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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Attempting to better interpret the 18 Keys of the Enochian Magick System.
Here presented is an individual attempt to interpret the symbols of the angelic Keys given to John Dee and Edward Kelley, to the best of my useless intellectual knowledge. These are just suggestions based on my own education of occult science along with other people's gnosis and are not to be taken for truth in an absolute context. Much, if not all of it, will be over the layman's head but my hope is that someone actually understands this and expands their psyche's library of archetypes based on what I present.
We can intellectualize over the interpretation of the Enochian Keys forever and never arrive at anything substantial. I realize neither theory nor opinion matters. Neither is truth. No one can speculate about the truth and ever expect to arrive at it. In the occult sciences, we are left to depend on experiential knowledge.
While I agree the key to understanding the language of symbolism lies within intuition and comprehending one's own esoteric experience, no two people's perspectives will be interpreted exactly the same. How many of us successfully use the system but arrive at the result differently?
What I offer now, is an open interpretation regarding the Enochian Keys. Add to it, take from it, do what you will. This is my own attempt at putting together exactly what the information given is attempting to tell us or hint towards any deeper meaning. We each receive impressions unique to our own individual experience. We must all be guided by our own being ultimately and arrive at truth through realization in our own gnosis.
>From my own work with the system, I have realized there are very gnostic symbols given in the literature. Taken that historically it's suggested that E. Kelley, Dr. Dee's seer, leaned towards Gnosticism we can then expect the information was presented to him in such a manner, one unique to his own individual impressions and personal archetypes, in the best way he as a receiver would put it together himself. Here presented is a SUGGESTED interpretation of the Enochian Keys based on my own knowledge of gnostic symbols and of esoteric principles coupled with my own experience with obscure sciences.
Regarding the numbers given in the keys: There are multiple possibilities and I feel they are all interconnected. Most likely, we can get the most out of what the key is getting at by studying the corresponding Arcanum (1-22, and I suggest not implicating Crowley's Thoth tarot because of interpretive complications and the fact it didn't exist in the receiver's time period) to the sum of the numerical values given. In other cases, we have to be aware of the overall context of a specific key where a number is given with a value above a number of an Arcanum. In some context, the numbers probably do simply represent a quantity. Use your own intuition I suppose.
Again, do not mistake any of this for truth. It's even possible none of the material has anything to do with anything I suggest, it could all be nonsense invented by E. Kelley; However, realize anything is possible, so the most probable possibilities are the one's I aim to explore. I am not teaching anything to anyone and therefore take no responsibility for whatever stupidity you choose to act upon regarding what your about to read...
- Apakhana
John Dee's English is in RED, my suggestions are in BLACK.
Miscellaneous addendum's are in BLUE.
The First Key
I rayng ouer you, sayeth the God of Iustice, in powre exalted above the firmaments of wrath: (The ?God of Justice? - The divine aspect regarding Karmic balance, the Judges of Karma, like Egyptian Anubis weighing one's heart against the feather of Ma'at and her perfectly fair judgment. This deity posses power over and above any form or futile attempt at the idea of justice by secular humanity or any other system lower/underneath.) in whose hands the Sonne is as a sword and the Mone as a throwgh thrusting fire: (The Solar and Lunar mysteries are both under the Will of this being. The ?Sun as a sword? is a weapon of spiritual technology, of Christified energy the initiates of the Solar Lodges/ascended Hum-Manas use against the ego. The ?moon as a fire? is the Lunar aspect of using as a similar weapon. Through thrusting is giving hint that it is in motion, the divine action being taken.) which measureth your garments in the mydst of my vestures, (garments refer to our organisms and dimensional bodies all made in the image of the Elohim, the Sephirot reflected in our microcosmic organisms) and trussed you together as the palms of my hands: (As easy as the creator's hands create, so are we made under such same mechanism) whose seats I garnished with the fire of gathering, (the coiled fiery serpent kundalini seated in the coccyx and rises up the etheric body's nerve channels Ida and Pingala, ascending the 33 chambered spine, to Christify us during the conscious act of Love,the White Tantra, when we do not spill the ?vessel of Hermes?) and bewtified your garments with admiration. (We are seen as a successful project and beautified when accepted in the eyes of a creator, when we ascend to connect with the sphere of Tipharet.) To whome I made a law to govern the holy ones (?Holy Ones? is referring to those who incarnated the true Being, the union of Atman-Buddhi-Manas incarnated in us when we complete the Great Work. The Christifed, the Osirified, whatever you call it, the beings of righteousness. Unto them, that which governs is the ?Law of One? or the Glorian, the Divine Law, which means acting in accordance with our own ray of creation/being) and deliuered you a rod with the ark of knowledge. (?Rod? - a reference to the Lingham? ?Ark of Knowledge? is the intimate gnosis of sephirot Da'at. Could be implying knowledge gained regarding the foundation of the Great Work, that of sephirot Yesod/Sexual nature because of the Lingham reference.) Moreouer you lifted vp your voyces (?lifted up?- raised, ascended. Incarnated the higher forces of the Being through alchemical transmutation of the sexual-creative-generating force/Divine energy by using the consciousness) and sware obedience and faith to him that liueth and triumpheth (the individual's will merges with the Atmic Master's or Father's divine will) whose begynning is not, nor ende can not be, (the Logos/Absolute/Verb, the Being in it's Entirety: ?I AM? which is above all laws and is not subject to change, it is eternal.) which shyneth as a flame in the myddst of your pallace, (your consciousness, the light atom within your ?palace? or temple ? the organism/body, the Monad. Also may be a holy place, a person/being which dwells within the Empyrean) and rayngneth amongst you as the ballance of righteousnes and truth. (The conscience and our conscious awareness of it. How the being guides us towards illumination if we intimately know how to listen. Could imply the act of balancing the centers of emotion, sexual function, intuitive, instinctive, motor center, etc...) Moue, therfore, and shew yorselues: open the Mysteries of your Creation: (A command for clarity and truth to be revealed by requesting the aid of the ascended hierarchy. Clearly we are attempting work with the already illuminated and ascended Solar Humanity through this magickal system of evocation.) Be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same yor God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (We use this system to achieve at least some intellectual explanation of what we're supposed to be doing in our Great Work.
The Second Key
Can the wings of the windes (wings - cause, behind, what carries something. Wind ? spirit, airy or ethereal movement. My intuition tells me it's meaning is more the cause behind spiritual forces and their ascribed offices/movements. It is of that which moves, maybe referring to Divine Feminine polarity. Also possible reference to airy elemental Monads or the forces of nature, possibly a causal facet/dimension behind their form and emanation.) vnderstand yor voyces of wunder, (we are the voices of wonder, spoken into existence from the mouth of God, the Logos, the verb of Being. Our being, is a piece of the divine over-being, the divine Verb ?I AM? - in which the reference above, unto whom their comprehension of us is being questioned) O you the second of the first, (Either the Ayn Sof emanated from within the Ayn, or outright reference to the Second Logos, the Christ force that sacrifices itself to save us) whome the burning flames (holy/divine energy, divine mother kundalini, sexual power utilized in alchemical coitus/christification process) haue framed within the depth of my Iaws; (Christic/Osirian force incarnated in the initiates, within the verb of being or our Great Work. The Solar experiment carried out of the mouth of the creator.. ?Jaws? - also a possible reference to Egyptian Ammit/Typhon who carries souls from Limbo into the Abyss) whome I haue prepared as Cupps for a Wedding, The following description requires a deep understanding of alchemy, so this might go over one's head:(Okay: the ?Wedding,? in any symbolism, refers to the act of chemical coitus. The joining of two polarities: Male and Female. The ?Cup? is the Holy Grail, the chalice that holds the ?waters of life? of the male polarity ? which is correctly transmutated ens-semenis (yea ? it sounds gross but this is the symbolism) the Cup/Grail is the feminine Yoni: The Uterus. That of the female (Yin) polarity which connects with the phallus/Lingham of the male polarity (Yang) during chemical coitus, which is defined as the sexual act, but utilized in the correct way of White Tantra - no expunged/wasted energy through orgasm when the two polarities join. It is transmutated instead, into raising the ?kundalini? up the nerve channels of the vital body through the 33 degrees/chambers of the spine, during the union/wedding/joining of opposite polarities. This forms the Solar, Golden, and Light form of astral, mental, and causal bodies the Christ force incarnates in) or as the flowres in their beawty (Another reference to attaining Tipharet; attaining beauty, flowers in their beauty means beauty in ?full bloom? or at it's highest. Develop a sense of beauty in the consciousness; Love in truth. Alchemical Love, the circular/moving Yin moves the static Yang to bloom.) for the Chamber of righteousnes. (the place of alchemical working, where the two polarities express Love the correct way, through White Tantra; The ?Bridal Chamber? of Gnostic and Rosicrucian symbolism). Stronger are your fete then the barren stone, (the philosopher's stone, the strong base for alchemy, sephirot Yesod; the foundation and basis for the work with creating Solar Astral bodies for the voltage of the Christ force to dwell in. To incarnate the higher being, master/Atman-Buddhi-Manas) and mightier are your voices (One's true being, when realized, your own ?I AM?) then the manifold windes (Over the entropy of natural life/existence). For you are become a buylding such as is not, (building symbolizes doing work, what is built from the stone of alchemical work, or expanded to include the initiates Solar Astral Body. So clearly again, we are not concerning ourselves with the Lunar and lower vibrations, or the Klippot - ?Such as, is not?) but in the mynde of the All powrefull. (?God,? the being, the Absolute, the Logos, etc...) Arrise, sayth the First: (Ascend! Do your Great Work, as commanded by the initiator (creator Logos) of the solar experiment called Humanity.) Move therfore vnto his Servants: Shew your selues in powre: (A command to aid and help the aspirants of the mysteries) And
The Third Key
Behold, (realize!) sayeth your god, (your being/master) I am a Circle (Life, being. Earth, Universe, or even eternity. Could mean eternal entropy of life, endlessness, perpetual-ism, etc... ) on whose hands stand 12 Kingdoms: (Zodiac belt, we are created by God's hand's to incarnate through one of twelve doors, also came to mind the 12 tribes of Israel. One epoch of time also consists of the Earth revolving one trip completely around the Zodiac belt starting and ending in Aquarius). Sis are the seats of Liuing Breath: the rest are as sharp sickles or the horns of death, (the balance of power, or duty, is divided into two polarities) wherein the Creatures of ye earth are to are not, (they are not to be here) except myne own hand (self explanatory) which slepe and shall ryse. (The creators and it's tools of creation are above all that changes) In the first (first creation period, the first Mahamanvantara, the Children of the First Sun) I made you Stuards and placed you in seats 12 of government. (The purpose of the first creation was to employ the creatures to oversee/govern what has been created. 12 seats of government imply the people/creatures are born into existence and govern under 12 signs/Zodiac so we know we are talking about our planet Earth in specific, or at least this humanity's solar system and no one else's) giving vnto euery one of you powre successively (individual posses duty/right to govern) ouer 456, (study the 15th Arcanum) the true ages of tyme:(Time is an illusion whose true age is eternity) to the intent that from ye highest vessells (vessels- the bodies/containers for the souls who've ascended- ?angels,? those who posses the true body of Christ: Solar Body, the Golden Body, and/or a body of Light created through the sexual generating force of sephirot Yesod.) and the corners of your governments you might work my powre, (calling the hierarchies of Men to serve divine duty, to practice the act of true Love, fulfill their duty to the divine who made them for the purpose that us men might self-actualize and become Gods ourselves by incarnating the Christ) powring downe the fires of life (Kundalini; sexual generating force) and encrease continually on the earth: (Procreate and multiply) Thus you are become the skirts of Iustice and Truth. (Living for one's Great Work is a justifiable existence) In the Name of the same your God, (Your own Being's name, your true self, your HGA, one's individual extension of the Verb of Being - Logos) lift vp, I say, your selues. (Ascend! Your Great Work and purpose of existing is to ascend!) Behold (Don't believe but realize, in your own gnosis) his mercies florish and Name is become mighty amongst vs. (When we incarnate the Master, our will merges with the Divine's will.) In whome we say: (In such divine authority, we establish:) Moue, (WORK!) Descend, and apply your selues vnto vs, (A plea for the ascended to look down and help us ascend) as vnto the partakers of the Secret Wisdome of your Creation. (Realize in one's own esoteric experience).
* This key has a very commanding overtone to it. It establishes that we were created in order to self-actualize and commands that we take up the esoteric work towards incarnating our own higher being, through the White Tantra/sexual magick whose formula is I.N.R.I., and deify ourselves that we might serve our purpose of being created.
The Fourth Key
I haue set my fete (Established my base of operation/Divine work, completed requirements of setting the philosophers stone as a basis for the alchemical transmutation) in the sowth (Behind, down, posterior, underneath, or even an elemental correspondence. It might make sense that the reference is to fire because of the sexual symbolism) and haue loked abowt me, saying, (self realized) are not the Thunders of encrease numbred 33 (The sexual fire/kundalini must be transmuted, not wasted. It then moves up the 33 chambers of the spine which correspond to the degrees of true Masonry (Temple builders! The temple is the body of Christ, the divine organism the higher aspects of our being incarnate in!) until it reaches the base of the skull and opens the pineal door the Atman/Christ/Osiris/Higher True Being, etc... then enters through) which raigne in the Second Angle? (next Element, adjacent facet to the first) vnder whome I haue placed 9639 (Study Gematria and Arcanum 9: Note that Arcanum nine includes the ninth Sephirot, which is Yesod, in it's symbols and deals with the foundation of the work, the Sexual Alchemy to which this previous sentence in the key eluded to) whome none hath yet numbred but one, (One person actually did it, reference to Enoch/Elijah/Metatron probably) in whome the second beginning of things (The next period of creation, the second manhamvantara, the children of the 2nd Sun. They apparently completed their Great Work in the 9th sphere and ascended by incarnating the Christ force through using the method that this previously ascended Being (Enoch) possessed) are and wax strong, (Better adapted for the work) which also successively are the number of time: (Can not be measured) and their powres are as the first 456. (Like in the third Key before, in the first period of creation, study the 15th Arcanum to fully comprehend) Arrise, (Ascend) you Sonns of pleasure, (Beings that are a result of working in the 9th sphere. Could also be offspring of fornication/misuse of the sexual magick, a call to rectify themselves and repent in the abyss to take up human form once more) and viset the earth: (Incarnate in sephirot Malkut/Olam ha Assiyah) for I am the Lord your God which is, and liueth. (?IAM? - one's being, individual expression of omnipresent living word, verb, ?God?) In the name of the Creator, (self explanatory) Move (Do work!) and shew yourselues as pleasant deliuerers, That you may praise him amongst the sonnes of men. (rectify yourselves and praise the second Logos, the part of the divine that sacrifices itself to save you when you employ the proper use of sex/White Tantra to work in the sphere of Yesod with. Indoctrinate and teach the Christification to all.)
The Fifth Key
The mighty sownds (Things/beings spoken into existence by the one Logos, the all-powerful creator verb/word. ?Mighty sounds? refers to Archangels, most likely.) haue entred in ye 3th Angle (Begun the next stage. Possibly a stage in the alchemical transmutation symbolized as the I.N.R.I. Formula. Possible that the Archangels entered a specific place in creation or Elemental Watchtower) and are become as oliues in ye oliue mownt, (seeds have taken root: Humanity is a seed that is in a delicate germinating stage and many have become rotten because of the klippothic influence from the ego. This sentence is concerning only those seeds, us, individual Monads which have not corrupted themselves through ego-contamination and have rooted themselves in God's righteous existence. These are people whose spiritual ?seed? has germinated and produced fruit within the sexual alchemical work, the good product of ?olives? in the Mount of Olives. ) looking wth gladnes vppon the earth (these spiritually evolved peoples walk the Earth/Malkut, whose successful attaining of the Great Work produces beauty and peace, gladness,and order upon the chaos of the world) and dwelling in the brightnes of the heuens (after ridding themselves of Satan/the Demiurge and his Archons/the ego, through the power of the holy fire, the divine Kundalini in the Sexual alchemical transmutation, they have ascended above Yesod, and dwell in the superior etheric/astral dimensions. The heavens of those planes. They are no longer subject to the Wheel of Samsara and it's return and re-occurrence) as contynuall cumforters. (they are ?angels? in a sense, who continue to help and comfort a suffering humanity) vnto whome I fastened pillers of gladnes (pillars support any project/work. Take this in an alchemical spiritual context. There are also the left, middle, and right hand pillars of the Sephirot and the pillars Boaz and Joachin) 19 (Study the 19th Arcanum regarding this Key) and gaue them vessels (The ?vessels? that contain our consciousness and maintain our identity are the Male and Female animal organisms we wear. So again, the vessels are the Yoni, the Cup, the Holy Grail which holds the male seed released from the Lingham and ?waters the Earth? through birth. Esoterically, we water our spiritual thirst to come to directly experience the Divine via Sexual Generating Force and it's alchemical principles) to water the earth wth her creatures: (hermetic vessels: sealed to avoid spilling the precious essence in the sexual fluids which transmutes Kundalini energy during sex magick/white tantra. To water the Earth with her creatures means to ?be fruitful and multiply? - the female has been given the uterus, to give birth to the population of beings on Earth. This is Earth, the planet, because of the feminine reference given, not so much for the context of Malkut/Assiyah). and they are the brothers of the first and second (they are reflected as a sibling, a younger, newer, successful creation of the twin Logos; Or, the Ayn Sof, Ain Sof Aur if you like that better) and the beginning of their own sea[ts] (they are become cosmo-creators, these deities have ascended into the absolute as self-actualized beings. They begin their rule as Gods/Goddesses) which [are garnished with continually burning lamps] (their holy fire, the kundalini, has been raised and they posses continuously fed awareness meaning they have a fully awakened self-actualized consciousness.) 69636 (Numerically as Thirty: Aethyrs; The 30 pleuromatic Aeons from Pistis Sophia. Numerically as Three: The trinity aspect omnipresent in all of creation. ) whose numbers are as the first, the endes, and ye contents of tyme. (Eternity. Beings of the Absolute which is above all, even time. Alpha et Omega) Therfore come you and obey your creation: (kind of imploring those Angels, Jinns, Ascended, tangent parts of God, to help and keep the covenant of creator-creation) viset vs in peace and cumfort: (be merciful to us wretched aspirants, for all intents and purposes) Conclude vs as receiuers of yor mysteries: (impart unto
The Sixth Key
The spirits of ye 4th Angle (next in alchemical stage) are Nine, (These entities belong in Sephirot Yesod, the sphere of sexual gnosis; pertaining to the Yetziratic plane, the astral dimension. Again we see an alchemical sexual connotation) Mighty in the firmament of waters: (And again, waters are equal to saying sexual fluids which act as a medium or vehicle for the generating force, for such energies to ascend the spine for sexual transmutation. Mighty in the firmament implies a strength and may also be a reference to archangel MICHAEL ? denotes ?strength of God? it is a Hebrew name, ?MYKAL? | MIKAL-Z/MIKAL-P denotes power/mighty in angelic vocabulary. MIKma MIKALz ? to behold power) whome the first (the Absolute No-thing, the first Logos, or Keter, and/or the Creator, etc...) hath planted a torment to the wicked and a garland to the righteous: (The sexual alchemy either liberates the consciousness when applied righteously or enslaves the wicked through their ego when applied selfishly, for lust) [g]iving vnto them fyrie darts to vanne the earth (the divine mother aspect, the Kundalini fire of Love which can be used as a divine weapon. The solar humanity has the capability to affect the remaining Earth with divine authority) and 7699 (Study the 4th Arcanum, 31 in Gematria, etc...) continuall Workmen (those that are continually performing their Great Work unto the 22 paths and attaining Keter, also may imply those who become a Turiya, meaning they posses continual consciousness) whose courses viset with cumfort the earth (The Great White Lodge: The Christified, the Osirified, the Ascended, Solar humanity, etc.. they sacrifice tremendously for a suffering Lunar humanity; The Paramarthasatya Aberamentho (Yeshua Ben Pandira) visited the Earth to help and suffered the most) and are in government and contynuance as the second and the third. (They have spiritual office just as the 2nd and 3rd Logos) Wherfore harken vnto my voyce: (Obey your being! Your own HGA, your divine ray of creation) I haue talked of you and I move you in powre and presence: (You exist because the divine verb has spoken you into manifestation. Your essence, the Buddhata, has emanated from the All and you have been animated with life-force and given a vital body) whose Works shalbe a song of honor and the praise of your God in your Creation. (you are to complete your Great Work. Your being, your essence, your verb, it must become a song spoken from the mouth of the divine, not just a word. You must incarnate your being. You must incarnate the true human Soul and become a solar being and authentic Human rather than an intellectual animal).
The Seventh Key
The East (elemental reference) is a howse of virgins (?House? implies a Work. That it contains virgins means the work is pure and uncontaminated with selfishness; That the work of this place/spiritual office involves using the generating Sexual Force correctly, not through Lust for selfish purposes. The expositional intent of this call is summoning those being in the East/Air angles probably) singing praises (rejoicing) amongst the flames of first glory (divine beings who incarnated the Atman-Buddhi-Manas first, possibly in the first creation period, the first Manhahamvantara, children of the First Sun; a vague reference to the first Logos is also possible in interpretation somewhere) wherein the Lord hath opened his mowth: (Their being exists because the divine hath spoken their verb into being) and they are become 28 (Study the 10th arcanum, Gematria, etc...) liuing dwellings (become true beings, incarnated their own living Atman/Master) in whome the strength of man reioyseth, (they are happy and strong in the Lord) and they are apparailed wth ornaments of brightnes (they ascended, they posses the Solar, Golden and Light bodies of astral, mental, and causal worlds through sexual transmutation) such as work wunders on all creatures. (With these bodies and their developed chakras/energy centers comes expanded psychic faculties, or ?powers? if you will, who can heal creatures, telepathically communicate, intuitively know them, etc...) Whose Kingdomes (divine reasons/place/purposes) and continuance (eternal being) are as the Third and Fowrth Strong Towres (Watchtower reference. Study also the 3rd and 4th arcanum) and places of cumfort, The seats of Mercy and Continuance. (The pillar of Mercy is at the left hand of God, ?What I AM? : The pillar of severity is at God's right, ?I AM?. So we are dealing with the passive, circular, divine Female aspect of Elohim; Yin polarity, that which moves) O you Servants of Mercy: (pertaining to what was just described) Moue, Appeare: (Work, use the divine feminine polarity which moves everything from being static to accomplish continuance) sing prayses vnto the Creator and be mighty amongst vs. (May you ascended Beings rejoice in helping us terrible aspirants) For to this remembrance is given powre (knowledge of such work is inspiration to continue to help) and our strength waxeth strong in our Cumforter. (we are strong in the Being, in our Father, in our individual Lord).
The Eighth Key
The Midday, (the preliminary halfway point although it is not eluding to what...) the first, (the Heaven of Mercury or the first Heaven/Superior dimension, or the First of the 9 higher Dantean circles) is as the third heaven (the heaven or 3rd Superiror Astral dimension of Luna, or maybe Mars if you don't count the moon) made of Hyacinth Pillers (Sweetness and purity, pillars of the Great Work, the White sexual Tantra. One can not ascend into any of the Superior dimensions without possessing the Solar Astral Body, fabricated through the transmutation of the sexual energy - the Body of Christ we are reborn into) 26: (Study the 8th Arcanum. Also 26 is equal to Ha-Teva or ?nature? in Hebrew. It is the gematria of natural, animal mankind and the gematria of God refelcted in Man. Understand the Solar mankind and the incarnation of the creator in it) in whome (In the incarnated Christ) the Elders are become strong (The Enochian Elders. Possibly a reference to older beings as well, who have incarnated the Christ and ascended. The six elders of each Watchtower, those that stand before the throne) wich I haue prepared for my own righteousnes sayth the Lord: (the elders are helpers and tools to the Atman, HGA, our Master, our God we aim to incarnate, etc...) whose long contynuance (eternal nature of the ?I AM?) shall be as bucklers to the stowping Dragon (either bindings and support to the ascending serpent Kundalini or as an end to the descending serpent Kundalini, the ?Kundabuffer? or ?Satan's Tail? ... the latter is the more likely context) and like vnto the haruest of a Wyddow. (A widow reaps nothing since she lacks the opposite polarity to work the Tantra with. That could be karmic. Perhaps a reference to paying karmic debt as part of the Great Work; However, widow can symbolize a woman that needs no opposite because she already worked in the sphere of Yesod and incarnated her Christ) How many ar there which remayn in the glorie of the earth, (those who have raised their serpents, those who have incarnated the Christ and are ascending) which are, and shall not see death, (Shall not be subject to death and return, not have to reincarnate on the Wheel of Samsara. These beings have done their Great Work and evolved off the wheel of returning to incarnate in an animal organism) vntyll this howse fall (should the Work itself fail) and the Dragon synck? (The sinking Dragon is the Kundalini serpent descending the 33 chambers through inverted/klippothic use of Yesod (Sex), like the ?fallen angel's,? the fallen ascended, as they did when they took ?daughters of Men? and polluted the Earth with the Nephilim) Come away, for the Thunders haue spoken: (?Thunders? - The voices of creation. The act of Being. The verb from the creator Logos hath commanded) Come away, for the Crownes (Keter or the top, the halo indicating the ascended posses the Solar Body for the Christ to incarnate in) of the Temple (Temple = Body, Soma Heliokon, the Eidolon, the solar Astral Body) and the coat of him that is, was, and shalbe crowned, (the Solar body/bodies of those on their way to ascension into the Superior worlds) are diuided. (they've not achieved their Great Work yet. They still posses no vehicle for the voltage of the Higher Self. They are divided from the ones who do. A plea for help regarding this, asking for divine assistance unto us since we are separate or divided from our halo yet, our crown, our attaining Keter) Come, appeare to the terror of the earth (appear to us: we are abominations compared to the ascended, we are the one's who have no knowledge of the True Work and therefore commit the terrors and madness of the Earth) and to our comfort and of such as are prepared. (help us help ourselves!)
The Ninth Key
A mighty garde of fire (Kundalini, sexual fire, generating divine force) wth two edged swords flaming (Two divine weapons, the strength and ability to fight the Ego. Also could be Ida and Pingala, the etheric nerve cords wrapped around the spine that the kundalini ascends. ?Edged swords flaming? immediately conjures a vision of two forked tongues in my mind, so there may be your reference to Ida and Pingala. Study the Staff of Hermes and Caduceus of Mercury.) which haue Viols 8 (Study the 8th arcanum) of Wrath for two tymes and a half: (Divided responsibility, but magnified in duty and proportion ) whose wings (wings usually denote an ascended aspect, but also move things through Air. So being a key it probably has something to do with an Air subangle. Also, in context of alchemical polarity, that which is circular, Yin, female energy, is what moves the linear, Yang, male, static energy) are of wormwood (your guess is as good as mine. Wormwood has been a known hallucinogen for some time. Perhaps in Edward Kelley, the receiver's own mind, this was the reference) and of the marrow of salt, (Salt has it's own symbolism within alchemy. Study that) haue stled their feete in the West (Watchtower reference, more likely has an alchemical meaning. West-water element, the water of life, the divine energy within the sexual ethers which is able to generate. These beings have started the transmutation or perhaps have just taken up place in the West watchtower) and are measured (gauged level of accomplishment ) with their Ministers 9996 (numerically this is ?33?- the 33 chambers of the spine the Kundalini ascends during sex magick. The 33 chambers, the thunders of increase, the degrees of True occult Masonry, not the pseudo-freemasonry you hear of today. The degree of ascent the fiery serpents have accomplished is being measured. 33 indicates that these beings that set their feet in the West have accomplished a great deal of spiritual work)(Could refer to Arcanum 6 too). These gather vp the moss of the earth (they take precedence over the elementals, the value this type of essence. Angels of Nature probably) as the rich man doth his threasor: (they revere nature, they posses a sense of beauty in the consciousness; Sephirot Tipharet) cursed ar they whose iniquities they are in their eyes (cursed to them who are seen as inadequate; Cursed to them that believe spiritual inadequacy is progress, cursed to them that try to identify with the inadequacy they behold through their ego) are milstones greater then the earth, (abominations enormous in proportion) and from their mowthes rune seas of blud: (another reference to how bad these things are seen as in the eyes of the ascended, the angels of the West) their heds are covered with diamond, (saying they are materialistic or possibly eluding to the diamond eye, the developed third eye chakra indicating these abominable people have awakened their consciousness in the Klipot, for their own emptiness and ego) and vppon their heds are marble sleus. (they belong to the Black Lodge) Happie is he on whome they frown not. (they care not to associate with the righteous, therefore the liberated of consciousness are happy, not enslaved to the Ego like the Black Tantrists) For why? The God of righteousnes reioyseth in them! (The Atman, the Master, or the composite Christ Force rejoices for these people; They have incarnated their Master) Come away, and not your Viols, (containers; Empty you bodies of their essence for we are only concerned with the righteous consciousness, who you are) for the tyme is such as requireth cumfort. (Another way to ask for assistance at the closing of the key, the time to progress spiritually is in the here-and-now).
The Tenth Key
The Thunders of Iudgment and Wrath (the beings of Karma) are numbred (42 according to what is indoctrinated in modern gnosis) and are haborowed in the North (belong to the hierarchies of the North watchtower. These karmic judges rule over those incarnate on Earth, in Malkut/Assiyah. Those ascended above Earthly life are not subject under them because they have paid their karma and are finished) in the likenes of an oke, (strong, hard) whose branches (paths of working/moving on) are Nests 22 (study Arcanum 22; Of 22 paths between sephiroth, the ?branches? of the Tree of Life. The karmic judges deal with all, for all are subjected to the Tree of Life until they absorb back into the absolute, self actualized or not) of Lamentation and Weaping layd vp for the earth, (they deal tough punishments and are connected to the paths of the sephirot) which burn night and day: (Always. You are constantly being watched. All your deeds are judged. Both Black and White initiates) and vomit out the heds (Egos. The esoteric symbolism of dying to the ego is one of decapitation. John the Baptist paves the way for the intimate one, the individual's own Christ. To cut off the heads. The first death, to die to oneself. To all the ?selves? who compose a legion ? everything your true self is not) of scorpions (of Scorpio, symbolizes Mankind; The egos of Mankind are expunged by these Karmic effects, eluding to that what is being described has something to do with the abyss, which is the way nature dissolves the ego if we ignore our spiritual duty of doing it on our own) and live sulphur myngled with poyson. (burning sulphur is used to purge negativity and negative entities. Archangel Samael is God's poison against the Klipothic selves/ego. They are fought using the sexual generating force of Sephirot Yesod. In Scorpio, it's said his inverted aspect is prominent and he is called ?Blind God? - this is Yesod inverted. It is mankind's bestial nature (666) to misuse the sexual energy when it encounters the ninth sphere (6+6+6=18?8+1=9/Yesod). Better said in this particular key, it is up to the Judges of Karma to kill the egos should we fail to do it ourselves and their tool to accomplish this is the abyss!) These be the Thunders (Voices spoken into existence from the divine, Karmic beings, Archangels, etc...) that 5678 (Gematrically this is 8. Study the 8th Arcana. In Gematria, again we see ?26?- Ha-Teva or ?nature? in Hebrew. It is the gematria of natural, animal mankind and the gematria of God refelcted in Man. Understand the difference between Solar (Abel) and Lunar (Cain) mankind and the reflection of the creator in it/upon it.) tymes in ye 24th part (regarding the Enochian ?parts of the Earth? reflected into one's mind/sphere of perception.) of a moment rore with a hundred mighty earthquakes (?moment? means this action takes place in malkut, Assiyah, the physical dimension because it talks of measuring time. It moves, possibly in context of female polarity/Elohim/divine mother causes and moves it by such terrible divine force) and a thousand tymes as many surges. (Basically, just establishing such movement) which rest not (always is, continual, constant, moving, feminine, Yin, etc...) neyther know any echoing tyme here (above the laws of temporal reality. The echo of these surges are above time. This part or place is obviously above Malkut, in the astral, mental, or causal dimensions. Intuitively I feel it is describing the mind and it's labyrinth of passages from one abstract thing to another. The psyche and mind are moved by terrible negative psychic adjuncts or ?Egos? - selves that desire things and cause us to identify with illusions. The mind can be a terrible place.) One rock bringeth furth 1000, euen as the hart of man doth his thowghts. (comparing how the mind and egos deceive us. How one negative adjunct moves and a thousand more follow within the psyche. Like cockroaches, if there is one, there are many and they are all connected) (? also interesting that the numerical value of 1+0+0+0 is still ?1.? Aleph: tarot Arcana 1: The Magi
* This key seems to be overall eluding to the nature of the mechanisms behind how the 42 Judges of Karma work and how they are somehow supposed to be connected to the Enochian system.
The Eleventh Key
The Mighty Seat (place of divine dwelling/office) groaned and they were 5 thunders (Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Samael, and Raphael) which flew into the East: (Air element? Watcthtower reference) and the Eagle (revolution/revolutionary, Aquarius, probably Samael, angel of Mars and whom delivered the message of Aquarius) spake and cryed wth a lowde voyce, (This particular Arch-angelic force/facet of the divine moved and therefore it was that...) Come awaye: (Separate; to bane, to move) [and they gathered themselues together and became] the howse of death (many emanations and facets of a same verb joined, and worked together as an opposing force, working towards revolution in a place of ?death? meaning change) of whome it is measured (given parameter) and it is as they are, whose number is 31. - (Study the 4th Arcanum.) (Other possibilities include relating to the fourth planetary power, Mars, of which, Samael is the Angel thereof. Also may elude to 31 chambers/temples of the Spine/Sushumna, Part 31 of the Parts of the Earth, etc...) Come away, (Move, obey, bane, separate) for I haue prepared for you. (readied) Moue therfore, and shew your selues: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of ye same yor God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (The usual call to move and work with the Evocator).
The Twelfth Key
O you that rayng in the Sowth (Bottom; Underneath, behind, Assiyah/Malkut; Whose office is that of the specific Watchtower, Elemental direction, sub-angle, etc...) and are 28, (study Hebrew Gematria for ?28? and also the 10th Arcana, Retribution ? the struggle of opposites and the Wheel of Reincarnation/Samsara.) The Lanterns of Sorrow, (Illuminated Beings that show the path to the monads, essences, and other conscious sparks which lament and must learn of their defects through much suffering) bynde vp yor girdles and viset vs. (an invitation/evocation; to take up place in a recognizable vehicle/medium through which one can work with them) Bring down your trayn 3663 - (Study misc. gematria and 18th Arcana. Also: 18?8+1=9/Yesod. Possible suggestion here) that the Lord (Atman/being) may be magnified, (Realized and knowledge thereof achieved only through the 9th Sephira, Yesod) whose name (Your true name, your HGA, your inner being)amongst you is Wrath. (Fight! The wrath of the Divine is your tool against the ego-devil which stops you from attaining your higher being) Moue, I say, and shew yor selues: open ye Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same yor God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (Again, the usual call to move and work with the Evocator).
The Thirteenth Key
O you swords of the Sowth (Spiritual weapons of the specific element and sub-angle) which haue 42 eyes to styr vp the wrath of synn, (42 Judges of Karma watch and hand down punishment for ?sin?. This again eludes that the forces of this/a particular call have the Judges of Karma at their disposal, and/or work with their spiritual office. Could be talking about Anubis, the head Judge, who has the rest at his disposal or Ma'at/Justice herself having 42 eyes, meaning points of articulation to know/observe through) making men drunken which are empty. (The ego of drunkeness and identity with that speciffic brach of egos causes one to enter the klipot/inverted aspect of the sephirot. This is man's own emptiness.) Behold (Realize and experience) the promise of God and his powre which is called amongst you a Bitter Sting. (?Karma is a bitch? in other words) Moue and shew your selues: open the Mysteryes of yor Creation: be frendly vnto me: for I am the servant of ye same yor God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (Once more, the usual call at the end for the forces to move and work with the Evocator).
The Fourteenth Key
O you sonns of fury, (Demons, egos of anger, those that create them and sin when identified with them) the dowghters of the lust, (Similar egos of desire and those that create them, and sin when identified with them) which sit vppon 24 seats, (possibly inverted aspects of the 24 Seniors, the would be 24 cacodemons) vexing all creatures of the earth with age, (So long as you identify with the ego, you are subject to return and re-occurrence, to be born again and again into an animal body which ages and dies, bound to the Wheel of Samsara) which haue vnder you 1636:(study Arcanum 16) behold the Voyce of God, (Realize and experience the Being, the divine verb spoken from/emanating a ray out from the creator Logos) the promys of him which is called amongst you Furye or Extreme Iustice. (God has made promise to punish and reward, to have it's 42 judges deal Karma or Dharma, depending on the merits of the heart weighed against the feather of Ma'at) Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (Again, the usual call to move and work with the Evocator).?
The Fifteenth Key
O thow (calling) the governor of the first flame (principality or being holding spiritual office under the first Logos, could also be reference to a raised kundalini serpent of the Body of Christ or ?golden? astral body, the first of seven serpents assigned to each body of astral,mental, and causal) vnder whose wyngs (under which spiritual duty divinely appointed)are 6739 (You know what to study... Arcanum 7, etc...) which weaue the earth wth drynes: (posses power/ability to affect the earth/Malkut/Assiyah, without using anything as a medium to exact it through) which knowest the great name Righteousnes (This entity/entities posses an inner being whose cosmic ray, whose Master/God Name and causal purpose involves being associated with Righteousness or teaching correct spiritual action/behavior; A true Christ, an incarnate master) and the Seale of Honor. (Qualified authority) Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the High[e]st. (Once more, the usual call at the end for the forces to move and work with the Evocator).
The Sixteenth Key
O thow second flame, (pertaining to the second Logos, Osiris, the Christ force, etc... could also be reference to another raised kundalini serpent of the superior astral body/Christ body, though this context is not likely) the howse of Iustice, (Karmic court) which hast thy begynning in glory (originated with sephirot Hod or simply just keeps the glory of divine justice) and shalt cumfort the iust: (great are your rewards in the superior planes/?heaven?) which walkest on the eart[h] (fair beings which are physically incarnate, people that understand Karmic law and it's principles) with feete 8763 (study 24 in gematria and/or Arcanum 6) that vnderstand and separate creatures: (again, those people that understand Karmic law and it's principles) great art thow in the God of Stretch Furth and Conquere. (such beings of fair action and Karmic understanding are strong in spirit and their inner being shines through) Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (usual call at the end for the forces to move and work with the Evocator).
The Seventeenth Key
O thow third flame (Third Logos or another raised kundalini serpent of a golden body/Body of Christ. Again, the latter not so likely because there's supposed to be seven, not just three.) whose wyngs are thorns to styr vp vexation (whose power of consciousness, whose being, who posses divinity to dispel ego, confusion, evil, selfishness, etc...) and hast 7336 (Study Arcanum 19, etc...) Lamps Liuing (Monads, sparks of Consciousness, living words, beings, etc... ?living? implies they posses the true Human Soul, completed their Great Work (at lewast some deal of it) - the incarnation of Atman-Buddhi-Manas, not just a Buhddhata/undeveloped being or the lunar version of consciousness nature gives to us) going before the[e], (Ha-Satan, enemy, adversary, Ego, Demiurge, Archons, etc...) whose God is Wrath in Angre, (Our adversary, the internal psychological defects that posses us, are all products of our own selfishness. Whoever has succumbed to the vices the Ego presents, has made the ?self? their God. These selves include Wrath and Anger among a legion of many others.) gyrd vp thy loynes and harken. (?Loins?- Fortitude; Summon the serpent power, the Christ force) Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (inviting the forces to work with the Evocator).
The Eighteenth Key
O thow mighty Light and burning flame of cumfort (In this context it probably refers to an ascended inner being of the White Lodge whose divine ray is one of Compassion, especially because of the following sentence in this key; An archangel of Glory) which openest the glory of God to the center of the erth, (An angel of Hod, which has the keys to remove the klippa/shell obscuring true Glory among the people of sleeping consciousness on Earth) in whome the Secrets of Truth 6332 (Study Arcanum 14 and/or gemtria, etc..) haue their abiding (realized truth, arrived at it via their own personal gnosis, open the doors of sephirot Da'at), which is called in thy kingdome Ioye (Spiritual success with one's work; spiritual achievements) and not to be measured: (You can not limit a divine emanation by measuring it and blaspheming it by stating it can even stand up to secular standards, judgments, or measures. If you try, you place your own selfishness over it, you practically invite a klippa to obscure it) be thow a wyndow of cumfort vnto me. (Window means to see through something, to look or be able to realize the light at the end of suffering in this context. ?Show me comfort.?) Moue and shew your selues: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the Highest. (usual call at the end for the forces to move and work with the Evocator).
We see the problem by now, if you've read this far, is that it is one of being confused by so many possible interpretations. This is because when you rely on the intellectual mind, which can never come to actually know anything in truth, you get a maze, a labyrinth if you will, of obscured perspectives and confused theories.
The only way any of this is ever going to matter is if you accomplish the Great Work and evolve the consciousness while at the same time dissolving the identity. The consciousness is the only true part of us that transcends above all else. It exists independently of the mind and it's operations carry out beyond the mind. When we can evolve the psyche and incarnate the higher aspects of our own Being we can then immediately sort through all the nonsense and intellectual confusion in anything. Your own demons will use your mind against you in this work.
I still affirm that the entire system was originally most likely a ruse or fabricated as a deliberate farce by Edward Kelley who saw Dr. Dee as an opportunity for selfish gain, to satiate his own egos, or to extort money from the Queen through her agent John Dee. The problem is that something/someone actually came through and we are left to sort through the confusion of Kelley's archetypes through our own experience using the system, which in my experience with it, actually does work and produces results...
Ultimately, make the archetypical connections and understand the references I give through your own experience. Understand why it's important to know what kind of psyche E. Kelley possessed, if you're going to approach the Enochian material at all; However, come to know truth on your own, using your consciousness. It does no good to believe you understand what anything means, or to doubt it either just because your pride (which one should rid themselves of) wants to be right. Neither is truly knowing and both are limiting.
As much as I do not like such intellectual work, the purpose of this particular one was aimed to evoke a sense of necessity, in the reader's own sphere of perception, to use their own awareness and consciousness, which is above the mechanisms of the intellect, to gain gnosis directly. Understand that the references I suggest will never be truth unless you consciously arrive at them yourself. Destroy the belief that you even think you know what I'm talking about to begin with...
- Apakhana