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FATIMLET.TXT - Text file that was scanned and processed via OCR by
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Harvey Stewart [UFONET I] .
The file was run through the Microsoft Word 5.0 spell
checker following conversion so most errors in character
recognition should be ok. Now that I finally have OCR
software that works there should be lots of files on the
way so stay tuned.
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Contact us here at UFONET I and perhaps we can convert
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software and hardware. You can contact either myself
Harvey Stewart or the Sysop of this board Tom Mickus
for details.
Fatima Thought-forms
Dear Sir, - I would like to suggest the
following hypothesis concerning the
events at Fatima in 1917. My suggestions
are based upon the many weeks
of patient study I undertook during
which time I used the literature at the
Catholic Central Library, and material
from abroad. The theories are largely
those of C.G. Jung, who mentions
Fatima at least twice to my knowledge.
In correspondence with the
Jung Institute in Zurich I have been
unable to ascertain whether he mentions
Fatima in detail in any of his
writings. They do not know.
Jung, as you know, developed the
idea of the Collective Unconscious.
The personal unconscious was seen as
a self-regulatory mechanism. Similarly
the Collective Unconscious was
thought to possess these characteristics.
It would appear that whenever
some massive imbalance occurs in the
collectivity the regulatory mechanism
comes into play. I base this hypothesis
on the study of apparitions
through the ages. These manifestations
occur at times of social upheaval.
Where the human collectivity is leaning
too much one way, the Collective
Unconscious will throw up a message
in terms relevant to the peoples,
belief and experience.
Fatima is the most interesting
example of this phenomenon since
it was a multiple witness case. It
occurred, characteristically, when
the inclination was too much towards
the left, i.e. shortly before the Russian
Revolution. Here, clearly, the compensatory
mechanism came into play.
Detailed study of the ,lady of light,
show her to be right-wing authoritarian.
May I suggest that these entities
were neither the, soul-forms, of
historical characters nor beings from
outer space, but thought-forms from
the Collective Unconscious manifesting
themselves in terms we can understand.
Gay Mosley
Flat 26, Norman Court
154/160 Lower Richmond Road,
Putney, London SW15 ILU