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"The project to fly, test fly these craft, was ongoing until
sometime in 1962 when a craft blew up not far from the test
sight, in the air, and the explosion was seen over a three-state
area. The pilots were killed, they had no idea what had happened
or why the craft blew up, but they put Project Redlight on hold
until a later date when the aliens supplied us with 3-craft and
personnel to help us learn how to fly these craft. That project
is ongoing and we now have not only alien craft that we are fly-
ing, we have craft we have built, using the captured technology,
and some of the UFO's that people report seeing in the United
States, and maybe even elsewhere, are flown by United States
"That may come as a shock to you. We have technology way be-
yond the limits of what we have been told. A lot of our develop-
ment technologically, since the end of World War II, has been
due to the exchange of technology which occurs in the area
called `Area-51' on a regular basis ...ongoing."
"When James Oberth, professor Oberth retired, many of you
don't know who he is ...not too many space people in here. Pro-
fessor Oberth was probably one of the greatest rocket scientists
and space commentists that ever lived. When he retired, the gov-
ernment gave him a special award, there was a press conference,
all kinds of ceremony, and when he got up to speak he said,
`Gentlemen,' and I quote professor Oberth, he said, `Gentlemen,
we cannot take credit for all the technological developments
that we have had in the last decade. We have had help,' and
that's where he stopped."
"One of the reporters raised his hand and said, `Professor
Oberth, can you tell us what other country helped us?'"
"He said, `It was those little guys from out in space,' and
then he got down and and would not comment any further. Now this
occurred in 1959. I can go on and on but time doesn't allow it."
"I will tell you ladies and gentlemen that there are all kinds
of things going on all the time, we are making rapid progress in
exposing this. Since I have begun talking, people have been com-
ing out of the woodwork at a rapid rate, who know and have
pieces of this puzzle, and are helping us to put it together,
because I don't have all the answers. I saw an awful lot of ma-
terial, I have remembered an awful lot of it, I have probably,
in my remembering, made some mistakes, and I guarantee you
they're minor ones, if I have."
"We have just recently, for those of you who didn't believe
that the Jason Society of the Jason Scholars, the secret group
existed, we now have a letter from the Pentagon, with 51 names
of the Jason Scholars, an admission from the Pentagon that they
hold the highest security clearances in the nation, an admission
from the Pentagon that they hold the protocol rank of Rear Ad-
miral, and are treated as such on any military installation or
in any government office. There are 6 Nobel Prize winners on
that list, there are the elite of the elite of the scientific
world, they are the only ones who really know the truth about
the technology today and about the real science of physics, be-
cause the one that we're being taught all the time... If you
send your kids to college to learn physics you're wasting your
money because they're teaching them stuff that doesn't work,
it's not true, it's not real. Gravity is not what we think it
is. There IS a Unified Theory! We already know what it is, it's
what makes these craft work. It's absolutely incredible what's
going on."
"How many of you keep up with Billy Goodman's show on KVEG out
of Las Vegas? For those of you who don't, I would try tuning in
on any night between 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM. It's 840 on your AM
dial, and the subject every night are those subjects that no
other media person in the United States will touch with a 10-
foot pole, every single night except Saturday night. It's the
only show that you can call in and talk to another caller,
you've got 3-minutes to say whatever you want to say as long as
you don't cuss or swear or slander anyone, and every night
they're helping to expose this."
Continued in part 5
* THE U.F.O. BBS - http://www.ufobbs.com/ufo *