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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
written by: paranoidxe
email: paranoidtsi@hotmail.com
date: 04/02/04
This is dedicated to those who are fortunate enough to not have to
deal with a STD for the rest of their lifes, and those of you that
didn't have to go through a scare like I did.
About two months ago I got a call from a ex that informed me that
she had herpes, I was devistated. While herpes isn't exactly fatal
it does prevent you from having a normal sex life. Fortunately,
after doing a blood test I found out that I am not infected. Here
I hope to inform the un-informed about all the STDs in the world.
You may be thinking, why write a guide on STDs there are PLENTY of
guides out there. The problem is these guides aren't written in
plain english and some are very hard to understand. I hope to clear
this up a little bit.
There are two types of the herpes virus, simplex type-1 and
simplex type-2. They both serve the same function, type-1 is
usually the cause of oral herpes, and type-2 is what causes
genital herpes.
genital herpes can be transmitted the following ways:
- oral sex if the person has oral herpes can give his/her partnet
genital herpes.
- one partner infected with genital herpes can give their partner
genital herpes.
- can be transmitted without any symptoms
- there is no proof that you can get the virus through inanimate
objects such as public toilet seats, the virus is fragile and
will not survive long.
Genital herpes often comes with no signs or symptoms and can take
up to a few years before the first symptoms start to appear. If
there is symptoms they can be any of the following:
- one or more sores, blisters, cuts, pimples, bumps or rash on
or around the vagina, penis, anus, thigh, vulva, scrotum,
- itching, burning, or tingling in genital area
- common cold symptoms, headache, fever, etc.
- painful urination, or a discharge though VERY UNCOMMON
the problem with detecting genital herpes is that the breakouts look
similiar to that of a ingrown hair follicle, insect bite, or razor
burn, which makes the person believe that they are not infected.
Genital herpes is done with a culture test if detected quick enough,
otherwise a blood test is done. It is important to realize though that
the blood tests are NOT 100% accurate, it is possible to have a positive
report and it is actually only oral herpes because the blood test cannot
distinguish between type 1 and type 2.
There IS NO CURE for genital herpes, however there is medication designed
to speed up the healing process and reduce the breakout occurance. Some
of the medicines available include: Zonvirax, Famvir, Valtrex
A very common type of TREATABLE STD, chlamydia is a bacteria infection
which means it responds well to anti-biotics.
Chlamydia is transferred through sexual intercourse, but it is uncommon
to get chlamydia through oral sex at both recieving and giving though
it is possible. It is more possible for the woman to recieve giving oral
than the guy giving oral because the semen can contain the virus.
Once again, chlamydia doesn't have symptoms immediately and the infected
person can transmit it at any time until the treatment is 100% cleared.
The symptoms are similiar to gonorrhea and are often confused but the
common symptoms are:
- inflamed urethra (penis/vagina infection), rectum (anal infection),
and eyelid (eye infection)
- soreness and redness of throat or mouth if oral infection occurs
- vaginal/penile discharge
- pain during urination
- pain or swelling of the testicles (male)
- lower ab/back pain, pain during intercourse, nausea/fever (female)
The treatment for chlamydia is antibiotics, the common ones treated
for the disease are Doxycycline and Azithromycin. There are also
alternatives such as Erythromycin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin.
Gonorrhea is another treatable bacteria infection which is passed
during oral, anal, or vaginal sex. Gonorrhea cannot be passed through
casual contact (as in toilet seats, etc.)
The symptoms of gonorrhea are often confused with chlamydia. The
symptoms include:
- yellowish white discharge (male) - yellow/bloody discharge (female)
- burning or pain when urinating (both)
- urination is more often that usual (male)
- pain or swelling of the testicles (male)
- lower ab/back pain, pain during intercourse, bleeding between
menstraul period, fever, nausea (female)
- getting gonorrhea orally generally has no symptoms but if there
is any it is usually a red sore throat.
If left untreated gonorrhea can cause infertility, inflammation of
the prostate gland, urethral scarring in men. In women it can lead
to PID, miscarriages, chronic mentstrual difficulties.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) it what causes AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome). Having HIV and having AIDS are two different concepts,
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, AIDS is the end result of the HIV
There are a few ways to get HIV:
- Sexual intercourse with the infected person
- Sharing the same needles with an infected person
- Being born with a mother that was infected
- Blood transfusion (no longer a threat)
- It is possible though rare to get HIV through oral sex or even
deep kissing..but generally the person has to have a open-sore
or cut in their mouth.
The symptoms are like many other STDs, most people will not get any
symptoms and it is not a accurate way to diagnose yourself with HIV
just on symptoms alone, but symptoms include:
- fever, headahce
- sore muscles,joints
- stomach ache, swollen lymph glands, skin rash
HIV is not detectable UNTIL the immune system has responded, so
in early stages you could test negative for it yet still have the
There is no cure for AIDS, many people live years and years after
getting diagnosed with AIDS, others die shortly after infection.
There is medication for those infected with HIV to slow the process
of HIV destroying the immune system.
Crabs, sometimes called pubic lice is a infestation of parasites
that attach themselves to the pubic hair of the infected person.
The symptoms of crabs include itching in the pubic region, this
is caused by an allergic reaction to their bites, there may also
be eggs/nits that attach to the base of the hair. Symptoms of
crabs usually occur 5 days after infection.
The condition can be spread until treatment process is complete.
This means anything the person shares (i.e. toilet seat) may give
it to a uninfected person.