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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
TOXINS - Killing quantities of things
From: Mike Pompura
To: Jack Kilmon Msg #15, 06-Nov-89 11:01est
Subject: Re: Plutonium
I tried to type in this chart earlier, but when the editor and modems got
through with it - it was a mess. I'll try it again. It's a listing of some
*HIGHLY* toxic materials...some of which may fall into the "Most Dangerous
Substances On This Planet" hall of fame.
Anthrax Spores .0001 milligram
Botulism .001 mg <according to this chart>
Lead Arsenate 100 mg
Potassium Cyanide 700 mg
Reactor Plutonium 1150 mg <"over 15 years till time of death">
Caffiene 14000 mg <I drink 15 to 20 cups a day>
N. American Coral Snake .005 mg
Indian King Cobra .02 mg
Reactor Plutonium .078 mg <"over 15 years">
Diamondback Rattler .14 mg
Nerve gas <Sarin> 1.0 mg
Benzpyrene <1 pk/day> 16.0 mg <over 30 years>
Cadmium Fumes 10 mg
Mercury Vapor 30 mg
Phosgene 65 mg
This list is far from complete. There are plenty of other nasty vicious
chemicals in industrial usage every day...some of which happen to be on
railroad cars that go through towns and near houses...
The list of possible carcino gens alone would take up pages and pages.
Cigarette Smoking - Male 2250 days
Heart Disease 2100 d
Being 30% Overweight 1300 d
Coal Miner 1100 d
Cancer 980 d
20% Overweight 900 d
Cigarette Smoking - Female 800 d
Stroke 520 d
Cigar Smoking 330 d
Pipe Smoking 220 d
Pneumonia 0 influenza 141 d
Alcohol <u.s. average> 130 d
Diabetes 95 d
Legal Drug Misuse 90 d
Job WIth Radiation Exposure 40 d
Natural Radiation 8 d
Medical X-Rays 6 d
Coffee 6 d
Oral Contraceptives 5 d
Radiation From Nuclear Industry 0.02 days
--- QuickBBS v2.04
* Origin: NASA Aerospace Information Reprography 407-774-7371 (1:363/49)