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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
___________________. how to card .__________________________
[ by ]
[ (c) 11/21/88 the disk master time:12:47 am ]
[ \./ \./ \./ ]
[ funtime gs at 305-981-0181 ]
[ 1200/17.4k bauds ]
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[ so how can i find credit cards, where should i look for them? ]
[ ]
[ a)\] check the dumpster of eyelabs ]
[ b)\] ecker's pharmacis, ect..ect.. ]
[ ]
[ yeah fellow phreaks is the only way to find them by trashing, ]
[ ]
[ ok now that i know where to find them how can i tell if it ]
[ has a good credit rating or not? ]
[ ]
[ well this can be simply done by using a merchant number.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so what is a merchant number? and how can i find them! ]
[ ]
[ the merchant number is a usually a 2 or 6 digit code that is ]
[given to the merchant (retailer) by the credit c.bureu itself. ]
[ ]
[ you can hack this merchant numbers very easily, they are ]
[ usually close to one another: sample 567980 567985 ect ect.. ]
[ ]
[ ok but where do i call to hack them? ]
[ ]
[ either you can scan for them or ask around.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so now that ive got the dial-up and mercahnt number ]
[ what else do i need? ]
[ ]
[ you need the bank's identification number to gain access, ]
[ you might want to try and hack it out, they are usually 2-4 ]
[ digits.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so lets say ive got all the things needed..now what? ]
[ ]
[ now you are ready to check the card..ok so dial the dial-up ]
[ wait for the computer to answer, most computers answer with ]
[ the enter type message: in this case enter 10 for visa and ]
[ 20 for master card ]
[ now you will be ask for the bank identification, next you'll ]
[ be ask to enter the merchant number, now you will be prompt to]
[ enter the credit card number, now you will be ask to enter the]
[ amount of money you would like to use on this card..and than ]
[ it will say please wait..and give you a message saying approve]
[ 0029371 or you might get this kind of message; declined! ect..]
[ ]
[ ok so what do those numbers after approved mean and ]
[ what is declined? ]
[ ]
[ well those numbers are the authorization numbers that the merc]
[ hant (retailer) writes down to collect the money later on, so ]
[ those numbers dont have any use for you the carder.. ]
[ ]
[ declined is that; the card is either expired or that it does ]
[ not have the credit for that amount of money. ]
[ ]
[ ok so lets say the card was approved for that amount of ]
[ money, now what do i do? ]
[ ]
[ well you can start by trying to find that name in the credit ]
[ card (carbon paper) in your local phone directory.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so i found the name ..but what the hell does the phone ]
[ directory has to do with carding? ]
[ ]
[ well is a must having the persons address and phone number. ]
[ in todays world 1988 its a must having the address because ]
[ most companies will check for that and if it doesn't match ]
[ the adress you are sending it to; they will suspect of credit ]
[ card fraud, so if this happens what they will do is call the ]
[ number you gaved them to verify it..i would suggest giving ]
[ them a number that is busy most of the time by the way make ]
[ sure the area code ya give matches your state but dont ever ]
[ give out the owner of the cards phone number to any company.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so why is it a must to have the person's number than? ]
[ ]
[ a very good question..you need the number to call the owner ]
[ of the credit card, yeah that's right to call him. you must ]
[ call the person ofcourse you must call him after ordering all ]
[ the merchandise you want.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so how do i do it without getting busted? ]
[ ]
[ well first of all find an extender or do it on a public phone]
[ this will ensure safety from being traced, than you must call ]
[ the company you will be ordering from through the extender.. ]
[ anyways after getting off the phone with the company give them]
[ a call back like in 3-4 hours and said something like this. hi]
[ im calling concernign my order,i would like to know if it was ]
[ shipped;i must have it by tommorow no later..anyways they will]
[ check it for you and if they say yes it has been sent out sir!]
[ or no it has not yet been shipped but it has been proccess.. ]
[ than say ok thanks alot..now hung-up wait about an hour or so ]
[ and call the owner of the credit card and say something like; ]
[ hi, may i please speak to (name) dont say his last name just ]
[ first name, and say like hi, this is john/mary from the comput]
[ er store, i was wondering if you have receive a call from one ]
[ our representatives concerning some computer hardware..ect.. ]
[ donot mention anything about credit card..anyways if he does ]
[ not seem to know what the hell you are talking about, you've ]
[ got it made..so tell him something like this is this (name) ]
[ (and any last name that comes to your mind) im speaking to, he]
[ will ofcourse say no you have a wrong number so hung up and ]
[ that is it..you can be sure that you will get the hardware.. ]
[ with nothing to worry about but please make sure you know what]
[ the hell you are reading before doing anything that will get ]
[ you into more trouble than what you already are by reading ]
[ this file.. ]
[ ]
[ ok everything sounds great but what is an extender and where ]
[ or how can i find one, is an extender really neccessary, what ]
[ is the purpose of the extender? ]
[ ]
[ an extender is a number you call and gives you a dial tone. ]
[ with this dial tone you could call out other numbers that are ]
[ local to the area it is located at or you can call 800 numbers]
[ and 950's since they are all free calls.. ]
[ ]
[ finding extenders wont be an easy task but you can do it ]
[ by scanning for dial tones.. ]
[ ]
[ the extender serves a great purpose, it will protect you from]
[ being traced..ok lets say that the company you are going to ]
[ order from has a tracer on its line..(doubtful but possible), ]
[ so when you call the company through the extender they wont ]
[ trace you they will trace the extender.. ]
[ ]
[ ok what if i found and extender what do i do than, and how ]
[ can they trace the extender when im the one that is making ]
[ the call? ]
[ ]
[ well when you get the extender simply dial a 9 plus the ]
[ number you wish to call.. ]
[ ]
[ yes you are right, you are making the call, but you are not ]
[ making the call on your line you are making the call on the ]
[ extender which is another number not yours, so if they would ]
[ trace you they will have the extender number not yours.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so can they somehow backtrace to the extander, how safe is]
[ an extender and which kinds of extenders are there? ]
[ ]
[ extenders are not monitor but than again the extender might ]
[ have been abused and yes it might have a tracer on it..what i ]
[ mean by abused is that it might have been has traced so many ]
[times that authoritiesities might have put a tracer on it like.]
[ ]
[ an extender is the safest thing there has ever existed in ]
[ phone fraud.. ]
[ ]
[ basically there are 3 type of extenders but since this is ]
[ getting a little bit out of carding i will not discuss it.. ]
[ ]
[ is always good to use extenders that start with the number 2 ]
[ although its not really neccessary.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so ive got all the tools but where do i send the cargo to? ]
[ ]
[ well you must find and empty house that is not near yours ]
[ this will ensure safety, in case someone comes by and starts ]
[ asking the neighbors all kinds of questions.. ]
[ ]
[ ok so lets say i have order what i need ive call the company ]
[ back in 3-4 hours after hunging up with them, and i have ask ]
[ them if the merchandise was already shipped and they had said ]
[ yes..ok so i called the owner about an hour later of finding ]
[ out that the merchandise was shipped or processed..now how ]
[ would i receive the merchandise what will i have to do? ]
[ ]
[ there are only 2 options either be there and face the ups, ex ]
[ press mail and give him some excuse like hey im glad i caught ]
[ you we are presently moving out or we just finished moving out]
[ a while ago..do you have a packge for (name on card)-(give him]
[ the complete name)..ect..thank him and go home happy..... ]
[ ]
[ yeah but isn't it risky to sign in person? ]
[ ]
[ no its not risky of you are old enough to look like the owner]
[ of the card..but if you arent than just leave a note on the ]
[ door saying to please leave it there.. ]
[ ]
[ ..... by the way ...... ]
[ if you dont look old enough to own the card than just have the]
[ person that is taking your order put the merchanise under your]
[ cousin's or son's name like that they ups guy or express will ]
[ say oh you must be whomever.. ]
[ ]
[ i hope you have enjoyed my file and hopefully you have ]
[ learned something for the better.. ]
[ yours truly, ]
[ the disk master ]
[ ]
[ give my board a call at 305-981-0181...funtime iigs.... ]
[ also call outer limits..305-434-2518... ..... ]