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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Self igniting firebomb
If you are searching Internet text file dumps for this sort of information you are very probably an idiot & shouldn't be messing with dangerous things like this, I'll tell you now that you will fuck up & maime yourself & it won't be my fault because I told you so.
Okay now, this is somewhat similar in concept to the internal firebomb discribed by lonewolf but it uses chemical that are easier to obtain in a pure or atleast usable form.
There are a few ways of doing it.
Here are some things common to all the variants I'll be outlining:>
#2 sealable glass vessels(one must be able to fit inside the other with plenty of space left for liquid, preferably this internal glass vessel should be of thinner glass that the larger one)
#Some petrol(gasoline to you yanks) or diesel or oil or break fluid(anything petroleum based)
#a 1 or 2 marble sized steel ball bearings or some stones are optional.
For variant 1 you need your glass vessels, your prefered petroleum based liquid(petrol will ignite instantly & probably do the most damage although it doesn't stick to things so well without additives, wereas brake fluid for example sticks quite well & spews alot of toxic smoke too but it will be slow to ignite), some granulated pool chlorine which you can find at any supermarket(unfortunately in Australia atleast 5kg is the smallest size), you may also wish to try experimenting with various liquid chlorine products but I can't vouch for the results.
Step 1:> Take your smaller vessel(for example a masterfoods or similar spice/herb jar does quite nicely) & fill it up with your pool chlorine & then screw the lid on nice & tight(you might even want to seal up with selastic or the like to be sure no liquid can get in there until it's broken).
Step 2:> Put a good amount of fuelproof adhesive(one that sticks to glass) on the bottom of your small vessel & insert it into you larger vessel(a coffee jar, peanut butter jar, honey jar or the like is a good option) & press it down so that it becomes glued to the bottom of your larger vessel.
Step 3:> Fill the remaining space in the larger vessel with your chosen petroleum based liquid, at this point you may if you with also add stones or steel balls, seal the lid.
You should now have yourself a molitov cocktail that will automatically ignite if the internal jar or both jars are broken.
The second variant is pretty much the same as the first one except that the chlorine is substituted for 50%hydrogen peroxide(in Australia you can get this at any chemist or as you call it in America drug store you don't have to ask at the counter, head straight for the shelves marked "Wound Care"), I'd also suggest that only Petrol or Diesel would be suitable.
Finally I have for you a self igniting projectile, it can work in either of the ways above & be fired from an orange gun(the compressed air kind, not the ignited aerosole kind for obvious reasons), it takes more work than kinds above.
You need:>
#A light bulb(chosen for its relatively aerodynamic shape & close size relation to an orange or potato)
#A test tube of about 20mm outside diametre & the rubber stopper that goes with it.
#A dremel or similar rotary tool with some slitting/cutting disks
Optional:> some cardboard or balsa fins.
Step 1:> Take your dremel & your light bulb & carefully cut around the stem where the metal joins the glass, once this is done you should be able to pull the whole core of the bulb out & be left with the now completely hollow body of the bulb with a 20mm openening in the stem.
Step 2:> take your dremel & your test tube & carefull cut your test tube down so that when inserted into the light bulb it only just pokes out of the stem of the light bulb, after this remove the test tube from the light bulb until later.
Step 3:> fill(taking care to leave room for the rubber plug) your test tube up with chlorine or 50% hydrogen peroxide & now plug it up & selastic it.
Step4:> Fill your light bulb with petrol or diesel & then insert your test tube(there will be overflow as you insert the tube but if you had put the tube in first you wouldn't get the liquid in) into the light bulb so that it pretty much plugs the hole in the bulb, you will need to seal it with selastic or similar silicon adhesive, at this point you may with to attach fins to the stem of the bulb.
You should now have a spiffy little fire bomb that can be launched from a compressed air cannon.
Strych9 Milksheikh