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this file is devoted on people who suck and boards that suck too. and
now here's the list. Ok if you don't like coarse words then hit Ctrl
Break or Ctrl C. Now. I take no responsibility for the information in
this file if you don't like it and you read it anyways then your a
Zealot and you should be shot.
Hit Ctrl break or Ctrl C now! last chance
1. Sadam Husane (I.E. the fucker in Iraq) This guy should have been
killed but I think Dan Quayle licked george bushes
balls and convinced him not to kill sadam.
2. Denny Davis (I.E. The Master, Mommies Boy, Grimis, Dick Sucker) both
Sysop of his board and Co-Sysop of it. He sucks cuz he
can't run the same BBS type for more than 3 weeks. Or
until his users get a good U/D ratio like 20:0 then
gets bitchy when a 2400 baud user Downloads a file but
he won't kick them off during a upload, but will on a
download. he sucks cuz he doesn't work and he gets all
these expensive toys Hst modem, 386, and he does
nothing my sources tell me he doesn't have a job, I
believe them who would hire a FAT SWEATING PIG LIKE him.
Maybe the FCC. (See FCC.) Plus he gave away my Star
Flight I,II, my 3.5 colonel's bequest and silpheed. Fuck
you for that Denny Grimis Davis.
3. Brad berlam(SP? Who cares) (I.E. the sysop on Lands end. Another suck
dick asshole. He sucks cuz he's just
there. and suck his share of dicks on
main st. plus he likes to ignore peoples
existence. I.E. the arthur of this
file. and who knows else.
4. Dan Quayle (I.E. vice president of the United states.) This fucker
sucks cuz he's just waiting for George Bush to die. Cuz
the second george bush dies he'll be president and then
we'll be fucked and so will the Kuwaities. Sadam will roll
into Kuwait again. and this fuck won't do shit about it.
5. FCC (I.E. The federal communication commission.) These are fat
sweaty pigs that sit on there ASS's doing nothing but telling
what radio, TV and Ham-ops what to do and say, What they can and
can't do. We cant say Fuck on the TV cuz some Fucking christian
Fuckhead will bitch his/her heart out. saying it's a sin da dat
dah dah.. Well fuck them hey i don't fucking like the Idea every
day some fuckhead is on a TV channel begging for money in the name
of god, Really they just want the money so they can wet there
Wicks in some hookers cunt. These fat sweaty FCC assholes don't
do nothing about these god damn (you heard me you fuckheaded
christian bastard) fuck head won't step in and take these shows
off the air , PTL, and the other damn fucking christian church
stations off. Now we all know the first satanic church that come
on the air the FCC would be swamped with letters telling them to
take it off and they would, so fuck the FCC. they all suck mean
DICKS just like #3 does
6. Christians, baptists. (I.E. Holy fucking rollers) These are the
people that are just as bad as the moonie
hare krishna devotee's but these people
monipolize millions of dollars out of
people in the name of that faggot GOD.
Now if your unaware of this only 30% goes
to charity the other 70% of the money
goes to themselves for blow jobs, wick
weting and other misc. expensises
rubbers abortions Ect. now the moonie hare
krisna's at least they put it to what it
should and does go for. there GOD. the
other denominations Suck they believe in
wetting wicks but dont belive anyone
should use there prostutes. so what do they
do. bitch about prositution and other things
porn books. when they turn around and
would fuck anything on the street that
had a cunt between it's legs. this includes
dogs, cats, sheep, goats, 2 year olds on
up, so as you see baptists / christians are
hipacritical bastards.
7. M.C. Hammer (I.E. Major coward Hammer.) that stupid nigger rap
star thats to scared to help his own country out.
I.E. the persian gulf yeah everyone this fucker got
out of going he paid someone off. M.C. hammer is the
FIRST gutless Marine I know. (See NAACP.)
8. ACLU. (I.E. the american pinko commies) These are the people that are
trying to turn america from a democratic socity into a
communist socity. these people are undermining everything our
for farthers ever worked for. our freedom, every thing if these
people suceed. then we'll have to ask to take a shit ask to
wipe our ass's basicly we'd be very very fucked over.
9. NAACP. (I.E. Niggers Are Actuly Colored Polocks) These are the fucks
that every time a Business has a grevince with a lazy nigger
that does more sleeping on the job than work, when the
businees goes to fire the fucker, these left wing zealots
come in for the kill, all what a nigger has to do is cry
racisim and boom the NAACP runs in for the (Kill) law suit.
Now wheres the protection for the Whites. Ahhh the Skin Heads
and The Klu Klux Klan (KKK). now every red blooded white
hates niggers cuz they suck. but we still have zealots that
are biggoted against the race but will turn around an listen
to there music, thus supporting these niggers. If your that
10. People (I.E. Everybody) Every one sucks cuz you cant depand on
anyone. There out there to fuck you over any way possible.
Denny for example and Brad. Fuck the both of you cock
suckers. the only person you can trust is yourself. So fuck
the other guy fuck you too. all of you sucky dicky left
wing zealots. Fuck you all Eat me till my balls fucking
explode. Fuck every thing you people suck DICK yeah it's a
Dog Eat Dog world out there. Oh and if you dont like this
text phile than why the fuck did you read it.
11. Lands End (I.E. a faggot board) Brad and Denny really get it on now
folks another faggot board has intercepted it's way into
our community. Brad can Suck meen dicks from what I heard
and so does denny yeah they really sucky dicky each other
and any other animal or person that has a pair of balls
and a rod between its legs.
12. The Master linkinfotainment (I.E. The way it is , The comedy Club.)
Another Faggot board devoted on making
people wish they had a HST modem and a
386, yes folks if you don't have an HST
this board is not for you. if you have
2400 expect the only thing you can do is
upload you can't download he will never
allow a 2400 baud user to download his
wares. In other words FUCK YOU. I guess
thats what he's getting at..
13. This whole state (I.E. a hole in the fucking earth.) This state
sucks cuz denny lives in it, his family does
too, this state also sucks cuz brad (sysop of
Lands End Lives in it.) This state SUCKS cuz
you people all do. This state sucks cuz every
one is a left wing ZEALOT, that would put
everyone down cuz they have a half a brain more
than they do. This state sucks cuz I can smell
Celulite coming down from the north. (ormand
beach area) this state sucks cuz john tanner
lives in it.
14. John Tanner (I.E. a left wing Zealot.) another person whom i
despise. He seems to get the idea that porn is dirty
sex. oh look at this hipocrital bastard, he has the
biggest fucking play boy collection around. He fucking
plans to get all the play boys and other porn mag
removed from this state cuz it's dirty sex and this
state is full of good christians that dont put up with
that. (refer back to christians / Baptist.) Well folks
if it wasnt for dirty sex he'd still be swiming in his
farthers balls and he'd be stuck to a tampon to
15. Fat people (I.E. fat pigs) Fat people suck cuz they think there so
good looking. Gee i wonder if anyone told them FAT IS
OUT. fat people suck cuz they think there GOD'S greatest
gift to the FUCKING UNIVERSE.. Fat people Suck cuz green
peace wont push them back in the sea when they're sun
bathing. Fat people better watch out now, I'm armed with
an explosive tiped HARPOON!
/ This has been issue #1 of Hate and discontent /
Published on 05-05-1991
Oh and all you geeks out there that want to say this word is misspelled
and that word is to. FUCK YOU, FUCK OFF and DIE SHIT SUCKERS.
Master Satan Corp. CopyFucked 1991.