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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
SOURCE : CUFON Computer UFO Network
SUBJECT: Unidentified Flying Objects
1. I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not
constructed by any power on earth. President Harry S. Truman - Press
conference, Washington DC, April 4, 1950.
2. Based upon unreliable and unscientific surmises as data, the Air Force
develops elaborate statistical findings which seem impressive to the
uninitiated public unschooled in the fallaciec of the statistical method.
One must conclude that the highly publicized Air Force pronouncements
based upon unsound statistics serve merely to misrepreent the true
character of the UFO phenomena. Yale Scientific Magazine (Yale University)
Volume XXXVII, Number 7, April 1963
3. I feel that the Air Force has not been giving out all the available
information on the Unidentified Flying Objects. You cannot disregard so
many unimpeachable sources. John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the United States. January 1965
4. I have absolutely no idea where the UFO's come from or how they are
operated, but after ten years of research, I know they are something from
ourside our atmosphere. Dr. James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric
physics, University of Arizona. 1967.
5. I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and
interplanetary. Another words we are being watched by beings from outer
space. Albert M. Chop, deputy public relations director, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, and former United States Air Force
spokesman for Project Blue Book.
6. The least improbable explanation is that these things UFO's are artificial
and controlled. My opinion for some time has been that they have an
extraterrestrial origin. Dr. Maurice Bilot, one of the world's leading
aerodynamicists and mathematical physicists. Life, April 7, 1952
7. Of course the flying saucers are real and they are interplanetary.
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, commanding officer of the Royal Air Force
of Great Britain, August 1954
Comments: It would seem that many people thought there was something to
all of this stuff called UFO's and if this is all true, could it
be that all of us are being mislead. One thing is for sure the
history of this subject matter is being forgotten and there is over
40 years of it. It should be very clear to many people that this
at least is true and if so then why ? I must admit this does bother
me to think that we think so little of ourselves not to care about
whats real and whats not. The old story is why should anyone care
unless there is some money to be made or does this really concern
a layman who does not know anything anyway are so they say. but
who are they ? This is what we should start finding out and then
maybe we will be a little closer to the problem. There has been
to many good men who put themselves on the line for such a good
cause, I believe we call this truth or have we forgotten this too.
Dale D. Goudie, Director Of CUFON.
JUNE 1, 1986
CUFON: Does not necessarily take or have any opinion as to the (AP) News
Articles which are on this system.
Note: CUFON - Leaves this up to the reader or readers.
The Seattle Times
BY Elizabeth Puliiam
Times Staff Reporter
NASA should get out of the business of launching spacecraft and let
private industry take over before astronomical costs cancel the space program
forever, according to one member of a presidential commission on U.S. space
Unless we can redically lower the cost of reaching space, it's possible that
this country may not go, said David Webb, a space development consultant and
member of President Reagan's National Commission on Space, in an interview
here yesterday.
Webb will address the Space Development Conference at 3:30 p.m. today in the
Westin Hotel. The Commission delivered its recommendations to the president
Friday, although parts of the controversial report had earlier been leaked to
trade journals. The report describes layers of space stations between the
earth, moon and mars to be built by 2017.
The cost of putting objects into space must be slashed to noe-tenth its
present level, from $2,000 per pound, to $200 per pound, to make further space
exploitation possible, Webb said. That means that the private sector should
be more heavily involved in designing and opwerating space craft.
CUFON - Computer UFO Network
July 17, 1986
The Seattle Times
Close-Up Mystery Air Force Crash
Hush Fuels Reports That Doomed Plane Was "Stealth"
Knlght-Ridder Newspapers and Reuters:
Bakersfield, Calif. - Out on Rancheria Road stands a roadblock manned
by two soldiers wearing "sunglasses", green-and-brown camouflage outfits
and black M-16 rifles slung over their backs.
Beyond that roadblock, out in the sun-bleached hills about 12 miles from
Bakersfield, is a mystery.
Early last Friday, something fell out of the sky and into a canyon in the
Sequoia National Forest, crashing on Kenneth and Agnes Mebane's ranch about
4 miles south of the roadblock. It is something the Air Force wishes no one
else knew about. And they intend to do everything they can to keep others
from finding out.
I haven't asked them anything, says 63-year-old Kenneth Mebane of the soldiers
who moved onto his property without asking permission shortly after the 2 A.M.
Then, echoing many who live nearby, Mebane adds, I think that's their business.
Officiallt, the Air Force says only that one of its planes crashed and that its
pilot, Maj. Ross Mulhare, was killed.
Military analysts suspect the plane was one of a number of top-secret Stealth
fighters designed to be virtually invisible to enemy radar. The Pentagon
refuses to acknowledge that any such planes exist, although it is known the Air
Force currently has three Stealth programs in operation.
The plane also is suspected to have come from nearby Edwards Air Force Base,
although the military won't comfirm or deny that. I can't say where it was
based at or where it was going, say Air Force Lt. Col. Jerry Guess, who is
stationed at Edwards and who is the only authorized dpokesman at the crash
scene. So much secrecy is ironic in light of a pending congressional
investigation into reports that the Lockheed Corp., major contractor for the
F-19 Stealth fighter, may have lost hundreds of documents involved with its
Stealth research.
The plane was first sighted by a pilot in a small commercial airplane, who
radioed the Federal Aviation Administration in Los Angeles. The FAA notified
the Forest Service, which called in Kern County firefighters from Bakersfield
to put out a 120 acre fire sparked by the crash. Fire Capt. Darrell Tiede
and his crew from the Niles station house arrived before the military and saw
the wreckage. But Tiede refuses to talk about it. A reporter for the
Bakersfield Californian says one firefighter described the crash site as molten
iron. But the reporter says the man's supervisor quickly told him not to say
Kern County Fire Capt. Bill Alexander says all the secrecy can cause problems.
Air Force personnel shooed firefighters away from the area before they had
completely mopped up the blaze, he says. A Kern County "coroner's investigator
was dispatched to the ranch, but turned back to Bakersfield when military
officials said they were taking care of the remains. The Air Force refuses to
say where the pilot was taken."
While the cleanup continues, the Air Force has moved into an office at
Meadows Field, Bakersfield's public airport. And it has been flying helicopters
and twin-engine planes in and out of the field over the past six days. If the
plane that crashed was a Stealth model, the Air Force has to be concerned that
no debris is left in the area. Not only is the sleek, highly aerodynamic shape
of a Stealth fighter believed important in eluding radar, but the materials
used to build the plane must be of a special kind to absorb,rather than reflect
, enemy radar. Thus the military would have to make sure that every chunk of
the plane's body was removed.
CUFON - Computer UFO Network
- > LATE NEWS <-
DECEMBER 5, 1985
President Reagan revealed wednesday that his discussions with soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev, touched not only on "Star Wars," but the
In an address to students at Fallston High School here, reahan departed
from his prepared remarks to say that in his private discussions with
Gorbachev at last months Geneva summit, he noted that "we're all god
I couldn't help but say to him just think how easy his task and mine
might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly if there was a threat
to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the
universe, Reagan said the president went on to say that such an event
would force himself and Gorbachev to forget all the little local differences
that we have between our countries and they would find out that we really
are all human beings here on this earth together.
Well, I don't suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and
threaten us, Reagan added. But I think that between us we can bring about
that realization.
The President then ended his remarks, without giving his young audience a
clue as to how Gorbachev reponded.