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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Arrays in Batch Files by Jakash3
Written by Jakash3
December 18,2009
It is now possible to create arrays in batch files.
Of course you assign them like this:
set myarray[0]=butter
set myarray[1]=lights
set myarray[2]=orb
But to obtain the value of an array item by specifying
it's index by a variable would work by calling this function:
REM Example call: call :getitem myarray 1 value
REM After that: 'echo %value%' outputs in this case "lights"
set array.name=%1
set array.index=%2
set outputvar=%3
for /f "delims=[=] tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('set %array.name%[') do (
if %%b==%array.index% set %outputvar%=%%c
goto :eof
The above function arguments when calling:
%1 = Name of the array
%2 = Index to get value from
%3 = The name of a variable to output the value to
I made a batch file 'library' to help you accomplish this.
With this you can add new items to the end of arrays, get
their length, or get the value of an item index.
@echo off
set array.return=goto :eof
set array.func=%1
set array.func.args=%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
call :%array.func% %array.func.args%
goto :eof
REM Adds a new item at the end of an array
REM Arguments: (
REM name As "Array Name",
REM value As "New value"
set array.name=%1
set array.value=%2
for /f "delims=[=] tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('set %array.name%[') do (
set array.index=%%b
set /a array.index+=1
set %array.name%[%array.index%]=%array.value%
goto :eof
REM Gets array length.
REM Arguments: (
REM name As "Array name"
REM var As "Output Variable"
set array.name=%1
set array.var=%2
for /f "delims=[=] tokens=2" %%a in ('set %array.name%[') do (
set %array.var%=%%a
goto :eof
REM Get value of index in array.
REM Arguments: (
REM name As "Array Name",
REM index As "Item Index",
REM var As "Output Variable"
set array.name=%1
set array.index=%2
set array.var=%3
for /f "delims=[=] tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('set %array.name%[') do (
if %%b==%array.index% set %array.var%=%%c
goto :eof
Let's see some application of this:
@echo off
set book[0]=Avatar
set book[1]=The Green Mile
set book[2]=The Count of Monte Cristo
call array.bat add book Babo
call array.bat len book length
echo I'm have %length% books you can borrow.
echo Pick one:
echo 0) Avatar
echo 1) The Green Mile
echo 2) The Count of Monte Cristo
echo 3) Babo
set /p pick=
call array.bat getitem book %pick% title
echo You picked %title%.
pause >nul