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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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[ Mind Pursuit ]
[ Full Documentation ]
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[ An L.S.D. Release:05/04/86 ]
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**Note: Do not save any files onto
either side of the disk! The VTOC is
WRONG! While no files are on most of
the tracks, every last sector on the
disk is used for raw data for the
program!! Write protect both sides!
+ Apple II series computer
+ Compatible disk drive
+ TV or video monitor (duh!)
+ MIND PURSUIT game disk
+ MIND PURSUIT Question Disk (optional)
Loading the Game
1. Turn off computer and turn on power
to TV/monitor.
2. Insert MIND PURSUIT disk into drive
and close the door.
3. Make sure CAPS LOCK key is down.
4. Turn on the computer. The program
will load. Leave disk in drive
during play.
To Exit game, hit <ESC>
Preparing to Play
+ How Many Players or Teams (1-4)?
Select the number of players or teams
and hit <Return>
+ Enter Player or Team Name:
(Up to 10 letters per name) Press
<Return> after each name you type.
*NOTE* Before you press <Return>,
use the ARROW KEY to erase any
...gives you three choices:
1. Play to a preset point limit
2. Play to a preset time limit
3. Play game board
Enter your choice and press <Return>.
Selection 1 gives you a choice of
playing to 500, 1000, 1500, or 2000
points. Selection 2 lets you choose
your limit to play to 30, 60, 90, or
120 minutes. Your Apple computer
doesn't have a clock, so these times
are approximate. Both these
selections let you play in the TEXT
mode. Selection 3 takes you to the
GAME BOARD mode of play.
...gives you four choices:
1. No Question Timer
2. 30 Second Timer
3. 45 Second Timer
4. 60 Second Timer
This option lets you decide whether to
have a time limit on answering
questions. Again, these times are
approximate. Make your selection, then
press <Return>.
+ Disk Selection
...let's you choose to play with the
either side of the game disk or a
seperate Question Disk. Simply insert
whichever disk you would like to play
off of into the drive and hit <Return>.
Press <ESC> for instructions or
<Return> to start the game.
General Instructions
+ The die on your screen is in constant
motion. Press any key to stop it. The
number on the die lets you know the
question category. The six categories
are as follows:
[1] Science & Nature
[2] History & Georgraphy
[3] TV & Film
[4] Sports & Games
[5] Culture
[6] Grab Bag
A Correct Grab Bag answer gives you an
extra turn.
+ There are thousands of questions in
MIND PURSUIT> Regardless of the length
of a game, no questions will be repeated
while that game is in progress. To
ensure less repetition of questions
while playing, play longer games, turn
disk over between games, or user another
Question Disk for new games.
+ There are three question types. In
the TEXT mode of MIND PURSUIT, Fill-In-
The-Blank is worth 100 points; Multiple
Choice, 50 points; and True-False, 25
points. In the Game Board Mode, these
question types correspond to numbered
squares on the board.
+ Always hit <Return> after typing your
answer. To correct an error, press the
arrow key before hitting <Return>.
+ Use the number keys 0-9 for all
numbers. EXAMPLE: For "Henry VIII",
type "Henry 8"; for fractions, use
decimels. "3 1/2" becomes "3.5".
+ Only use the articles A, AN, or THE
when they're part of a title.
+ When answering Fill-in-the-Blank
questions, you're usually allowed one
spelling error. Some questions allow
more than one correct answer.
+ For sports teams, use the team name
rather than the city (Celtics, Dodgers,
Yankees, etc...)
+ For the United States, type USA; for
Great Britain, type ENGLAND; for the
+ Some questions have musical or
or graphics clues. The questions
refer to the music you hear or the
picture showed on the screen.
+ Here are the abbreviations used in
some sports questions:
NBA = National Basketball Association
NFL = National Football League
NHL = National Hockey League
MVP = Most Valuble Player
USFL = United States Football League
+ The Question-timer doesn't stop when
you're typing an answer. Keep this in
mind when you set the timer, especially
if you are a slow typist!!
+ At the end of every game, the computer
provides you with rank, score, and % of
correct answers. In case of a tied
score, the player or team with the
highest % wins.
The Text Mode of MIND PURSUIT always
lets you select which type of question
you want to answer. This gives you
control over the difficulty level and
the number of points you can score in
one play. You gain points for correct
answers and lose points for incorrect
answers. You can't go below zero.
Choose a character from the Character
Selection Screen.
The squares marked 25, 50 and 100
dictate your moves, but are not tallied
as points. The computer lets you know
what your possible moves are and what
type of question you must answer for
each move.
The type of question you must answer is
determined by the numbers on the
squares directly ahead of you.
EXAMPLE: If the square ahead of you is
labeled 100, you can only answer a
Fill-in-the-blank question. If there
are three squares ahead of you labeled
25, 25, and 50 (in that order) you have
a choice of True-False (25), Multiple
Choice (25,25) or Fill-in-the Blank
When you're on the space before a
flashing square, a correct answer
moves you ahead two spaces. However,
if you answer incorrectly, you will be
able to move ahead only one space on
your next turn.
You have the option of taking a
shortcut on the Game Board. This
reduces the number of moves to the
FINISH line, but requires you to answer
more Fill-in-the-Blank questions.
The first three players to reach the
FINISH line recieve 1000,500, and 250
points, respectively. You can play
up to four rounds on the Game Board.
Ranks, scores, and percentages are
updated after each round.
Game design by Steve Duboff, Jeff
Harth, Stephen Montero, and John
P. Sohl.
Game Documentation by Kathi B. Tremblay
with Amy Margowsky.
Released by L.S.D.
19808 Nordhoff Place
Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 886-5922
Softdocs typed by Sector Seventeen