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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
]|[ [-=- SOLDIERX.COM Presents -=-] ]|[
\\//////////////// NEOPHYTE'S GUIDE TO LEARNING \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//
\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: by ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::://
\\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<78>-=-][- RaT -][-=-<2D>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx//
\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: of ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::://
\\ October, 2000 //
[ Author's E-mail - rat@soldierx.com ]
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by: RaT
After receiving about 50 e-mails a day all asking the same question - "Teach
me how to hack" I decided that there was a need for some kind of road map for
'Neophytes' or 'Newbies' to learn. That's where the idea for this txt came
from. After searching the net and remembering how I learned - I got some ideas.
This is my compilation of these ideas. I hope that all of you can use this
guide to learn. The purpose of this guide isn't to teach you how to 'hack',
it is to teach you how to learn for yourself and where to get started. I think
that most neophytes nowadays seem to want to be taught everything. All of
the neophytes out there need to know that all of us guys (and gals) with
experience DO have lives and stuff to do! We're not teachers and most of us
don't have time to mentor even one person - let alone the hundreds that ask
for it! I learn new stuff everyday. I don't ask people - I use my ways of
learning (which is what this guide is about) to learn! As I write this txt
I'm learning how to edit my kernel so that my touchpad will work in linux on
my laptop. I learned this by searching through archives and news posts. I
eventually found the way that the pc_keyb.c handles mouse movement and what
I need to edit. I'm doing that now :-)
I didn't annoy anybody or e-mail anybody to learn that. I simply navigated
through the millions of web-pages and found what I needed. Hopefully all of
you can do the same thing after reading this txt.
Happy hacking
The first step is to READ! Read everything you can find. The key to finding
is NOT asking people! Simply decide what you want to learn and search for
it. I just go to GOOGLE (http://www.google.com) and search for what I want
to learn about. Tons of documents will pop show up. Amazing isn't it? LOL.
Instead of wasting all of that time saying "Where Can I Learn?" - Just search
yourself! Most of us have learned in our own weird ways and don't know what
site to point you to other than our own. You need to read up on anything
that you want to learn. I don't see a faster way. Message boards are also
a good source of learning. A good message board with experienced users will
often yield fast and good results. I usually stick to searching though. I
like to do most of my learning solo.
After you learn something you should test it. See if you learned from your
reading by doing whatever you just learned about. If it has to do with
hacking, you should generally do it on a wargames server where it's legal.
Don't know where any wargames are? - http://www.pulltheplug.com
That's my favorite wargames server. They have tons of computers and it's
legal to hack them. Just don't do a rm -rf if you do get root. If you don't
know what that means, rm is the command to remove a file in unix. -r tells
it to remove the contents of directories and -f tells it to do it with
force (meaning it doesn't ask you yes or no). After I read something, I
always like to test it out. This lets me know that I've learned it and can
successfully do whatever I just read about. It always gives me a good feeling
of accomplishment to know that I just learned something myself.
If you must ask somebody, PLEASE (I cannot stress this enough) do it
intelligently! I would advise reading up on something, and only asking
somebody as a last resort. Don't be surprised if you get flamed - many of
us get annoyed by the questions. Use correct grammar and avoid using numbers
in place of letters (ie. d00d 1m 50 31337). I get so many letters have don't
have punctuation or grammar. They look like they were written by an 8 year
old. I generally just delete these without replying because I can't even make
out what half of them are saying. It gives the reader a feeling that you're
EXTREMELY unintelligent. Asking people on message boards and IRC can yield
good results sometimes. I usually stay away from IRC (other than our own room)
just because I've never liked all of the irc lamers that harrass me. Our
message board was made for asking questions, so feel free to post there
(http://www.soldierx.com/wwwboard). Like I said earlier, I would avoid
asking people at all costs. It's not right to waste people's time on something
that you could have found by searching.
If you're serious about actually learning about hacking and security I would
advise that you learn the items that I am about to list. Learning this stuff
takes alot of time and effort. Hacking isn't downloading a script or a program
and kicking somebody offline or getting into their system. That's just lame
behavior that is frowned upon by the hacker community. Hacking is a quest
for knowledge... I think it's a never-ending quest.
Here are the things you should begin to study:
-A Programming Langauge (Preferrably C, Perl, and C++)
-Unix (Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc.)
While that might not look like much from here, it is! Generally I would advise
you to install a Unix type OS (Like Linux) on your PC and learning C. While
Learning C you can read up on TCP/IP and Networking. If you have the resources,
setting up a LAN and testing security between machines is always good for learning.
Hope this helps somebody! Look for my next txt file on Ethics!