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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
My ideas on catholicism and christianity
Props to Chris,Belinda,Kylie and chris' mum, who are the people who contributed ideas and
helped write this text.
tonight i was sitting with my mates and we were discussing the supernatural stuff like
dead grandparents and ghost sightings when we got onto the topic of christianity. we were
sitting there in his backyard and pretty much unanimously that catholicism is a crock
because when some big dude (his name is emporer Constantine i was just told) ruined
catholicism and gave christianity a bad name. Now don't get me wrong, i am a christian,
but i don't agree with catholicism. I don't care what you say but there are 2 movies that
i will refer to in this text. Stigmata-rather creepy little movie about christianity and
Dogma- the most Pollitically and relegiously incorrect film on the planet.these movies
are the basis for my argument. Catholicism started with the birth of a baby known through
out the world as Jesus christ. the son of god. the guy who started the whole christianity
movement.his teachings were the word of god and his disciples are the wrtters of the
gospels which we - the followers of christianity, are supposed to believe and live by.
these are some of the questions and ideas that we have come up with:
Why in catholicism do we have to tell our sins to a priest in confession, when we say The
Our Father before communion? Does godnot forgive us when we say that? in the rest of
christianity you don't have to confess anything to anyone because you can just confess to
Why did the deciples write gospels of jesus which are sometimes arcane and are somewhat
subjective in nature? Also why didn't Jesus log his own stories and events? Or did he?
the movie "stigmata" discusses this issue, when the jesus gospel is found and is
something that contradicts the whole rest of the bible, so the church decides to hide it.
The expelled gospel of St Thommas is said to be the exact words of Jesus Christ, however
this gospel is very controversial to the current catholic beliefs and hence is considerd
herecy. that is definately not cool.
Jesus basically said all men are equal, however the Catholic Church descriminates against
many races and people, Negros, homosexuals and others. Did you ever see in the 50s-60s a
church of white and black? hell no!Christians on a whole do not accept Homosexual acts
but do accept the person. where as catholics do not accept homosexuality or the person.
which is plain descrimination! exactly the opposite of what Jesus said. While the
black/white issue has slackened off a bit, there are still very few black bishops,
priests and brothers in the catholic community. also descrimation.
We were taught in primary school that the scriptures were written word for word.Now in
high school we are taught that the bibleis not word for word but was told and written in
a way that could be comprehended by us as human beings.for example, when the world is
described as being created in 7 days, when really it is meant in a sense that it took a
time longer than what we couldcomprehend, a lot like the time when Jesus goes into the
Desert for Forty days we are told, but is actually a lot longer.Why lie to us?
the message that we are trying to put across here is that catholicism has been warped by
the need for control, and is now become more of a heirachy, that was told by god through
Jesus, that all men are to be treated equal. emperor Constantine didn't think that it
waws that important. people today still don't pay attention to it.As said by Chris Rock
as the thirteenth apostle in"Dogma" - "Beliefs are concrete impressions.beliefs are
harder to be changed, where as ideas are still something concrete but are also something
that can be changed more easily". the big thing is that god put forward a message and
people- the apostles,emporer constantine, the popes- they change the overall message to
suit the needs of the people, eg. the witches. people didn't know what they where dealing
with so the church stepped in and to keep the crowds happy started persectuting what they
didn't understand. so here it is.... CATHOLICISM IS NOT THE PROBLEM, THE PEOPLE WHO RUN
THE SCENE WHO ARE CHANGING IT. anyways here my side. i want to here your opinions on my
Frontier Psychiatrist. - cereal_killer@yada-yada.com