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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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U l t r a ' s U n t o l d S t o r y
====---- By: Josh Renaud
Here it is. This story uncovers every secret I ever had in the best SRE
game ever. People blame me for being cocky, for giving myself to much
credit. Ha! After reading this, you will realize how important I really
was. In 'SRE: The Best Game Ever Played,' I told the story. I also left
out important parts about my secrets because at the time of it's
beginning, we were still playing the game, and I didn't want anyone to
know my secrets. But now the game is done, and I can share my secrets
with you, and show you why I love this game so much.
===========----- SRE III -----==========
On another BBS, about 1 year ago, I began playing SRE's predecessor, SEE
(For the Atari). It was a great game, but alas, I was cocky, and shot my
mouth out at a veteran. He eventually beat me, and taught me a lesson
that i needed to learn. I was glad and mad that he did it. I kept a vow
to defeat him, and I eventually did. Ya see, there was a HD failure, and
I lost my empire, but he kept his. A whopping 1000 planets. (In SEE,
1000 is HARD to get w/o attacking someone). My task seemed impossible:
Start from scratch and still defeat him. But, using my resources, I
created a nice empire. Me and two friends created the secret Thunder
Triliance, with the explicit purpose of unseating my enemy. Guess what..
We did. And I now have 6007 planets in that game. That's how I got
started int he SEE/SRE type of games.. (Historical note- It took me 9
months to do this)
I started playing the Knight SRE game and with my expertixe took it over
easily. Unfortuantely, I went on a one week vacation, only to find that
my empire had been lost to someone named MaceLand. I harbored anger, and
revenge, and started a battle. We clinched, and I lost heavily. I
stopped fighting with him long enough to steal one of my own ideas. If
an alliance worked to defeat an enemy before.. why not now? So, I did. I
created the Geneva Alliance, who's purpose was to defeat Mace, and
defend members. We went on, and made great friendships. But that wasn't
enough. A surprise attack on mace, destroyed him. But I ws never told,
and didn't get my share of the planets. Thinking quickly, I formed the
Alliance Triad, which would serve as government head. There would be 3
members: The Fouder (Me), the first member to join (Dune Realms), and
the second member to join. ( The Elite Empire). This was to no avail, as
people began looking to the larger empires than to me, the one who could
play this game and save us from alot of trouble. I'd gone through what
the Alliance was about to go through, and could've shaked the earth, if
I'd had control. People began saying we needed to destroy the Pirates,
since Mace was gone. In fact, one person said our new purpose would be
to destroy them. Idiotic.. They CAN'T be destroyed. But, people forgot
our 2nd purpose: To Defend our Members. They wanted the riches to
themselves. I ws sick of it. So, in an attempt to gain more power, I had
a friend logon as BountyHunter, a new player who would give me enough
money to take power by force. He listened to me, and did everything I
told him too. And, his real purpose never worked out, so he became a spy
into Mace's empire. Elite, too, was a yesman, doing mostly what I told
him too. Since we're brothers, it's easy to both sit and watch what
happens, and for me to coach him. Bounty, and the future Bronco also
both lived at my house. But Bronco and Bounty had different minds, and
often didn't logon. Well, Mace came back. He had a new empire. Dune
Realms warned Bounty that mace had asked for a list of the Alliance (He
claimed he wanted to join), and Dune was sure that Bounty had been found
out as a traitor. He had, in fact, but some real good manipulation by me
convinced Mace that Bounty was not a traitor after all; he had joined
the alliance after mace died, becuas ehe had noone to protect him, I
made him say. And so, Bounty got into Mace's network of allies. It was a
mess.. I got a spy report through, and found that Mace had about 6
allies. I exposed the entire list to the Alliance and gave them a quote
Mace had sent to Bounty (I'll join, and then when they least expect it,
I'll stab them in the back!'). We took action and defeated Mace. That
was the beginning of the Dark Alliance. By now, NOone listened to my
advice, so a depserate take over plot was devised again. It would be
similiar to Bounty's, except HE would split the Alliance, by attacking
and winning. He'd allow me to take over the rest, and then VOILA, I'm in
power. But he failed to garner trade deals, so he diminished into an
empire with no use. But not for long....
After Mace's 2nd fall, Dominion Empire took over. He got more followers,
and as I soon discovered through my 3 spies (Elite, Bounty, and Bronco)
he was planning a complete overthrow. I had Elite expose him, with
quotes from members of the new 'Dark Alliance', that PROVED he was an
enemy. But Dominion, obviously as good at propaganda as me, said Elite
was wrong. Most people believed him. The Alliance was looking for peace,
but I knew war wasn't far off. Noone would heed our cries to attack
Dominion. So in a desperate gamble, I had Elite attack Dominion hoping
it would spark a war. And it did. Although it didn't give me what I
wanted and deserved, command of the Alliance. Instead, it got the entire
Dark Alliance on me and Elite. Soon, we had a few people help us, but
they soon quit attacking. Someone found out that Bronco had nothing, no
defense. So they attacked him. that was a BIG mistake. While they were
gabbing about how stupid Bronco was, and Bronc argued back, I kept
trying to get the Alliance to attack. They were onthe verge, but, quite
simply, they were penny-pinchers. Afraid to lose their empires to
fulfill the 2nd purpose: To Defend it's Members, they never attacked.
Instead, I was stripped of 600 planets in one day by the Dark Alliance.
Desperate for aid, Bronco only took bare necesseties from the aid he was
receiving daily from his friends, and was funneling it to me and Elite.
I used it to repair my empier, and had Elite use it to create an army.
By this time, people onthe Dark side were daring the Alliance to fight.
I knew the only two ways the standoff would end. Either I attacked, or
ALL of the Dark Alliance would attack. So I attacked Olympus, starting a
new war. Dominion was destroyed leaving the positionof head of the Dark
Side up for grabs. Finally, I got Dune Realms support, and the war took
a turn as the 3 big giants of the Alliance (Dune Realms, Jed's Solar
Empier, and Lil Red Empire) began to attack. It was a long fight, but
eventually we broke through. The cash flow to me and Elite from Bronc
was VERY high, and we had large enough armies to defeat several enemies
ourselves. It was great. Then with the Dark Side left shambly, the game
was reset, ending the best, longest, SRE game on record.
I am saddened that I never achieved my goal of regaining my previous
leadership. It saddens me more that NOone thanked me for the services I
provided for the Alliance. If I hadn't sent out my network of spies, if
Elite and I hadn't started two wars, if I hadn't exposed **3** different
battle plans against us, if I hadn't STARTED the Alliance, the game
would've been over for the Alliance. The rest of them were so damn
afraid (Sorry for cussing, but it is APPROPRIATE here) to lost their
empires, they wouldn't attack. Their selfishness almost cost them their
empires. The Dark Side would've enlarged to a point unbeatable by us, if
we hadn't convinced people to fight. If people would've LISTENED when we
told them what was happeing, and taken action, the Dark Side would've
never got off the ground. I'm damn proud of what I did, but ashamed of
my fellow members of the Alliance. Next game, I will try to weed out
selfish people in my new alliance, and we'll see if people will listen
to me this time...
=======---- By: Josh Renaud