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Warez 101 For The Newbie
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by NEURO - -- - 09/24/00
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1.1: What you'll need.
1.2: Where are the files?
1.3: What to look and lookout for.
1.4: A couple good tips.
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Warez -
Software that has been stripped of all copy protection and is distributed
on warez sites, warez FTP's, and other forms of file exchange are considered
warez. Warez is generally a newbie term for pirated software, but is widely
used by many.
Dead link -
When a link's destination has been deleted or the link's destination URL
was mistyped. Many files stored on free webspace providers end up as dead
links because they are deleted.
An Internet or Web address is sometimes called a URL, or Uniform Resource
Locator. For example, the URL for a shitty warez site might be
http://www.easywarez.com (hehe).
Newbies and lamers-
Newbies and lamers are people who are new to something. In turn, they don't
know much about it. In this case, this tutorial is for warez newbies.
Lamahs -
This is slang for Lamers. This is a negative term towards newbies. Which is
stupid because most of the newbies today will end up the elite of tomorrow.
See the previous definition on "Newbies and lamers" for more information.
Stupid fucking bullshit! -
This is what most of the major and minor warez sites have reverted too.
I've been to some very good sites in my time. One of the best sites I've
ever been to was Cloud 9 Warez. I send my props out to Cloud 9 for running
an extremly kick-ass warez site.
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This is a guide for newbies on how to efficiently search for, download,
and unpack warez from warez sites and warez FTP's. I try to be as kind as
possible to newbies because I remember when I was in the position where I
didn't know anything. I read many tutorials similar to this one and here I
am now, the teacher. I've had a lot of experience in the scene in many
different aspects. I've been the Webmaster of a quality warez site, I'm a
programmer, and I've written my fare share of guides and tutorials among
many other things. So settle down with a glass of your favorite soda and
read on knowing I'm not pulling this shit out of my ass.
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1.1: What you'll need.
This section talks about what you'll need start downloading warez today.
You will need all of these utilities at one point or another so it's best
that you get them now. Anyway, read this list and download everything you
see here:
WinZip -
You'll need WinZip to unpack all files compressed in the ZIP format. You can
download it at http://www.winzip.com. A crack isn't necessary because the
shareware version won't stop working after using past the expiration date.
WinRar -
You'll need WinRar to unpack all files compressed in the RAR format. Right
now, the RAR format seems to be the most used right now due to its
You can download it at http://www.rarsoft.com. Like WinZip, a crack isn't
necessary because the shareware version won't stop working after using past
the expiration date.
WinAce -
You'll also need WinAce. WinRar and WinAce are used a lot so you'll need it
well. You can download it at http://www.winace.com. A crack is not needed.
Go!Zilla/Get Right -
Download either Go!Zilla or Get Right so u can save your current transfer
and pick it up a at another time. Download Go!Zilla at
or download Get Right at http://www.getright.com. These aren't absolutely
necessary if you have DSL or Cable type connections.
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1.2: Where are the files?
Often time's files aren't stored on the actual warez site's server because
it will be easier to shut that site down and it eats away bandwidth. Usually
files are stored on free webspace providers such as Homestead.com, Xoom.com,
Tripod.com, Geocities.com, ETC. The warez sites link to the files, which are
stored on the free accounts. Some of the free storage space sites, such as
XDrive.com, Driveway.com, and FreeDiskSpace.com require a membership to be
able to access shared files. I suggest you get a membership with as many of
these sites as humanly possible. This makes it easier to access the files
right away. On some occasions the files will be stored on servers located in
countries without software copyright laws and seldom contain dead links.
Free webspace providers tend to enjoy deleting warez files and warez
If you find a dead link then you'll have to find another site with the same
game up for grabs and download it from there.
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1.3: What to look and lookout for.
When scouring the net for warez sites, look for clean sites that are very
straightforward. Try to avoid sites that shove 5 pop-ups up your ass when
you enter their site and always try to make you vote. Watch out for links
that say they go to the newest games around but actually just vote for the
shitty site your on. See "Stupid fucking bullshit!" in the Terminology
section near the top of the page for more info. Stay away from links that
say they lead to a game that won't be out for 2 or 3 months. Also do the
same for links that say they lead to leaked betas and extremely early
cracked demos. Those are the links that lead to voting gateways.
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1.4: A couple good tips.
Write down or type the URL's of the really good warez sites you visit. Do
the same for really bad sites too. This way you'll know which sites to go
to for the newest games and which sites to avoid. Stay away from links that
are equal to "Click here for the hottest new games!" and "Click here to see
Pamela screwing Tommy Lee". You can pretty much bet your life on that link
leading to a top100 list and a voting gateway.
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This just about ends my tutorial on warez for newbies. If you have any
questions, comments, or praises (hehe), you can contact me by e-mail. My
e-mail address is located at the bottom of the page. Good luck with all
your future ventures, read all the tutorials you can (they DO help), and
for heaven's sake... BE NICE TO THE NEWBIES!
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NEURO (nmsoft@hotmail.com)
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