumbs Up"
From p199 of Volume 13.
From v12c8, p141.
From Volume 13, p215.
Copied from Volume 1, p47.
"Akemi at ChaChaMaru"
Copied from Volume 1, p55.
Copied from Volume 6, p110.
Copied from Volume 1, p67.
"Attic Attack"
Copied from Volume 1, p82.
The original picture in the manga was just a tiny thing,
at 2 centimetres. So this ASCII drawing captures more than
the usual percentage of detail from the original.
That's all for now.