525 lines
25 KiB
525 lines
25 KiB
= Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced =
= =
= Written by: The Screamer =
= =
= Thanks to: The Vulture & Captain Sensible =
= Docs written by: The Messiah =
= =
= Apple Tree //..............305/556-6858 =
= The Midnight Sun...........509/783-1856 =
= Eastern Alliance...........201/327-5725 =
= =
= Released on December 9, 1986 =
After seeing the new transfer programs that were being developed for the
purpose of improving and replacing Cat-Fur 2.2a, I decided to rewrite Cat-Fur
in order to improve it and maintain compatibility. This new version of Cat-Fur
is 100% compatible with the existing Cat-Fur 2.2a, fixed by The Ubiquitous
Hacker. It also uses 64k Diversi-Dos 4.1C and this must be loaded in order to
use the new version. There is no memory available for any more additions to the
program. At the last count there were about 30 bytes of free memory. This file
will first give an overview of all the new modifications and then go into the
specifics into each of the modifications.
NOTE: This Cat-Fur fully supports the Enhanced //e as well as any other
Apple // computer with 64k. (Even the IIGS in SLOW speed).
Terminal mods:
Lightbar/Keyboard/Optional Joystick input
21000 Character buffer
Built in reconfigure menu
Auto-search feature added
Displays current baud rate [103/202]
Maintains online text page while in terminal mode
Unattended mods:
Counts number of calls in remote
Control-B/Control-F chat mode
Return to BBS
Online clock with timer
Online Transferring status
Auto-pause text file viewing
+/- or arrows to scan through volumes
Online 12800 character text editor
Chat call
Full DOS support for sysops
Search for file on hard drive
Find free space on hard drive
Loop Routine
Transfer mods:
Counts number of sectors selected
Displays extended file descriptions
Terminal mods:
Lightbar menus:
Lightbar menus can take input by:
1) Typing the character between the brackets on the menu.
2) Using arrows (either left/right or up/down) to move
lightbar to your choice then pressing Return to choose
3) Using joystick to scroll lightbar to choice then pressing
either joystick button to select option.
In Terminal Mode, not all of the lightbars are displayed
at once, and to get to the other options it is necessary
to scroll off of the top or bottom of the screen, and
the lightbars will scroll as well.
NOTE: The joystick method is optional and can be set in the
reconfigure menu. If you do not have a joystick,
do not worry as it automatically disables itself.
Dialing Options:
The dialing delays have been greatly shortened as well
as the wait delay, if you experience any problems as a
result, simply use the ":" as a pause. To "Auto-connect"
to a board, simply Number:A, and it will Auto-Search.
NOTE: To Auto-Search upon loading simply issue a
POKE 836,102 before running it.
Buffer Options:
Specs on the buffer:
The 21000 character buffer is located between $900 and $5BA0.
This translates to 84 sectors and the amount of free
characters is displayed in the upper right corner. The buffer
status light (on/off) is kept at the top of the screen. The
buffer can be toggled in one of two ways:
1) Going into the terminal section and toggling the buffer.
2) Toggling it while online by hitting control-B.
If you have an extended 80 column card, the buffer will be
copied into auxiliary memory when you enter the transfer
section and copied back to main memory when you exit the
transfer section.
If you do NOT have an extended 80 column card then you will be
prompted if you haven't saved the buffer yet.
When the buffer gets full you will be prompted in the upper
right corner.
Viewing the buffer:
When you choose to view the buffer you will be asked which
slot you want it sent to. This serves three purposes:
1) Send the buffer to the printer slot to have it printed.
2) Send the buffer to your 80 column card to view it in 80
3) Hit return and view it in 40 columns.
While viewing the buffer you can hit any key to pause the
listing or hit either return or escape to abort the listing.
Saving the buffer:
To save the buffer simply select the option to save it on the
terminal menu. After saving the buffer, it will automatically
be cleared.
Reading a file into the buffer:
To read the buffer simply select the option to read it on the
terminal menu. It will read in as much of the text file as
possible. It will also prompt you if there is already
something in the buffer. You can then either clear the buffer
first or append to the buffer.
Clearing the buffer:
Simply select this option on the terminal menu where you will
then be prompted if you are sure you want to clear the buffer.
Transmitting the buffer:
When you select to transmit the buffer you will be asked to
set the delay after each return. The default is 1 which should
be a sufficient delay. If it is not then simply set it to what
you feel will be. When you transmit the buffer Cat-Fur sends
the current buffer. While it is being sent you can hit any key
to pause or hit either return or escape to stop transmission.
Reconfigure menu:
New reconfigure options:
1) Disable sound completely.
2) Sound alarm upon connection.
3) Volume lockout if you selected that you had a hard drive.
4) Optional @ACC files if you feel they are unnecessary.
5) @ACTION file selection [SEE BELOW].
6) Copy buffer to auxiliary memory when entering transfer
7) Amount of transfers allowed per call.
8) Return to BBS from remote.
9) Select amount of time the user has in remote, if you have a
Upon Saving the updated Cat-Fur to disk, it will save
under the name of CAT-FUR to the default slot, drive,
and volume. (A$6000,L$5DC2)
NOTE: The Lockout all other slots, and drives is a very useful
feature for users who have only one drive, or for hard drive
users. This feature does not allow the online user to change
the slot or drive in anyway, in this way the user will only
be allowed to access different volumes.
@ACTION file
This file contains the users transferring status which is
stored on the default volume you selected in the reconfigure
menu. It opens and appends to the file. It writes in the
following format:
Uxxx or Dxxx [where "xxx" is the number of sectors of the
Vxxx [where "xxx" is the volume of the file]
Filename of the file which was transferred
Uxxx or Dxxx [same as above]
Vxxx [same as above]
Filename [same as above]
This should be very useful for boards which keep track of user
transferring status and have to scan every volume to see
whether or not something was uploaded.
NOTE: This option is only active if CF 2.2a Enh. is being
run Remotely (from a board). The @ACTION file will be
written to the slot, drive, and volume of which CF 2.2a
Enh. was run from.
Maintaining text page:
As in BME, Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced will copy the current text
page in a buffer when you hit control-Q to enter terminal mode
so that when you re-enter term you will be at the same
location that you were in before.
NOTE: When you are off-line (connected but in Terminal mode),
NO incoming characters are displayed or intercepted, so
make sure when you do enter Terminal mode (via ^Q) you should
be at the main menu of a board, or some other place where
it does not change between 103/202.
Exiting from Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced:
Upon exiting from CF 2.2a Enh. (via ESCAPE or ^C or RESET),
DOS is restored as much as possible to as it was before.
To re-enter CF 2.2a Enh. after exiting press & from BASIC,
or ^Y from MONITOR.
Unattended mods:
Enhanced chat mode:
Previously in the older versions of Cat-Fur, chat was entered
with a control-Q. With the new Enhanced chat mode, control-B
enters chat and control-F exits chat. There is no longer a
need for the receiving person to enter K)hat mode as there is
now an auto-echo feature which echoes every character to the
receiving end.
Return to BBS option:
When a user selects "Return to BBS" from remote Cat-Fur will
then run "@FUR" but, to determine that they are returning to
the BBS a check must be added. PEEK (2046) will yield a 255 if
the user is returning to the BBS. Otherwise it will hold their
level as before. This is optional and can be selected from the
reconfigure menu, and is only active when being run remotely.
NOTE: See @FUR note at end of file.
Online Clock:
The Vulture's clock feature is now directly installed into
Cat-Fur. This feature is set in reconfigure and is optional.
NOTE: This option is only active if a Thunderclock is present
in any slot from 1-7, CF 2.2a Enh. will automatically find
the clock.
Online Transferring Status:
O)nline transferring status tells the user their current
upload/download ratios along with the total numbers of
transfers this call and transfers remaining (if not
unlimited). There is also a visible counter for the sysops
next to the incoming and outgoing character windows at the top
of the screen. This counts the number of files transferred,
not the total number of transfers.
This feature is used when viewing text files. It will
automatically pause when the screen is filled with characters,
not after every 18 returns. It will work when viewing ANY text
file whether 40, 80, or any other format. This feature is
useful when you wish to read text files online, but it is not
useful when you want to capture it in your buffer, therefore
it can be toggled on or off in remote via "A".
+/- or arrows to log volumes:
You may now use your arrow keys (left/right or up/down) as
well as +/- keys to move up or down volumes on the hard drive.
NOTE: This option is only active if a hard drive is in use.
Online 12800 character message editor:
This is an online message editor. Although it is not a full
scale message editor, it is useful for "About files" as well
as messages to the sysop.
NOTE: All commands that are listed as "^A ^A:Abort.." mean
that Control-A must be pressed twice consecutively in order
to issue that command. It would also be helpful if you
ended every line with a RETURN, as many times it will
repeat your last line that you typed in, that is from
the last RETURN to the end of the message.
Chat Call:
This feature is meant to call the sysops attention when the
online user needs assistance. It sounds a short tone three
times, after that no noise is made. Once selected it shows a
flashing "CHAT!" in the upper right corner. It can be
turned off by the user online as well as by chatting with the
Full DOS support for Sysops:
Sysops can now log volumes or interpret DOS commands from
terminal mode as well as when in transfer mode.
Search for a File on Hard Drive:
This feature will search the hard drive for a file which you
select by typing the first few letters. It will start the scan
from the lowest lockout volume up to the highest. The
volume(s) that the file was found on (if any) will be
displayed and it will put the user on the last found volume.
NOTE: This option is only active if a hard drive is in use.
Free Sector Scan:
This feature will search the hard drive for a selected number
of sectors that the user online chooses. The user will then be
taken to the first volume found with enough room. If there is
no room anywhere on the hard drive the user will be prompted.
NOTE: This option is only active if a hard drive is in use.
Loop routine:
If a key is not hit in unattended after approximately
two minutes, CF 2.2a Enh. will hang up. Two ^G BEEPS are sent
to the other side about 30 seconds before hanging up.
Transfer mods:
Counts number of selected sectors:
This feature shows the total number of selected sectors
on the bottom right of the text window, after a CATALOG
is sent or received. It keeps an running count of the number
of sectors the transfer will be.
Extended filetypes:
Filetypes are now shown as: TXT, INT, APL, BIN, SEQ, REL, AUX,
and LSA. The files sectors are also corrected, in other words
it will now show the correct number of sectors a file is, if
it exceeds the standard 256.
Peeks, Pokes, & Calls:
Pokes for Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced Remote:
All of the following pokes should be issues AFTER
CF 2.2a Enh. has been BLOADed into memory, and none
of the pokes should be less than 0 or greater than 255.
Set number of chat calls [default=3]: POKE 26097,number
Set starting slot, drive, and volume: POKE 26229,slot :
POKE 26221,drive : POKE 26237,volume
Upload only Cat-Fur 2.2a Enh.: POKE 36757,76 :
POKE 36758,125 : POKE 36759,139
Disable free sector print out in remote: POKE 44164,96
Set minutes allowed in remote: POKE 48423,minutes
Disable sound completely: POKE 48430,0
Set low/high volumes: POKE 48443,low : POKE 48444,high
Set number of transfers: POKE 48445,number
To start CF 2.2a Enh. after it has been BLOADed and
POKEd, issue a: CALL 24576
Peeks AFTER Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced has been run:
PEEK (898) = number of uploaded files
PEEK (899) = number of downloaded files
PEEK (900) = number of uploads total
PEEK (901) = number of downloads total
PEEK (2046) = 255, Returning to BBS
PEEK (2046) <> 255, not returning to BBS, lost carrier
@FUR and other notes:
The hello text-file is still CAT.HELLO, and the file run
upon losing carrier, or Returning to the BBS is @FUR.
The only difference with @FUR is that now @FUR must
have a line 1. For example enter this:
And @FUR will then work properly, without a line 1
MENU program Note:
Upon the bootup of the Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced disk,
the program MENU will BLOAD CF 2.2A ENH. ORIG and
do a checksum on it, if any discrepancies are found,
an appropriate message will be displayed.
NOTE: The checksum is for an unmodified copy, and
should not be done on a Reconfigured copy as the
checksum will be different.
Diversi-Dos 64k Notes:
This disk automatically boots into 64k Diversi-Dos without
the use of the DDMOVER file. If you want this DOS on another
disk simply copy the DOS from this disk to another and it
will also automatically boot into 64k DOS. To disable the
auto-boot into 64k DOS press ESCAPE while loading.
Do not use the RAMDISK program on the Diversi-Dos disk,
or any other RAMDISK program as CF 2.2a Enh. does not work
with them.
This program only works with Diversi-Dos 64k 4.1-C, do
not worry if you do not have this version as it is on the
Hard Drive Users:
In order to get into 64k Diversi-Dos from your hard drive
(this was tested on the Sider, but should work for most
hard drives), boot into DOS 3.3 then BRUN the PATCH file
that is included on this disk. You will now be in 48k
Diversi-Dos, now BRUN the DDMOVER which is also included
on this disk. You will now be in 64k Diversi-Dos. This also
works if you do not have a hard drive.
Lowercase files:
Diversi-Dos 64k does not support lowercase filenames,
and neither does Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced. Even though
lowercase files will be displayed in the Catalog after
it has been transferred, any attempt at Receiving a lowercase
file will yield a Transfer Aborted message.
^I/Macros and "?" patches:
The ^I/Macros an the "?" wildcard in 64k Diversi-Dos may cause
problems with your board, so it is best to disable them with
the following patches:
Disable ^I/Macros and "?" wildcard: POKE 57006,32 :
POKE 57007,30 : POKE 57008,191 : POKE 63326,234 :
POKE 63327,234 : POKE 63328,234 : POKE 63329,234
Re-enable ^I/Macros and "?" wildcard: POKE 57006,76 :
POKE 57007,7 : POKE 57008,218 : POKE 63326,201 :
POKE 63327,191 : POKE 63328,240 : POKE 63329,11
Catalog pause:
Disable Catalog pause: POKE 60985,96
Re-enable Catalog pause: POKE 60985,32
NOTE: CF 2.2a Enh. automatically installs the patches, so it
is not necessary to enter these patches before running
Cat-Fur 2.2a Enhanced.
This Cat-Fur took over a month to complete and is, as far
as we (the testers and the writers) know, it is bug-free. If
any problems arise, or you would just like to comment on the
program then please call Apple Tree // (305/556-6858) and
leave mail to The Screamer, account 3.
Thanks to:
The Ubiquitous Hacker: For "fixing" Cat-Fur 2.2 in the first
place, and starting the trend of using Cat-Fur 2.2a
Enson Parker: For creating the first 64k Cat-Fur.
Mr. Slick: For making the anti-stack crashing routines
which are still in use now.
And to Radar, and all of the other testers. Without the help
of them this Cat-Fur wouldn't be out for another year.
Docs typed by The Messiah
with finishing touches by The Screamer
By the way, Merry Christmas!