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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
disk operating system
Command List
written by: paranoidxe
ATTRIB - removes/adds attributes to files.
+ sets attribute
- removes attribute
R read-only attrib.
A archive attrib.
S system file attrib.
H hidden file attrib.
/S process files in all directories in spec. path
DIR - displays contents of directory
/P pause after each screen
/W wide list format
/O list by sorted order
N - by name
S - by size
E - by extension
D - by date
G - group directories first
A - last access date
/S - display files in spec. directory/sub-directory
/B - Use bare format
/L - Use lower case
/V - verbose mode
FDISK - microsoft repartitioning software for hard drives
/X - ignore extended disk access support
/MBR - fixes Master Boot Record if damaged
/CMBR <disk> - fixes MBR on specified drive
/Q - prevents fdisk from booting system after completion
/STATUS - shows hard drive status
/ACTOK - prevents integrity check
/FPRMT - allows support of FAT32 on drives > 540MB
CD - Change directories (ex. cd windows or cd\windows)
CHKDSK - checks disks for errors
filename - checks files fragmentation
/f - fixes errors found
/v - displays full path/name of every file on disk
MKDIR - makes a directory (ex. mkdir ie5)
PING - sends a packet to specified server, highly customizeable
-t prings specific host until stopped
-a resolve address to hostname
-n <x> number of echo requests to send
-l <x> send buffer size
-f Set don't fragment flag in packet
-i TTL Time to Live
-v TOS Type of Service
-r <x> Record route for count hops
-s <x> Timestamp for count hops
EDIT - brings up basic editor for DOS
/B - force monochrome mode
/H - display max number of lines possible
/R - Load files in read-only mode
/S - force use of short filenames
/<x> - Load binary file(s)
filename - displays filename in Edit
COPY - copies one file source to another (ex. copy ex.exe C:\win\)
/A - indicates ASCII text file
/B - indicates Binary file
/V - Verifies new files
/Y - Supress prompt to confirm overwrite
/-Y - Forces prompt to confirm overwrite
DISKCOPY - copies one disk to another, recommended floppy only.
/l - compares only 1st side of disks
/8 - compares 1st 8 sectors per track
NETSTAT - displays TCP/IP protocol information
-a - displays all connections/ports
-e - ethernet statistics
-r - routing table
-s - per-protocol statistics
XCOPY - advanced copy function, allows copying of files, folders,
and entire drives to another location.
/A - copy with archive attrib.
/M - copy with archive attrib. removes it
/P - prompt per file
/S - copies directories/subdir except empties
/E - copies directories/subdir including empties
/W - press key before copying
/C - copy even with errors
/I - create non-existing directories
/Q - hides filenames when copying
/R - overwrites read-only files
/T - create directory structure
/U - update existing files already in destination
/K - copies attributes
/Y - overwrite existing files with no prompt
/N - copy using generated short names
/-Y - prompt before overwriting files
IPCONFIG - Shows network settings, can verify network settings as
well as connection status.
/All - detailed information
/renew_all - renews all adapters
/renew <x> - renews <x> adapter
/release_all - releases all adapters
/release_<x> - releases <x> adapter
DELTREE - deletes files or folders permanently from computer.
/Y - suppresses prompt for each file/folder
MSCDEX - CDROM redirecting program.
/D:devicename - specify name for driver
/M:<n> - specify number of sectors to cache table
of cdrom disk
/E - use extended memory
/V - display info on memory usage when booted
/L:<drive> - specify first CDROM Drive letter
/S - sharable on MS-NET based systems
VOL - displays volume information for the targeted drive
ECHO - used to repeat text typed in a file to show on a screen.
EXTRACT - Microsoft CAB extracting program, can pull files out of
.cab files and put them on the drive.
MEM - Displays the available/used/free memory on the computer.
RMDIR - removes *empty* directories
UNDELETE - allows you to undelete files that were accidently deleted.
/all - automatically recover all files specified
/list - All available recoverable files list
/status - type of delete protection present on computer
UNFORMAT - used to unformat a drive
/J - verifies that the mirror files agree with the sys
info on the disk
/U - unformat without MIRROR files
/L - lists all files/directories found
/test - displays information but does not write
any changes
FIND - used to search for a text string in a file.
/V - displays all lines NOT containing the spec. word
/C - displays only lines that contain the spec. word
/I - ignore casing of the spec. word