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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
What follows is a transcript of a 45 minute lecture that I at-
tended on 11-17-89 at the "Whole Life Expo." in Los Angeles,
California. Speaking was Mr. Milton William Cooper who I first
became acquainted with through a text file I downloaded from a
local computer BBS. The file dealt with the subject of UFO's and
our government's concealment of the truth about them in such a
way that it made a lasting impression on me, which is why I
attended his lecture; to learn more. Please forgive my probable
misspelling of some of the proper names in the transcript which
follows and allow that I have taken it as best I could, word-
for-word, from a less than acceptable micro-cassette recording.
If you are as moved by what you are about to read as I was in
hearing it first hand, I ask that you please spread it as far
and wide as possible. Upload it to every BBS in your reach and
please, don't change anything. Also, please give considerable
thought to Mr. Cooper's suggestions as to what we all can do to
see that this information is confirmed by our government to make
them stop what they are up to.
Thank you, and now, Milton Cooper:
"For those of you who don't know who I am, I was raised in a
military family. My family, my ancestors, since they came to
this country, have been government people. We have served in the
military, we have been patriots, we have fought in all the wars,
we care about this country and believe in the constitution of
the United States. We know, as many people don't know, that the
Constitution of the United States of America IS the United
States of America! And that's why we've always been ready ...to
do the things needed ...to preserve and protect it."
"When I left home I went into the Air Force, the Strategic Air
Command. As a child I'd heard stories from my father and pilots,
other pilots, my father was a pilot, about Foo Fighters, UFO's,
strange craft that were not made on this Earth. And as a kid,
you hear that in passing, and it's neat, and you giggle about
it, and you go out and play "Space Man", and you forget it."
"When I was in the Air Force I met men who had participated in
alien crashed-craft recoveries. Now this intrigued me, it in-
terested me, but it was usually after quite a few bottles of
beer that these stories would come out, and sometimes the next
morning I couldn't remember what the heck the guy said."
"When I left the Air Force I went into the Navy, and this is
where everything began to happen for me. I had originally inten-
ded to just go from service to service and do something that
very few people have ever done before. I was a very adventurous,
very crazy ...young man, and I thought that that would be a
pretty exciting life. I volunteered for submarines, and while on
the submarine U.S.S. Tyroot, SS-416, on a transit between the
Portland/Seattle area and Pearl Harbor, which was our home port;
the Pearl Harbor sub base, as the port lookout I saw a craft,
saucer-shaped, the size of a Midway class carrier, aircraft
carrier, for those of you who don't know how big that is; it's
huge, come up out of the water approximately 2 1/2 nautical
miles off the port bow, which is about 45 degrees to the left of
the pointy end of the submarine. It tumbled slowly on its own
axis, and went up into the clouds. It appeared to be moving
slowly to me at a distance of 2 1/2 nautical miles, but in
reality it was moving pretty fast because it came up out of the
water, did a few tumbles and it was gone!"
"I then reported it to the officer of the deck. I didn't tell
him what it was that I saw because my Daddy didn't raise no
fools and in case nobody else saw it I didn't want to be the
only looney onboard the ship. So I asked the officer of the deck
to help me cover that area, and he did, which is common for of-
ficers and lookouts to help each other while on bridge watch be-
cause they all hang together if something bad happens. After a
few seconds of watching, the same craft, or another craft exact-
ly like it, came down out of the clouds, tumbled again on its
own axis, and went into the water. Ensign Ball, who was the of-
ficer of the deck, was literally shocked! What could I say? Sea-
man Dejeralimo, who was the starboard lookout, had also witnes-
sed this, and ensign Ball called the captain to the bridge who
was followed by the chief quartermaster who brought a 35MM cam-
era, and we watched for between 7 and 10 minutes the same craft,
or different craft that looked exactly alike, enter and leave
the water. It was an incredible show. I don't know if they knew
we were there, or if they even cared, but the craft did not
glow, they were metal, they were machines without a doubt, they
were obviously intelligently guided, they were HUGE, and having
been in the Air Force and the Navy and knowing what it takes, I
knew without a doubt, and know it today, that that machine was
not made on the face of this Earth. Because there's nothing that
man can make, that can fly through the air at a speed like that,
tumble on its own axis, and enter the water and effectively fly
beneath the sea."
Continued in part 2
* THE U.F.O. BBS - http://www.ufobbs.com/ufo *