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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Another Look at Events and Reports
Don F Ecker ParaNet RHO/COL 1-208-338-9187
The much awaited broadcast of UFO Coverup/Live is now history and what we
are seeing is the fallout. It has been quite awhile since I have witnessed
this amount of turmoil in the UFO community. Just what did we see, and more
importantly, what does it all mean? The following text are some observations
I have made, and some ( what I hope are educated guesses ) about this whole
Much CRITICISM has been leveled at the broadcast because of the live format,
the canned speeches, the glitz, and some of Mike Farrels patter. First, what
must be realized is that this program was not geared to the serious UFO
investigator. The majority of the viewing public that viewed the broadcast
has no backround in the subject, and as a rule, is limited in information to
the tabloids, and public library. On the pro side, the broadcast presented
information that has neve r before been available to the general public on a
national forum. An apparent air of respectability was given to the subject,
with testimony from "government intelligence operatives", reports from airline
pilots, former Air Force officers, and general citizens that have experienced
uncommon events that defy apparent explanation. Reported abductions, "deals"
made in secret with the US government, earth bound "alien" bases in the United
States. So much as to make your head swim. But, beside all of that, I found
the Soviet hookup incredible. Regardless of what is said about the US
governments reaction to all of this, the fact that the Russian government had
to approve this makes it even more incredible. Any US citizen that watched
this program, and was capable of thought, had to asked what is really going
on? There simply can't be this much smoke, and not have a fire somewhere.
The only problem with that statement however, is that sometimes fires create
much more heat than light.
In the UFO communi ty however, some very disturbing things are now very
apparent. Increasing cases of namecalling, pointed fingers, charges, counter
charges, and turmoil plague all involved. Much of this is directed to John
Lear and William Cooper. Lear, as most of you know, wrote the very
controversial and very disturbing LEAR.TXT. From the beginning Lear drew
fire on his hypothesis, and
events show that the fire does not appear to be stopping. C ooper, who
apparently has, as he claimed, an intelligence backround, ha s posted texts
that support Lear in his proposition. This has drawn even more fire, which
have resulted in behavior that is not conducive to solving this enigma. As
more charges and counter charges flew about, Lear and Cooper were terminated
from a number of boards. It is my contention that at this time events such as
this were not warrented, and as a result, I made ParaNet RHO available to
these men. Now, just what drew this lightning?
Back in January, when the LEAR.TXT was released on ParaNet A lpha, Lear
stated that he believed that an alien race had entered into an agreement using
duplicative means, with the US government, to exchange technology for
permission to "study" an advancing civilization ( which according to Lear, the
aliens would have done anyway ) by "abductions" and mutilation of domestic
animals. Also stated was Lears belief that the aliens had received from the
government an area in New Mexico among others for a "joint CIA/Alien Base".
It was only later that the US government re alized that there was much more to
the agreement than first met the eye, and in a "panic", attempted to covertly
meet this threat with new weapons, SDI, and
reaproachment with the Soviet government, in our mutual self interest. Wow,
this would have been enough to upset anyone and the effect among the UFO
community should have been anticipated by Mr. Lear. First, the serious
investigator should ask if any of this would even be possible let alo ne
To first address the abduction phenomeno n of abductions, Hopkins two
recent publications, "Intruders" and then "Missing Time" should be read, and
much information on hundreds of abduction cases can be studied. Budd was
certainly not shy about relaying information about "genetic experiments" and
what appears as an alien attempt at "cross breeding". In "Coverup", I was
upset at Hopkins failure to mention any of this on the broadcast, but then I
realized that he might not have had a choic e about relaying this
information. It "could" have been th e producers, and not him. However, this
part of Lears paper has apparently been proven possible by Hopkins, not to
mention Phil Imbrognos "Night Siege". Imbrogno has recently come forward
with information that there have been many abductions in the Hudson Valley
sightings. None of this surfaced until after Dr. Hyneks death, apparently
Hynek didn't want to muddy the water with such sensational and frightening
information. According to Imbrogno, the reports became so numerous, that it
became c ounterproduct ive to dismiss them any longer. The next apparent
vindication of Lear was when "Falcon and Condor" admitted on national TV that
the US government DID enter into a "deal" with the aliens, that, according to
Bill Moores informants, stated that the government would not disclose the
aliens if they did not interfere with our society and culture. Somewhere
along the line, it was stated that the government also ended up with alien
craf t, and after the Cash/Landrum testimony, Lears paper looked better and
bette r. John stated
that along the way, the Military had captured three of the "EBE's" and were
holding them in a very secure military base. Low and behold, basically, Bill
Moore and Shandera said the same thing! We had entertained alien "guests",
and there was still one being entertained somewhere. There was testimony and
references to the Roswell crash, the Mantell incident, the Iran chase, and as
the program proceeded, the Lear.TXT
became more and more believable to me. Could this be what was occurin g? As
anyone who read my AGENT.TXT, you will know that I received some information
that would seem to verify various aspects of this. However, as even John Lear
states, nothing is Black and White. There are numerous shades of grey
As I studied more and more of the information, and became more and more
frustrated, it suddenly struck me. What I, or anyone to whom ever hopes to
get an answer must do, is treat this as I w ould have treated any criminal
case I investigated. Where there is smo ke, it follows that there must be
fire. Now the trick is to discover the light and ignore the heat of this
situation. I began to look for a common denominator and I believe that this
is the only way to pursue it. Is it possible that there is a common
denominator? Yes, but at this point, I really can't say with any assurance
what it is. If a hoax is being executed, then this would be an excellent
reason for all concerned with getting to the tr uth of the matter, and
dropping the petty differences, forget ting the fragile egos, work together
to solve this enigma that is firmly wrapped in a riddle. Otherwise, I believe
that this will go on for another 40 years and we all will be no closer to the
So, what is the short term solution, and is there one? Yes, I feel much
more comfortable with that one. The real problem is not finding a short term
solution, but to get the principles together to agree to it. So here is what
I propose. I extend an open invita tion to Mr. William Moore, Jamie Shandera,
Stanton Friedman, John Lear, William Cooper, Jim Speiser, Dale Wedge, Phil
Imbrogno, Budd Hopkins, Walt Andrus, Vickie Cooper, Dale Goudie, and any of
the ParaNet Sysops to meet here in Boise, and if any interest is generated, I
will make all arrangements for this meeting. Among the rank and file, it is
felt that some of the principles are only concerned with their pocketbook,
and have no real interest in solving this riddle. Now is an excellent time
to lay asi de our differences, and do the only thing th at is really
important, and that is WORK TOGETHER, pool the available information, settle
our differences, and solve the riddle. It is fine to sell a book or film
rights, but what is more important, when it is possible that the entire human
race could be at a crossroad? The only thing that I have left to say is
this, let each individual conscience be your guide, and if any of the
mentioned are interested I can be reached one of several ways. First I can
be reache d at ParaNet RHO at 1-208-338-9187, my CIS number is 74270,3360 for
EasyPlex mail, and Ted Markley, Jim Speiser, and Dale Wedge have my home phone
number for a personal chat. So lets find out if the UFO community is more
concerned with the heat or light aspects of this situation.
Don F. Ecker 74270,3360 ParaNet RHO 1-208-338-9187