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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
By:Shadow Wolf
Date:August 8th, 1999
AIM:Sedation69 or Thief696
He was a quiet kid. No one liked him, and no one ever talked to him except for one person. A young girl named Skye. That would sit together in school at lunch in the cafateria and just talk. Skye wasn't like him though. She understood him, but wasn't like him. No one was like Seth Wolf.....
Seth grew up in a typical suburban neighborhood. A nice middle-class "family" neighborhood. Although his "family" consisted of a drunken abusive father, and a beaten, scared mother. His father would come home drunk and yell at his wife for anything he could find. The wash wasn't done, supper wasn't ready, but most of the time he wouldn't need a reason. Hell, Seth always used to think, why even bother to find a reason.......the result was always the same. Seth's father would beat his wife without mercy until he got tired of it, or until she fell unconsious and didn't move. Some nights if she suvived the beatings, Seth's father would drag he up the stairs and rape her in their room. All this would happen as Seth would sit and watch. Always through tears of pain and anger........
Now on the cold December morning of 1999, if any one in that cafateria had known about Seth's life before he moved in with his grandparents, they could surely understand what he was about to do....couldn't they?
"So anyway....." Skye was interupted as Seth quickly stood up in his seat. She looked at him with a little suprise. Then she noticed a tear roling down his cheek. "Seth, whats wrong?"
"It's time", he uttered in a dry, chocked voice.
Seth walked up to the table at the very back of the cafateria with his eyes glued to the floor.
"Well looky here! It's Seth! Our local loser! You know guys, I heard he fucks farm animals! HA! Are they good Seth?" Mocked Brian Adams, the school bully. And he especialy liked to pick on Seth.
In what seemed like a flash Seth reached into the left side of his long, black trench coat and pulled out a shiny .45 automatic and put the barrel up to Brians forehead. No one made a sound. Seth just held the gun to Brians head, still staring at the floor. Then, he looked up and smiled. The kind of smile a man on death row would give as he sat in the electric chair.
Brian said in a dry, scared voice, "Seth. I was just playin around man. it's all good pal. Right guys?" No response....
"Fuck you", said Seth.
His smile became wider, and he pulled the triger. There was a brilliant flash. Brians face dissapeared in a spray of blood. Bone and brain matter made a sickening smaking sound against the wall just behind him, followed by the sound of his body hitting the tile floor. Again, no one moved. Seth just stood there, smiling, still holding the barrel where Brians forehead was. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Watching the blood pool around what used to be Brians head. Then, about a full minute later, out of the corner of his eye Seth saw a student get up and try to run for the doors. Seth holstered the .45, spun around, and in the same action droped to one knee and drew a pistol gripped sawed-off shotgun. He pointed the shotgun at the fleeing student, but then paused for a moment. He thought "just imagine, he is almost to those doors. Probably thinking he can make it. Totaly confident he can escape. No one escapes........" Another flash as Seth shot the running student in the back. The student dropped imediatly. Face down, just 3 feet from the cafateria doors. Seth chuckled under his breath at the thought.
He turned back to the table where Brian was sitting. He then walked up behind the row of students who were sitting next to the late Brian Adams. They all turned their heads just in time to see him draw the .45 again. Still with the shotgun in his left hand he put the .45 to the next students head.
"I..." A bullet from the .45 cut off the students words as Seth pumped a round into the back of his head. His head banged down into his lunch tray. A mixture of clam chouder soup and blood sprayed out in all directions as the students face hit his soup bowl. Then Seth, without hesitation pointed the shoutgun at the next student in line and blew a hole in the center of her chest. She kicked back, and fell into the last students arms. Her lifeless, pretty face staring straight up at his.
"Oh my god! What the fuck are you doing!" screamed the suprised and scared student. He tried to slide backwards along the bench, but his back was to the wall.
Seth started to laugh histaricly. A mad, sick laugh. The student just looked at him with scared, uncertian eyes.
"What the fuck dose it look like i'm doing?" Then his laughter suddenly stoped. "Open wide."
"Open your fucking mouth bitch."
"Fuck it. Time to die."
Bang! Seth shot the student in the stomach. He clenched his stomach, let out a deep, blood chocked breath, and went limp.
Seth slowly turned around and surveyed the rest of the cafeteria. While he was shooting, all of the other students had ran out the door. Then he looked at Skye. She was the only one left. She was sobbing with her hands over her face. Seth suddenly felt the most horrible feeling. He loved Skye. He had never told her, but he did. He holstered the .45 but kept the shotgun at his side. He slowly made his way to Skye. He stood by her side, the smile gone from his face, watching Skye sob. She turned around and looked up at him.
"Why? God, WHY Seth!" She screamed at him.
"I.....I don't know." Uttered Seth as he began to cry. "Skye, i'm sorry, and I love you." Seth turned away from her and took about five steps, then stopped. Skye got up from her bench and stood watching him. "Goodbye Skye." As he said those words, his last, he put the barrel of the shotgun to his chin and pulled the trigger. His body fell the the floor along with the shotgun, and there was silence. Skye stopped crying. She started to hear sirens coming in the distance. She walked over to where Seth lay. She kneeled down and stuck her hand under the front of his body and searched for the .45. She pulled it out and sat next to Seth as she started to cry again. The sirens were closer now.
"I love you too Seth." As ahe said that, she put the .45 to her right temple and said goodbye........