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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
22:46 19/12/99
* -------------------------
* Fake ID Cards
* -------------------------
* By
* The_Phraudster
* Phile written by The_Phraudster
* ==========================
* This phile is free for distribution to anyone you see fit.
* The phile must remain unchanged.
* Any improvements/amendments will be made by The_Phraudster
* alone. The_Phraudster must be accredited as the source if
* this phile is used on any BBS, webpage, or distributed in
* any other manner be it electronic or otherwise.
I) Disclaimer
II) About the author
III) Why use faked ID?
IV) Different methods
V) Step by step guide
*) Distribution info on this document
I: - Disclaimer
You know the deal by now I'm sure. This phile is merely my way of spreading information and knowledge. The act of using this information in a way unintended by me, the author, may result in unlawful activity on your part. I however, will be free of any legal hassles, as I myself am doing nothing wrong. I'd thank you to remember this if you end up in deep shit, and accept that you are there for being stupid enough to break the law, and even stupider to get caught!
What I'm trying to say is that The_Phraudster is not responsible for the use of any information contained here.
II: - About the author
In books you expect a shit-load of info on the author in the preface. You get that little insight into their lives, and get to know and understand them a little more than you otherwise would. This short section does this in a slightly different manner.
I, The_Phraudster, greatly appreciate the dangers of the phreak/hack scene. I may not be an accomplished hacker or phreaker as of yet, but that's because I'm reading up on everything I can find on the subjects (along with some entertaining anarchy files) to ensure that I don't phuck up early on. Discretion therefore is important, and since I don't really want to change my handle all the time, I choose to hide my personal identity from as early on as possible.
Still, you can get some insight without knowing my personal details. For the past couple of months I've devoted a fair amount of time to reading up on hacking/phreaking activities. I've realised that this is definitely for me! However, I also have a real life. I go out to parties, hang out with friends, and even have a long term girlfriend (surely this breaks nearly all misconceptions of hackers /phreakers /computer buffs. Since an early age I've been interested in computing, and have been programming since I was about 7 (BASIC language, but a language none the less). I have national standard awards/certificates in Information Technology, Computing, Electronics, Design (technical not art), and stuff like Maths, Sciences and Languages.
I have created a web page, and stored it safely on my trusty hard-drive, but am debating whether or not it's good enough to go on-line. The site was made from scratch (Also literate in HTML and not too bad in Java), but it's already looking a bit crappy. It contains quite a few hacking and phreaking philez and the shit you'd expect from a personal site i.e. stuff that I consider interesting that no-one else in the world wants to hear about. Aims for the future: Learn C, C++, hack and phreak successfully, start my own BBS, improve on my qualifications and knowledge, get rich (very), be happy (very).
This may make me appear to be a very sad and boring person, but I assure you I'm not... and who would know better than me? Enough about me anyway (I suppose most readers have skipped this section all together, and I'm talking to myself... Oh well, I continue!)
III: - Why use faked ID?
You must have some idea, or you wouldn't be reading this would you? If you're gonna act all stupid and innocent though, I guess I'll have to spell it out to you. The following is the most common reason for acquiring a fake proof of age ID card:
You're just a little too young to go out and do the things you want. You don't have a major problem when it comes to breaking the rules, but others do. Say, for example, that you're a fifteen-year-old boy that wants to go out to clubs and bars, what can you do?
Often you can try your luck. If you're fairly decent looking you can easily pop into an off-license, put some money and a six-pack on the counter and walk out of there smug as shit. This is fine when all you want is a couple of beers in the park with your friends, but let's face it, after a while this gets boring as hell!
No, in reality you want to be allowed in to nightclubs, over 18 parties and so on. You've seen the TV programmes, you've heard all about them from older friends... The girls there are sooo hot, the music is "banging", and the drinks are cheap, there's a whole subculture here that you're completely missing out on.
Still, the cut off (In Britain at least) is 18, the same as the legal age for consuming alcohol. In theory, if you can walk into an off-license fairly sure that you will be served for alcohol, you should be fairly sure of entry to an over 18's venue. In practice however, this is untrue. Clubs have doormen; they have to follow strict rules. If a bouncer in a club suspects that you may be below the age of 18, your ass is staying well outta there... and you aren't gonna argue with those big, tough, mean-looking hard bastards if you've got an ounce of sense in you!
What can be done then? Well, from personal experience, when I was 14 I had no problems getting away with "being" 16 (particularly useful for underage smoking, or even buying cigarettes for your friends at a personal profit). Similarly, at the ages of 15/16, I was believed to be 18+ by many.
This in itself however, is not enough. Had I simply walked to a club at the age of 15 and attempted to gain entry I'd have been out on my ass. No, you have to look the part. If you were going out you'd have to be dressed appropriately, and fit in with ease.
Essential for entry to a bog-standard local nightclub: A smart shirt. Decent trousers (not jeans usually). Good shoes (often trainers are outlawed). No crappy facial hair (bad face fuzz screams out "I'm 15, but I think this shit on my face makes me look older"; A decent goatee is OK). Personally, I used to get away with this, but others may feel the need for some faked identification.
Be warned, simply flashing an ID card doesn't mean that you'll be accepted as an 18+ year old (but it can help!) Instead, it's merely an aid. Before attempting to use a card, assess yourself truthfully; will you get away with the scam? For example, if you aren't dressed right, or simply look really young, avoid using faked ID; you will get caught, and can end up eyeball deep in shit. Remember that this is fraudulent activity, which is effectively unlawful... But don't get caught, and you'll be fine.
If your reasons for requiring a faked ID are a little more serious e.g. you're fleeing the country, you're a smuggler etc. You'll require a little more than a little proof of age card! I'd check out philes or sites by others, or look around to see if I've made any other documents on the subject that are more advanced.
IV: - Different methods
Now, there are a few methods available. Many magazines have ads offering fake proof of age cards for approximately <20>15... this is a very lazy method but far more expensive than need be. Also, the quality of these cards cannot be guaranteed, you can't even be guaranteed that you'll actually receive the card (many of these "companies" are scams, you send money to a PO Box, receive nothing and cannot complain since you were attempting to break the law (what a bitch!))
Luckily there are other (better) methods. A fair amount of us have friends that can deal in a few dodgy things. It's relatively easy to acquire small firearms, drugs, stolen goods etc. A fake ID is far easier to get hold of, you just need to ask the right people. If you know people that may be able to sort you out thaen you're OK, you can often take a look at a sample, get the cards cheaper (often but not always), and pay upon receipt. However, if you don't know someone that can supply you, forget about using this method. You shouldn't ask someone out of the blue if they can get you illicit materials, you don't know how they would react, and would probably deny it anyway. A certain amount of trust is needed, so you need to be friendly with someone before asking. But read on before simply trying this method.
Why read on? Because there is a third and way better method. How can you ensure that the end result is a quality card? How can you be certain that you're not going to be ripped off? How can you save yourself money? I don't think I have to answer this one do I? That's right... don't piss about with middle-men, just do it yourself!
V: - Step by step guide
So, you decided to get hands-on and do it yourself. Good for you! There follows a simple guide on how to make a card. Naturally, I don't suggest you actually do this (see disclaimer section, go on it's really short), but if you did you could have loads of phun couldn't you... ;)
You will need:
A borrowed card (authentic or proven to work fake), a fairly decent computer, a DTP application, a scanner with good dpi ratio, high quality colour printer with good dpi ratio, some plastic laminate sheets, a clothes iron, possibly some kitchen foil or hologram paper, scissors, and a small photo-booth picture of yourself.
If you've got an image file with this text phile, you'll need that along with all the stuff listed above except for the borrowed card and scanner. Skip to point 2 in the method section if using a pre-scanned image file.
1) Scan in both sides of the card and save the images. As soon as this is done, the borrowed card can be returned.
2) Copy the images, so if you fuck it up you can at least restart. You can always keep the original scans on your hard-drive in case you want more cards in the future (dare I suggest you could sell cards at <20>5 each and make a tidy little profit? Maybe, but that too would be illegal, and your own stupid fault if you get caught. I merely inform, I do not instruct).
3) Start playing around with the images in your DTP package. Any fairly good scanner software can recognise text, and you shouldn't have too much trouble manipulating it.
4) Think back to the card you borrowed. If there was a photograph on it, was it digitised into the card, or was it merely glued onto the card? If it was digitised you should scan in your own photo and import it into your new card document. If it was glued onto the card, create an empty rectangle where it should be, with something like "photo here" inside it. This may seem really petty, but it's these little details that help you get away with scams.
5) Did the genuine card have a hologram on it for authenticity? If yes, leave an empty rectangle for this too.
6) You should have a really authentic looking card saved to disk now. Print it out to the exact size of the authentic card (most DTP applications would do this automatically). Print the two sides on seperate papers, don't attempt to be a clever shit and align the images perfectly to print on opposite sides of the paper (It's a waste of time, and chances are your ink will bleed and show through).
7) Cut out the printed images carefully. If you're using school equipment, and there's a guillotine lying around, you might as well use it. Jagged or untidily cut edges can be a dead giveaway of a fake. If you fuck it up, I'd recommend re-printing and trying again.
8) Stick on the photo if required. If there is a hologram area, stick on the foil/hologram paper (hologram paper is more convincing). If you want to be really clever try to get a real hologram (can be found on bank cards, cut it out, ask for a new card as yours was "stolen" N.B. Only do this if your bank issues new cards free!)
9) Put one plastic laminate sheet on a table. Align the two sides of your fake card perfectly and place them on the sheet. Put another sheet on top. Remember that you can make loads of cards at once (laminate sheets are usually approximately A4 sized), or cut the sheet before aligning (keep the leftovers for future projects). Put a hankerchief or greaseproof paper on top (so the iron doesn't stick to the plastic). Now get that iron and start sealing those laminates...
10) Remove the protective layer i.e. hankerchief, greaseproof paper, or whatever you used. Cut the laminate to the right size (this is imortant too you know!) There you go, a nice little ID card just for you!
So there you are. Not very hard is it? Have phun, hope you have a great time with those laydeez at the 18+ clubs and that the beer is good. And if anyone asks tell 'em The_Phraudster sent ya!
If you need to contact me you can mail to:
* Phile written by The_Phraudster
* ==========================
* This phile is free for distribution to anyone you see fit.
* The phile must remain unchanged.
* Any improvements/amendments will be made by The_Phraudster
* alone. The_Phraudster must be accredited as the source if
* this phile is used on any BBS, webpage, or distributed in
* any other manner be it electronic or otherwise.