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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20> <20> Information Society
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD> <20> <20>
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD> <20> <20> Phile #: 2 [3 pages]
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20> <20> Topic : Carding in the 90's (revised)
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD> <20> <20> Author : Aeon Flux
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><> <20><> <20> <20> Date : 09/12/92
<EFBFBD> <20> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20> <20> Usage : Credit Scheme Information
The following text is an important update in the lucretive world of carding.
This should be used as a suppliment .TXT file to other philes about this
practice. Before attempting anything discussed here or in any other .TXT file,
please be sure and gather as much information as possible before attempting to
do it yourself. Uneducated people get BUSTED. I oppolagize for using the same
title as Renegade Legion's phile of the same agenda by The Knight, but I
couldnt think of anything more appropriet.
1. Where to get a card.
Well, that all depends on how knowledged you are with todays
data-base systems, or how devious you are a thief. Depending on how
you acquire your card(s), can vary the percentile you are in for
the possibilty of getting caught. As in other carding files, you
should know that you can get card-slide receipts in the trash of
local businesses or shops that allow customers to purchase items and
or merchandise with the use of those ever handy MasterCard, Visa, and
the lower on the totem pole, American Express. You may even find
Discover or a few others, but once past American Express, there are
very few options you have to choose from in what you can do with the
information because they are not widely excepted. Trashing for this
information is fun. It alows you to get up close and personal with
the Co. you are trashing, and it leaves open doors of opertunity for
you to discover various other forms of information that the Co. might
deal with, or possible things to blackmail people with. The only bad
point I have against trashing is that ITS TRASH, and it can really
smell harendous. A much more deveous way to get you card is of course
through a data-base Co. such as CBI or TRW. While finding a local
dialup and having the password for it may be a problem, if you are
serious enough to try all this and be successfull, you WILL meet or
already know people that have access or can get access to one of
these systems. If not, please dont go any further, or you risk
serious harm to yourself and those that take this sport to its
fullest. I wont go into gaining access to CBI or TRW since they are
covered in various other .TXT's and this is more of an 'update'
info-file. Stealing is of course an option, but a silly one. If you
steal someones card, you would have to use it that day and IMMEDIATELY
after the theft. A stolen card is notorious for not being usable for
more than a few hours. And once found by a clerk that checks it to
be stolen, the authorities are surely not far behind. COUNT ON IT.
After getting the card, CBI the person. Or get someone with the
capability. And with the CBI report you have access to the persons
SSN (social security number) which is usually the key to a successful
card fraud these days. With the SSN and the card information, you can
call the card issuing company and change the address and the phone #
of the original card holder. Change the phone # to a hacked VMB for
the best results. And of course, change the address to the drop site
address so the co. you are carding from wont be 'iffy' about sending
to an alternative address.
2. Finding a drop site.
Finding a drop site can be really easy or very difficult. It all
depends on your area, whats available to you, and how resoursefull
you are. A most commonly used drop site would be the front entrance
way of an apartment complex. An unknown misconception is using your
own house or building. A well planned delivery can be accomplished
right at your door step. This all depends on if you have a
co-conspiritor that is willing to sign at your door. Of course do
not have your friend do this by opening your front door. This causes
too much suspicion. When the doorbell rings, have your friend run
out the back door and around the house. He can pretend he was doing
outside and that no one else is home. If not in a house situation,
wait in an apartment building in viewing distance from the front
entrance way. Be sure you know the approximate delivory time or you
may be there all day. If its late, check on it (be sure to have the
confirmation number handy). When you see the delivory truck pull up,
leave you friends apartment (if inside) and head out the door.
Pretend to 'bump' into the delivory person, and get your package. Or
if you were outside the building, do the same thing, but going in.
Never let the delivory person help you bring in the packages. Make
something up, but dont be suspicious about it.
3. Placing the calls.
News for most people is that alot of mail order companies now have
ANI capability. Which means that they know where you are making the
call from. And most will want to call you back. So, when placing a
call for ordering, do one of the following:
1. Place the call from a trunk box or from a neighbors line.
2. Place the call operator assisted (ie. call the operator
and ask him/her to place the call for you). This cannot be
traced because its not you calling. Its traced back to
the operator. If the mail order co. needs a call back #
tell them your at work and cant be called back, then give
them a hacked VMB # or a BBS #. You can call them back
later and explain that you FAX machine was hooked up (if
you gave them a BBS number. Besure you have something
planned out before making the call.
4. To mail order, or not to mail order.
Mail ording is nice but doesnt alwasy get you what you want, and
doesnt always go through. After getting the SSN and other information
for the card and cardholder, you can change the address and phone #:
Then after about a week, report the card stolen! They will issue a
new card to the address you changed it to. Now you have plastic!
Plastic is very powerful and get you almost anything you want. If
your younger, then its great because you can say that daddy gave you
the card and told you what you could buy with it. Stores dont argue
with this. You may run into a point where they want to check with
'your parents'. So be sure and have the card phone # changed to a
VMB and tell the clerk another # you can reach them at (if they didnt
like the VMB after calling). Give them 'your parents work #" which
is really your friend at a payphone waiting for you to get the hell
out of there and watching for police.
5. Cover your ass.
Whenever venturing into this possibly dangerous field, be sure you
have EVERYTHING planned out. And have backup plans! The smoother
things are run, the better for everyone involved. The co. you are
carding from prefers it when things are normal appearing. If things
look out of place, they flag the card for possible credit fraud and
notify the issue bank to have it checked.
6. Getting caught.
Watch out, cause it happens! Its happened to me, and people around
me. If the cops are heading your way, RUN! Drop what you are doing
and head for the mother fucking hills boy! You better be a good
sprinter too. Seriously, be sure and have a getaway planned depending
on what and where you are carding. If you get caught, cut your losses.
Dont rat out your friends, but you can give out information on people
you dont like as a plea bargain! Just becareful about that because
what goes around, comes around. Never admit to anything they are try
to prove that you 'also did' or didnt do. The smaller the $$ amount
you got caught for, the better. Larceny under $250 is a misdemeanor.
But larceny over $250 is a fellony. You can check your local law
books as to what each one can mean to you (call your local police
department, they'll know. Tell them its for a class your in). It may
come down to paying fines, or worse depending on a previous record you
might have or if you get caught for a lot all at once. Be prepared for
it, because it could happen. Well thought out plans dont fail as long
as there are backdoors for yourself and co-conspiritors. But if not,
if you can do the crime, you can do the time, or pay the fine. Most
companies just want their merchandice back or payment of whatever you
purchased and they will drop the charges. Thats what happened to
myself. I paid, and I walked. I made sure that I had money ahead of
time just for that purpose. And it worked. A month later I resumed,
and nothing has become of it since. But, dont be scared off because
"I", the person writing this file got caught. It was a stupid mistake
on the part of a freind. I wasnt even aware of it till it was too
late. Figures huh? Just besure you know of EVERYTHING. If someone
else is taking care of part of the scam, be sure you know what it is
and what they did. Besure everyone involved knows everything. That
way you dont get crossed lines...
Oh yea, I in no way condone the act of carding. NOT.
Aeon Flux [IS/ARIZE] 92'
Edited and retyped by Aeon Flux