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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
| |
| -- An Abbreviated Trojan Alert List |
| to be used as a BULLETIN on BBS's |
| Issue #01: November 12, 1989|
| By Tom Sirianni, |
| and Those Sysops of FidoNet & LCRNET Revision Stage `C'|
-------------- -------- ---------------------------------------
3X3SHR *TROJAN Time Bomb type trojan wipes the [Hard]
Drive clean. File size is 78,848.
ANTI-PCB *TROJAN The story behind this trojan horse is
sickening. Apparently one RBBS-PC
sysop and one PC-BOARD sysop started
feuding about which BBS system was
better, and in the end the PC-BOARD
sysop wrote a trojan and uploaded it to
the rbbs SysOp under ANTI-PCB.COM. Of
course the RBBS-PC SysOp ran it, and
that led to quite a few accusations and
a big mess in general. Let's grow up!
Every SysOp has the right to run the
type of BBS they please, and the fact
that a SysOp actually wrote a trojan
ntended for another sysop simply
blows my mind.
ARC2ZIP.EXE VIRUS This Lehigh Virus strain that attacks
the COMMAND.COM and is used in
converting ARCed files to ZIPed files.
This file also copies itself into the
ZIPed file while remaining a TSR within
COMMAND.COM. Also it is always looking
for COMMAND.COM on a FLOPPY diskette, so
it has two ways to infect.
ARC513.EXE *TROJAN This hacked version of ARC appears
normal, so beware! It will write over
track 0 of your [hard] disk upon usage,
destroying the disk.
ARC514.COM *TROJAN This is very similar to ARC version
5.13 in that it will overwrite track 0
(FAT Table) of your [Hard] disk. Also, I
have yet to see an .EXE version of this
ARC533.EXE VIRUS This is a new Virus program designed to
emulate Sea's ARC program. It infects
OMMAND.COM. Lehigh Virus Type.
BACKTALK *TROJAN This program used to be a good PD
utility, but someone changed it to be
trojan. Now this program will write/
destroy sectors on your [hard] disk
drive. Use this with caution if you
acquire it, because it's more than
likely that you got a bad copy.
B30012A.ARC *TROJAN Was supposed to be a Quick BBS utilty
to handle 300 baud Users. But what it
really does is delete many of the
general directories used by a Quick
BBS system.
CDIR.COM *TROJAN This program is supposed to give you a
color directory of files on your disk,
but it in fact will scramble your disk's
File Allocation Table (FAT).
D-XREF60.COM TROJAN A Pascal Utility used for Cross-
Referencing, written by the infamous
Dorn Stickel. It eats the FAT and
BOOT sector after a time period has
been met and if the [Hard] Drive is more
than half full.
DANCERS.BAS *TROJAN This trojan shows some animated dancers
in color, and then proceeds to wipe out
your [hard] disk's FAT table. There is
another perfectly good copy of DANCERS.
BAS on BBS's around the country; appar-
ently the idiot trojan author altered a
legitimate program to do the dirty work.
DISKSCAN.EXE TROJAN This was a PC-MAGAZINE program to scan
a [hard] disk for bad sectors, but then
a joker edited it to WRITE bad sectors
Also look for this under other names
good original copy is availble on SCP
Business BBS.
DMASTER *TROJAN This is yet another FAT scrambler.
DOSKNOWS.EXE *TROJAN I'm still tracking this one down --
apparently someone wrote a FAT killer
and renamed it DOSKNOWS.EXE, so it
would be confused with the real,
harmless DOSKNOWS system-status
utility. All I know for sure is that
the REAL DOSKNOWS.EXE is 5376 bytes
long. If you see something called
DOSKNOWS that isn't close to that size,
sound the alarm.
DOS-HELP TROJAN This trojan, when made memory-resident,
is supposed to display a DOS command
that the User needs help with. Works fine
on a Diskette system, but on a [Hard]
DRIVE system, it tries to format the
[Hard] Disk with every access of
DPROTECT *TROJAN Apparently someone tampered with the
original, legitimate version of
DPROTECT and turned it into a FAT
eater. A good version is available
on SCP Business BBS.
DRAIN2 *TROJAN There really is a DRAIN program, but
this revised program goes out does a Low
Level Format while it is playing the
funny program.
DROID.EXE *TROJAN This trojan appears under the guise of
a game. You are supposedly an architect
who controls futuristic droids in search
of relics. In fact, PC-Board sysops (if
they run this program from C:\PCBOARD)
will find that it copies C:\PCBOARD\
.EXE file is 54,272 bytes.
DRPTR.ARC TROJAN File found on two boards in the 343
Net. After running unsuspected file,
the only things left in the Sysop's
root directory were the subdirectories
and two of the three DOS System files,
along with a 0-byte file named
was located in a different directory;
the file date and CRC had not changed.
DSZ (Patch) *CAREFUL The author of this protocol program,
Chuck Forsberg, warns that anyone using
an Unregistered version of DSZ that was
HACKED with a downloaded PATCH to make
it work fully, might get a SCRAMBLED FAT.
Seems someone created the HACK PATCH and
then uploaded it to BBS's. *BEWARE* of
the PATCH! It is not the DSZ program that
does the dirty work, but the invalid PATCH.
EGABTR *TROJAN BEWARE! Description says something like
"improve your EGA display," but when
run, it deletes everything in sight and
prints, "Arf! Arf! Got you!"
EMMCACHE *CAREFUL This program is not exactly a trojan,
but it (v. 1.0) may have the capability
of destroying [Hard] disks by:
A) Scrambling every file modified after
running the program.
B) Destroying boot sectors.
This program has damaged at least two
[Hard] disks; yet there is a base of
happily registered users. Therefore,
extreme caution is advised if you decide
to use this program.
FILER.EXE *TROJAN One SysOp complained a while ago that
this program wiped out his 20 Megabyte
[Hard] disk. I'm not so sure that he was
correct and/or telling the truth any
more. I have personally tested an
excellent file manager also named
FILER.EXE, and it worked perfectly.
Also, many other SysOp's have written
to tell me that they have like me used
a FILER.EXE with no problems. If you
get a program named FILER.EXE, it is
probably alright, but better to test it
first using some security measures.
FILES.GBS CAREFUL When an OPUS BBS system is installed
improperly, this file could spell
disaster for the Sysop. It can let a
user of any level into the system.
Protect yourself. Best to have a
sub-directory in each upload area
called c:\upload\files.gbs (this is an
example only). This would force Opus to
rename a file upload of files.gbs and
prevent its usage.
FINANCE4.ARC *CAREFUL This program is not a verified trojan;
there is simply a file going around
BBS's warning that it may be a trojan.
In any case, exercise extreme care with
FLU4TXT.COM TROJAN Man, when I thought we had it licked!
This Trojan was inserted into the
FluShot4.ARC and uploaded to many
BBS's. FluShot is a protector of your
COMMAND.COM. The author of FluShot
posted this Trojan warning, and I am
posting it here in the GL. If you need
a good copy, you can get it from here--
SCP Business BBS--or on COMPUSERVE.
FOX2.ARC TROJAN The show program was put into the FOX
(SHOW.COM) archive to display a porono on VGA.
While doing so it corrupts the FAT of
the HD. Even NU can not recover it. A
FAT recover program like MIRROR has
not yet been tested for it.
Name Size Date
Show.com 14562 06/02/85
FUTURE.BAS *TROJAN This "program" starts out with a very
nice color picture (of what, I don't
know) and then proceeds to tell you
that you should be using your computer
for better things than games and
graphics. After making that point, it
trashes your A: drive, and B:, C:, D:
drives until it has erased all drives.
It does not go after the FAT alone; it
also erases all of your data. As far
as I know, however, it erases only one
sub-directory tree level deep, thus
[Hard] disk users should only be
seriously affected if they are in the
"root" directory. I'm not sure about
this one either, though.
GATEWAY2 *TROJAN Someone tampered with version 2.0 of
the CTTY monitor GATEWAY. What it
does is ruin the FAT. If you need a
good copy, you can file-request it or
pick one up from 105/301--SCP Business
GRABBER TROJAN This program is supposed to be a SCREEN
CAPTURE program that copies the screen
to a .COM to be run later from the DOS
command line. As a TSR, it will also
attempt to do a DISK WRITE to the [Hard]
drive when you do not want it to. It
will wipe whole Directories when doing
a normal DOS command. One sysop who
ran it lost all of his ROOT directory
including his SYSTEM files. The file
status is :
Name Size Date Time
GRABBER.COM 2583 05/28/87 22:10
GRASPRT.EXE VIRUS This file was in a porno file called
SEXSHOE.LZH originating from PC-EXEC
BBS. The Sysop took it off, but it had
been downloaded by a few people. This is
one of the Jerusalem-B Virus strains.
The status is:
Name Size Date Time
GRASPRT.EXE 73376 06/03/86 09:49
G-MAN TROJAN Another FAT killer.
HEART.EXE VIRUS Infected with the Israeli Virus.
Displays the HEART logo on CGA monitor
while infecting the HD. File is found
on some SHAREWARE houses watch for it.
Name Size Date
HEART.EXE 13744 ?????
JIV40.LZH VIRUS Hacked propgram of JIV - current real
program is v3.3 NOT v4.0 - It is also
infected by a Virus which attaches to
any .COM file it can find.
KC-PAL.COM TROJAN Infects the COMMAND.COM and then attaches
to any .COM file afterward using the
COMMAND.COM during its use of Internal
commands (COPY, DIR, TYPE, etc.). The
COMMAND.COM files are enlarged in size
by 1538 bytes, and in the Time column
of the directory, listing the seconds
is reset from :00 to :62.
LM TROJAN Deletes the COMMAND.COM and other
files from the ROOT directory of the
[Hard] Drive when the program runs.
MAP TROJAN This is another trojan horse written by
the infamous Dorn Stickel. Designed
to display what TSR's are in memory and
works on FAT and BOOT sectors. Also
seems towork only when the [Hard] Drive
is 50 percent full or more.
MATHKIDS.ARC *TROJAN This is a fairly benign trojan that
will not reformat your [Hard] disks or
do any system-level damage. Instead,
it is designed to crack a BBS system. It
will attempt to copy the USER file on
a BBS to a file innocently called
FIXIT.ARC, which the originator can
later call in and download. Believed
to be designed for PCBoard BBS's.
MOUSEKEY.COM VIRUS Mouse device program infected with the
CASCADE type virus.
NORTSHOT.ZIP TROJAN A supposed VIRUS checker - while
NORTSTOP.ZIP listing the DIR during its check
displays that the disk is Virus Free -
but during Dec. 24th and Dec. 31st it
will ERASE files in several DIR's
based on their extension. NORTSHOT.ZIP
and NORTSTOP.ZIP are same file.
Name Size Date
NORTSTOP.EXE 38907 ?????
NOTROJ.COM *TROJAN This "program" is the most sophisti-
cated trojan horse that I've seen to
date. All outward appearances indicate
that the program is a useful utility
used to FIGHT other trojan horses.
Actually, it is a time bomb that erases
any [Hard] disk FAT IT can find and,
at the same time, it warns: "another
program is attempting a format, can't
abort! After erasing the FAT(s),
NOTROJ then proceeds to start a low
level format. One extra thing to note:
NOTROJ only damages FULL [Hard] drives;
if a [Hard] disk is under 50 percent
full, this program won't touch it!
If you are interested in reading a
thorough report on NOTROJ.COM, James H.
Coombes has written an excellent text
file on the matter named NOTROJ.TXT.
If you have trouble finding it, you
can get it from SCP Business BBS.
PACKDIR *TROJAN This utility is supposed to "pack"
(sort and optimize) the files on a
[hard] disk, but apparently it
scrambles FATs.
PCW271xx.ARC *TROJAN A modified version of the popular
PC-WRITE word processor (v. 2.71) has
now scrambled at least 10 FAT tables
that I know of. If you want to
download version 2.71 of PC-WRITE, be
very careful! The bogus version can be
identified by its size; it uses 98,274
bytes whereas the good version uses
98,644. For reference, version 2.7 of
PC-WRITE occupies 98,242 bytes.
PKX35B35.ARC } *TROJAN This was supposed to be an update to
PKB35B35.ARC } *VIRUS PKARC file compress utility. When it is
run, it *EATS your FATS* and is said to
to infect other files so it can spread.
Possible VIRUS.
PKPAK/PKUNPAK *CAREFUL There is a TAMPERED version of 3.61
v3.61 that interferes with PC's interrupts.
PKFIX361.EXE *TROJAN Supposed patch to v3.61. What it really
does when it is extracted from the .EXE
file is do DIRECT access to the DRIVE
CONTROLLER to perform a Low-Level format,
thereby bypassing checking programs.
PK362.EXE *CAREFUL This is a NON-RELEASED version and is
suspected as being a *TROJAN*. Not
PK363.EXE *CAREFUL This is a NON-RELEASED version and is
suspected as being a *TROJAN*. Not
PKZ100.EXE TROJAN Supposed to be a new release of PKZIP,
but what it really does is fill up
your [Hard] drive with many directories
until the system no longer functions.
The current version is PKZIP v.092.
PKZ120.EXE TROJAN Modeifies the AREAS.BBS of BBS's that
use such a file. Replaces addreses in
that file with dummy addreses. then
deletest itself to avoid any way to
desipher how it works.
Name Size Date
PKZ120.EXE 172,000approx. 09/13/89
QUIKRBBS.COM *TROJAN This Trojan horse advertises that it
will install a program to protect your
RBBS but it does not. It goes and eats
away at the FAT instead.
QUIKREF *TROJAN This ARChive contains ARC513.COM.
It is supposed to load RBBS-PC's message
file into memory two times faster than
normal. What it really does is copy the
RBBS-PC.DEF into an ASCII file named
RCKVIDEO *TROJAN This is another trojan that does what
it's supposed to do, and then wipes out
[Hard] disks. After showing some simple
animation of a rock star ("Madonna," I
think), the program will go to work on
erasing every file it can lay it's
hands on. After about a minute of this,
it will create three ASCII files that
say, "You are stupid to download a
video about rock stars," or something
of the like.
SECRET.BAS *TROJAN BEWARE!! This may be posted with a note
saying it doesn't seem to work, and
would someone please try it; when you
do, it formats your disks.
SIDEWAYS.COM *TROJAN Be careful with this trojan; there is a
perfectly legitimate version of
SIDEWAYS.EXE circulating. Both the
trojan and the good SIDEWAYS advertise
that they can print sideways, but
SIDEWAYS.COM will trash a [hard] disk's
boot sector instead. The trojan .COM
file is about 3 KB, whereas the
legitimate .EXE file is about 30 KB
STAR.EXE *TROJAN Beware RBBS-PC SysOps! This file puts
some stars on the screen while copying
RBBS-PC.DEF to another name that can be
downloaded later!
STRIPES.EXE *TROJAN Similar to STAR.EXE, this one draws an
American flag (nice touch), while it's
busy copying your RBBS-PC.DEF to
another file (STRIPES.BQS) so the joker
can log in later, download STRIPES.BQS,
and steal all your passwords. Nice, huh?
SUG.COM TROJAN This one is supposed to go out and
unprotect copy protected programs disks
by Softguard Systems, Inc. After it
trashes your disk, it comes back and
"This destruction constitutes a prima
facie evidence of your violation. If
you attempt to challenge Softguard
Systems Inc..., you will be vigorously
counter-sued for copyright infringement
and theft of services."
AND it by-passes any attempt by CHK4BOMB
to search for the any hidden messages
that tell you, "YOU BEEN HAD... or
GOTCHA>>> Ar..Ar..Ar... It encrypts the
Gotcha message so no Trojan checker can
scan for it.
TIRED *TROJAN Another scramble-the-FAT trojan by Dorn
W. Stickel.
TOPDOS *TROJAN This is a simple high level [hard] disk
TSRMAP *TROJAN This program does what it's supposed to
do: give a map outlining the location
(in RAM) of all TSR programs, but it
also erases the boot sector of drive
ULTIMATE.EXE TROJAN Another FAT eater. File status:
Name Size
UNIX VIRUS The UNIX operating system by Berkley,
verson 4.3, is an INTERNET virus. A
Patch is available on SCP Business
VDIR.COM *TROJAN This is a disk killer that Jerry
Pournelle wrote about in BYTE Magazine.
I have never seen it, although a
responsible friend of mine has.
VGA2CGA.ARC VIRUS CGA converter - infected with the
AIDS/Hahaha - has been found on many
USA West Coast BBS's.
VU.EXE *VIRUS Infected with the 1704-B Virus. Has not
been confirmed. And is unkown what the
file is supposed to do.
WOW *VIRUS Also known as the 1701 Virus. This
is a new strain of the Lehigh Virus
as it not only looks for COMMAND.COM,
but any .COM file. As it does it, the
infected file is enlarged 1,701 bytes
in SIZE. The infection takes as you
run the .COM. WOW is a TSR. What happens
when you run WOW is that it displays an
""The Wizards of Warez"
in assocoation with
the copycats
the Pirates Unlimited
WOW 1989 "
The virus is also known as WOWTITLE.