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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
[Excerpted from UFO Universe, the September 1988 issue, is this article
on Ronald Reagan's reputed UFO encounter, and how that encounter may
serve to explain his continued interest in UFOlogy and EBEs.]
Ronald Reagan's Obsession With
An Alien Invasion
By A. Hovni
Supermarket tabloids, that strange breed of sensationalistic
American journalism, have been talking for most of the decade about
Ronald Reagan's fascination with things like astrology and space aliens.
Little attention was paid to the matter ... after all, the stuff was
printed in the tabloids and nobody sane is supposed to believe in them.
Yet truth is becoming stranger than fiction in the case of Ronald Wilson
Reagan and some of his more curious remarks.
For starters, he has become the first President of the United
States to talk about he possibility of an alien invasion from outer
space, and he has done so not once or twice but in three speeches.
Reagan is also the only President to my knowledge, who admitted -- in a
1984 Presidential debate against Walter Mondale -- [to] having
"philosophical discussions" about Armageddon in the White House with
some rather well known fundamentalist preachers.
And then there was the explosion about astrology in the White
House, triggered by Don Regan's disclosures that Nancy had often
consulted astrologers to arrange for appointments with the President.
Everyone knows the details by now, yet we asked Marcello Galluppi, a
well-known astrologer and host of a psychic radio and TV talk show in
Detroit, to give us another view. "It is very clear to me that the
politicians in Washington have their psychics and astrologers," said
Marcello, "at least some of them do." Furthermore, continued Marcello,
there is evidence that the Reagans have used astrology for a long time
if we consider that "he was sworn in at midnight as Governor of
California, based on astrology."
The media was having a field day with horoscopes at the White House
when Reagan talked about the possibility of Earth uniting against a
threat by "a power from outer space." Although the idea wasn't new for
the President, as we shall soon see, this time everybody paid attention.
More as a joke than a serious thought, however. The AP story on the
speech, for example, had the headline, "Reagan follows astrological flap
with comment on space invaders."
There might be a deeper reason for Reagan's apparent interest in
the idea of an alien threat. There is an unconfirmed story that before
he became Governor of California, Ron and Nancy had a UFO sighting on a
highway near Hollywood. The story was broadcast last February on Steve
Allen's radio show over WNEW-AM in New York. The comedian and host
commented that a very well known personality in the entertainment
industry had confided to him that many years ago, Ron and Nancy were
expected to a casual dinner with friends in Hollywood. Except for the
Reagans, all the guests had arrived. Ron and Nancy showed up quite
upset half an hour later, saying that they had just seen a UFO coming
down the coast. No further details were released by Steve Allen.
The President first disclosed his recurrent thoughts about "an
alien threat" during a December 4, 1985, speech at the Fallston High
School in Maryland, where he spoke about his first summit with General
Secretary Gorbachev in Geneva. According to a White House transcript,
Reagan remarked that during his 5-hour private discussions with
Gorbachev, he told [Gorbachev] to think, "how easy his task and mine
might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat
to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the
universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have
between our countries ..."
Except for one headline or two, people didn't pay much attention.
Not then and not later, when Gorbachev himself confirmed the
conversation in Geneva during an important speech on February 17, 1987,
in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, to the Central Committee of the
USSR's Communist Party. Not a High School in Maryland, precisely!
There, buried on page 7A of the 'Soviet Life Supplement,' was the
following statement:
"At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if
the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestials, the United
States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such
an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I
think it's early yet to worry about such an intrusion..."
Notice that Gorbachev doesn't say this is an incredible proposition, he
just says that it's too early to worry about it.
If Gorbachev elevated the theme from a high school to the Kremlin
[palace], Reagan upped the stakes again by including the "alien threat"
[again], not in a domestic speech but to a full session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations. Towards the end of his speech to the
Forty-second Session on September 21, 1987, the President said that, "in
our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much
unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside,
universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.
"I occasionally think," continued Reagan, "how quickly our
differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat
from outside this world. And yet, I ask" -- here comes the clincher --
"is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" The President now tries to
retreat from the last bold statement by posing a second question: "What
could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war
and the threat of war?" Unlike the off-the-cuff remarks to the Fallston
High School, we must assume that the President's speech to the General
Assembly was written very carefully and likewise, it merits close
Ronald Reagan has told us that he thinks often about this issue,
yet nobody seems to be paying attention. When the President mentioned
last May 4 in Chicago for the third time the possibility of a threat by
"a power from another planet," the media quickly dubbed it the "space
invaders" speech, relegating it to a sidebar in the astrology flap. The
ET remark was made in the Q&A period following a speech to the National
Strategy Forum in Chicago's Palmer House Hotel, where he adopted a more
conciliatory tone towards the Soviet Union.
Significantly, Reagan's remark was made during his response to the
question, "What do you consider to be the most important need in
international relations?"
"I've often wondered," the President told us once again, "what if
all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer --
a power from outer space, from another planet." And then he emphasized
his theme that this would erase all the differences, and that the
"citizens of the world" would "come together to fight that particular
There is a fourth, unofficial, similar statement from Ronald Reagan
about this particular subject. It was reported in the New Republic by
senior editor Fred Barnes. The article described a luncheon in the
White House between the President and Eduard Shevardnatze, during the
Foreign Minister's visit to Washington to sign the INF Treaty on
September 15, 1987. "Near the end of his lunch with Shevardnadze,"
wrote Barnes, "Reagan wondered aloud what would happen if the world
faced an 'alien threat' from outer space. 'Don't you think the United
States and the Soviet Union would be together?' he asked. Shevardnadze
said yes, absolutely. "And we wouldn't need our defense ministers to
meet,' he added."
The fact that there are so many references in important speeches,
off-the-cuff remarks, and just plain conversations, means that -- for
whatever reason or knowledge about deep UFO secrets that he may have as
President -- Ronald Reagan does think often about the possibility of an
alien invasion, and how this event could become a catalyst for world
unity. Talking about these UFO secrets, there is also an unconfirmed
story of a special story of a special screening in the White House of
the movie "ET" at few years ago, with director Steven Spielberg and a
few selected guests. Right after the movie, Reagan supposedly turned to
Spielberg and whispered something to the effect, "There are only a
handful of people who know the truth about this."
Indeed, more than one ufologist has even suggested that the real
target behind "Star Wars" -- another of Reagan's cosmic obsessions -- is
the projected ET invasion and not the Russians. Others talk of wild
"deals" between the U.S. Government and race of gray dwarfs, better
known for the appetite for abducting humans ... Stop! We're entering
the forbidden terrain of tabloid revelations, like the SUN's screaming
headline that "Reagan will end his presidency by adding several planets
as states." Just think about it.