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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Sent: 02 May 93 14:01:00
From: Vince Johnson
The following file is courtesy of HUFON REPORT,
the newsletter of the Houston UFO Network. For more
information, call (713) 850-1352.
Aquarium Update
by Vince Johnson
I was intrigued after reading the "Aquarium Memo" because it,
in essence, raised more questions than it answered--especially
on the eschatology issue. I drafted a response and uploaded it to
Don Allen, (moderator for the FIDO UFO conference) requesting
that he forward it to Dan Smith and Rosemary Ellen Guiley.
Several days later, I received a call from Mr. Smith. I must
confess that, being at work, I was unprepared for the interview
that followed.
Surprisingly, he confirmed the existence of the "Aviary," the
shadowy UFO intelligence group that includes the infamous
"Falcon" and "Condor." Smith also indicated that Richard Doty
was still an active member of the "Aviary," although his primary
contact with this group is "Pelican." Pelican's principle duty is to
track millennial/eschatological communities, "entering a twilight
zone where psychic techniques are being generated by humans
and other entities."
Mr. Smith recounted the October 28, 1992, event in South
Korea where religious devotees of a particular sect awaited the
"end of the world." Over 20,000 members of the South Korean
armed forces deserted during this event and U.S. Army
psychiatrists were sent to deprogram and debrief them.
According to Mr. Smith, UFOs are primarily a psychological/
metaphysical phenomenon which are both "preparing us and
pressuring us to develop our own psi abilities." Not that UFOs
are a single type of entity, Smith asserts that there are "powers
and principalities" at work.
Furthermore, a radical program of psychic research and
development is currently underway near Los Alamos, New
Mexico. This group's development of psychokinesis,
parapsychology, and psychotronics (a term used to denote
psychic warfare techniques) represents a danger of
eschatological proportions. "These techniques have been
available, but controlled, throughout history. Now, other entities
are forcing the issue," says Smith.
The "Aquarium," as outlined by Smith and Guiley, is devoted to
assisting the "Aviary" in establishing a network of "spiritually
advanced" individuals to lessen the impact of the eschaton
During the course of our conversation, Mr. Smith seemed
unable to provide proof for his claims. He did report that his
government sources "hinted at" an eschatological emergency.
To prove the evil intent of the entities involved, he referred to
reports of human mutilations in the Amazon which have been
officially attributed to drug dealers, but according to his sources,
were committed by these evil entities.
In closing, I passed along Armen Victorian's question concerning
Rosemary Guiley's association with Vance Tiede and "RADM"
(Rear Admiral?) Harold Bliss and their "involvement in the UFO
affairs." Smith responded that it was Vance Tiede who originally
suggested to Ms. Guiley that she get involved in circles research
and facilitated her contacts in this field.
So what does it all mean? Mr. Smith revealed that the
eschatological issues raised related directly to the Biblical
prophecies in the book of Revelations. On the surface it could
be that we're experiencing millennial fever at the close of the
20th century. Then again, there are many reports of secret
military psi programs such as reported in Howard Blum's OUT
THERE and the accounts of Ed Dames's commercial remote
viewing enterprise, Psi-Tech.
Mr. Dames' credibility as a psychic may be somewhat
diminished, however. He is quoted in the Operation Right-To-Know
Forum (newsletter) as stating that definitive proof of the existence of
UFOs would be announced by "top scientists" by the end of April.
Well, it's May now...
It is interesting to note the growing visibility of the "millennialist
fringe" of ufology. In addition to the "demons & angels as
ufonauts" theories, BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary) sightings are also
being reported frequently, often with locutions paralleling the
eschatological themes outlined by Mr. Smith.
It's hard for me to seriously consider these eschatological
predictions. For one thing, the calendar ticking away until the
year 2000 is an arbitrary yardstick for the measurement of time,
i.e., why not use the Mayan calendar, or the Chinese? Also, the
eschaton, as outlined by its proponents, is particular to
fundamentalist Christian theology (Protestant and Catholic), and
is not a universal belief shared by Buddhists, Shintos, Hindus,
Interestingly, the disciples of Jesus assumed the apocalypse
described in biblical prophesy would occur in their own lifetimes.
Historically, the same "apocaphilia" occurred in Europe during
the close of the year 999, with social chaos erupting as the
masses prepared for "the end of the world."
Could this be a coordinated manipulation by right-wing and
fundamentalist Christian groups to create a climate favorable to
the establishment of an authoritarian theocratic government?
Anyone doubting the possibility of well-financed covert activities
attempting to influence the fringes of ufology should read
Jacques Vallee's REVELATIONS.
I believe there are three possible explanations for the growing
widespread belief in an "eschatological emergency:"
1) Mass hysteria;
2) The end of the world is near, with portents communicated by
metaphysical / spiritual entities;
3) A coordinated disinformation effort is being attempted to
create a widely held belief in an imminent eschaton in order to
achieve some political objective, such as the putting forth of a
theocratic "political messiah" to forestall or alleviate the
Mr. Smith has been invited to write an article for HUFON REPORT
that will articulate, in detail, his views and why he holds them.
End of File
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