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186 lines
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from: the Asimov collection
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* Viking Quest Solver File *
% By: The Wyvern/T-Men %
* Pyrotechnics *
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This is how to solve Viking Quest,
this is just version one a lot of
stuff will be longer, incomplete, and
maybe not right. All will be
perfect in version 2.
This will tell you *almost* exactly
how to solve Viking Quest, if you
don't want to know, turn off your
computer now.
[Part one - Fathers Castle]
[south],[south],[kill stranger],
[look stranger],(this will give
you the silver coin),[south],(now
in the Land of Wotan, I think
typing [touch spear] does something
but I'm not sure, try that and then
wander [west],[east] until Wotan
comes around!),[west],[talk
stranger],(trade your whatever
with the stranger for 100 gps),
[east],[south],[d] (for down!)
Now we will leave this place full
of gods for now and go down into
a towney place.
[Part two - Towney Place]
We must get some food or we are
going to starve our asses off!
[west],[south],[east],[go building]
, [buy food] (ahhhh yes we still
have an ass! and you better hope you
traded with that guy or you are
not going to be able to get food!),
(Now go back to the place you started
when you came [d] to the town, by
reversing your directions),(type
south I think, but be sure you are
back up in the land of gods!!!)
Now back to the land of gods!
[Part three - Back to gods' place]
Now we gotta find Odins ass and
tell him we are going to kick it
in unless...
I think that you go like [east],
[north],[north],[east], but I'm
really not sure.... it will say
you are in the Land of Odin when
you get there.
I'm almost posotive though that once
you get where the strange was killed
if you just go [north],[east] that
you will be there??
Once in Odin's Land, keep going [east]
until you find him, he was nice and
said we could use his name once, so
we won't have to kick his ass!
Now go [west] and i think you will
be where you killed the stranger??
if not get here, go back into
wotan land, go west, and I think
you are by the town?? Or else go south
or soemnthing, but find where it says
go down for town, and then go [d].
[Part 4 - who cares]
Now go [east],[say odin],(bandits
are coming up next and he will
save us so our ass don't get kicked!)
,[east],[go castle],[u],[kill
bandit],[look bandit] (this will
give you a ring or soemthing, nice
bandit picture eh?),(now go back
to the same place where you came
down from last with I think
or something like that!!! Then go
[west],[west],[west (i think)]
but find the country side.. from
the country side go [south],[south],
[look distance]
And poofo magico, since we killed
that bandit it magically teleports
us to.......> Harbor Place < another
famous Wyvern place name.
[part 5 - some harbor place]
go [south] until you get to the boat
and then type [look boat],[go boat]
and this is one part I'm not sure
about here, you have to sail around
until you come to the next palce:
Chasm of Wyvern (named after me!)
Then onto the next part..
[part 6 - Chasm of Wyvern]
It's time to say goodbye to para-
chutes because now you are going
to jump head first into a pile of
lava!!!! (???)
[jump chasm],[turn around],(ahhhh,
you will go flying down somewhere)
now you will be in some crappy blue
picture...move around cuz I don't
know what to do here either (written
down I mean) so move around and you
know you are getting soemwhere when
you come to the first spot: a dragon!
This is how i'll show it treks:
[at dragon]
attack dragon with sword
[at balron]
attack with spear
(get rid of the dragon on the dragon
[at demon]
wear amulet
[at demi-god]
show runic amulet
Then you come to the beautiful princess
and win the whole damn sun of a you
look for version two, which will be
muuuuuch better.
see ya at a later date, k!
The Wyvern/T-Men