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Documentation for C-Virus v3.0
I. How to use
To use C-Virus, merely rename it to some innocent (or
not-so-innocent) sounding file name, such as ULTIMA7.EXE,
GIFVIEW.COM, or HOTSEX.EXE. Then let someone run it. It's that
simple. Just make sure that its extension is .EXE or .COM.
A better choice is to infect any specific .EXE or .COM file
(or, if you really wanted to, any file) with C-Virus. At the DOS
prompt type "CVIRUS (filename)" where filename is the name of the
victim. C-Virus will only spread to that file, not harming any
other file in the directory. For example, you could type "CVIRUS
WC2.EXE" and, although WC2.EXE would appear unchanged (same size,
date, time, etc.), it is now actually another copy of C-Virus.
Then feel free to show "Wing Commander II"
to all your friends (on their computers, of course). Be sure to
backup the file if you want to keep it, as CVIRUS will totally
obliterate it. This has the nice side effect of zapping files when
C-Virus replaces a utility (ie: C-Virus has infected LIST.COM; now
if you try to LIST KOOLWARE.EXE C-Virus infects the game you were
trying to view!).
II. Modifying C-Virus
C-Virus was written in Borland C++ v3.00, but will also
compile under Turbo C++ v1.00, and should port to other IBM-PC C
compilers with little modification.
A good area for modification is the function
hostile_activity(). This function is automatically called if there
are no files left to infect. The current version of C-Virus has
this function overwrite the victim's C:'s boot, FAT, and directory
sectors with garbage, then display a notice of C-Virus's presence
and lock up the computer. You may want to add to this a few select
calls to abswrite(), unlink(), and biosdisk(), or write your own,
more devious routines.
Other good expansions of C-Virus include adding support for
multiple-directory spreads (something I avoided because it would
take up too much space), changing the code so that C-Virus only
goes off on certain days, weeks, etc. Simple modifications to
C-Virus can easily create viruses just as good as the
Note: Try to avoid using printf() or related functions; they
can increase the size of C-Virus dramatically. Instead use the
function puts() or, better yet, use the _write() command, but this
is harder to use. In addition, note that TOO_SMALL is left defined
at 4.3k. If, when recompiling C-Virus, you see that the final
product is larger or smaller, change TOO_SMALL to a little over the
size of the .EXE file. This insures maximum effect without
alerting people via increase in file size. If this number is too
small, subsequent infections will crash because all of the virus
code won't be copied into the victim.
III. Recompiling C-Virus
To re-compile C-Virus, use the included batch file
MAKECVIR.BAT. This file assumes that you: (1) Have LZEXE.EXE, and
that it's in your path; (2) DEBUG is also in your path; and (3)
That MAKECVIR.SCR is in the current directory. If any of these
things are different on your computer, change the batch file
accordingly. If you use a compiler other than Turbo C++ or Turbo
C, you'll have to change the name of the compiler, as well
as the options it is invoked with. (I have it set for "fastcall"
of functions, maximum space optimizations, and duplicate string
removal [not that there are any though].) Although C-Virus will
work in any memory model, always use the small model to avoid
excess code generation.
A note about the "NMAN" signature: When creating new versions
of C-Virus, I suggest changing the signature to something else. IT
MUST BE FOUR BYTES LONG. Change MAKECVIR.SCR so the second line
reads "DB '(four bytes)'." Also change the definition of SIGNATURE
in the C source code to be the sum of the ASCII codes of each of the
four letters of the signature . I would appreciate that any modified
versions do not read "NMAN" - use some other bytes. These bytes not
only insure that there is a signature so that files aren't
re-infected, but they also stop people from UNLZEXEing your virus for
analysis (of course they could always change them back, but most
people are too stupid to think of this).
IV. Removing C-Virus
DO NOT accidentally infect yourself. Infected files are
unrecoverable. If you infect your files, the only way to get rid of
the virus is to erase them. Don't say you weren't warned.
By the way, no virus-scanner that I know of can identify *this
version* of C-Virus. Nothing can remove C-Virus either. Oh well.
C-Virus, *NOT* "Nowhere Man." That is my handle, fool!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, you can
leave E-Mail for me at The Hell Pit BBS at (708) 459-7267.
Happy virusing!
--Nowhere Man, [NuKE] '92
Look (and look out) for these fine warez by Nowhere Man:
** C-Virus -- My first virus, the program that proves
that C CAN be used to write good virii.
With full C source, automated creation
files, and docs. THIS PRODUCT.
** Itii-Bitti (A, B) -- The world's smallest virus for it's
abilities, Itti-Bitti has all of the bells
and whistles of the fancier virii, but
Strain A is only 161 bytes (two less than
Tiny) and Strain B is only 99. With full
assembler source and docs. Available now.
** DeathCow Strain B -- A lame virus based on the original
DeathCow, a Minimal-46 variant. Made
smaller, it measures only fourty-two bytes.
With full assembler source and docs.
Available Now.
** Miniscule -- The world's smallest functional virus,
Miniscule is only thirty-one bytes long!
Comes with fully-commented assembler source
(great for learning the tricks of the
trade). Available now.
** Nowhere Utilities -- A group of fine utilities to assist you in
the development and distribution of trojans
and virii. Also great for just having
around when you need them. Check it out.
Available now.
** Code Zero -- A nice little appending .COM infector I
wrote with V.C.L. to show off it's
capabilities. Somehow Patricia Hoffman
got her hands on it, and the rest is
history. Available now.
** Kinison -- Another .COM appender created with V.C.L.
dedicated to the memory of Sam Kinison.
On the anniversary of his tragic death
in an auto accident Kinison "screams" at
your hard disk with devistating results.
Available now.
** V.C.L. -- Virus Creation Laboratory, the ultimate
virus utility. You choose the options,
the effects of the virus, infection rate
and type, etc. and it does the rest! No
more messy assembler coding or tedious
debugging. Also produces trojans and
logic bombs. Full professional-quality
IDE, too. A major work to redefine the
virus world. Available Summer 1992.