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Chapter 21
Computers, Business-Related, & Oddball Information, and
Do-It-Yourself Legal Kits for All Occasions
Besides business-related books there's a few that didn't fit the other
categories. I'll call them "Oddball Info". They're unusual books and videos
that aren't found in regular book stores. They may include something you've
been looking for but didn't know existed. Browse, and be surprised.
Computers and High-Tech Stuff
COMPUTERS - Crimes, Clues and Controls
Every business that relies on computers is vulnerable to industrial
espionage, breaches of security and employee waste and fraud. This report
details steps to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure and
destruction of computerized information and outlines a comprehensive
program of prevention, detection, and control of computer crime and misuse.
Computer crime has become a fast-growing area of criminal activity, causing
significant financial losses. But of equal concern is computer-related
waste and opportunities for abuse caused by not knowing how to safeguard
information sources. This book is designed to heighten your information
security awareness and increase your knowledge of the vulnerabilities of
electronic information systems. 8.5 X 11, illus, 48 pp $10 (COMP)(2014)
Covens of witches, electronic sex screens, credit card criminals, bizarre
dating services, saboteurs, fetish clubs, hackers... all these and more can
be found lurking on the electronic underground of computer Bulletin Board
This book takes you inside the fascinating world of the hottest new topic
in computers, where people transact business and trade fantasies. Because
computer networks are anonymous and subject to few restraints, they have
become the medium of choice for those who seek unlimited freedom of
expression. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 96 pp. $8.95 (BBS)(933)
The author presents a lively, informative approach to solving a common,
embarrassing problem: the speeding ticket. The mechanics of speed control
are explained in detail and in easily understood, concise language. You'll
learn how police determine speed violations through radar and other means
and how you can effectively prevent Smokey from making you his next victim.
An important chapter, Your Day in Court, tells how to successfully defend
yourself in traffic court - without a high-priced lawyer!
5.5 X 8.5", hardcover, illus., 150 pp, $14.95 (LICENSE)(116)
Unless you've been busted for drunk driving lately, you probably don't know
how much the laws have changed. Under the laws of many states, two beers
make you a drunk driver. For commercial drivers (ANYONE required to drive
as part of the job: truckers, cab drivers, delivery people, sales reps),
one beer will cost you your license and your job.
So if you ever drink at all, you'd better find out how the system works. A
state judge for more than 20 years, Judge X has presided over thousands of
drunk-driving cases. In this book he answers all your questions: how to
handle a traffic stop if you've been drinking, whether your entitled to a
lawyer before taking a breath test, how to challenge Breatholizer results
in court, what to do if there's been an accident, how much your lawyer
should charge and much, much more, including a state-by-state (and
Canadian) guide to laws. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 168 pp, $15. (DUI)(2018)
(Note: If you plan on working the DDT Patrol, these two books may help you
too! Learn the weak points in the law (how to get off the hook). Prepare
your DDT Patrol strategy to meet the challenge of DUI drivers who may have
read this book -- or otherwise know about the weaknesses in DUI laws.)
Money-Making/Saving Ideas
A humorous yet practical look at the lucrative art of landlording by a born
cynic and former gag writer. Realtor Andy Kane tells how to keep wily
tenants in their place - paying rent to make the landlord rich.
Landlording is one profession that requires no qualifications, yet it pays
off twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. In
this book, Kane tells property owners how to collect rents, train tenants
to pay promptly and make minor repairs, fill vacancies, outsmart do-gooder
groups and inspectors, handle complaints and make a bundle from tenants in
addition to rent. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illus, 120 pp, $10 (TENANTS)(200)
TENANT'S REVENGE, How to Tame Your Landlord, by Andy Kane.
Now Andy Kane evens the score in the battle of tenants vs landlords. When
Kane wrote "Care and Feeding of Tenants", he loaded the gun against
tenants. The landlords had all the advantages. But this scrooge DOES have a
heart! Now he's written a book just for tenants.
In this book, renters find out how to get free rent, phone and electricity;
get more heat; break a foolproof lease; beat a landlord in court; wipe out
cockroaches; and order repairs and redecorations at the landlord's expense.
Tenants need this book to get what they have paid for; landlords MUST read
it to keep from losing all. And EVERYONE should read it for a good laugh!
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illus, 96 pp, $10 (TEN.REV)(366)
...AND THIS IS THE BATHROOM! How to Really Sell Real Estate, by Andy Kane.
If you've ever rented an apartment, bought or sold a house, or just want to
learn how to make a lot of money, this book is for you. Real estate pro
Andy Kane offers the brash, unrelentingly effective guerrilla sales tricks
that he has used over the years to make himself a wealthy man.
You don't have to be in real estate to learn something from this book. In
his straightforward, hilarious style, Kane shares hundreds of professional
secrets on how to start a successful business, make "impossible" deals
daily, multiply your list of clients with no extra work and put you and
your company on the front page of the papers at will, plus business card
tricks, negotiating tips, and much more. Scores of hilarious stories from
Kane's twenty years in the field round out this must-read for wheelers and
dealers of all stripes.
Andy Kane's way of doing business may be unusual and even controversial,
but the information in this book WILL increase your business, leads and
income! 5.5 X 8.5, photos, illust., 208 pp, $16 (BATH)(826)
Have you ever REALLY had good booze? Not that commercial stuff, mass-
produced and full of preservatives, but liquor that's been carefully
distilled by a booze connoisseur, right in his own home? There's no equal
comparison. The personal attention and quality ingredients makes this
"shine" one of the smoothest drinks you've ever tasted. It's easy to make,
and costs considerably less because there's no exorbitant taxes to pay!
Author Jim Krohn has been making booze for years, and he lays it all out
for you: how to set up a still, the equipment you'll need, the time
involved and the techniques to produce your own clear sugar alky. This is
the stuff you can flavor and then "cut" to create whatever potion you
prefer. Make gin, bourbon, vodka, scotch, or orange or coffee-flavored
liqueurs. Krohn includes a helpful appendix of equipment and supplies and
offers advice on how to mix great drinks with your good booze.
(The "cooking" part in the title is in the distillation of the alky.)
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 48 pp, $7 (BOOZE)(702)
Money may not buy happiness, but it sure beats being broke. Not many
millionaires sing the blues. You too, can leave the rat race behind and
take the fast track to top money. THE ARMCHAIR MILLIONAIRE is fact, not
fiction, written by an ex-corporate banker who relinquished both salary and
suburban amenities to start his own small business at home. His success
story can be yours, with maximum return on minimum investment.
Whether you seek some extra pocket money or a major makeover in purchasing
power, this book is EFFECTIVE encouragement - and the income ideas are
endless. 5.5 X 8.5", 120 pp $10. (ARMCHAIR)(9)
THE ECONOMIC GUERRILLA, A Golden Opportunity Handbook, by Mark T. Johnson.
Are you suffering from a devastating lack of money? Do you have debts up to
your ears? Don't know where to turn? You know the problem - this is the
solution. Become an Economic Guerrilla!
It's that simple, but not all that easy. This book, a refreshing look at
the real world of making a living, will show you how to get out of your
financial hole and STAY out. An Economic Guerrilla is his own man, striving
to ensure his independence from the system and unshackle his assets.
Master the arts of thrift, selfishness, self-knowledge, scavenging and
income diversification. No schemes, gimmicks or fantasies. Just you and the
hard facts. Make big bucks and KEEP them!
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 88 pp, $10 (ECO)(681)
This book is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have
been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled -
or you just want to quit your job and remain financially self-reliant -
this book is for you. In it are hundreds of tips, secrets and necessary
skills for living well on little money. Chapters include: How to Save Up to
$30,000 a Year (by not spending it); Some Ways to Live on No Money at All;
A Day of Cheap Living; A New Career or Business for You; Protecting Your
Investments in Hard Times. From cover to cover, this book is packed with
proven methods for saving money on shelter, food, clothing, transportation,
entertainment, health care and more.
The author left the "system" in 1969 and has worked for himself ever since.
Let him show you how you, too, can live happily, comfortably and with
complete financial freedom.
8.5 X 11, softcover, photos, illus, 160 pp $20 (LIV.WELL)(2015)
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT EXPERTISE, The Complete Guide to Terms, Definitions,
and Winning Strategies, by Deane Kogelschatz.
Does the thought of investing your hard-earned cash make you nervous? Read
this book and learn its lessons and you won't be. This investment manual
guides you through the intimidating world of stocks, bonds, and mutual
funds. Learn what a stock really is, how to read the financial pages in
newspapers, and a lot more. Most important, learn how your money can make
MORE money.
Bank interest, after you pay taxes on it, is often LESS than the annual
cost-of-living increase! Keeping money in a savings account, drawing piddly
interest, is a sure way to LOSE the purchasing power of your money. The
best way to MAKE money on your money is to invest it in a growth industry
by owning stocks and bonds that pay two, three or four times current bank
interest. Investment portfolios can be diversified to provide both safety
and growth potential. Want to know more? This book tells you all about this
complex subject. 5.5 X 8.5, hardcover, illus, 168 pp, $22 (FIN)(714)
Written expressly for the adventurous at heart as well as those who simply
want to escape from it all, this book is a fascinating tour of some of the
most isolated real estate on Earth. As you explore more than 180 exotic
islands, the author serves as your tour guide, providing not only the
history and current political status of each, but also information on size,
climate, vegetation, animal life, water supply, and a lot more you'll want
to know about if you have the desire to take a look for yourself. Precise
maps pinpoint the exact locations of these uninhabited, deserted and
abandoned islands. Whether you're searching for an adventure, a quiet and
remote retreat, a temporary hideout, a permanent home, or just a different
kind of a vacation, this book is an excellent source of vital information.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 168 pp, $17 (OCEAN)(1025)
Once the exclusive tool of government, satellite technology is now
available to anybody. This book will show you where to buy satellite
images, how to enhance and interpret them and how to hide from the "eye in
the sky". Exploring for oil and gold, investing in commodities, assessing
for taxes, mapping, building and zoning are only some of the areas that can
be explored creatively via satellite photos. Get ahead of the others by
getting into the 21st century.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 208 pp, $22 (SAT)(1034)
Almost Free Legal Advice
and Do-It-Yourself Legal Kits
Anyone who can read this CrimeFighter catalog can prepare standard-form
legal documents when they take the time to read the simple, but detailed,
step-by-step instructions and use samples as a guide to fill in the blank
forms. That's the idea of do-it-yourself Kits. There are "dozens" of such
Kits -- for all kinds of common, everyday legal documents. Incorporation
Kits are the most popular, but there are many others also available.
Ten such Kits are mentioned below for your thoughtful consideration.
You realize, I'm sure, lawyers don't do the clerical work. They have their
secretaries use their word processors to plug in names and addresses on the
multitude of forms they have in their data bank. What you are really paying
for is a lawyer's legal advice. That may be worth $100 to $200, if you feel
you need legal advice.
A smarter option is to get your legal advice separately -- for $10 to $20!
Then get a do-it-yourself Kit for about $30. Fill in your own name and
addresses on standard-wording forms that are used by legal secretaries and
Almost Free Legal Advice - If you Need it
Local Bar Associations in every city in North America (Canada included),
has a special deal for you: a half hour of a lawyer's time for a maximum
fee of just $10 to $20. The charge is minimal to discourage free-loading,
but affordable to encourage you to make appointments. The cost varies from
city to city and depends on the local economy and affluence of the region.
The deal is an introductory offer. It's to encourage you to talk to a
lawyer to discuss your problem; to evaluate the lawyer before you commit
yourself to (perhaps) thousands of dollars of work; and for the lawyer to
assess your problem and suggest a solution and his fee for same. If you're
satisfied with the interview and decide to retain the lawyer, you know what
it will cost and can start the work by paying a retainer up front.
On the other hand, you aren't committed if you decide to talk to another
lawyer for another opinion and price. That lets you shop for a lawyer you
feel comfortable with in regards to personality, attitude, rates, etc. As a
business person, that's always a smart idea: to shop for the best deal.
For most common legal documents, the lawyer provides routine information
called "advice": and the secretary does the work! You usually don't need a
high-priced lawyer to type your name and address on simple, standard legal
forms. In fact, paralegals in most states do the same thing at a fraction
of the cost of a lawyer-prepared documents. However, in some states and
Provinces, paralegals are severely restricted in providing services to the
public. (Guess who made those laws!)
The bottom line is, if all you have is a simple question or two, and the
answers are a yes or no, or standard information relevant to the documents,
all it costs is $10 or $20 maximum. There's no need to visit a lawyer at
standard rates of $125 to $175 an hour just to ask the "routine" questions.
Use the Bar Association referral service. It's listed in the Yellow Pages
of your phone directory under LAWYERS or ATTORNEYS. Call them, get the name
of a lawyer who specializes or has experience in the services you need.
Call the lawyer, tell him the Bar Association gave you his name. (That puts
him on notice he can't (shouldn't) charge more than the Bar Association has
promised you. It entitles you to no more than half an hour of the lawyer's
time in answering questions. It does not include any work that entails
research or preparation of documents. It's mainly to give you personal and
legal advice about your problem, and to quote a fee for doing the work.
The best deal for intelligent people is to obtain legal advice separately
via this special deal from Bar Associations (when you feel you need it).
Use a well-prepared Kit and do your own work and save hundreds of dollars.
Said Kits have samples of filled-in forms; preprinted forms with blank
spaces for names and addresses, etc.; and instructions for each step (plus
relevant comments that, if given verbally in their office, is called legal
advice and will cost you about $200; and a set of preprinted forms with
blank spaces where you fill in the blanks with your own names, addresses,
dates, and other relevant information.
I've found a legal publisher who has authored NINE different Kits. The
publisher has been in business since 1976 -- plenty of time to make them
perfect as they can be from feedback from tens of thousands of satisfied
users. Besides being the most complete Kits I've seen (and I've used dozens
of such Kits during the last 30 years) the author provides a TOLL FREE HELP
LINE which can be used to ask any question regarding any of the Kits he has
prepared. (That doesn't mean "legal advice", so don't ask for it.)
The Kits are designed for legal use in all 50 States. The instruction
manual that comes with with each Kit mentions any difference in law and the
state's requirements -- if they are different from the standard forms.
Instead of listing each and every form in all of the different Kits, I'll
just say these Kits are complete in every detail, well-prepared and
suitable for anyone who can read and follow simple instructions. As a
bonus, you'll learn about the law and how to do-it-yourself from then on,
for the rest of your life. That can save you thousands of dollars.
The Kits
(1) The Non-Profit Corporation Kit provides all of the Forms required to
incorporate a Non-Profit Organization as either a Membership or Non-
Membership Corporation, or as a private Foundation.
A booklet that comes with it contains an Instruction Guide plus samples of
filled-in forms. A separate package in the Kit contains preprinted forms
for all occasions with blank spaces for names and addresses etc.
(Recommended for incorporating CrimeFighters lodges.)
Kit # 1, Non-Profit Kit, $29.95
(2) The Corporation Kit is prepared for American small business
corporations. (Recommended for a Crimefighters' Private Investigation
business to limit liability from lawsuits, bankruptcy, and to provide many
fringe benefits of being an "employee" of your corporation.
Kit # 2, Business Incorp. $26.95
(3) The Living Trust Kit is a low-cost option to the many lawyer sponsored
seminars that feed you just enough information to encourage you to use a
Living Trust and sell their services at $1,000 or more to do it for you.
By comparison, the booklet takes the place of the seminars (and is printed
for future reference). The preprinted forms and samples takes the place of
a lawyer's secretary. With this Kit, you can do it yourself for just $15!
The Kit includes a Will for the many things that may not be included in the
list of assets. (A lawsuit award for wrongful death from an accident (for
negligence), for example, paid to your estate after your death is not in
the living trust.)
The A-B Trust (Above and Below ground) is a revocable trust while you are
alive and in charge, and automatically legally transfers title of your
assets to the person(s) named in the trust when you die.
The main purpose of a Trust is to avoid Probate fees and inheritance taxes,
but it also provides a guaranteed legal disposal of your assets to the
people you want. The Trust is outside of a Will. It avoids legal battles
over Wills by disgruntled heirs. Greedy lawyers often milk an estate dry
before they "settle" the estate. Living Trusts can avoid that problem.
If you are divorced or separated from your spouse, and have children, a
Living Trust is essential. If you have no Will or Trust, disposition of
your estate is in the hands of the court. In most cases, your estate will
be passed to your legal spouse, not the person whom you may want to have
it. If you have just a Will, it will be probated in court. First, lawyers
will dip into the estate for Probate and other fees. The judge may decide
to ignore the wishes of the deceased and give certain assets to whom he
believes deserves it. If you were alive you might disagree. When you're
dead, you can't do anything about it.
Beat them to the draw! A living trust lets you control your assets while
alive, and positively transfers ownership to the persons named in the
trust when you die. You, not lawyers or judges, are in Control when you
have a Living Trust. Kit # 3, Living Trust $14.95.
(4) A Living Will Kit is the companion to a Living Trust. A Living Will is
needed when you are permanently injured and can't care for yourself. It
allows you to designate someone to take care of you and your assets when
you can no longer make the decisions or pay the bills. The Kit has forms
with provisions for requesting the withholding of specific life support
procedures that may unnecessarily prolong your life and discomfort for
yourself and loved ones. Kit # 4, Living Will $7.95.
(5) A Regular Will Kit. If you don't need or want a Living Trust (that
includes a Will) this Kit is a no-frills do-it-yourself Will Kit. The
booklet with detailed explanations is worth $13.
Kit # 5, Simple Will $12.95
(6) Partnership Agreements for a business that isn't incorporated. In a few
cases, a legal partnership may provide some advantages over a corporate
entity. The smaller cost (no state incorporating fees or annual reporting
fees) is a consideration, but a minor one. There are also many drawbacks to
Partnerships which are to numerous to mention in this book. Before you form
a legal business partnership, be sure to compare the pros and cons of each
type of business organization. If you decide a legal partnership is the
best for you, here's a Kit that can save you a few hundred dollars in legal
fees. Kit # 6, Business Partnership $19.95
(7) Pre-Marriage Agreements are standard fare for rich people. If you're a
person lucky enough to have a small fortune tucked away or invested, there
are lots of people who marry for money only. You may be a target. This may
be O.K. if you're aware of it, but it could be a disaster if your spouse
of a few months were to sue for divorce and then ask for a huge alimony or
cash settlement far out of proportion to the benefits of a short honeymoon.
That's where pre-marriage agreements come in. They avoid that problem.
Pre-Marriage Agreements usually stipulate that all assets that belong to
each spouse before marriage belongs to the original owners after divorce
(or death) and are not "joint property" because of marriage as it might be
considered in many states. Having such an agreement may save your marriage
as well as your money. With pre-marriage agreements, gold-diggers aren't
interested, or are diverted to suckers who don't insist on such agreements.
Kit # 7, Pre-Marriage Agreement $12.95
(8) Bankruptcy Kits are the last resort in a financial crisis. Bankruptcy
is when your debts exceed your assets and ability to pay all your debtors.
In some cases, debtors my force bankruptcy on you. In other situations, you
may decide to declare bankruptcy to get your debtors off your back; to
start all over again with a clean sheet and no debtors.
There are many books on bankruptcy that provide detailed instructions and
some have tear-out forms. The problem with books of this nature is, they're
often out of date and include obsolete forms and other information.
The Bankruptcy Kits by this legal publisher have the same information as
some books, but is guaranteed to be up to date in all aspects. There are
samples of filled-in forms and all the preprinted forms you need to do-it-
yourself. Just fill in the blank spaces with personal information and file
the papers yourself. That can save you about $200 in legal fees.
Kit # 8 Bankruptcy under Chapter 7 (Wipes out personal debts) $27.95
Kit # 9 Bankruptcy under Chapter 13 has a monthly payment plan to stop
foreclosures, garnishments, repossession and trustee sales with a court-
approved monthly payment schedule $27.95
(10) A Do-It-Yourself Litigation Kit. This one is under development by
CFI. It should be ready for delivery by Jan '94. Details are in CRIMFTR1
FloppyBook. Prepublication price is $20. After publication price will be
$29.95. Order now, and save $10.
Kit # 10 Litigation Kit $20 if ordered before January 1st, 1994.
($29.95 after Jan 1, 1994)
F9 for Next Chapter