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To: David Jacobs Message #: 2637
From: Sheldon Wernikoff Submitted: 24 Jan 93 11:51:00
Subject: Abduction Investigation ( Status: Public
Received: No Group: ABDUCT (4)
RE: Abduction Investigation (1)
MSGID: 1:104/605 5101202a
The following is a brief biographical profile of a possible abduction case I
have been investigating. It was composed by the percipient. Please let me know
what you think of this material. (sw)
*** NOTE *** Personal names have been deleted in this public echo
Percipient: Female, age 35, (Name Deleted) born 2/9/56 in Newport Beach, CA -
during a sizable earthquake.
Mother: (Name Deleted) Born 7/29/28 (deceased 11/14/82). Of English and Creek
Indian (Muskogee Nation) ancestry (though not verifiable; suspect mother's
father bought ancestry papers to cover Indian roots). History of diabetes,
heart disease, cancer in family. Died from complications of diabetes. Was an
educator, painter, and numerologist.
Father: (Name Deleted) Born 12/9/09. Still living - residing in nursing home,
suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease. Of Norwegian ancestry, first
person in his family to marry out of his nationality in 1000 years. History of
diabetes, and neurological diseases in family. Was a painter, educator and
Siblings: Half sister from father's previous marriage - born 1/18/46 Half
brother from father's previous marriage - born 6/6/47
Brother - born 11/14/58
Sister - born 2/10/60
Sister - born 8/21/64; deceased - died from neuroblastoma (Wilm's Tumor)
1) Complications from chicken pox at 6 months, went to lungs; caused weak
lungs - later developing into respiratory condition. Hospitalized several
times as a child with bronchial pneumonia.
2) Menses at age 10
3) Scarlet fever at age 12
4) Hospitalized with mysterious abdominal distension and pain at age 16
5) Mysterious bleeding (bled for a month) at age 18
6) "Hysterical" episode at age 19. Found outside at night. Thought a man was
trying to cut out my baby (wasn't pregnant). Hospitalized, given elavil and
7) Pelvic inflammatory disease at age 20
8) Persistent allergies at all ages
9) Chronic nose bleeds and bleeding from ears (hemorrhaged both eardrums at
age 16).
10) Broken back at age 23
11) Unexplained tumors at age 23
12) Hospitalizes for mysterious tumors, abdominal distension and pain, unusual
blood count - doctors thought I had cancer twice that year - age 24
13) Malaria at age 25
14) Recurring tumors at age 26
15) Pelvic inflammatory disease twice at age 27. Miscarriage.
16) Diagnosed with Candida albicans and Hypothyroidism at age 29.
17) Miscarriage at age 32
18) Diagnosed with diabetes at age 33
19) Complete hysterectomy at age 34
1) Age 5: Molested by a neighbor boy.
2) Age 9: Molested by an elderly man who was a neighbor.
3) Age 11: Molested by a son of friends of the family.
4) Age 14: Forced seduction by a psychologist - was able to escape.
5) Age 22: Raped, drugged and held captive for 3 days by a
psychiatrist. Was not his patient. Didn't report it.
1) Night terror dreams since infancy
2) Age 3: Began playing with "light beings". Said that they were "Jesus and
his friends". Beings that emanated great amounts of light (as a child, equated
them with Italian holy pictures). My parents let me roam on our property,
unsupervised for hours.
3) Age 3: Became extremely afraid in the evening hours. Would refuse to go to
bed because I felt that there were people outside my window waiting to take me
away. I began bringing large cardboard boxes into my room, so that I could
hide from them. Sometimes the fear would extend into the daylight hours. One
day, I became lost because I crawled into the crawlspace of our large two
story farmhouse, to escape "them". My parents were frantic! My father finally
rescued me from the bowels of the house, after a great amount of the day had
4) Age 4: Began awaking at night expecting to find spiders in my bed. I became
transfixed by them - to the point that my father found me playing in a black
widow's nest.
5) Age 6: Declared to an entire family gathering of 300, that I would never
have children. The same night, I saw a large ball of light streak across the
sky. My parents also saw it. They said: "Never mind, it must be Santa Claus".
6) Age 8: Saw a large "angel" floating at eye level with me (I slept on the
top bunk of a bunk-bed) in the early morning hours. I bound out of bed to tell
my mother that St. Michael had just visited me. She humored me...
7) Age 11: I was playing in a deserted farmhouse in Tennessee, with a
girlfriend - when we both suddenly realized we were in the middle of a huge
field of yellow flowers. It was strange. We hadn't noticed it before (we had
been playing for quite some time - and the farmhouse had no doors or windows,
so visually, it would be difficult to miss). We became almost "drugged" with
the discovery and I said: "Every time I'm sad, I'll remember this field, for
as long as I live".
8) From 1976 to 1980, I did a lot of travelling throughout Northern New
Mexico. Every time I passed through Abique, Chama, or Questa areas, I would
feel extremely uncomfortable. I was strangely shaken by these places, and
every time I returned home I would turn on the radio and hear reports of
cattle mutilations in those same places, at the same times...
9) Middle of October, 1980: I returned home late, after spending an evening
with friends (I had one drink and a puff on a joint, much earlier, with little
or no effect). I put my key in the lock and was stunned by a powerful light. I
looked to my right and saw an immense ship, that covered my entire field of
vision. I got a sudden, but profound look at it! The next thing I remember is
being crouched in the corner of my portal, completely naked (but oddly warm).
I looked up to see all my clothes neatly folded and stacked by the door, and
the key still in the lock. I quickly gathered my things, went inside, and
noticed the clock. I was shocked to discover 6 missing hours. I slipped into
bed. The next thing I remember was a deep voice in my head saying: "We are all
ONE". The next morning I told a couple of friends. They didn't believe me, but
begged me not to report it. We turned on the radio, just as the disc jockey
was announcing that there were 8 sightings of a UFO the night before. I
remained silent.
10) June 1986: My husband and I were caught in a large fog bank in Arkansas.
Upon emerging from it (we were driving a pick-up truck and hauling a utility
trailer), we saw a large day-glow green ball fly across the sky, landing in a
clump of trees to our right. The next thing we remember is a coyote staring at
us from the road, with day-glow green eyes - the exact color of the flying
ball. We were not wearing watches and the truck did not have a clock. We were
very shaken, and ended up driving all night, to get the hell out of Arkansas!
11) Santa Fe, NM, September 1988: Watching television one evening when out of
the corner of my eye, I saw a large, bright, purple ball streak across the
sky. Curious, I stood to catch a better look at it. I saw it land beside the
prison (a few miles away as the crow flies). When it landed, it illuminated
the entire sky for about 2 seconds. Later that night, I bolted to a sitting
position, in bed. I felt that something was wrong with the house - I jumped
out of bed to discover that the front door was wide open. When I awoke, my
pillow case had blood on it. Both my husband and I were having a lot of
nosebleeds at that time. My ears were also bleeding and I had strange marks on
my body that I went to the doctor about. She's ruled out fungus - she didn't
know what it was. It was a triangle, in the middle of a circle.
12) Grand Junction, CO, August 1989: I awoke in my motel room (we were on
holiday) to find two beings on top of the table, directly in front of me. I
pinched myself to make sure that I was awake. Indeed I was! I walked over to
them. I reached up to touch one of them. The next thing I remember I was lying
in bed, in the morning.
13) Newport, OR, Sunday, 12:30 A.M. - 3:24 A.M., 11/18/90: I was watching
Saturday Night Live. Paul Simon was on, I noticed the time. I was alert and
very much awake, but all of a sudden I was in a dream with a friend and two
men in black suits, escorting us to a large silver disc. The next thing I
remember was sitting back on my couch, watching a show on UFOs.
14) Newport, OR, Saturday, 2 A.M. - 2:51 A.M., 12/1/90: I was just getting
into bed, when I noticed a strange, bright green line, glowing above the
curtains in the bedroom. I stood up and walked over to it to investigate. I
felt a "presence" in back of me. I turned around and saw in the hallway
mirror, a shadow about 3 feet tall and whitish. I made a bolt, trying to catch
it. The next thing I know, I'm sitting up in bed looking at the clock.
COMMENTS: (percipient's)
After all these years of strange occurrences, my curiosity is keener than
ever, I've gone through stages of denial and complete doubt. I've mentally
investigated many possibilities that might be causing such happenings - but, I
am constantly haunted by dreams, curious feelings (on all levels) and strange
marks on my body - not to mention chronic ailments of unknown origin. I'm not
only concerned about my experiences and their ramifications, but my husbands
role and safety through all this. I have been drug and alcohol free for almost
8 years, and don't partake in caffeine or tobacco either. My husband is
equally strict with himself.
* THE U.F.O. BBS - http://www.ufobbs.com/ufo *